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Consumer protection in arbitration
Šimeček, Jan ; Zoulík, František (referee) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
Arbitration is generally accepted as extremely fast and efficient way for alternative dispute resolution. But many experts did not consider it an appropriate or even legal instrument for resolution of disputes arising from consumer obligations. Therefore, in my rigorous thesis I analyze existing legal regulation of arbitration in consumer cases in the Czech Republic. I work primarily with the most discussed issues of regulation and their answer of professional public or interpretative judgment of the Supreme Court. Then I provide comparison often very different approaches to different aspects of regulation of arbitration that are included in foreign jurisdictions. Based on these established facts, then I critically assess the proposed legislative changes impacting on the investigated area. This rigorous thesis should include a balanced view of the current legal and factual situation of a Czech arbitration of disputes in consumer contracts. Description of the legislation would not be complete without the considerations de lege ferenda and evaluation of major trends, which would consumer protection in arbitration, could evolve in the future.
Legal status of an arbitrator
Koman, Dalibor ; Růžička, Květoslav (advisor) ; Dobiáš, Petr (referee)
RESUMÉ Legal status of an Arbitrator Arbitration especially in 20th century developed into a fully qualified alternative instead of solving property disputes by means of general Courts. It is necessary to point out that the aspects which differ it from civil process and frequently targets of polemics. Even though the development of the arbitration in the Czech Republic has been considerable in the last decade and both general Courts and Constitution Court has responded with sufficient intensity, there are still some areas of unstable arbitration. Arbitration comes with considerable amount of advantages in comparison with general Courts, but also it brings some topics which are often criticized. That is often caused by a specific point of view not regarding every aspect. In arbitration there is a possibility to influence composition of arbitrary forum, which is a typical example of problems coming from different adaptations. This adaptation is absolutely different from the one of trials, where on the contrary there is the rule of regular judge, which is warranted by exact definition of the matter, place and function. In arbitration both parties to a contract are allowed to choose an arbitrator regarding his qualification, specialization, professional skills and reputation which is an advantage for the...
Arbitration proceedings as a means of dispute resolution in international law with regard to the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards
Petr, David ; Balaš, Vladimír (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
Arbitration proceedings as a means of dispute resolution in international law with regard to the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards Resumé Arbitration as a method of settlement of disputes settlement has enjoyed growing popularity in recent several years. Arbitration stands between other alternative means of dispute settlement and the common court trial as a alternative dispute resolution. Although negotiation, good offices, mediation, conciliation, inquiry, mini-trial, medarb or meadaloa are often used forms of the dispute settlement their awards cannot be enforced by the state authority. Those means are popular mainly in the business field where the parties are interested in the cooperation and where they aim to clear up some misunderstanding or technical problems rather than solve major disputes between them. While the dispute should be solved by the binding way the parties would choose the arbitration as a legally framed procedure. Arbitral awards are then able to be enforced and the parties also have more exact boundaries for the whole procedure. However, there is no unified definition of the arbitration, it could be described as a legal technique where the parties bring claim before one or more neutral persons (arbiters or arbitral tribunal) by whose award the parties agree to be...
Arbitration in the Czech Republic
Grivalská, Andrea ; Smolík, Petr (advisor) ; Winterová, Alena (referee)
Resumé The theme of this thesis is Arbitration in the Czech Republic. I focus on the current regulation contained in the Act No. 216/1994 Coll., on arbitration and enforcement of arbitral awards. Arbitration is one of alternative dispute resolutions for and for which is typical extrajudicial proceeding with exclusion of the judicial authority. However is the subject of this thesis extensive and not all aspect of arbitration can be embraced; my goal is to try to give a complete look into arbitrations, which has become more often used method of resolution of property disputes. This thesis is divided into twelve main chapters, which are then systematically subdivided. The first chapter of these theses will try to define a term, types and a concept of arbitration in the Czech Republic with regard to the theoretical (contractual, jurisdictional, mixed and autonomous) doctrines. The second main chapter is dedicated to arbitrational agreement. I try to recognize two basic types of it, arbitration clause which is closed in the cases of any disputes from legal relationship between parties arising in the future and post- dispute arbitration agreement, which is, on the other hand, closed about disputes which have already arisen. Then I focus on the fundamental terms of the arbitration agreement, form of arbitration...
Arbitration clauses in consumer contracts and protection of consumer in arbitration
Vošvrda, Jiří ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
The text deals with some fundamental issues concerning arbitration clauses in consumer contracts and protection of consumers during arbitration proceedings. The purpuse of the thesis is to analyse current regulation of this field in the Czech Republic and evaluate changes brought about by amendment of Act No. 216/1994 Coll., on Arbitration and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, which have come into force on 1st April 2012. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One is rather general and characterises major institutes of arbitration (with regard to disputes arising out of consumer contracts). Its eleven parts report on definition of arbitration and its forms, its inclusion among ADR mechanisms, reflections on suitability of arbitration in consumer disputes, its history and recent development, legal sources, basic principles, advantages and disadvantages in consumer disputes, main doctrines and fundamental conditions for arbitration (arbitrability and arbitration agreement). Chapter Two focuses on so-called "arbitration centres". The chapter consists of for parts. Part One describes their legal status. Part Two refers to recent discussions about admissibility of arbitration clauses recommended by centres. The next part seeks to draw attention to critical views of case law mentioned in the previous...
Challenge of an Arbitrator in International Arbitration
Čech, Ondřej ; Balaš, Vladimír (advisor) ; Pauknerová, Monika (referee)
in English In the past several decades, arbitration has become very popular method of settlement of international business disputes. One of the key factors behind this success is the possibility to choose the arbitrator. Nevertheless, the right of a party to select an arbitrator is subject to limitations as it may clash with some basic legal maxims such as the right to a fair trial. The specific definition of the right to a fair trial varies from one jurisdiction to another, but its essentials remain the same. In the context of selection of arbitrators, the right to a fair trial manifests itself in a form of the principle that all arbitrators must be and remain independent and impartial. That means that a person deciding a dispute must not be influenced by matters outside of the proceedings which would result in a bias towards or against either of the parties. In order to achieve this, rules applicable to arbitration contain a pro cedure to remove an arbitrator who fails to meet these requirements from the tribunal. One of the types of bias which impairs impartiality of an arbitrator is the so-called "issue conflict." This term refers to a relationship between an arbitrator and the subject matter of a case with a potential to cause prejudgment on certain issues. Various authorities, however,...
International commercial arbitration
Řezníček, David ; Růžička, Květoslav (advisor) ; Dobiáš, Petr (referee)
The subject of this thesis is International Commercial Arbitration. The purpose of the thesis is to describe the fields of arbitration in international trade, especially the status of arbitration in international trade, qualifications of the arbitrators, the arbitration clause and the course of international arbitration. Further, this thesis concentrates on questions relating applicable law in international commercial arbitration, the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards - the "New York" Convention and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.
Arbitration procedure within international business transactions
Tylš, Jan ; Růžička, Květoslav (advisor) ; Brodec, Jan (referee)
This thesis discusses the fundamental issues of arbitration in international trade. The aim of the paper is to explain the basic aspects of international arbitration, which constitute reason for choosing this method of dispute resolution, and further evaluate whether development of arbitration as such may cause international traders to reconsider arbitration as primary dispute resolution method. The structure of this thesis consists of an introduction, nine chapters and a conclusion. I determine thesis dissertation in the introduction, followed by the first chapter, where the reader is briefly acquainted with the history of arbitration and international commercial arbitration. In the second chapter dispute resolution methods in general are defined. The third chapter is devoted to alternative dispute resolution methods, their advantages and disadvantages and I further describe certain types of ADR. In the fourth chapter, arbitration is explained together with its basic attributes, theoretical concepts of arbitration and definition of international and domestic arbitration. At the end of the chapter legal sources of arbitration are listed. The fifth chapter describes the arbitration agreement as a precondition for arbitration; conditions for the validity of arbitration agreements are further defined as well...
Institutional international commercial arbitration
Řezníček, David ; Růžička, Květoslav (advisor) ; Kunz, Oto (referee) ; Ondřej, Jan (referee)
The subject of this thesis is Institutional International Commercial Arbitration. This thesis describes the fields of arbitration in international trade, especially the status of arbitration in international trade, qualifications of the arbitrators, the arbitration clause and the course of international arbitration. They are included changes to the Arbitration Rules of the major international arbitral institutions. Further, this thesis concentrates on questions relating applicable law in international commercial arbitration, the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards - the "New York" Convention and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.
Modes of extrajudicial resolution
Vančurová, Kateřina ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
56 Abstract The purpose of this work is to introduce the concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution as a full alternative to civil judicial proceedings. Emphasis is placed on the utilization of the alternative procedures in the Czech legal environment and on contemporary Czech legislation as well as its possible future development. The thesis was elaborated using primarily domestic professional literature, while a significant portion of the resources was represented by legal enactments including the relevant legislative history. This thesis only deals with foreign approaches to Alternative Dispute Resolution marginally, which is reflected in the choice of resources - foreign resources have been used to a very limited extent. Following the initial overview of the topic and the introduction of the author's relationship to the concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution, this thesis presents the theoretical classification of these methods and collectively enumerates the legal regulations pertaining thereto. This is followed by an elaboration on the most frequently used forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution, namely mediation at first and arbitration second. For each of the named forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution, the thesis describes the differentiating characteristics of each method, the process of the...

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