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The Funeral and the Cemetery in the Legislation of the Code of Canon Law in View of the Laws of the Czech Republic
Kotrlý, Tomáš ; Hrdina, Antonín (advisor) ; Opatrný, Aleš (referee) ; Knoll, Vilém (referee)
The dissertation thesis analyses legal guarantees of the respect for human mortal remains and human remains in Canon laws, including the protection of places where they are sepulchred or deposited, i. e. cemeteries in particular, in the course of history in view of secular laws in the Czech lands. It further deals with the Canon legal aspects of ecclesiastical funeral rites. In the Church the rites are understood as a sacramental and through the symbolic meaning thereof they point at Christian hope for resurrection with Christ. Primarily the deceased Catholics, including those who have had serious legal pastoral problems in the course of their lives have got the right to ecclesiastical funeral rites, where they have shown certain signs of penitence prior to their death. The office of Christian funeral rites consists in the accomplishment of the current community of the bereaved with the deceased and strengthening of the hope for the reunion in resurrection. Thanks to Christian faith in resurrection, traditional funeral rituals of pagan nations have transformed in voicing the hope for the eternal life.
Restitution the Church Property in the Czech Republic After 1989
Valeš, Václav ; Hrdina, Antonín (advisor) ; Opatrný, Aleš (referee)
Václav Valeš: Restitution of Church Property in the Czech Republic After 1989 This work describes the sensitive theme of church property restitution in the Czech Republic after 1989. Two laws of restitution accepted from 1990 to 1991 (the law Nr. 298/1990 Coll. and the law Nr. 338/1991 Coll.) solved in particular the activities of Roman Catholic religious orders and congregations. The common law solving church restitutions generally was in 1992 and 2008 not accepted and this situation continues today. This situation restricts churches and religious societies in their work in many areas. A tiny proportion of their properthy were churches and religious societies returned by another way (executive way between 1996-1998, declaratory action).Besides the analysis of existing legislation this work also contains relating judicature of the Constitutional and Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. Keywords confessional law, the Czech Republic, church property, restitution process after 1989
The new ecclesial laws in 1949
Futera, Stanislav ; Hrdina, Antonín (advisor) ; Plavec, Karel (referee)
The topic of the thesis are so-called "new ecclesiastical laws" accepted in 1949, that had served as one of the power tools for the oppression of the Churches and the control over the society. Within the chapters in sequence I deal with the description and genesis of these new ecclesiastical laws, received by Czechoslovak communist regime in 1949 and their importance not only for the confessional law of the following period until now. In this context I ask the question what are the extent effects not only for the life of the Churches, esp. the Catholic Church, but also for the mentality of the contemporary Czech society in relationship with the Church. This thesis is concerned with three spheres that are necessarily interconnected: First, the legislation of these laws themselves, second, the social reception of the Church interlinked with these laws, and third sphere is also the projection of these laws into the political rhetoric nowadays. The goal of the thesis is to reveal the deep interconnection and dynamics of the three spheres given, and explore how the way they were manifested in the past, and have consequently been manifested until these days. Keywords Czechoslovakia, 1949, ecclesiastical laws, the power and the law, present time: law, society and politics.
To the Legal Status of the Catholic Church as a Public Law Corporation within National Law - An Outline of a Concept
Man, Zdeněk ; Hrdina, Antonín (advisor) ; Plavec, Karel (referee)
The thesis brings an outline of the concept so-called special public law status (recognition as a public law body), that provides church and religious communities with an organizational framework peculiar to public law corporation (corporate body under public law), focused on the catholic church. Therefore at the thesis are analysed the foreign models of an application of this concept, in the concrete in Switzerland and in Germany, that might be, as well, an instructive inspiration for Czech Republic. The public law status is through this thesis sets into the context of the modern constitutional state, as one of the signs of cooperation between state and church, hence it forms appropriate conditions to exert religious freedom. Keywords church, church - state relationships, state ecclesiastical law and church law, public law recognition, public law status, public law corporation.
Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - Canon Law Institute in Context of Ecclesiastical Law and Pastoral Ministry
Man, Zdeněk ; Hrdina, Antonín (advisor) ; Plavec, Karel (referee)
1 Anotace / Annotation Jméno a p íjmení autora: Zden k Man Název diplomové práce: Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - institut církevního práva v kontextu konfesního práva a pastorace Název práce v angli tin : Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica - Canon Law Institute in context of State Ecclesiastical Law and Pastoral Ministry Katedra: pastorálních obor a právních v d Vedoucí diplom. práce: prof. JUDr. Antonín Ignác Hrdina, DrSc., O.Praem. Rok obhajoby: 2011 Po et stran: 170 Anotace Diplomová práce se zabývá institutem tzv. formálního úkonu odpadnutí od katolické církve (actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica), který byl jako zvláštní kanonický institut vložen do Kodexu kanonického práva (CIC) 1983 (kánony 1086 §1, 1117, 1124). Institut je zkoumán v kontextu existence konfesn -právního institutu "vystoupení z církve" ve sledovaných zemích (SRN, Rakousko, Švýcarsko) a také v kontextu souvisejících pastora ních otázek. Problém odpovídající kanonicko-právní reakce na "vystoupení z církve" však institut actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica vy ešit nepomohl, proto práce hodnotí jako pochopitelné, že byl církevním zákonodárcem s právní ú inností v roce 2010 zrušen. Annotation This thesis considers the institution of the formal act of defection from the Catholic...
Legal position of the Order of the Knights from Malta
Závurka, Milan ; Hrdina, Antonín (advisor) ; Buben, Milan (referee)
Milan Závurka - bakalářská práce Právní postavení Suverénního řádu Maltézských rytířů Resumé Řád Maltézských rytířů, resp. řád sv. Jana, má zárodky ve starším bratrstvu italských kupců z Amalfi, kteří kolem roku 1040 založili v Jeruzalémě při kostele sv. Jana Křtitele špitál. Špitál sloužil hlavně poutníkům, kteří putovali k božímu hrobu. Oficiálně se toto bratrstvo osamostatnilo roku 1099 a v roce 1113 papež Paschal II. bullou vložil řád pod přímou ochranu Svatého stolce zároveň s právem svobodné volby velmistrů bez vměšování jakýchkoliv světských nebo církevních autorit. Zakladatelem a prvním velmistrem řádu byl bratr Gérard, který zemřel v roce 1120. Po pádu Jeruzaléma řád přesídlil nejprve do Akkonu, později na Kypr a ještě později na Rhodos. Původní špitální zaměření společenství bylo z důvodu ochrany poutníků a jiných osob proti Turkům rozšířeno i na zaměření vojenské. Svůj současný název řád odvozuje od ostrova Malty, na kterém sídlil až do obsazení ostrova Napoleonem v roce 1798.V současné době je sídlo řádu v Římě. Během tohoto dějinného vývoje se vyvíjela suverenita řádu, která byla uznávaná většinou civilizovaného světa, a to bez ohledu na to, zda řád držel nějaká území či nikoliv. V současné době je nadále řád považován za suverénní. Je sice autonomní součástí katolické církve, ale bez ohledu na...
The conditions of entering into marriage in comparison of the canonic law with the family law in the Czech Rebublic
Kotlář, Václav ; Kolářová, Marie (advisor) ; Hrdina, Antonín (referee)
Anglická anotace This thesis deals with the marriage law. Its aim is to study an approach to the institute of marriage from the point of view of the canon law in Roman Catholic Church in contrast to the family law in the Czeh Republic in focus on the conditions which are important for entering into marriage. In the first instance the thesis concerns with the specification of marriage in both branches of law, then the aims and effects of marriage, the form of entering into marriage, the suitable subjects for marriage including the subjects that have the right to marry somebody and also the issue of validity of marriage. Key word: marriage, validity, canon law, marriage law, conditions
Freedom in the view of law theology and philosophy
Kolářová, Marie ; Hrdina, Antonín (referee) ; Plavec, Karel (referee)
Resume FREEDOM IN THE VIEW OF LAW THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY The study is focused in the first part on the conception of freedom and divergence between freedom as general term and freedom of choice. Some authors reflect freedom, but they do not specify your conception of freedom. Man's freedom according to Gaudium et spes (17) means: "Authentic freedom is an exceptional sign of the divine image within man." There is the crucial problem: "authentic freedom" - what it means. The study compares conception of freedom by these outstanding theologians: Anselm of Canterbury, S. Augustin, Bernard of Clairvaux, Origenes and Karl Rahner. Accuracy of expressing is necessary for right understanding each other. Transcendental freedom according K. Rahner implies man's freedom as the foundation of human being. Everybody has transcendental freedom, man's dignity is not possible without freedom, otherwise would be man only an instrument destined to certain existence. Freedom of choice arises from transcendental freedom, but it does not imply man's arbitrariness, because everybody has own dignity and freedom, which belongs one person is the limit for each other person. Transcendental freedom is equal by each person contrary to freedom of choice, which is impacted of man's personality and also external circumstances. The study...
Concordat of 1855 between the Apostolic See and the Austrian Empire
Valeš, Václav ; Hrdina, Antonín (advisor) ; Plavec, Karel (referee)
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4 Hrdina, Adam
6 Hrdina, Aleš
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