National Repository of Grey Literature 234 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Motivation of the Hispanic immigrants for their immigration as one of the possible determining factors of the heterogeneity of this minority in the USA
Holubová, Eliška ; Bečka, Jan (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof (referee)
Due to certain cultural similarities, the immigrants from Latin America and the Hispanic minority in the USA are often regarded as a compact and homogenous group, but in fact they are not. The differences within the Hispanic minority have been traced in many ways. This Bachelor's thesis Motivation of the Hispanic immigrants for their immigration as one of the possible determining factors of the heterogeneity of this minority in the USA surveys the initiatives and the main reasons of the Hispanic immigrants for their immigration to the United States as one of the criteria for assessing the diversity within the Hispanic minority. On the sample of numerically prominent ethnic subgroups (Mexican, Cuban and Salvadoran), which represent the Hispanic minority, there are analyzed the main push and pull factors motivating them for immigration to the USA. On the example of Mexican, Cuban and Salvadoran immigration the author in her thesis responds the question whether there really are different motives for Hispanic immigrants for immigration to the United States and if there are some in which way they differ. The author concludes that despite some analogies, groups are motivated by different combinations of push and pull factors. Similarly looking motives or reasons for their immigration are moreover...
History in computer games: case study on "Valiant Hearts: The Great War"
Šindelář, Jakub ; Matějka, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof (referee)
This thesis is a case study analysis of the visualization of history in computer games. The analyzed game, Valiant Hearts: The Great War, was published by the French company Ubisoft in 2014. The game is set in The First World War and was developed in cooperation with The Centenary Parnership Proram. The main goals of the thesis are following: First, determine if the vision of history in the game reflects the current paradigms of French historiography of The First World War. Second, to identify and to interpret particularities and deformations in the way the game recreates history. The first, theoretical chapter presents the phenomenon of The First World War in the French context, the study of computer games and the methodology of the analysis. For the analysis I have created my own methodology which combines various approaches used elsewhere. Chapter 2 contains the analysis, which is further structured into the analysis of the story from the perspective of the main characters and locations (2.1), analysis of the object inventory and the in game miniencyclopedia (2.2), and the analysis of game's style and form -the graphic and audio style, along with the issue of player freedom (2.3). For greater clarity, the parts of the game are referred to through it's subchapters. The results of the analysis...
Discourse Analysis of Representation of the Greek Crisis in Wall Street Journal
Ešnerová, Eva ; Šafařík, Petr (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof (referee)
This thesis analyzes media representation of Greek crisis in the Wall Street Journal at the time of parliamentary elections in Greece in June 2012. Using the method of critical discourse analysis the thesis characterizes the specific representation, while focusing on the representation of key actors, their relationships and the economic program called austerity. This thesis argues that the representation reflects the discourse of neoliberalism, it demonstrates that it legitimizes the austerity plan and it identifies the means of argumentation, on which the discourse draws.
Comparative analysis of policies and practices of border control and the detention of illegal immigrants in the United States and the European Union
Hernandez, Christine Elyse ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Krausz Hladká, Malvína (referee)
Illegal immigration has been a major topic of concern in the last few years in both the United States and the European Union; the policies and practices of border control and the use of detention have often been the center for political debate. Assessing the policies in the United States and the European Union in regards to how 'liberal' each are carried out through practice provides insight to the disparity between policy and practice. The thesis analyzes and compares the discourse used written into the policies, official government guidelines, and reports which focus on the approval and criticism of how the polices are put into practice through the United States and European Union government agencies; whist providing data on recent illegal immigrant trends along the U.S.-Mexican border, as well as the Greek-Turkish border. The results discovered conclude that the European Union writes more 'liberal' discourse into their policy and government guidelines than the United States; the European Union illustrates more concern for fundamental individual rights while carrying out practice along the borders; but is falling short in ensuring that Member States (such as Greece) carry out other policy areas up to European Union standards, in this case the use of detention. The implications of the thesis offer...
United States Anti-Drug Policy in Colombia: Consolidation of the La Macarena Region as a Lesson derived from Plan Colombia?
Koutenská, Kristýna ; Raška, Francis (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof (referee)
The United States officially declared war on drugs in the early 1970s with the aim to stop the flow of illegal narcotics coming into the country. Not only did Washington enhance the domestic anti-drug policy, but it also strengthened the foreign anti-drug policy and launched an extensive campaign in Latin America, one of the major producers of drugs in the world. Chemical eradication and interdiction of drug-trafficking routes in Mexico, Peru and Bolivia led to a relocation of the cultivation of illegal crops to Colombia, closer to the laboratories. Thus, Bogota became the centre of attention for Washington. This bachelor thesis describes U.S. anti-drug strategies and highlights its limits, which influence the success rate of specific plans, in this case Plan Colombia and La Macarena Integral Consolidation Plan (PCIM). In 2000 Washington approved an ambitious Plan Colombia. One of its main objects was to reduce the production of cocaine in Colombia within six years. However, massive aerial eradication only led to a displacement of a large number of people and in the end the production of coca and cocaine even increased. The Colombia's National Territorial Consolidation Plan, more precisely the PCIM was supposed to put this situation right. The aim was to regain control over the municipalities that...
Socio-economic motivated migration; Impacts of "voting with your feet" in the U.S.
Schneider, Matthew ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Mysíková, Martina (referee)
This paper explores the implications of tax policy on the migration habits of the wealthiest of tax paying groups in certain U.S. states, and quantifies those implications for readers so they have a better understanding of how human behavior and tax systems interact. This is done so by examining the general phenomena of tax related migration as it manifests itself in specific real- world examples. As such, this paper projects the number of high-income taxpayers lost based on increases to the rates of personal income tax, and the associated tax dollar gains/losses (i.e. to what extent are top-tax bracket filers "voting with their feet"?). The paper provides calculations for three different rates of population sensitivity, and the corresponding numbers of lost tax payers in relation to a tax increase. The paper then goes on to show the diminishing returns of tax rate increases on top-tax bracket payers by calculating the amount of time needed for migration to completely offset the original gains from the high rate of taxation. The findings of this paper, which examine the states of New York, California, and Connecticut, conclude that these states will exhaust tax gains from a 5% income tax increases on top-tax bracket payers in the long term (46 - 142 years), and further concentrate their top-tax...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 234 records found   beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record:
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1 KOZÁK, Kristián
4 Kozák, Karol
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