National Repository of Grey Literature 28 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Ethical code and education
Dostál, Pavel
The theoretical part describes modern education and its outcomes. The issue of quality measurement in education on the whole is addressed while mentioning the fact that the concept of quality of education has no exact definition. Further, the basic functions of school are descibed together with their evaluation. The significant aspect of parent-school cooperation is mentioned in the context of coordinated curriculum. This theoretical framework explains the environment in which the pupil`s prosocial behaviour arises and develops further. Followingly, the standards of quality in promoting personal integrity are introduced. The standards include eleven principles which cultivate moral and ethical values in all participants of educational process. The delineation of current educational grounds and goals, along with suitable methods and sociological view of education constitute another part of the work. The sociological view ends with analysis of sustainability of morality and school role in promoting values. The ethical code is described, its definition, formation procedure, outline as well as ethical code sample for education stressing the ballance of all participants in educational process. In the next chapter, problem areas and fundamental ethical issues are defined, their solutions suggested. The...
Biomechanical model of interaction between ventilation and hemodynamics induced by mechanical ventilation
Otáhal, Michal ; Kittnar, Otomar (advisor) ; Maršík, František (referee) ; Dostál, Pavel (referee)
MUDr. Michal Otáhal Biomechanický model interakce oběhu a ventilace za podmínek UPV Abstract: Conventional mechanical ventilation provides gas exchange in conditions of respiratory failure by application positive airway pressure in the respiratory system. Due to the significant change in pressure conditions inside the thorax during conventional artificial ventilation the circulation can be significantly affected. Recruitment maneuver (RM) techniques can be a part of ventilation strategy in patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), that are used to re-aerate collapsed parts of the lung parenchyma. During these RMs a significantly higher airway pressure is used than in protective ventilation strategy, which can limit the flow through the lung capillary network and can significantly affect the systemic hemodynamics of the patient. The aim of this work was to develop an optimized animation model of ARDS, then to compare the influence that has the application of different types of recruitment maneuvers on hemodynamics and to create a biomechanical simulation model of interaction and blood circulation and its verification with data obtained during the implementation of different types of RM in the experimental animal ARDS model. Results from the experimental animal model and simulations...
Ethical code and education
Dostál, Pavel ; Prokop, Jiří (advisor) ; Syřiště, Ivo (referee)
The theoretical part describes modern education and its outcomes. The issue of quality measurement in education on the whole is addressed while mentioning the fact that the concept of quality of education has no exact definition. Further, the basic functions of school are descibed together with their evaluation. The significant aspect of parent-school cooperation is mentioned in the context of coordinated curriculum. This theoretical framework explains the environment in which the pupil`s prosocial behaviour arises and develops further. Followingly, the standards of quality in promoting personal integrity are introduced. The standards include eleven principles which cultivate moral and ethical values in all participants of educational process. The delineation of current educational grounds and goals, along with suitable methods and sociological view of education constitute another part of the work. The sociological view ends with analysis of sustainability of morality and school role in promoting values. The ethical code is described, its definition, formation procedure, outline as well as ethical code sample for education stressing the ballance of all participants in educational process. In the next chapter, problem areas and fundamental ethical issues are defined, their solutions suggested. The...
Ethical code and education
Dostál, Pavel ; Prokop, Jiří (advisor) ; Marádová, Eva (referee)
Aim: Ethical code and its application in education, provide it or not? Focus: The consequences of using ethical code. Does it change the student-teacher relationship? What does the current state of this relationship look like? Is this relationship viewed as a mutually agreed contract, or is anyone in this relationship advantaged. Is there sufficient law and specification for this relationship? How is the current student-teacher relationship specified? How has it been viewed recently, how is it viewed currently and how will it progress? Could ethical code and specification of ethical conduct be beneficient or is it to be viewed as another blind bureaucratic meassure? The comparison with other helping professions.
Human Presence Detection and Applications in Smart Home Environments
Dostál, Pavel ; Juránek, Roman (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Práce se zabývá studiem detekce a rozpoznávání člověka a následnou implementací v prostředí softwaru Home Manager, což je projekt simulující chytrý dům s intelligentními zařízeními. Rozšíření o funkcionalitu rozpoznání uživatelů a narušitelů umožní lépe přizpůsobit chování zařízení preferencím jednotlivých osob. Použití rozpoznávání je demonstrováno na ukázce ovládání klimatizace v místnostech podle přítomnosti uživatelů. 
The influence of education on employee's health
Dostál, Pavel ; Voňková, Hana (advisor) ; Zvírotský, Michal (referee)
The theoretical part is focused on upbringing and education as health determinants in an individual. It observes upbringing and education as they create conditions for sustaining and support of health and healthy lifestyle. Historical connections and particular educational schools from antiquity up to present day are compared. Current state of affairs at schools in the Czech Republic and abroad is surveyed. Different contemporary perspectives are brought into focus, as well as attitudes in society and ensuing educational goals and competence. The empirical part is based on research designed as questionnaire survey and related analysis. The respondents are divided according to the evaluating criterion: What is your evaluation of the client-worker relationship? Particular responses: a) The worker is advantaged. b) The worker and the client are equally matched. c) The client is advantaged. The responses represent the workers' subjective sense of well-being in the workplace. The groups are then analysed with regard to their education. The survey explores whether respondents self-study, attend one-day or regular training courses, or are not educated at all. Subsequently, the relation between the extent of education and workplace evaluation is assessed. The results indicate connection between the extent...
Influence of anesthesia type on the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction
Kletečka, Jakub ; Chytra, Ivan (advisor) ; Dostál, Pavel (referee) ; Málek, Jiří (referee)
Resume Cognitive decline is a common perioperative complication, affecting about one-quarter of patients at one week after surgery. It is a temporary disorder, which influences mainly executive functions, memory and spatial orientation. The decline is short-lived, with complete resolution in first months after surgery. Low education and higher age are the only known risk factors with hard evidence, although it can be diagnosed also in younger patients. Particularly in seniors, this disorder is associated with deterioration of the quality of life. No differences in incidence were found between general and regional anaesthesia, neither between certain anaesthetics. The only evidence-based prevention is a minimalization of the impact of surgery and anaesthesia on patients, e.g. with fast-track approach. Optimization of the depth of the anaesthesia using EEG and derived parameters is promising, but with little evidence yet. Research of the postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is significantly influenced with the heterogeneity of published studies, consensus on POCD definition and diagnostics is still missing. Another important limiting factor is a continuous change in methods and drugs in anaesthesia and perioperative care in last twenty years, and therefore comparing current results with older studies is...
Impact of therapeutic mild hypothermia on selected pathophysiological and clinical processes after cardiac arrest
Škulec, Roman ; Dostál, Pavel (advisor) ; Drábková, Jarmila (referee) ; Michálek, Pavel (referee)
Introduction: Induction of therapeutic hypothermia to target body temperature of 32 - 34 řC for 12 - 24 hours may reduce post-cardiac arrest brain injury in patients resuscitated from out- of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). It has been recommended that the target therapeutic temperature should be reached as soon as possible. Thus, prehospital initiation of cooling appears to be a method of choice. Aim of the study: We performed three studies to assess a feasibility and clinical effectivness of prehospital therapeutic hypothermia in the setting of emergency medical service in the Czech republic and to optimize cooling procedure. The selected cooling method was rapid intravenous administration of 4 řC cold normal saline. Materials and methods: Forty consecutive cardiac arrest patients were treated by prehospital administration of 4řC cold normal saline with the target dose of 15 - 20 ml/kg in a prospective multicenter study PRE-COOL (Pre-Hospital Cooling in Cardiac Arrest Patients). The results were compared with 40 retrospective control group patients who did not undergo any cooling attempt in the field. Twelve different application regimens of cold normal saline were investigated for infusion temperature changes during administration in a PRE-COOL 3 experimental "ex vivo" study to find the regimen...
The role of nurse anaesthetists in a multidisciplinary team and their care for patients
Šustrová, Martina ; Vachková, Eva (advisor) ; Dostál, Pavel (referee) ; Kupečková, Ivana (referee)
Author: Martina Šustrová Department: Institute of Social Medicine Charles University in Prague Fakulty of Medicine in Hradec Králové Department of nursing Title of thesis: The role of nurse anaesthetists in a multidisciplinary team and their care for patients Consultant: Mgr. Eva Vachková Number of pages: 99 Number of appendices: 5 Session: 2011 Key words: anaesthesia, nurse anaesthetist, multidisciplinary team, teamwork, team roles SUMMARY: This work describes the role of nurse anaesthetists in a multidisciplinary team in operating rooms and their care for patients. The theoretical part defines the concept of anaesthesia; it deals with its history and present. It describes the role of nurse anesthetists, which is defined by their education, competences, and job description. Patient care in the operating room is influenced by communication and the level of cooperation among the members of multidisciplinary team. The empirical part of this work is based on quantitative research and its method of non-standard questionnaire. The research depicts the current position of nurse anaesthetists in a multidisciplinary team perceived by nurses themselves and by the other members of the multidisciplinary team. Moreover, it reveals occurrence of negative and positive factors in teamwork and it finds faults...
Liver and kidney dysfunction in critically ill patients. Support options and compensation functions
Kroužecký, Aleš ; Matějovič, Martin (advisor) ; Chytra, Ivan (referee) ; Viklický, Ondřej (referee) ; Dostál, Pavel (referee)
22 23 7. Summary The liver and kidney are an important organs involved in a number of biosynthetic, biotransformative, detoxifying, endocrine and immune processes and therefore it is understandable that its dysfunction is associated with adverse outcome of critically ill patients. Hepatic and renal dysfunctions in critical illness are relatively common and occur usually as a component of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the development of MODS. Among these, 1) the hypoxic component resulted from an inadequate oxygen supply to tissues, and 2) cytotoxic effects of various mediators are believed the key elements in the pathophysiology of MODS. From these complex causes of injury are probably the most therapeutically attainable the hemodynamic disturbances and maintenance of adequate organ perfusion pressure using vasopressors is one of the cornerstones of treatment of critically ill patients. Blood flow through organs is autoregulated over a wide range of mean arterial pressure (MAP). There is an agreement that under physiological conditions minimum value of MAP necessary to ensure this autoregulation is about 60- 65 mm Hg. Therefore MAP > 65 mmHg has been recommended as a goal for the vasopressor therapy in sepsis. In critical condition, however,...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 28 records found   previous11 - 20next  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
26 DOSTÁL, Petr
4 Dostál, Patrik
17 Dostál, Pavel
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