National Repository of Grey Literature 35 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Case study of physiotherapy care for patient diagnosed with polyneuropathy
Chudějová, Hana ; Melli, Klára (advisor) ; Máchová, Jitka (referee)
Title: Case study of physiotherapy care for patient diagnosed with polyneuropathy. Objective: Summary of theoretical knowledge and the processing of case study of patient diagnosed with polyneuropathy. Summary: The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part includes the elucidation of illness polyneuropathy, classification, diagnosis and treatment. A special section is devoted to case study with a rehabilitation plan for the patient. The therapy was focused mainly at influencing the pathological sensation, improving fitness and stability when standing and walking. Case study was prepared at the time of practice from 08. 01. to 17. 01. 2013 at the neurology department of the Hospital Na Bulovce. Keywords: Polyneuropathy, case study, physiotherapy, rehabilitation
Funds of the supplementary pension savings in the pension system of the Czech Republic
This bachelor thesis deals with problems asociated with pensions scheme in the Czech Republic and judge the effect of the pension reform on this market segment. The theoretical part is focused on the general characteristics of pension systems, history and present development of the pension scheme in the Czech Republic. It also describes transformed and participant funds and explain their origins. The practical part compares the strategy and revenues of pension companies operating in the Czech Republic. Pension companies are evaluated on the basis of the number of participants, including their deposits and the number of funds offered, which are evaluated on the basis of their profitability and risk. At the end of the work, the best pension company is evaluated based on a simple sum order method for real data.
Library Recording of Czech Broadside Ballads According to RDA rules in MARC 21 format: Methodology and examples
Machová, Jitka
The methodology certified by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic provides detailed instructions for creating Czech broadside ballad records in libraries in the MARC21 format according to RDA rules, supplemented by a number of examples. It defines artefact-specific evidence fields for recording incipits and hymn references, also recommends approaches to recording other particular aspects to these prints.
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School Field Lectures of the Natural Science in the Vicinity of Bílina Town (Bořeň hill, Chateau Park and Bezovka Valley, Spa Park)
Machová, Jitka ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Skýbová, Jana (referee)
1 ABSTRACT: The master thesis presents characteristics of the three localities around the Bílina town, i.e. Bořeň Hill, Bílina Castle park with Bezovka Walley and Bílina Spa garden, as an objects of field education focusing on general natural science, biology and geology. It includes integrated didactic materials that are suitable for realization of the field excursions during every season. The excursions are designed to be applicable for pupils of second grade of elementary school, eight-years gymnasium, eventually for free time activities of child leaded by natural history oriented organizations. The materials can be also used as the base of the pedagogical work within the "Environmental Training, Education and Culture" system. The suggested excursion guides include methodological description, worksheets, didactic games and other supporting materials. As a case study the excursion to Bílina Spa garden has been evaluated by three pupils' groups in the age interval from 8 to 17 years. The obtained results prove that field education positively influence a learning process. KEYWORDS: Didactic material, Field education, Excursion, Botany, Geology, Zoology, Bílina
HIV Prevention at Schools
Veselá, Pavlína ; Dočkal, Jan (advisor) ; Machová, Jitka (referee)
Writer introduce basic facts about HIV/AIDS disease in first chapter. She explains difference between HIV and AIDS and she gives information direct to this issue. She describes types of transfer, protection methods, testing types, infection stages and related treatment. Short excursion to history about first occurrence of the virus, way of spread, numbers of infected in present. In next chapter she introduce tools which Czech Republic use to cover this issue of HIV/AIDS. As is National program against AIDS, National referential laboratory for AIDS or AIDS centers. Program Health21 is included. It's aimed to certain number seven. She also goes through some selected pragues organizations, united in non-govermental union and she presents theirs projects in primary prevention at schools. She informs about presentations, peer programs and she concentrates on differences. Than she presents two projects Choose life from ACET and Chat about HIV and AIDS from the Czech AIDS Help Society. Which she desribes in detail and than evaluate and compare due to aim she set up.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS and House of Light in Prague During 2005 - 2008
Šnajdrová, Jana ; Dočkal, Jan (advisor) ; Machová, Jitka (referee)
In meiner Arbeit widme ich mich der Problematik HIV/AIDS. Ich versuche auf Erheblichkeit der Probleme und auf die Hauptfragen der Prävention HIV/AISD in der Tschechischen Republik aufmerksam machen. Der Zielpunkt meiner Arbeit ist die Beschreibung und die Bewertung von Dienst für HIV-positive Menschen und für AIDS-Kranken. Diese Dienste ermöglicht Prager "Dům světla". Ich beschreibe die Entwicklung in den letzten Jahren, Erfolge, Probleme und auch Voraussetzungen für weitere Verbesserung der Prävention in der Tschechischen Republik. Die ersten Kapitel sprechen von den Hauptfragen des Phenomens HIV/AIDS und von der Prävention in der Tschechischen Republik. Nächste Kapitel betreffen die Tätigkeit der "Tschechischen Gemeinschaft AIDA Hilfe", die der Begründer von "Dům světla" ist. Kapitel 6 - 10 sind der Tätigkeit von "Dům světla" gewidmet und zugleich sprechen von Veränderungen, zu denen in der letzten Jahren kommt. In der letzten Kapitel 11. vergleiche ich die Stellungen der Klienten zu der Tätigkeit von "Dům světla" und ich spreche davon, welche Dienste in Jahren 2005 - 2008 möglich waren. In der Beilage sind Daten zum Thema, die ich im Verlauf der Verarbeitung versammelt habe. Ich möchte, dass meine Arbeit zu besserer Informierheit beihilft und wird mindestens zu einer kleinen Beitrag zur Besserung der...
The Children's Smoking, Primary Located to the Children around Sedlčany
Holcmannová, Michaela ; Dočkal, Jan (advisor) ; Machová, Jitka (referee)
I describe smoking among children in my work. Ar first I focused the children's smoking in sedlčansko, that is a place where me and my family live. There are history of smoking and tabaco, tabaco area, types of tabaco productsand smoking generally and the cigarette tabaco are described in the text. I mean kind of dependence on tabaco models and pronations for use tabaco models too. I wrote also about negatives and tabaco's influence to the human healthy in my work. The pasive smoking and its deffect to the human healthy is ment there too.There is the questionary in the practical part. This questionary is for young people around Sedlčany town. Powered by TCPDF (
Qualitative study of alcohol among the elderly population in the rural area
Machová, Jana ; Barták, Miroslav (advisor) ; Vacek, Jaroslav (referee)
Background: The global trend of population ageing causes in new challenges, one of them is a wider dedication to the mental health of the elderly. In line with the mental health of the elderly the alcohol consumption issues among this group are still in place and those are one of the crucial factors that might causes negative impact on the health of the elderly. There is a large group of seniors in the Czech population living in the cities however numerous groups of the seniors still live also in the countryside where the living is very different to the one in the cities and there are also many specifics in alcohol consumption among those living in the countryside. Aims: The qualitative study aims to learn about the subjective evaluation of the alcohol consumption among the elderly in a small village community through the deep interviews and thus enriches the contemporary knowledge of the alcohol consumption level among the elderly. Methods: Semi-structured interviews complemented by the AUDIT screening questionnaire were executed within the 14 elderly in a small village during July - August 2019. The research group consisted of 5 men and 9 women aged 65 and over was selected using a simple purposeful selection method. The data were processed by thematic analysis. Results: The results of the study...
Mobility of elderly people during their hospitalization
Machová, Jana ; Otcová, Václava (advisor) ; Zvoníčková, Marie (referee)
The main aim of the thesis is to conduct the survey of mobility of the elderly people during their hospitalization. The partial aim focues on activities the hospitalized seniors could devote when laying in a bed and being outside the bed. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part provides the insight into the process of aging itself, the hospitalization and the mobility of the elderly people. The practical part decsribes the qualitative research and the evaluation of the datas gained, both in the specific hospital department. The research made by the author of the thesis in the specific hospital department just confirmed author's assumptions of the mobility deficiency among the hospitalized seniors and also confirmed the lack of motivation for moving in this group of patients. The thesis also encourages to dedicate more and to care more about the issue of mobility of the hospitalized elderly people.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 35 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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14 MACHOVÁ, Jana
6 MACHOVÁ, Jitka
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6 Machová, Jitka
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14 Máchová, Jana
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