National Repository of Grey Literature 96 records found  beginprevious77 - 86next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Interpreter-mediated interactions at film Festivals in the Czech Republic
Císlerová, Eva ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (referee) ; Müglová, Daniela (referee)
Filmové festivaly jsou v České republice důležitou položkou v úhrnu tlumočených interakcí. Před 15 lety bylo hlavní tlumočnickou činností na festivalech tlumočení filmů. Dnes se důraz přesouvá na úvody a debaty spojené s promítáním, což je způsobeno technologickým pokrokem v oblasti titulkování. Dizertační práce popisuje tlumočení na filmových festivalech ze dvou pohledů. První pohled je pohled z dálky a jeho výsledkem je seznam pozorovaných způsobů tlumočení na jednotlivých filmových festivalech v České republice. Data pro tento seznam byla získána pomocí dotazníků a rozhovorů s agenturami a organizátory festivalů. Druhý pohled pozoruje filmové festivaly z bližší a podrobnější perspektivy. Dívá se na tlumočení úvodů a debat v rámci promítání filmů. Do výzkumu byly zahrnuty následující filmové festivaly: Mezinárodní filmový festival Karlovy Vary (2009), Festival dokumentárních filmů o lidských právech Jeden svět (2009, 2010, 2011), Festival krátkých filmů Praha (2011) a Mezinárodní filmový festival Praha-Febiofest (2011). Způsob tlumočení v debatách a úvodech je převážně konsekutivní, někdy je ale v jednom směru nahrazen šušotáží. Tlumočení ve zkoumaných interakcích probíhalo mezi angličtinou, němčinou a češtinou. Výzkum je kvalitativní a má orientační povahu. Kvalitativní analýza je podpořena...
Commented translation:Introductory: Language Defined (E.Sapir: Language: An Introductionto the Study of Speech, 1921)
Mašek, Jan ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Mraček, David (referee)
The thesis consists of a Czech translation of the first chapter, Introductory: Language Defined, from Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech (New York: 1921, Harcourt, Brace and Company) by Edward Sapir and of a commentary on the translation. The commentary consists of a translation analysis of the source text, typology of translation problems and their solutions, and typology of translation shifts. The translation method was chosen based on the analysis, which was based on the method of Ch. Nord. The main objective of the translation was to preserve the informative function of the source text and it's style with regard to the documentary function of the translation and the conventions and constraints of the target language.
Commented translation:Native American Systems of Knowledge (C.S. Kidwell, InP.J. Deloria, N.Salisbury (ed). A companion to American Indian history. Malden: Blackwell, 2004, s.87-102)
Chvojková, Kristýna ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Špirk, Jaroslav (referee)
The core of the bachelor's thesis is a Czech translation of the article Native American Systems of Knowledge by C. S. Kidwell published in 2002 as a chapter of A Companion to American Indian History. The second part is constituted by the commentary of the translation including the original text analysis, description of the translation method, translation problems typology along with their solutions and typology of the translation shifts. The analysis uses the model of Ch. Nord and constitutes the basis for the translation method. The further chapters deal with lexical, syntactical and presuposition problems and describe shifts that occured during the process. The commentary includes conrete examples of solutions and shifts.
Harry Potter in Czech : Official and Fan Versions
Ešnerová, Kateřina ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Švelch, Jaroslav (referee)
The thesis looks at fan translation of fiction, a phenomenon that, unlike fan translation of anime and videogames, has been mostly overlooked by translation studies until recently. More specifically, we examine fan translations of Harry Potter books. The thesis aims to address a wide range of aspects pertaining to fan translation of fiction. In the opening chapters, it gives a brief overview of the history of fan translation in general and of research papers dedicated to the subject. Based on comparison with fan translations of anime and videogames, the thesis defines functions of fan translations of fiction in relation to official translations. The phenomenon of fan translation of fiction is then set in a wider context, one chapter detailing its relation to fan communities and one addressing the question of copyright. The nature of fan translations of fiction is further explored through comparison with official translations, which in this particular case focuses on Czech translations of Harry Potter books. First, we compare the translation process in case of both official and fan translations and then chosen extracts from the last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. We also focus on differences between the collective fan translation and the fan translation done by an individual. We draw...
Court Interpreting in the Czech Republic: the status quo
Doušová, Lucie ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Špirk, Jaroslav (referee)
This thesis addresses the current state of court interpretation in the Czech Republic. The work consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part describes EU legislation on court interpretation and projects that aim to improve the quality of court interpretation. The thesis also discusses the development of Czech legislation regarding court interpretation from its inception to the present and expands to expected future development in the field of court interpretation. Major institutions such as EULITA at the European level and KST ČR in the Czech Republic are alluded to in the work. The empirical part consists of research conducted by a questionnaire among court interpreters, judges and investigators. The aim of the research is to answer the question who the present Czech court interpreters are and what their co-operation with the judges and investigators is like.
The Pragmatics of English Tag Questions in Translation
Urešová, Miroslava ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Hoffmannová, Jana (referee)
This thesis explores the pragmatics of English tag questions in translation by analyzing their pragmatic function. Our approach is based on the theoretical assumption that Czech lacks straightforward linguistic counterparts of English tag questions. The quantitative and qualitative corpus-based research strives to produce interesting findings about possible relations between pragmatic function, polarity and the form of tag questions in English, original Czech and translated Czech texts. Therefore, we propose and verify several hypotheses about these relations. This thesis broadens theoretical knowledge about tag questions by contributing to research on translation universals and improves translation practice by presenting translators with a paradigm, i.e., a class of possible solutions to the problem of translating English tag questions into Czech.
Commented translation: Whose freedom? The battle over America's most important idea
Houra, Aleš ; Josek, Jiří (advisor) ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (referee)
The aim ofthis thesis is to translate a passage from George Lakoff s Whose Freedom? The Battle Over America 's Most Important Idea and to comment on the translation. The commentary is divided into four parts. The first part analyses the original text, the second part discusses translation problems, the third part focuses on a typology of translation shifts, and finally, the fourth part debates the translation method that has been selected. There is an annex attached, i.e. the original text that was used for the translation.
Commented translation: Blueprint of a Penguin (Wayne Lynch: Penguins of the World, Chapter One. Londýn: 2007, p. 17-37)
Nováčková, Michala ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Abdallaova, Naděžda (referee)
The thesis contains a translation of the first chapter of the book Penguins of the World by Wayne Lynch published in 2007 in London and a commentary on the translation. The aim was to preserve in the translation the function of the source text as well as the author's style with respect to different conventions of the genre in source and target languages. The commentary includes translation analysis of the source text, analysis of translation problems and typology of translation shifts. Commented translation problems and shifts are supported by concrete examples. The commentary is concluded by a chapter on the translation method.
Commented translation: Either German or Czech: Fixing nationality in Bohemia and Moravia, 1939-1946
Bulínová, Eva ; Abdallaova, Naděžda (advisor) ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a translation of the article "Either German or Czech: Fixing Nationality in Bohemia and Moravia, 1939-1946" and to comment the translation. The commentary contains 4 parts. The 1st part is a translation analysis, which consists of an analysis of extratextual and intratextual factors and describes the specific qualities of the source text. The 2nd part provides a typology of translation problems, describing linguistic and cultural non-equivalence and defending the translator's solutions. The 3rd part is a typology of shifts occurring in the translation. The commentary is concluded by the description of the translation method.
Comparison of students' performance at the beginning and upon completion of their simultaneous interpretation training course
Renner, Jakub ; Čeňková, Ivana (referee) ; Jettmarová, Zuzana (referee)
The thesis aims to di scover any possible relat ionships between the capaci ty of working memory and the abi l i ty to interpret features of modal i ty. Based on this aim, the basic concepts determining the approach to the above quest ion are out l ined (working memory, modal i ty) . An experiment is conducted which on a populat ion of nine subject s invest igates the development of the capacity of working memory (memory span test ) and the abi l i ty to interpret features of modal i ty during the course of interpretat ion t raining (simul taneous interpretat ion of an Engl ish text wi th high incidence of modal i ty). On a populat ion of three subjects a fol low-up experiment invest igates the capaci ty of working memory and the abi l i ty to interpret features of modal i ty of experienced interpreters. Based on an analysis, evaluat ion and stat ist ical processing of the experimental resul ts, the thesis determines that working memory capaci ty and the abil i ty to interpret features of modal i ty may be related. The quant i tat ive research is supplemented by a discussion moving away f rom a purely pos i t ivist paradigm towards the interpretat ive (const ruct ivist ) paradigm; this discussion then out l ines problemat ic areas where further research could cont ribute towards a bet ter understanding of...

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