National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The role of the nurse in the care of the patient with dentophobia
ŠÍMOVÁ, Tereza
Dentophobia, known as fear of dentists, represents a common problem. For patients suffering from dentophobia, a visit to the dentist is often a source of stress and anxiety, which can lead to postponement of necessary care and deterioration of their dental condition. The theoretical part of the work deals with the issue of the origin of dentophobia, explains its etiology and reasons for its maintenance, and presents various alternative treatments. It also focuses on the importance of the nurse educator and the education process, which represents a key method for working with patients. Verbal and non-verbal communication, professional approach, and space for the patient's understanding of the provided information are key elements of care for patients with dentophobia. One of the goals is to gather available knowledge of the educational process of nurses about patients with dentophobia. The research part of the work focuses on data collection through semi-structured interviews with dental nurses. The questions are aimed at their experiences with patients suffering from dentophobia, recognizing this phobia, and subsequent interventions suitable for supporting patients. The aim is also to map out the means that denatl nurses use to educate patients. Furthermore to identify nursing problems in the care of patients with dentophobia. The collected data are processed for greater clarity using open coding. The results showed deficiencies in the awareness of dental nurses about dentophobia and the absence of educational materials for nurses to effectively educate patients with this phobia. These findings emphasize the need to improve nurses' awareness and provide suitable materials to help them better understand and support patients with dentophobia. Overall, it can be said that the research provided important insights into the state of awareness and availability of resources for nurses who are trying to educate patients with dentophobia.
Approach to dental health in different social groups
The topic of dental care and its importance in everyday and working life is a very topical subject and I think that this topic is being raised more and more, people want to take more care of their teeth and attach more and more importance to it. The aim of this thesis is to chart the issue of dental care across different social classes and regions in the Czech Republic, to find out what importance people attach to their teeth, how they take care of them and whether they also monitor the state of teeth with other people. The theoretical part is focused on basic theoretical knowledge in the areas of health, oral health, sociology and psychosocial determinants of health. The practical part of the thesis consisted of a quantitative survey, using a questionnaire survey, which showed that people attach different importance to the state of their teeth, and that finance is not the most important factor in dental care.
Tooth decay prevention for preschool age children
Ondrová, Marcela ; Pavlíková, Pavla (advisor) ; Strnadová, Alice (referee)
Tooth cavity in childhood represents a significant problem of nowadays children. Prevention of tooth cavity is a compulsory requirement for a development of healthy teeth among children. Bachelor thesis has a theoretical and empirical character. The theoretical part of this bachelor thesis concerns anatomy, physiology and pathology of child's teeth, dental care and teeth cavity in early childhood, endangered children groups, prevention and complications with tooth cavities, hygiene of oral cavity, recommended nutrition and prevention programs. The aim of the empirical segment was to discover how the oral hygiene of pregnant mothers relates to that of their children, influence of early oral hygiene of children, merits of specific nutrition starting at birth, what influence does early dental care have. For the purpose of the research there has been used an anonymous form, in order of gathering the necessary data. The research group consisted of 70 mothers of preschool children (2-6 years of age), the research took place at a children dental ambulance at VFN Prague. The respondents filled out a questionnaire and then I proceeded to make a statistical analysis of the results and I evaluated them. The results did not provide solid evidence that all researched topics have a connection with the condition of the...
Accessibility of stomatologic care for homeless people
Lejčková, Jana ; Háva, Petr (advisor) ; Matoušek, Petr (referee)
Health of homeless people is worse in comparison with the general population and despite the guaranteed equal right to health and the crucial role of basic health services in the concept of health care barriers are found. These barriers appear in the availability of treatment by conventional dentists in Prague. The aim of this work is to evaluate the (un)availability of dental care, how different are the accesses of homeless dental and conventional dental practices to homeless patients. Next aim of the work is why are homeless people refused from accessing dental care. Last aim deal with the influence of the unavailability of dental care in the overall health of homeless people. Qualitative methods of semi-structured and expert interviews research used in the empirical part had shown that the unavailability of dental care lies mainly in the stigmatization of the homeless as well as in the existence of health risks. The main difference from a specialized dentistry resides in the absence of charges, positive attitudes and expectations of risks. The rejections of homelesses are in the conventional surgery based on the lack of evidence, stigma and fear of the risks of treatment. The unavailability of dental care can carry a profound impact on the overall health of homeless people and even lead to death.
Awareness of the Roma population in dental care
The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of the dental care of the Roma patients. Major fields of interest were the awareness of Roma in different aspects of the dental care and the willingness of dentists to register Roma patients in their surgery. For this thesis was originally planned to use the qualitative research but the pilot study showed that quantitative research would be better option. Dentists were willing to fill in questionnaires but they had no time for interviews due to the big amount of their work duties. I chose questionnaires also for Roma respondents. Thanks to them I gathered more pieces of information from majority of Roma population than if I had used the qualitative research. For each group involved in the research were created different questionnaires. Questionnaires were created by me. The first aim of this thesis was to find out how informed and how willing are Roma population in case of preventive dental examinations. Results show that the willingness to undergo preventive examinations has more than half of respondents. Positively answered 61 percent of registered Roma and 57 percent of dentists answered that Roma undergo preventive examinations. When we compared the awareness of registered Roma respondents with unregistered Roma respondents, registered Roma respondents are more informed than unregistered Roma respondents. For example in the case of information about payments for medical acts which are paid by health insurance companies, 70 percent of registered Roma respondents and only 30 percent of unregistered Roma respondents have awareness about it. The second aim of this thesis was to find out the willingness of dentists to register Roma in their surgeries. It was obvious to me that most of the dentists don't accept new patients due to the capacity. For this reason I asked a question: "If you accept new patients, will you accept Roma?" 57 percent of dentists answered that they would register Roma. If there does exist cooperation between Roma and social worker, the willingness of dentists to register Roma increases and reaches 84 percent. This big difference corresponds to negative experience which dentists have with Roma. It means that assistance of the social worker can positively affect relationships and communication between dentists and Roma patients. Problem in communication is not only on the side of Roma population. All health workers should compulsorily study the issue of multicultural education. If they understand historical values and customs of different cultures, there is a possibility to eliminate culture barriers, intolerance, prejudice and discrimination. These facts perhaps in hidden form are mostly the main reason not to accept the patient. In case of effective communication and building mutual trust Roma patients can better understand rules which are required by dentist and gain information which are important to prevent problems with toothache, financial expenses, and ultimately, with esthetics. The research revealed that Roma, according to answers of dentists, neglect dental hygiene and dental care of their children. Dental hygiene of Roma patients was identified as inadequate by 54 percent of dentists. Only 14 percent of dentists are satisfied with the dental hygiene of children. It would be very suitable to use in preschool facilities services of dental hygienists that can help children learn appropriate hygienic habits and through "homeworks" pass gained information to other family members. A summary of possible solutions to problems of dental care of Roma is therefore effective communication between Roma patient and dentist which would be possible by implementation of multicultural education of all health workers and cooperation with the social worker as a mediator between them.
The Specifics of Care about a Patient after Dental Surgeries
This bachelor's dissertation deals with the specifics of attendant care for a patient after dental treatment. The term ?dental treatment? is not the synonym just for a surgical dental extraction. This term includes more forms of medical treatment, which are demanding for the surgeon as well as for the patient. Such patient needs a quality attendant care after the treatment, care represented by a nurse. The nurse is acquainted with the specifics of the care and knows how to look after the patient. The dissertation contains a theoretical as well as practical part. The introduction of the theoretic part consists of basic terms of stomatology and dental surgery, followed by an introduction into the anatomy and oral cavity physiology. The basic information is accompanied by information about stomatology investigation and cooperation of a nurse with a doctor. The dissertation continues with the most frequent diseases in dent alveolar and maxillofacial dental surgery. This is followed by preoperative preparation, divided into preparation for a planned treatment, which is long-term, short-term and immediate; preparation of the patient in local anaesthesia; urgent unplanned treatment and preparation of patients who are being cured on long-term bases with anticoagulative treatment. Later emerges a topic, which contains interventions executed at the patient after the treatment, together with the requested standards of the nurse looking after these patients. The theme of oral cavityhygiene, nutrition and pain is essential. There are also stated communicational and educational skills of a nurse and the final care for the patient practiced with the help of orofacial area rehabilitation. The practical part contains a quality examination via a semi structured dialogue consisting of 24 questions. The examination sample is represented by nurses from Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s., who look after dental surgery patients, it means nurses from dental ambulances, ORL (ear-nose-and-throat) and ophthalmological departments. It was found out during the examination survey that these patients are looked after at the department of traumatology as well. The dialogues are absolutely anonymous with the respondent?sfree choice. After the agreement of the respondents and the sister ward the dialogues were recorded on a dictaphone of a mobile phone. The examination took place at the beginning of the month of March. The semi structured dialogue contains basic characteristics of the respondent. The next part of examination was to find out, which patients after dental treatment are looked after by the respondents in their departments most often. Questions typical for the examined areafollowafter the introduction into the problematic, this means question dealing with taking meals, hygiene and education, the dialogues are further enriched with more unplanned questions. The record of the dialogues is registered in the bachelor?s dissertation in the form of a transcription and the results are dealt with via the categorization. For this examination there were stated three examination questions. The examination question 1: What is the specific of taking meals with the patient after a dental surgery? Examination question 2: What is the specific of oral cavity hygienic care with the patient after a dental surgery? Examination question 3: How does the nurse educate a patient after a dental surgery? The results of our dissertation are going to be accessible to the students who meet these patients during their practices, and for nurses who look after these patients. The results will serve to enrichment or completion of information in the field of after-treatment care for these patients. That is why the received information was dealt with as an information material, accessible in electronic version. The form of the information material is stated in the enclosure (Enclosure 4).
Marketing actvities Pekárek ltd. - Dental care centre
Bouček, Jakub ; Procházková, Markéta (advisor) ; Pekárek, Michal (referee)
Bachelor thesis is written about marketing activities in dental medical center. Theoretical part is keen on describing basic marketing tools such as marketing mix or SWOT analysis, which can be used in this field. Practical part of thesis deals with individual tools and how they are used in houses of dental care for children and family. In conclusion are added recommendations and other opportunities of ways where the company can be heading

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