Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 72 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí43 - 52dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Model of Risk and Losses of a Multigeneration Mortgage Portfolio
Šmíd, Martin
During the last decades, Merton-Vasicek factor model (1987), later generalize by Frye at al. (2000), became standards in credit risk management. We present a generalization of these models allowing multiple sub-portfolios of loans possibly starting at different times and lasting more than one period. We show that, given this model, a one-to-one mapping between factors and the overall default rate and the charge-off rate exists, is differentiable and numerically computable.
Převod dokumentů ve formátu Markdown do formátu DocBook
Šmíd, Martin ; Šlajchrt, Zbyněk (vedoucí práce) ; Kosek, Jiří (oponent)
Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh programu umožňujícího konverzi dokumentů ve formátu Markdown do formátu DocBook. Tento konvertor je vyvinut v jazyce XSLT 2.0 a slouží nejen jako XSL styl dostupný pro uživatele DocBooku, ale i jako samostatný konvertor formátu Markdown v novém dosud neimplementovaném prostředí. Nejdříve jsou oba formáty analyzovány z hlediska jejich syntaxe a použití. Na základě analýzy jsou specifikovány požadavky na konvertor a společně s případy užití stanovují požadovanou funkcionalitu. Práce poté pokračuje obecným návrhem logiky konvertoru, ze kterého poté vychází samotná implementace. Součástí práce je praktická ukázka v podobě webové aplikace, která prezentuje funkčnost konvertoru. Vlastní přínos práce spočívá ve vytvoření open-source programu, který obohatí komunitu uživatelů o nový nástroj a zároveň demonstruje schopnosti XSLT 2.0 technologie.
Markov Equilibrium between High Frequency Traders
Šmíd, Martin
We model an optimal behaviour of a finite number of (perhaps high frequency) traders at a limit order market with a instrument possibly paying dividends. The traders are assumed to trade continuously and to maximize their discounted consumption while keeping the probability of near-bankruptcy states at a prescribed level. The latency times, ie., the delays between the order submissions and the corresponding order books' changes, are taken into account. We show that the process describing the market is Markov given the largest among information sets of the agents.
Multifactor dynamic credit risk model
Dufek, J. ; Šmíd, Martin
We propose a new dynamic model of the Merton type, based on the Vasicek model. We generalize Vasicek model in three ways: we add model for loss given default (LGD), we add dynamics to the model and we allow non-normal distri- butions of risk factors. Then we add a retrospective interaction of underlying factors and found a non-linear behaviour of these factors. In particular, the evolution of factors underlying the DR and the LGD is assumed to be ruled by a non-linear vector AR process with lagged DR and LGD and their non-linear transformations. We apply our new model on real US mortgage data and demonstrate its statistical significance.
Determinants of Stocks' Choice in Portfolio Competitions
Šmíd, Martin ; Kuběna, Aleš Antonín
We study investment competitions in which the players invest a virtual amount of money into financial asset and those with highest returns, measured by the actual prices, are rewarded by fixed prizes. We show that the competition, seen as a game, lacks a pure equilibrium and that the ``max-min'' solution of the game lies in the extremal point of the feasible set having maximal probability of victory. We show further that if a mixed equilibrium exists then its atoms lie exactly in the extremal points with a non-zero probability of victory and its weights are close to corresponding probabilities of victory. We analyse empirically a portfolio competition held recently by the Czech portal ``lidovky.cz''; we find that the majority of people do not behave according to the game-theoretic conclusions. Consequently, searching for factors influencing a choice of particular stocks, we find that the participants' choice may be explained by several stock traits to a certain extent. We also show that participants tend to choose negatively diversified portfolios.
Portfolio competitions and rationality
Kuběna, Aleš Antonín ; Šmíd, Martin
We study investment competitions in which the players with highest achieved returns are rewarded by fixed prizes. We show that, under realistic assumptions, a game the participants play lacks a pure equilibrium and that the ``max-min'' solution of the game lies in one of the extremal points of the feasible set, namely in the one having maximal probability that the portfolio return falls into its normal cone. We analyse empirically a portfolio competition held recently by the Czech portal ``lidovky.cz''; we find that the majority of people do not behave according to the game-theoretic conclusions. Consequently, searching for factors influencing a choice of particular stocks, we find that that the only significant determinant of the choice is a size of the stock's issuer.
A causal model of price and volume on market with a market maker
Šmíd, Martin ; Kopa, M.
A model of a rational behaviour of a risk averse partially informed market maker solving multistage decision problem was proposed, implying an easily tractable and estimable stochastic model of high frequency trade and quote data process, which was subsequently successfully tested by means of data from US electronic markets.
A Simple Decision Problem of a Market Maker
Šmíd, Martin
We formulate a simple decision model of a market maker maximizing an utility from his consumption. We reduce the dimensionality of the problem to one. We nd that, given our setting, the quotes set by the market maker depend on the inventory of the traded asset but not on the amount of cash held by the market maker.
Dynamic Model of Losses of Creditor with a Large Mortgage Portfolio
Šmíd, Martin ; Gapko, Petr
We propose a dynamic model of mortgage credit losses. We assume borrowers to hold assets covering the instalments and to own a real estate which serves as a collateral; both the value of the assets and the price of the estate follow general stochastic processes driven by common and individual factors. We describe the correspondence between the common factors, the percentage of defaults and the loss given default and we suggest a procedure of econometric estimation of the model.
Equity home bias in the Czech Republic
Báťa, Karel ; Šmíd, Martin
Investors reveal a tendency to prefer domestic over foreign equities despite the financial losses. From institutional perspective the factors that cause home biasness are the barriers to entry the foreign markets, transaction costs, illiquidity, asymmetric information and information costs, corporate governance and inflation and exchange rate risks. Behavioral finance argues that irrationality of investors cause the home biasness. Investors tend to be under the influence of psychological biases: optimism, overconfidence, social identity, narrow framing and loss aversion. In this paper we introduce a model of optimal portfolio of Czech investors with three utility functions: Markowitz, exponential and CRRA. The prediction of the model without short selling suggests that Czech investors should have more than 60 % (between 72 - 83 % for feasible levels of risk aversion) in domestic equities. The OECD data claim that they hold around 87 % in domestic equities.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 72 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí43 - 52dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
Viz též: podobná jména autorů
13 ŠMÍD, Marek
13 Šmíd, Marek
19 Šmíd, Michal
6 Šmíd, Milan
6 Šmíd, Miroslav
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