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Verbal aggressiveness in discussion on the webside
This thesis deals with verbal aggressiveness in internet discussions on the website It researches the course of communication between the participants of the discussions and it analyses their contribution from the stylistic and lexical point of view. The aim of this thesis is to find out in what manner the aggressiveness is expressed, what language devices the speakers use and where the aggressive behaviour and expressions occur most often. The study attempts to determine the reasons for this demeanour and whether it could be prevented. In its first part, the paper analyses internet discussions as a type of a communication process, studies its character and its relation to other kinds of communication. In its second part, it explores specific language devices that can be found in the discussions. The material used for the analysis is derived from the reporting section on the website
Manifestations of aggression in children attending the first stage of elementary school
The topic of the bachelor thesis is: Manifestations and causes in children attending primary school. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the issue of aggression, the causes and manifestations supporting aggressive behavior. The theoretical part focuses on the notion of aggression and aggression, quotes the theory of aggression, deals with the causes and manifestations of aggression. It also describes the characteristics of children living in the early school age. The practical part uses quantitative research and a questionnaire survey to examine how and research into how pupils perceive and work with aggression in the classroom. Hypothetical statements are verified and evaluated. The final part ends with a discussion and a summary.
Chicane and Healthy Lifestyle
In my bachelor thesis I deal with connections between aggressivity, which can turn up at school and healthy lifestyle of children. In my theoretical chapter I engage in problems of school´s chicane. Its expressions reasons, developmental points etc. Otherwise I engage in personality parameter of aggressors and how should be people proceed with this children. I touch term of health, its determinants and then I write about components, which can lower some expressions of children´s aggressivity from point of view healthy lifestyle. For example, some physical education, yoga, vegetarianism etc. In the last of my theoretical chapter I engage in some Project {\clqq}School, which supports health``. There are some information about its targets, tasks etc. I engage in a new object at schools {\clqq}Health education``. My practical chapter includes some questionnaire owing to I want to trace some knowledge of students about chicane. If they meet with this problem in their life. On the other side, if some student was victim of chicane behaviour. I put some question, what are the reasons of aggressive behaviour of children, who visit some Primary school. Questionnaire was give out at Primary school in Jindřichův Hradec and at Primary school at České Budějovice. I want to find out some differences between school in České Budějovice and Jindřichův Hradec. Results were, that some students at Primary school have some knowledge about chicane. Some of these were victim of chicane. Aggressives students were not punish for their aggressive behaviour. From questionnaire we can read, that differences between school in České Budějovice a Jindřichův Hradec are not humungous.
Diversity of Neofabraea species causing bull's eye rot in the Czech Republic
Pešicová, Kamila ; Novotný, David (advisor) ; Mazáková, Jana (referee)
Neofabraea is a genus of an important plant pathogenic fungi having worldwide appearance. Four Neofabraea species are responsible for bull's eye rot of pome fruits. The aim of this thesis was to investigate which of these species occur in the Czech Republic. 81 isolates were collected during a two- year period and they were identified using PCR fingerprinting (primers ERIC 1R and M13-core) and DNA sequencing (ITS, mtSSU and tub2). The results showed that species N. alba, N. perennans and Cryptosporiopsis kienholzii occur in the Czech Republic. According to available information, this is the second record of C. kienholzii in Europe. One isolate (KP4) failed to be identified as any of the species. KP4 is very close to C. kienholzii, but it can be distinguished both biologically and genetically. Furthermore, the aggressiveness of individual species was compared.N. perennans and strain KP4 proved to be most aggressive, the least aggressive is C. kienholzii. Two N. alba strains (KP36 and KP37) isolated from healthy apple fruit and leaf are pathogenic for apple fruits. Keywords: aggressiveness, Cryptosporiopsis kienholzii, Dermateaceae, Helotiales, apple tree, Malus, PCR fingerprinting, postharvest diseases Powered by TCPDF (
A traffic flow with a bottelneck
Kovařík, Adam ; Janovský, Vladimír (advisor) ; Vejchodský, Tomáš (referee)
Title: A traffic flow with a bottelneck Author: Adam Kovařík Department: Department of Numerical Mathematics Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Vladimír Janovský, DrSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract: In this paper we study a microscopic follow-the-leader traffic model on a circu- lar road with a bottleneck. We assume that all drivers are identical and overtaking is not permitted. We sketch a small part of the rich dynamics of the model including Hopf and Neimark-Sacker bifurcations. We introduce so called POM and quasi-POM solutions and an algorithm how to search them. The main goal of this work is to investigate how the optimal velocity model with a bottleneck deals with so called aggressive behavior of dri- vers. The effect of variable reaction time and a combination of both named factors is also tested. Using numerical simulations we'll find out that aggressiveness and faster reactions have positive effect on traffic flow. In the end we discuss models with two bottlenecks and with one extraordinary driver. Keywords: dynamical systems, ODEs, traffic flow, bottleneck, aggressiveness. 1
Influence of Computer Games on Aggressive Behaviour of the Pupils of the Older School Age
Zavadilová, Petra ; Kučírek, Jiří (advisor) ; Hanušová, Jaroslava (referee)
The diploma work focuses on a topic which is often discussed in the Czech Republic as well as worldwide. The topic in question is the influence of computer games with elements of aggression and violence on aggressive behaviour of teenagers. The work consists of two parts - a theoretical and an empirical one. The theoretical part has four chapters dealing with theoretical knowledge on the subject. In the empirical part the qualitative research strategy was used - questionnaire method and semi structured interview. The research sample consisted of five pupils from the 9th grade of an elementary school. The main aim of the diploma work will be to establish the subjective perception of the influence of computer games with elements of aggression and violence on aggressive behaviour of pupils of older school age. The secondary aim will be establishing the attitudes of the pupils of older school age to violent and aggressive scenes in computer games and mapping the intrusion of computer games into everyday life of pupils from the point of view of computer games preferences and the time they spend playing computer games during the day. Qualitative research showed that four out of five respondents really subjectively feel that computer games with elements of violence and aggression strengthen their...
Perception of Violence against Different Age Groups of Children at Primary Schools and Eight-year Grammar School
Havelková, Šárka ; Procházková, Jana (advisor) ; Sotáková, Hana (referee)
1. ABSTRACT § Key words: violence, conflict, aggression, cruelty, abuse, neglect, bullying, the perpetrator, the victim, children, adults, seniors, self-harm, suicide In this thesis I would like to focus on how children define violence, what violence includes, how to represent both the offender and victim, what is the difference in the perception of violence against various age groups and how to prevent possible violence. The theoretical part is firstly devoted to the notion of violence or similar terms synonymous to this and to explain them according to Czech and foreign authors. I have then proceeded to topics such as violence against children, adults and seniors, self-harm, suicide and the consequences of violence. In the practical section, I examined the perception of violence among students in primary school compared with students of the same age at a grammar school. I focused on the students of class sixth / ninth grade and first and fourth year of an eight-year grammar school). The survey was not only carried out in schools in the capital city but also in a smaller town.
Bullying in the lower grades of Elementary school
Švecová, Lucie ; Stará, Jana (advisor) ; Krčmářová, Tereza (referee)
The thesis deals with the issue of bullying at the primary level of the elementary schools from the point of view of the experienced teachers that have encountered this kind of situations in their practice. The thesis consists of a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part brings latest news from the foreign and local bibliography. It describes causes, forms, participants of bullying, and there is a comparison of different kinds of solutions. Last but not least it proposes a wide range of preventive methods. The practical part is based on case studies of the interventions of bullying in the primary school which are realized through semi-structured interviews with five teachers from different countries with different backgrounds who dealt with bullying in their practise. The results present different techniques which involved people in the intervention use to efectively solve the cases and on the other hand what slows the proces of healing down and how to overcome these obstacles. Which steps were done in the classroom and which methods of prevention teachers use. This paper includes a discussion about the difference of dealing with bullying in Czech and foreign schools. KEYWORDS bullying among children, primary school, aggression, victim, aggressor, teacher's experience, diagnostics,...

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