National Repository of Grey Literature 72 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Analysis of Migration and Crime: Evidence from the Czech Republic
Kubů, Vít ; Šoltés, Michal (advisor) ; Pertold-Gebicka, Barbara (referee)
This bachelor's thesis studies the impact of the Ukrainian refugee wave in 2022 on the crime rate in the Czech Republic. There are many articles on the effect of migration on crime, but because migration waves differ in many circumstances (motives for migration, migrants' characteristics), it is necessary to examine each migration wave separately. To identify the effect, the thesis relies on geographical variations in migrants' destinations and on a Bartik shift- share instrument to address potential endogeneity concerns. Our findings show a small positive and statistically significant effect of the migration wave on the number of committed overall crimes, property crimes, violent crimes, and misdemeanors. When transformed to the crimes per capita, a more accurate measure of criminal activity, the effect remains statistically significant only for property and a total number of crimes, but the effect is again close enough to zero. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the Ukrainian refugee wave did not lead to a substantial increase in crime. JEL Classification C21, C26, K14, O15 Keywords migration, crime, refugees, regional distribution Title Analysis of Migration and Crime: Evidence from the Czech Republic Author's e-mail Supervisor's e-mail
Comparison of the "integration plans for refugees" of the Ministry of Education in the Czech and German language areas using the example of the Prague Spring, the Civil War in Syria, and the Russian-Ukrainian War
Peřinová, Anna Magdaléna ; Kafka, Clemens (advisor) ; Botlík Nuc, Tomáš (referee)
After Ukraine was invaded by Russia in 2022, one of the biggest humanitarian crises in the last few years has occurred. The wave of Ukrainian refugees has found their refuge and protection mainly in the surrounding countries, which have since been trying to integrate them into society until the war ends. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to find out what consequences the Ukrainian refugee wave has on the educational system of individual states. The emphasis is on the adaptation of elementary schools and the integration of Ukrainian refugee children into the collective. For this purpose, the method of analysis of the integration plans of the ministries of education of the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria was chosen. This analysis was then supplemented by the interview method with teachers and sitting in on classes at Czech and Austrian primary schools. The results of the survey show the far-reaching problems that schools must face when integrating refugees. Despite the long-term experience of some states with the integration of refugees, integration plans do not always correspond with the reality that prevails in schools. Nevertheless, the conducted research found that teachers manage the situation well and are well supported materially. The main...
Comparing media image of refugees in 2015 and 2022 in Czech Television
Křížová, Tereza ; Klásková, Markéta (advisor) ; Freidingerová, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor thesis compares media image of refugees in 2015 and 2022. The paradigm, upon which the thesis stands, is social constructivism. An important creator of reality within social constructivism is media. The image of refugees created in media, in two different crises, is the objective of the thesis. The media chosen for this was the public Czech Television, specifically the news broadcast Události, available to and watched by the general public. The created image influences the public opinion, through which it's able to generate society's views towards refugees, influencing the possibility of their integration. The reports are analysed through Ruth Wodak's discourse analysis method which allows to recognise used means of language. Based on the finding of the analysis, we can designate four main differences whilst speaking about refugees. These include naming of the refugees, responsibility of the Czech Republic within the two crises, situation at the border or context in which the refugees are situated. These differences show an overall contrast in the media image of these refugees. In 2015, the image created is significantly negative, refugees are presented as a threat from which we need to protect ourselves. In 2022 refugees are seen as victims, whom we need to aid from a humane...
The position of the CDU in Baden-Württemberg on the issue of asylum policy
Prokhoshin, Aleksei ; Kunštát, Miroslav (advisor) ; Filipová, Lucie (referee)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the topical issue of the asylum policy, which is one of the most pivotal topics in contemporary German politics. It focuses on the state politics of Baden- Württemberg and deals with one political party, namely the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, which is one of the key actors on the state level. This thesis analyses the period 2011-2021, so it intentionally avoids the Ukrainian refugee crisis as a consequence of Russian aggression. The bachelor's thesis presents basic information about the position of the CDU on asylum policy and provides the historical context of immigration to Germany and specifically to Baden-Württemberg. Afterwards, it analyses the development of the attitude towards the asylum policy of CDU Baden-Württemberg's key personalities chronologically, also analysing the argumentation of their stances, for which primary and secondary sources are used. The primary sources are session protocols from the Landtag of Baden-Württemberg; the secondary sources are regional news articles and several chosen monographs, which serve to provide the thesis with political and social context, which is crucial for a more precise interpretation of CDU Baden-Württemberg politicians. Based on the conducted analysis, one may conclude that the biggest shift in...
Leverage and Influence of the UNHCR Branch Office in the Czech Republic
he focus of the work will be on the analysis of UNHCR's activities in the Czech Republic after the transition of Czechoslovakia to democracy. The situation in the area of constituting an asylum institution in the Czech institutional and legal framework will also be described. The development of migration issues in the Czech Republic will also be taken into account within the process of integration of the Czech Republic into supranational structures in Europe and the importance of this integration for the area of refugees.
Emigration from Czechoslovakia - how to teach about this topic
Lukáčová, Dana ; Murad, Salim (advisor) ; Bravená, Noemi (referee)
The submitted diploma thesis is focused on the life and activities of the Czech-Roman theologian, Catholic priest and pedagogue, Karel Skalický. A man who, to pursue his desire for the priesthood went as far as to illegally cross the state border to get to Austria and to Italy. Therefore, refugees and their inclusion in the issue of international migration have become one of the topics of this work. The history and causes of migration are discussed in a greater context. Last part of the thesis is devoted to selected methods of interactive teaching and material based on them. This material can be used in teaching the 112 topic of refugees in Citizenship classes at the second stage of primary school. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The first, theoretical part, deals with concepts related to refugees and migration. More attention was paid to the plight of refugees after 1948 with greater emphasis on the situation in the church. Furthermore, the work points out the reasons for the escape of emigrants and some personalities who left their homeland. The presented figures and graphs draw attention to the development of emigration, migration losses and show who are asylum seekers in the countries of the European Union. The second, practical part, presents selected teaching methods of some...
Relationship of the Czech Catholic Community to the European Union
Hobzík, Mikuláš ; Mlejnek, Josef (advisor) ; Salamon, Janusz (referee)
The bachelor thesis builds on the academic debate on the relationship between religion and politics and explores the hitherto unexplored attitude of the Czech Catholic milieu towards the European Union, through the prism of views on EU migration policy. Using the method of media discourse analysis, the attitudes of seven prominent figures in the Czech Catholic milieu and their positions on the issue of migration and the related EU response are examined during the migration crisis between 2015 and 2017. The analysed attitudes are categorised as belonging to the established attitudes concerning European integration - Euroscepticism and Euro-optimism. The results show a balanced representation of both trends, with a slight predominance of Euroscepticism. The Czech Catholic milieu thus reflected the divisions within Czech society on several issues related to the EU and migration. Therefore, the religious beliefs of the Catholics surveyed do not represent a unifying factor in political views on the EU and the Czech Catholic environment does not form a coherent ideological stream Keywords The Catholic church; European union; migration crisis; refugees; Czech Catholic milieu
Agenda Setting in the Issue of Refugeedom: Analysis of Connection Between Media Exposure and Perceived salience of the Issue
Michalová, Lea ; Remr, Jiří (advisor) ; Soukup, Petr (referee)
The diploma thesis concerns itself with the analysis of connection between the media exposure to refugeedom topics and the perceived salience of the issue. Combined qualitative and quantitative research designs ruled by QUAN → qual scheme are used in the thesis. In the quantitative part the effect of exposure to refugeedom-related news on the perceived salience of the subject is constructed using TV and newspaper viewing figures while controlling socio- demographic characteristics of respondents. Binary logistic regression was used to find the influence. The analysis shows that the exposure to content concerning immigration and refugees has influenced the rated importance of the issue. However, there are other variables not included in the model which are affecting the salience. The qualitative approach offers insights into the relationship discovered with quantitative methods. In-depth interviews showed people are aware of the media influence mainly regarding topics they are thinking about and discussing with their social surroundings. According to some interviewees this influence is stronger observed in topics where we lack personal experience, like the refugees. Apart from the media other issues like value orientation, life experience, social surroundings or the extent of criticism may have...

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