National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Proposal for Improvement Communication in Firm
Bednářová, Lenka ; Nečas, Bohuslav (referee) ; Pokorný, Jiří (advisor)
Abstract The thesis deals with effective interpersonal communication and communication with customers, which is one of the most important parts of marketing. The thesis is divided into three main sections – theoretical, analytical and practical. The theoretical part describes external and internal communication in corporate management. The analytical section describes the company Videoklinik Ltd. from perspective of its activities and by means of analysis identifies weaknesses in communication. In the practical part elements of communication are drawn and recommended to streamline system of communication within and outside the company thus to secure not only prosperity of the company but mainly its maintenance on the market.
Proposal of an Effective Preparatory Programme for International Assignments in Albania
Novosádová, Nikola ; Bednářová, Lenka (referee) ; Konečná, Zdeňka (advisor)
Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je navrhnout efektivní přípravu pro expatrioty na profesionální působení v Albánské republice. Pro dosažení tohoto cíle autorka práce naplní jednotlivé cíle. Nejprve bude prozkoumána teorie dané problematiky a také související výzkumy. Hlavním cílem analytické části práce je provést dotazníkový výzkum mezi expatrioty, kteří v současnosti pracují nebo v milulých letech pracovali v Albánii a analyzovat jeho výsledky.
Changes in evaluation in primary education
Bednářová, Lenka ; Tomková, Anna (advisor) ; Hejlová, Helena (referee)
The thesis deals with current changes in evaluation in primary education. The theoretical part is devoted into principles of summative and formative evaluation with regard to the transformation of the aims of education. It disserts about the functions of evaluation with the main respect towards evaluation criterion, self-evaluation and using of the pupil's portfolio in class-work. The practical part executes and compares the results of the analysis of documents, observations, guided dialogues and questionnaires of the evaluation characteristics that had all been carried out on three elementary schools.
Education and its perception: Point of view of young Vietnamese
Bednárová, Lenka ; Prokop, Jiří (advisor) ; Mojžíšová, Jarmila (referee)
DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Vzdělává í a jeho atri uty z pohledu ladý h Viet a ů Education and its perception: Point of view of young Vietnamese Zpracovala: Lenka Bednárová Vedou í prá e: do . PhDr. Jiří Prokop, Ph.D. Studij í progra : Učitelství všeo e ě vzděláva í h před ětů pro ZŠ a SŠ Studijní obor: Pedagogika - Výchova ke zdraví Datum odevzdání: 19. 4. 2018 ABSTRACT School achievements of young Vietnamese pupils are also brought to the attention of the Czech public. The cause could be doubled - the impact of the migration process and the influence of cultural values and cultural patterns of Vietnamese society. The main aim of this paper is describe the perception of education and educational system from the perspective of young Vietnamese in the Czech Republic and also in Vietnam. The study is systematically divided into theoretical and empirical part. The first one is focused on the importance of cultural determinants, which have influence of education and nurture, including of image of contemporary Western society. At the same time, this section also provides an overview of the Vietnamese education system, local education ideas, and Vietnamese migration to the Czech Republic. The empirical part is devoted to the introduction of qualitative research in pedagogy and the research carried out with informants in the...
Changes in evaluation in primary education
Bednářová, Lenka ; Hejlová, Helena (referee) ; Tomková, Anna (advisor)
The thesis deals with current changes in evaluation in primary education. The theoretical part is devoted into principles of summative and formative evaluation with regard to the transformation of the aims of education. It disserts about the functions of evaluation with the main respect towards evaluation criterion, self-evaluation and using of the pupil's portfolio in class-work. The practical part executes and compares the results of the analysis of documents, observations, guided dialogues and questionnaires of the evaluation characteristics that had all been carried out on three elementary schools.
Proposal of an Effective Preparatory Programme for International Assignments in Albania
Novosádová, Nikola ; Bednářová, Lenka (referee) ; Konečná, Zdeňka (advisor)
Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je navrhnout efektivní přípravu pro expatrioty na profesionální působení v Albánské republice. Pro dosažení tohoto cíle autorka práce naplní jednotlivé cíle. Nejprve bude prozkoumána teorie dané problematiky a také související výzkumy. Hlavním cílem analytické části práce je provést dotazníkový výzkum mezi expatrioty, kteří v současnosti pracují nebo v milulých letech pracovali v Albánii a analyzovat jeho výsledky.
Proposal for Improvement Communication in Firm
Bednářová, Lenka ; Nečas, Bohuslav (referee) ; Pokorný, Jiří (advisor)
Abstract The thesis deals with effective interpersonal communication and communication with customers, which is one of the most important parts of marketing. The thesis is divided into three main sections – theoretical, analytical and practical. The theoretical part describes external and internal communication in corporate management. The analytical section describes the company Videoklinik Ltd. from perspective of its activities and by means of analysis identifies weaknesses in communication. In the practical part elements of communication are drawn and recommended to streamline system of communication within and outside the company thus to secure not only prosperity of the company but mainly its maintenance on the market.
Building CRM in selected company
Bednárová, Lenka ; Koliš, Karel (advisor) ; Jiřinová, Kateřina (referee)
The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis deals with defining CRM and other concepts, developing strategy and building CRM. Within the concept of building CRM is discussed establishment of relationships with customers, strengthening and development of these relationships, customer value and value for customer are discussed. The practical part provides information about the selected company and its focus on the market, examines the current state of CRM in the company and compares it with customer-centric approach of competition. Based on the obtained information and discovered deficiencies, the aim of the study is to suggest recommendations for improvement that would streamline the process of managing customer relationships.

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