National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Looking at and through the Beast: Construction of 'Animal' within the Prague Zoo
Polakovičová, Dana ; Stella, Marco (advisor) ; Haywood, Mark (referee)
The thesis is based on the presumption that zoological gardens are cultural institutions which reflect social and cultural interpretations of what is called 'nature' and animals. By analyzing data gained through participant observation it focuses on the meanings and forms which are ascribed to animals living in the Prague Zoo via the gaze of visitors. Furthermore, by analysis of visual and textual sources provided by the zoo, I examine how the 'zoo animal' is constructed by the zoo itself. I argue that this zoo animal constitutes a specific form of the animal, different from both the domesticated and the wild one. The zoo and its visitors create a chimeric 'beast' which encompasses different and even contradictory trends and conceptions of thinking about the zoo animal.
Looking at and through the Beast: Construction of 'Animal' within the Prague Zoo
Polakovičová, Dana ; Stella, Marco (advisor) ; Haywood, Mark (referee)
The thesis is based on the presumption that zoological gardens are cultural institutions which reflect social and cultural interpretations of what is called 'nature' and animals. By analyzing data gained through participant observation it focuses on the meanings and forms which are ascribed to animals living in the Prague Zoo via the gaze of visitors. Furthermore, by analysis of visual and textual sources provided by the zoo, I examine how the 'zoo animal' is constructed by the zoo itself. I argue that this zoo animal constitutes a specific form of the animal, different from both the domesticated and the wild one. The zoo and its visitors create a chimeric 'beast' which encompasses different and even contradictory trends and conceptions of thinking about the zoo animal.
Crisis Communication of Prague ZOO after the Floods in the Years 2002 and 2013: Comparative Study
Šťastná, Ema ; Dolanský, Pavel (advisor) ; Klimeš, David (referee)
The Bachelor thesis ‚Crisis Communication of Prague Zoo after the Floods in the Years 2002 and 2013: Comparative Study' concerns with the analysis of the principles, tools and the messages used in communication campaigns of Prague Zoo in connection with the floods in the years 2002 and 2013. Firstly, the theoretical framework is defined based on the description of particular key elements, principles and phases of communication process. Additionally, the thesis shortly discusses the phenomenon of volunteering and philanthropy in the Czech Republic. Focusing on particular communication campaigns of Prague Zoo, the above-mentioned elements are further analysed with respect to the context of the situation during which both campaigns were carried out. It concerns with the content of the messages, roles of the communicators, tools used in the campaigns, communication aiming at stakeholders or the techniques of addressing and organising volunteers. In the conclusion, the effectiveness of both applied crisis communications is compared and the analogy, progress or changes therein are identified.
Communication Activities of ZOO Prague in the Period 2010-12 and Their Historical Context
Kořínková, Markéta Maryam ; Orban, Karol (advisor) ; Strielkowski, Wadim (referee)
This thesis aims to introduce and analyse the basic methods of arts marketing and marketing communications used by nonprofit organizations using the example of Prague Zoo. Selected method of this thesis is the observation and subsequent description of the main communication and marketing techniques used by Prague Zoo in the years 2010 - 2012. This thesis describes the main subject of the communication campaigns introduced during this period and also explores the following. Analysis of selected historical events that have influenced the current form and communication of the observed subject. Introduces basic terminology and examples of marketing, arts marketing, marketing research, corporate identity, image, logo, crisis management and others. Explores the longstanding dispute over the logo of the Zoo with artist Cihlář which led to complete corporate design change which has been introduced on the occassion of the celebration of 80 years of founding of Prague Zoo and crisis communications during the flood in 2002. Very briefly describes the fundamental historical moments, beginning with its founding.
Prague Zoo corporate design and logo redesign
Dvořáková, Anna ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Kocourek, Ivan (referee)
This Master's Thesis thoroughly introduces the new logo and corporate design of the Prague Zoo. The main goal of the Thesis is to judge the logo as well as the corporate design based on the graphic design, corporate identity, corporate design and corporate image theoretical principles and on the comparison with other Czech and worldwide zoo logos. A monitoring of the new corporate design implementation inside the zoo and of chosen marketing campaigns as well as souvenirs and merchandising with the new logo was done. The Thesis also includes some recommendations in order to make the whole Prague Zoo's corporate design better. It also introduces an alternative logo design created by the author of the Thesis at the very end of the Master's Thesis.
Nesting biology of the Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in the zoo Praha and in European breeds
The Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) is the smallest and the most threatened european vulture species. Recently, wild populations have been declining dramatically and monitoring is too difficult especially because part of the european population migrates. That is the reason why this species was declared endangered in the IUCN Red list of threatened species (IUCN, 2014). Prague zoo has great results in breeding of these birds of prey. In season of 2013, two juveniles were bred (1 male, 1 female) from 7 of all the Europe. Another juvenile was bred in Zlín-Lešná zoo. In the year 2013, Czech republic therefore bred almost a half of these vultures in european breedings (EAZA). In 2014 the results of breedings are also succesfull, more then half (13 juveniles in total, 3 from Prague, 4 from Zlín-Lešná) was risen in these breedings. Prague zoo has been keeping the egyptian vulture studbook for more than 10 years and is also in charge of the European endangered species programme for this vulture. For coordination improvement and to increase the succes of european breeding it is important to summarize the data and use them to provide better breeding conditions in other zoos. One of the program objectives is also the reintroduction of the animals back to its natural environment. This master´s degree provides summarization of etology research from seasons 2013 and 2014, short research of etology in Zlín-Lešná zoo, summarization of another european breedings and also assesment of all the breedings factors including those preceeding the nesting like incubation of the eggs, and birds hatching.
Results of nesting and breeding of some species of birds Family (Timaliidae, Passeriformes) in the zoo Praha
Babblers together with the close related Timallidae are not very common inmates of the zoological gardens. In the Czech Republic they are only bred in the zoological gardens in Ohrada, Pilsen and Prague. The breeding in the zoological gardens is not generally very successful. The zoo in Prague with its number of species owns the largest collection of these birds in Europe. In the past the breeders in Prague were the first ones in Europe who managed to raise for example Rufous-fronted Laughingthrush, Sunda Laughingthrush, Barred Laughingthrush or Sumatran Laughingthrush (Black-and-white Laughingthrush). As the first ones in the Czech Republic they were able to reproduce the critically endagered Blue-crowned Laughingthrush (Courtois's Laughingthrush). The Blue-crowned Laughingthrush is so rare that for several years it was not clear at all if they still live in nature. In the year 2000 they were rediscovered in the number of 240 pieces. The quantity of them in the zoological gardens all over the world does not exceed 100 pieces. The zoo in Chester does a European breeding book of these pieces. Some birds in Prague reproduce repetitively and they prove that the right method of the breeding was found. Hopefully this method would lead to the birth of the securing population in the care of humans. This securing population is very important for the protection of these birds. The attempt of this work is to assess the links between the results of the breeding and their conditions, the comparison of the nesting activities of the two chosen species of babblers, then the summarizing of the expansion and the results of the breeding of the individual species and also the processing of the expansion, the development of the quantity and the problems of the protection of the babblers in nature. The following facts were found out: the breeding of the birds in the exposition or in its environment does not have an essential influence on their nesting activity. However, for the nesting activity it is more important if they are a newly formed couple or a couple paired for a longer time and at the forest babbler it is the female that has an important role in incubation period. However, at the Sumatran Laughingthrush there is a frequent changing in different time intervals. The work also shows that only 5 species out of 12, that showed the nesting activity, are able to build a nest without the help of the keepers. That can be attributed to their closer relational breeding and also to putting the higher number of artificially reared individuals into the breeding.
Analysis of marketing communication of the ZOO Prague
Glaserová, Monika ; Zamazalová, Marcela (advisor) ; Skokanová, Dagmar (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with analysis of marketing communication of the Prague zological garden and it is focused on research tools of communication mix. The aim is an analysis of functioning components of the communication mix and perception of the marketing communication of the Zoo by general public. The thesis is divided into six parts -- an introduction, a part about Zoo Prague, a theoretical part, a methodological part, a practical part and a conclusion. The theoretical part consists of characteristics of the marketing communication, the communication mix and characteristics of the Prague Zoo. The methodology section describes methods of investigation. The practical part consists of analysis of idividual tools of the communication mix and of a survey in general public where the goal is to confirm or refutate stated hypothesis. The conclusion contains a summary of the investigation and recommendations regarding the marketing communication in the Prague Zoo.
Aplication of marketing in Prague Zoo
Šuhajová, Irena ; Horová, Olga (advisor) ; Pergl, Jiří (referee)
Bachelor thesis "Aplication of marketing in Prague ZOO" is focused on research of marketing mix tools for services in this organisation. The first objective of this thesis was to analyse the aplication of these tools from the perspective of the ZOO marketing management. The second aim was to find out satisfaction and awareness of public based on survey research. Teoretic part defines basic terms which are services, marketing and marketing mix tools. Practical part is composed from information provided by management of Prague ZOO and analysis of public survey research. Results from the practical part are important for the conclusion of the bachelor thesis where the results of public perception of the Prague ZOO are evaluated. These findings are compared to the information provided by marketing management and at the end minor recommendation is suggested.
Analýza komunikačního mixu Zoo Praha
Linhartová, Štěpánka ; Zamazalová, Marcela (advisor) ; Frühbauer, Otakar (referee)
Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny pojmy jako komunikační mix a jeho složky, hlavně pak reklama a public relations. Dále pak pojem vizuální styl a jeho tvorba. V praktické části je podroben analýze komunikační mix Zoo Praha z let 2002 - 2007, s důrazem na jednotný vizuální styl, který se komunikačním mixem prolíná.

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