National Repository of Grey Literature 108 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Fast and Partially Translated Simulator for Application-Specific Processors
Richtarik, Pavel ; Krčma, Martin (referee) ; Zachariášová, Marcela (advisor)
The major objective of this work is to analyse possibilities of using simulation within the development of application-specific instruction-set processors, to explore and compare some common simulation techniques and to use the collected information to design a new simulation tool suitable for utilization in the processors development and optimization. This thesis presents the main requirements on the new simulator and describes the design and implementation of its key parts with emphasis on the high performance.
Efficient Implementation of High Performance Algorithms on Multi-Core Processors
Tomečko, Lukáš ; Bidlo, Michal (referee) ; Jaroš, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis describes the process of parallelization and vectorization of fluid simulation using OpenMP library and Intel compiler. Various approaches were tried e.g. cache blocking, data sorting and data reorganization. By combining the best of them, final application preformed 11.4 times faster than the original one, using 16 cores. Benchmarks show that used algorithms are not suitable for vectorization.
Simulation for Symbolic Automata
Síč, Juraj ; Lengál, Ondřej (referee) ; Holík, Lukáš (advisor)
Symbolic automata are similar to classical automata with one big difference: transitions are labelled with predicates defined in separate logical theory. This allows usage of large alphabets while taking less space. In this work we are interested in computing simulation (a binary relation on states that language inclusion) for these automata. This can be then used for reducing the size of automata without the need to determinize them first. There exist few algorithms for computing simulation over Kripke structures, which were then altered to work over labeled transition systems and classical automata. We show how one of these algorithms can be modified for symbolic automata by using the partition of the alphabet domain that is compatible with the predicates labelling transitions and by using the possibilities of the alphabet theory.
Modeling and identification of medieval catapult
Štupák, Jakub ; Křivánek, Václav (referee) ; Grepl, Robert (advisor)
This thesis is about modelling and optimalization of medieval trebuchet and few of his simplified variants. First part contains information about similar siege engines, description of working principles of medieval trebuchets and his parameters used in history. In practical part have been created four modes of trebuchet with different level of simplification. Subsequently have been calculated range and efficiency of this system in dependence on his parameters. These parameters have been optimized to obtain maximum range, and obtained results have been compared between models. Lastly real, scaled model of trebuchet have been made, and his motion have been compared with motion of computer-based model. With this computer-based model have been also obtained optimal parameters of scaled trebuchet.
Design of RC sinusoidal oscillator based on active building blocks
Režňák, Patrik ; Šotner, Roman (referee) ; Kartci, Aslihan (advisor)
Bakalárska práca je venovaná RC oscilátorom s použitím funkčných blokov a operačných zosilovačov. Na počiatku je urobený rešerš literatúry zaoberajúcej sa konštrukciou a návrhom RC oscilátorov, a použitiu rôznych funkčných blokov pri tomto návrhu. Jednotlivé funkčné bloky sú diskutované a sú vybrané rôzne zapojenia s použitím týchto blokov, ktoré sú simulované analýzou na počítači pomocou PSpice a SNAP. Je overený vznik oscilácií a vplyv jednotlivých súčiastok v zapojení. V druhej časti sú realizované vybrané zapojenia a overené teoretické poznatky na praktickej realizácii. Údaje získané z počítačovej simulácie a praktickej realizácie sú potom porovnané, a taktiež jednotlivé zapojenia sú porovnané medzi sebou.
The Use of Means of Artificial Intelligence for the Decision Making Support on Financial Markets
Turoň, Michal ; Galvánek, Juraj (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
This master thesis deals with issue of trade on commodity market, especially the gold. It uses the artificial intelligence resources, more accurate non-linear auregressive neural network. The purpose is the prediction of the gold prices by indicators which has impact on the gold.
Design of new V/I and I/V converters for the measurement of current-mode filters
Jarník, Lukáš ; Polák, Josef (referee) ; Langhammer, Lukáš (advisor)
This master’s thesis deals with problems of analog differential converters, which are used in measuring circuits working in the current mode. The aim of this thesis is to propose a new voltage to current and current to voltage converter, that should influence measured frequency properties as little as possible. Commercial active elements are use to design converters. Active components are compared on the basis of properties as bandwidth and slew rate. Designed converters are simulated in Orcad PSpice program. Converters, of the best behavior are practically implemented and measured. Measured and simulated values are compared.
Autonomous Rover Navigation on Planetary Surface
Vaško, Marek ; Prustoměrský, Milan (referee) ; Chudý, Peter (advisor)
Výskum hlbín vesmíru doviedol k vývoju technológii v rôznych oblastiach. Jednou z týchto oblastí je prieskum povrchu mimozemských planét. Efektívny spôsob skúmania je bezpilotné pozemné vozidlo. Práca sa zaoberá jedným z najdôležitejších systémov bezpilotných vozidiel, čím je autonómna navigácia. Vozidlo sa musí vedieť orientovať v priestore a zmapovať potenciálne prekážky. Práca v úvode preskúma navigačné princípy, ktoré boli využívané existujúcimi vozidlami. Neskôr preskúma využitie algoritmu na princípe súčasnej lokalizácie a mapovania a jeho implementáciu v MATLAB-e. Tento algoritmus bude integrovaný do simulátora, ktorý umožní neskoršiu integráciu do reálneho prostredia pomocou Robot Operating System. V simulátore bude navrhnutá platforma vozidla so simulovanými senzormi a šesť-kolesovým podvozkom, ktorá bude slúžiť na testovanie integrovaného algoritmu. V závere sa vyhodnotí kvalita navrhnutého algoritmu a zaháji sa diskusia o budúcich vylepšeniach.
VRF system
Lackovič, Roman ; Lopušník, Petr (referee) ; Hejčík, Jiří (advisor)
Master's thesis "VRF system" aims on the energy simulation of energy needs for HVAC system of one floor of the FSI NetMe Research Centre building and followed evaluation of the advantage of using VRF system with heat recovery function. The first part is a theoretical introduction, which describes the basics of the mechanical refrigeration, following the differences and ways of functioning of the VRF system with heat recovery function. Practical part of this work is aimed on the description of the way of data input into the simulation tool. Finally, the results of the simulation and economical comparation of the VRF system and the existing four-pipe cold and warm water distribution system are presented
Analysis of the force effects in the three-point hitch on the output parameters of the tractor
Rendek, Marek ; Škopán, Miroslav (referee) ; Bauer, František (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of force effects in the three-point hitch links in the multi-body environment depending on the forces ejected to the plow during the plowing. Through simulations, force responses under the tractor wheels are also identified for various conditions. The work is also analyzed for the impact of the upper link attachment relative to the tractor output parameters.

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