National Repository of Grey Literature 26 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Construction and characterization of chimeric antigen receptors
Ptáčková, Pavlína ; Otáhal, Pavel (advisor) ; Kuželová, Kateřina (referee) ; Havránek, Ondřej (referee)
Background: The CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) adoptive T-cell therapy for B-cell leukemia is a promising treatment for relapsed or refractory malignities. The overall response rate of CD19 CAR-T cells in clinical trials was greater than 80% for patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). However, CAR-T cell therapy of leukemias and solid tumors has been limited by a lot of factors such as antigen loss of tumor escape variants, reduced proliferation, persistence and tumor-infiltration of CAR-T cells in vivo, immunosuppressive tumor environment, absence of ideal antigens and on-target, off-tumor toxicities. Therefore, new strategies improving the safety and efficacy of CAR-T cells, including further T-cell modification to overcome the immune suppression, are tested. Aims: (i) Bispecific CARs designed to express two antigen-binding domains prevent of antigen escape. (ii) T-cells were genetically modified to express CAR along with an inducible IL-21 gene cassette driven by NFAT-responsive promoter. IL-21 directly enhances CAR-T cell activity and anti-tumor effects. (iii) Applying suicide epitope modification in CAR enables significantly increasing the therapeutic safety of CAR-T cells. Methods: CARs were constructed by using molecular biology...
Verification of Electrical and Gravimetric Measurement of ELPI.
Ondráček, Jakub ; Roztočil, Petr ; Ondráčková, Lucie ; Vlčková, Lucia ; Benešová Ševčíková, Irena ; Procházková, Věra ; Kugler, Josef ; Otáhal, P.
This contribution compares the gravimetric and electrical measurement of ELPI impactor with traditional and very well-established aerosol spectrometers (SMPS, APS and CPC)\non set of well-defined aerosols (different composition, sizes and morphology).
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Plný tet: SKMBT_C22019110512042 - Download fulltextPDF
Epigenetic Aspects of normal and malignant hematopoiesis: role of chromatin remodeling ISWIATPase.
Zikmund, Tomáš ; Stopka, Tomáš (advisor) ; Dráber, Peter (referee) ; Otáhal, Pavel (referee)
Chromatin remodeling protein Smarca5 participates on many cellular processes, which are important for tissue development and tumorigenesis. Among these processes utilizing ATPase activity of Smarca5 belong also transcription, replication and DNA repair. We hypothesized that Smarca5 represents essential molecule for chromatin modulation primarily at early developmental stages at the level of fast-dividing progenitors of many origins, in whose the ATPase is highly expressed. To such tissues may belong also hematopoiesis, in which the Smarca5 has highest expression. The subject of my doctoral thesis is therefore analysis of the effect Smarca5 depletion on proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitors in vivo and a search for mechanisms behind the resulted developmental defects. We utilized conditionally knockout allele of Smarca5 in blood precursors to study in a mouse model how depletion of the ISWI ATPase causes accumulation of earliest progenitors inhibited from further maturation to erythroid and other myeloid lines. The proerythroblasts became dysplastic and the majority of basophilic erythroblasts ceased cycling around the G2/M stage. An expected mechanism for observed changes appeared the activation of stress pathway of protein p53 that is often associated with unrepaired DNA...
Differentiation plasticity of hematopoietic cells
Polgárová, Kamila ; Stopka, Tomáš (advisor) ; Otáhal, Pavel (referee) ; Šálek, Cyril (referee)
Hematopoiesis has been for many years seen as a straightforward process based on sequential restriction of cell fate potential leading to production of mature blood cells. In the last decade, however, several works documented an unexpected plasticity of hematopoietic cells with expanded potential of myeloid development from lymphoid progenitors and vice versa. Under physiologic conditions hematopoiesis is tightly controlled and the definite cell fate is denominated by multiple factors that all lead to changes in regulatory networks that include transcription factors, epigenetic changes and post-transcriptional modulations. Any disruption of this strict regulation, caused by mutations or other events, affects the proliferation and lineage fidelity of hematopoietic precursors. This may lead to clonal growth of variable significance or leukemogenesis and may possibly affect the treatment sensitivity of the hematological malignancies. For better understanding of hematopoietic regulation we described gene expression changes during physiological development of lymphoid and myeloid lineages and in leukemic specimens using our own simplified real-time PCR based platform. We investigated expression of 95 genes connected with lymphoid and myeloid differentiation or with leukemogenesis in sorted hematopoietic...
Characterization of hematopoietic cells in patients with mature B-cell malignancies
Maswabi, Bokang Calvin ; Živný, Jan (advisor) ; Otáhal, Pavel (referee) ; Alberich Jorda, Meritxell (referee)
(English) Using flow cytometry we analyzed absolute and relative proportions of hematopoietic stem and progenitors cells (HSPC) populations including hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), multipotent progenitors (MPP), multilymphoid progenitors (MLP) and pro B cells from bone marrow of patients with mature B cell malignancies and in healthy controls. We found lower absolute and relative numbers of MLP and higher relative numbers of HSC were observed in patients when compared to age-matched controls irrespective of bone marrow (BM) involvement. On the other hand significantly decreased absolute numbers of MPP were observed only in patients who had their BM infiltrated by disease. We also confirmed published data showing increasing absolute and relative percentages of MLP with increasing age, decreasing relative percentages of HSC with increasing age, and decreasing absolute and relative pro B cell frequencies with increasing age in healthy subjects. While decreased absolute and relative pro B cell numbers were also found in patient samples as age increased, no significant correlations were detected in patients HSC, MPP or MLP populations. Age-related sub-analysis of PTs samples demonstrated that most of the disease associated changes in HSPC frequencies were observable more prominently in the elderly (>45...
Tumor microenvironment modulation and the impact on cancer immunotherapy
Musil, Jan ; Němečková, Šárka (advisor) ; Mikyšková, Romana (referee) ; Otáhal, Pavel (referee)
Modulation of the tumor microenvironment represents a possible way to inhibit cancer growth and enhance anti-cancer immune responses. In the presented work we employ two strategies for tumor microenvironment modulation. Firstly, we have constructed rVACV co-expressing the tumor suppressor gene insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP- 3) and the fusion gene encoding the immunogen SigE7LAMP. The expression of IGFBP-3 was regulated either by the early vaccinia virus H5 promoter or by the synthetic early/late (E/L) promoter. We have shown that expression of IGFBP-3 regulated by the H5 promoter yielded higher amounts of IGFBP-3 protein when compared with the E/L promoter. Immunization with P13-SigE7LAMP-H5-IGFBP-3 was more effective in inhibiting the growth of TC-1 tumors in mice and elicited a higher T-cell response against VACV-encoded antigens than the control virus P13-SigE7LAMP-TK- . We found that high-level production of IGFBP-3 enhanced virus replication both in vitro and in vivo, resulting in profound antigen stimulation. Production of IGFBP-3 was associated with a higher adsorption rate of P13-SigE7LAMP-H5-IGFBP-3 to CV-1 cells when compared with P13-SigE7LAMP-TK- . We have identified two structural differences between the IMVs of the IGFBP-3 expressing virus P13-SigE7LAMP-H5-IGFBP-3...
Leukemia cell signaling and signaling of non-malignant B-cells
Kanderová, Veronika ; Kalina, Tomáš (advisor) ; Klener, Pavel (referee) ; Otáhal, Pavel (referee)
Acute leukemia (AL) is the most common pediatric cancer. Approximately 90 - 100 children is diagnosed every year in the Czech Republic. Acute leukemia is a complex disease that is pathologically manifested at the DNA, mRNA, protein and cellular level. Leukemic cells aberrantly express molecules that are found in other cell types under physiological conditions and their functional involvement in leukemic cells is unknow. We found that aberrantly expressed CEACAM6 increases the expression and affinity of integrins, increases the phosphorylation of intracellular kinases Akt, p38MAPK and p44/42 MAPK and triggers apoptosis in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Adaptor molecule NTAL, aberrantly expressed in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, signals through intracellular kinase p44/42 MAPK and potentiates corticosteroid induced apoptosis. Current leukemia research is focused mainly on monitoring of mutations at the DNA level, however, the functional consequences of these changes on cellular machineries are not straightforward. Since proteome analysis can provide link between gene sequence and cellular physiology, proteomics will contribute to elucidate mechanism of disease, prognosis and response to treatment. Protein microarrays technology is of major interest for basic proteomic research as...
Lineage plasticity in normal and malignant lymphocyte precursors
Rezková Řezníčková, Leona ; Froňková, Eva (advisor) ; Otáhal, Pavel (referee)
Klasické schéma vývoje hematopoetických buněk předpokládá časné oddělení lymfoidního a myeloidního prekurzoru. V poslední době jsou navrhovány složitější modely, které předpokládají větší flexibilitu hematopoezy a navrhují existenci progenitorů s lymfoidním i myeloidním potenciálem. Akutní hybridní leukémie jsou malignity, které podle různých kritérií nelze jednoznačně zařadit k lymfoidní nebo k myeloidní linii a jejichž chování spíše dává za pravdu novým modelům hematopoezy. Předkládaná práce se zabývala především výzkumem dětských leukémií s přesmykem z lymfoidní do myeloidní linie během indukční léčby. Jedná se o rozsáhlý projekt, v jehož rámci si diplomová práce si kladla za úkol určit liniové zařazení leukemických blastů pomocí detekce přestaveb genů pro imunoglobuliny a T-buněčné receptory (TCR). Potvrdili jsme, že myeloidní buňky derivované v průběhu léčby pochází u všech pacientů z původního lymfoidního klonu. Dále jsme u těchto případů zkoumali expresi vytipovaných genů ve srovnání s běžnými druhy leukémií. Třetí částí práce byl výzkum prognostického významu přítomnosti přestaveb TCR (a tedy příslušnosti k lymfoidní linii) u leukémií z T-lymfoidní řady.
The function of palmitoylation of membrane proteins in immune cells
Hanusová, Zdeňka ; Otáhal, Pavel (advisor) ; Pavlů, Barbora (referee)
Protein palmitoylation is a post-translation modification, which typically regulates the protein interaction with a membrane; apart from that, it can have various functions in protein regulation. Process of this modification covers covalent attachment of palmitate to an aminoacid residue in the target protein; identity of the aminoacid than determines the palmitoylation type. Most common is modification of a cystein residue - in that case we speak about so-called S-palmitoiyation. The exceptionality of this lipid modification type is in the reversibility of the whole process; this enables for example trafficking regulation of many proteins between various membrane compartments and ragulation of proteins' function. In vivo, palmitoylation of many proteins is mediated by enzymes protein acyltransferases, while depalmitoylation is mediated by enzymes acylprotein thioesterases. Palmitoylated proteins can be identified in wide spectrum of cellular types, also in immune cells. Palmitoylation plays here an important role, especially in interaction of signal proteins with lipid rafts and the related modulation of protein's function. Significance has palmitoylation also as a dynamic process, which mediates the right identification of protein's subcellular localization. This work is a review and it's aim is...

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1 Otáhal, P.P.S.
3 Otáhal, Pavel
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