National Repository of Grey Literature 16 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
The Politics of Interpretation. Rhetoric, Discursive and Textual Games in Literary Criticism in the Era of the So-Called Normalisation
Andreas, Petr ; Bílek, Petr (advisor) ; Bauer, Michal (referee) ; Pullmann, Michal (referee)
Bibliografický záznam ANDREAS, Petr. Politika interpretace. Rétorické, diskursivní a textové hry v normalizační literární kritice. Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky, 2014. Vedoucí disertační práce: prof. Petr A. Bílek, CSc. Anotace Tématem této disertace je politika interpretace v normalizační literární kritice a publicistice (1968-1989). Práce kategorizuje a analyzuje diskursivní, rétorické a textové strategie, které používali literární kritici a publicisté (a jednotlivé profesní a názorové skupiny) publikující v oficiálním publikačním prostoru. Metodologicky vychází z konceptu politiky interpretace podle P. C. Hogana, rozvinutého o teorii jednání a teorii řečových aktů. V první, teoreticko-metodologické části (kapitoly II-IV) je představen a rozvíjen pojem politiky interpretace a analyzovány metodologické problémy interpretace literárněkritických a publicistických textů z normalizační éry. V druhé, analytické a interpretační části (kapitoly V-VII) jsou rozlišeny tři roviny politiky interpretace podle umístění ve struktuře kritického aktu a identifikovány kategorie rétorických, diskursivních a textových strategií. V třetí, závěrečné části (kapitola VIII) je zobecněno a syntetizováno poznání o podobě a fungování kritického aktu v normalizační éře. Annotation...
Cancel Culture - A Challenge Or A Threat?
Kvačková, Kristýna ; Kýrová, Lucie (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof Přemysl (referee)
The thesis entitled "Cancel Culture - A Challenge Or A Threat?" deals with the phenomenon of the so-called Cancel Culture, which is mainly known from the USA and the UK, but the first signs of it are also noticeable in the Czech Republic. The thesis analyses examples from the cultural, political, and academic spheres in the United States, with the aim of revealing the effects of the Cancel Culture on society and on the perception of the limits of freedom of speech and, by extension, academic freedom. The thesis establishes the boundary between legitimate criticism and cancellation. The threat to freedom of speech and, by extension, academic freedom, is presented when academics are disturbed because of their unpopular opinion, such as their political beliefs. In the cultural and political spheres, interference represents the threat described by the concept of the spiral of silence. As research shows, people are afraid to express their opinion if it is not in line with the majority opinion, for fear of cancellation and possible consequences. Despite its shortcomings, this phenomenon can be a legitimate tool for achieving social justice, because it effectively highlights sensitive social issues such as racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc.
About Freedom without Freedom: Meetings of Students in the U Bílého koníčka Club.
Mejstříková, Dorotea ; Vaněk, Miroslav (advisor) ; Wohlmuth Markupová, Jana (referee)
The diploma thesis "O svobodě v nesvobodě: Setkávání studentů U Bílého koníčka před rokem 1989." deals with the development of events in the student editorial boards of magazines and newspapers that preceded November 17th, 1989 from the perspective of beginning journalists, editors and graphic designers who teamed up in these magazines, who were able to quickly organize themselves, to inform peripherals about the intervention on Národní třída and to set up strike committees thanks to a network of contacts at faculties everywhere in Czechoslovakia. The work reflects the narratives of narrators about censorship, self- censorship, and the courage to write about otherwise forbidden topics. It deals with the role of the Czechoslovak Socialist Youth Union in the possibility of publishing magazines and the role of the students, who comment on their historical role several decades later. In addition to the testimonies of narrators who met at the Student Press and Information Centre in the U Bílého koníčka club, the diploma thesis also uses their diary entries and the periodical press analyses.
Online harassment among male and female journalists in Nepal and its impact on their work
Manandhar, Akriti ; Němcová Tejkalová, Alice (advisor) ; Lábová, Sandra (referee)
Online harassment of journalists is a growing concern worldwide as more journalists report burnouts, fatigue and desire to quit journalism. This research was based on in-depth interviews of five male and five female Nepali journalists. It aimed at investigating the forms of online harassment journalists face in Nepal, the impacts it has on them and the strategies they employ to deal with it. It was of research interest to examine differences in harassment experiences of male and female journalists. Results showed the common forms of harassment journalists face are cyberstalking, sexual harassment, gendered harassment, manipulation and intimidation. Due to this, journalists decreased social media usage and self-censored themselves on it. It led to fears of physical harm, judgement and being discredited. Most interviewed journalists ignored it considering it a part of their job. Complaining about harassment bore no positive results. Women from the sample faced comparatively more sexual and gendered harassment, with harassment being more personal and of higher intensity. This had adverse impacts on some female interviewees leading them to quit social media and the profession altogether, which further increases gender gap in the heavily male-dominated industry. Younger and less experienced journalists...
An Analysis of the media environment of Hong Kong in 2005-2010
Flanderová, Linda ; Köpplová, Barbara (advisor) ; Cebe, Jan (referee)
The subject of this master thesis is the current development of the Hong Kong's news media in the period of 2005-2010 which is scrutinized through the prism of recent political and social changes of the region. The main object of this master thesis is to create a descriptive analysis of Hong Kong's mass media in the abovementioned period. This master thesis splits into three parts. First part is theoretical and examines the key media theories dealing with the concept of media systems. Furthermore, it uses the media theories to identify the Hong Kong's media system and embed it into the appropriate theoretical context. The second part presents the historical development of Hong Kong's press system and names Hong Kong's main newspapers of the last century. Third part, the main part of this master thesis, scrutinizes the development of the Hong Kong's media system after the political transition from the British to the Chinese "rule". Here, the main attention is paid to the current newspapers, broadcast stations and to the new trends in the Hong Kong's media environment. Finally, this master thesis evaluates whether the political pressure from China affects the Hong Kong's freedom of press and whether local journalists use methods of the self-censorship.
Institutional Pressure On the Work of a Journalist and His Self-Censorship Activities in the Context of the End of 1960s Reforms
Fencl, Ondřej ; Končelík, Jakub (advisor) ; Cebe, Jan (referee)
The goal of this work is to present the daily working routine of Czech journalists employed in newspapers in the years 1965-1974, with an emphasis on examining the institutional level of external pressure on journalists, in contrast to self- censorship. The Prague Spring is seen as a milestone, which divide the work into three stages: The 'thawing' period before 1968, a period of relative freedom of expression from January 1968 to mid-1969 and then the following period characterised by the stabilization of the 'normalization regime' in the first half of 1970s.
The reflection of the conditions for the journalists in Morocco
Dvořáková, Petra ; Moravec, Václav (advisor) ; Jirků, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the current conditions for journalists in Morocco based on the theoretical background of journalism in the country as well as personal interviews with journalists. Specifically, this thesis is focused on the methods by which the Moroccan state restricts journalism and media. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. In the first, I describe the historical and social context of today's situation. In the second, I cover regulatory legislation as it pertains to journalism and the media. In the final chapter, I detail the various restrictions troubling journalists, not just from legislation but also from financial pressure and government surveillance of individuals. This paper focuses primarily on journalism conditions in Morocco during the past ten years, but I also took into account prior hallmark periods, selecting King Hassan II's authoritative reign as a point of comparison for the current situation journalists face. In the practical part of this paper I present the topic more widely, through a qualitative analysis of the personal testimonies of Moroccan journalists, and I take into account the questions of media quality and the education of journalists. The practical part includes three case studies of foreign journalists, who have been forbidden...
The reflection of the conditions for the journalists in Morocco
Dvořáková, Petra ; Moravec, Václav (advisor) ; Jirků, Jan (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the current conditions for journalists in Morocco based on the theoretical background of journalism in the country as well as personal interviews with journalists. This thesis is focused especially on media regulation by the state. Apart from regulatory legislation I also cover the problem of the surveillance of journalists and influencing the media through advertiser manipulation. Though this paper focuses primarily on journalism conditions in Morocco during the past ten years, I also took into account prior hallmark periods, selecting King Hassan II's authoritative reign as a point of comparison for the current situation journalists face. In the practical part of this paper I present the topic more widely, thanks to personal testimonies of Moroccan journalists, and I take into account also the questions of media quality and the education of journalists. The practical part is a qualitative, diverse sample presenting the points of view of journalists from official state media as well as from independent platforms. To inform on the issue of the expulsion of foreign journalists, I present the stories of two foreign journalists as well. I also use my personal experience in Morocco to frame the thesis with a historical-social context. In the summary I compare...
Self-reflection of the Czech sport journalists working between 1980 and 1999 in printed media and the influence of ideology on their role in society
Stránský, Luděk ; Skalecká, Veronika (advisor) ; Bednařík, Petr (referee)
The thesis titled Self-reflection Of Czech Sport Journalists Working Between 1980 And 1999 In Printed Media And The Influence Of Ideology On Their Role In Society focuses on a question of whether the work of writing sport journalists was influenced by the ruling ideology before 1989. The thesis is based on biographical interviews of five sport journalists, which were taken while using the help of oral history research method. The sport journalists bring their testimonies, memories, experiences and stories associated with the period of normalization, the Velvet Revolution and the post-revolutionary period. The biggest emphasis is placed on a degree of impact of the ruling ideology on the editorial process before 1989. Therefore the thesis touches themes of self-censorship, targeted campaigns, relationships of the journalists to the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia or to The National Security. The work brings views of still writing sport journalists, who evaluate their motivation to do the profession, their ongoing journalistic career and the role of sport journalists in society. This study is a contribution to oral-historical research on the period of normalization and to understanding the influence of ideology on the media activity before 1989. This thesis extends the knowledge of sports...
Censor of the Jára Cimrman theatre
Ledecká, Pavlína ; Mocná, Dagmar (advisor) ; Peterka, Josef (referee)
The aim of whis paper is to determine to what extent was the Jara Cimrman's theater influenced by censorship. The first part opens up the issue of censorship in general. In the second part, the operation conditions of the theater are discussed, since its foundation in the late sixties, during the normalization era in the seventies and eighties and finally after the revolution at the beginning of the nineties. Finally, in the third part the paper attempts to describe the extent to which scenarios were subject to censorship and self-censorship and also answers the question whether the plays changes after the year 1989.

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