National Repository of Grey Literature 111 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Just War Theory and Humanitarian Intervention: Case of Kosovo
Šolc, Martin ; Kučera, Jan (advisor) ; Střítecký, Vít (referee)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to assess the NATO military intervention in Kosovo from the spring 1999 in terms of international law and - first of all - the western just war theory. The thesis first focuses on the genesis of just war theory in the political philosophy of european Antiquity, Middle Ages and early Modern Age, which provides better understanding of the meaning of certain conditions which are necessary to fulfill in order to use force legitimately. The thesis further comes to conclusion that humanitarian intervention forms a legitimate part of contemporary just war theory. The theoretical part of thesis ends with definition of necessary and auxiliary just war criteria applicable to humanitarian intervention; there is also described the regulation of the use of force in international law. The thesis then proceeds to proper case study. After the history of conflict is briefly addressed, international law norms and just war criteria are applied to the NATO military intervention. The thesis concludes that the intervention was illegal: the conditions set by the UN Charter were not met nor was there to be found any customary norm which would provide the action of Alliance with a legal basis. On the other hand, the intervention proved to be legitimate in terms of just war theory: all of...
Normative power as a Source of EU Peacebuilding: Diffusion of Normative Power Europe in the Western Balkans
Petrlová, Eva ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee)
This thesis aims to interconnect a theory of normative power Europe with the activities of the EU and its affect on the Western Balkans. The theoretical concept of normative power is based on the assumption of the EU as a normative actor who is able through its norms, values and principles to become a major civilian actor in international relations, especially in the area of conflict management. The theoretical part of the paper therefore focuses on the concept of normative power EU (NPE) as it is presented by Ian Manners, and how its normative character is reflected in the common security and defense policy. It is analysed how the NPE is diffused in selected countries of the Western Balkans through four chosen transfer mechanisms by Manners that comprise the operationalization of the thesis at the same time. Therefore the aim of this work is to contribute to the further broadening the debate over the EU's role in the international system, but also to find out how the norms and values are transmitted in selected countries of the near neighborhood - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Kosovo. All of this with regard to democracy, human and minority rights, peaceful settlement of disputes, good governance etc., which encompass the basic values of the EU. The selected operationalization has allowed...
Impact of Serbia-Kosovo relations on the accession of Serbia to the EU
Stuchlík, Petr ; Knutelská, Viera (advisor) ; Riegl, Martin (referee)
The bachelor thesis is concerned with the use of political conditionality in the EU accession negotiations with Serbia. The work focuses on the topic of Impact of Serbia-Kosovo relations on the accession of Serbia to the EU by a case study. The European Union uses its influence on Serbia to normalize relations between Serbia and Kosovo. The European Union attaches great importance to the stabilization of relations in the Western Balkans region and proves it in this theme. European Union has become moderator of the normalization of these relations, which seeks to influence Serbia's decisions by incentives and achieve the normalization of relations between these countries. A relations between Serbia and Kosovo, which has been part of it by 2008, were complicated for a long- time. The deterioration of these relationships, however, occurred after the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo. The aim of this study is to analyze the behaviour of Serbia in the process of normalization of these relations and to evaluate the influence of the European Union on this process. The thesis uses theory of international socialization and assesses which model of this theory is the most appropriate for this case. The work evaluates the whole process of normalization and answers set out questions in the...
From defense alliance to security management: neoliberal institutionalism and NATO's transformation
Suchardová, Hana ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bureš, Oldřich (referee)
Changing environment of international relations, changing conflicts character, and new threats and risks influence North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its role in international system. Clear structure of international system ended with end of bipolar division of Cold War. Unclear political equilibrium brought the question of future of NATO. Political concept that was used during Cold war was not sufficient and the Alliance stated again in front of transformation needs. Also during the Cold War the role of national security had been changing. Subject of this research is character of transformation of NATO and its adherence to theoretical premises of neoliberal institutionalism. International institutions are often subject of research in international relations. This thesis reacts on the deficiency of interest about changes and survival of institutions in literature. The thesis works with the theory of Robert O. Keohane that is rooted in the end of the Cold War but has been modified by further author's works. After basic analysis three variables were identified. These are three transformation areas - institutional development, and mission conduct. On the base of theoretical approach analysis three independent variables were added. These were - level of institutionalization, character of...
Procházka, Tomáš ; Končelík, Jakub (advisor) ; Křeček, Jan (referee)
In 2007 the international community started to establish the political status of Kosovo, the Serbian province, inhabited mostly by the Muslim Albanian majority. In February 2008 Kosovo declared independence. What happened in the so-called "last media battle for Kosovo"? This thesis, called Representations of Serbs and Albanians in the Czech press during the proces of declaring independence of Kosovo, investigates discourses of two Czech newspapers and their coverage of the events between February 2007 and June 2008 when the Kosovo Constitution came in force. This thesis use both quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The analysis of recontextualization shows that the newspapers reproduce the dominant Serbian nationalism that focuses on the myth of a Greater Serbia.By an appropriation of different discourses, the dominant Serbian nationalism becomes legitimized and justified. In particular, the newspapers reproduce distinctive religious discourses from the political past, and furthermore, they borrow the so-called European,"war on terrorism" and "crime" discourses from the international mainstream public spheres and appropriate them to the contemporary political context. They borrow the so-called "modern Munich betrayal" and the Czech-Serbian kinship too. Generally, the newspapers reappropriate...
The problematics of Kosovo and Crimea from International Law point of view
Fejfar, Jakub ; Romancov, Michael (advisor) ; Landovský, Jakub (referee)
The thesis deals with the international legal aspects of secession and the right to self-determination of nations. This issue will be presented in more detail on the cases of Kosovo and the Crimea. The aim of the thesis is to clarify the problems of Kosovo and the Crimea using the terminology of international law. In this paper, we will try to find answers to two research questions and whether it is possible to apply the conclusions of the MSD opinion on the independence of Kosovo in the case of the Crimea? Furthermore, whether there has been a violation of international law by the Russian authorities in the Crimea? The thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first are used the concepts of international law. In the second chapter, the notion of Art Nouveau and the development of the principle of the right to self-determination are theoretically defined in their present form. The third chapter is then focused on Kosovo. The greatest attention will be paid to the declaration of independence in 2008 and, in particular, to that of the International Court of Justice in 2010. In the fourth chapter, we will focus on the international legal issues of the events in the Crimea. The key part will be the assessment of the consequences of the declaration of the independence of the Crimea and its subsequent...
Economic and trade issues as factors affecting the stability of an independent Kosovo
Šujanová, Lucie ; Pikal, Kamil (advisor) ; Tejchman, Miroslav (referee)
The paper examines the influence of economy and trade on the stability of an independent Kosovo. It tracked the evolution of these areas since the end of the Kosovo war to the present. Based on the analysis identified the causes consequences of the current economic situation in Kosovo. The text also includes other factors that adversely affect the functioning of an independent state. Alarming unemployment, the effects of organized crime and poor relations with Serbia are problems that hinder economic development of the newly independent state. The basis of the paper is an application of the Kosovo case for Rostow's theory of economic development. The text includes several areas of development of Kosovo, in order to verify the economic theory as exact. The thesis also examines and evaluates what stage of development in Kosovo according to the theory is and how can this new state will evolve. With this findings includes suggestions that Kosovo could be directed at further progress.
The role of international organisations in forming of Kosovo police
Perglová, Zdeňka ; Šístek, František (advisor) ; Žíla, Ondřej (referee)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the reform of Kosovo police after 1999 and the role of international organizations NATO, UN, OSCE and EU, and their missions KFOR, UNMIK, OMiK and EULEX in this reform. The paper is divided into three parts - the first one explains the background of presence of UNMIK, EULEX and OMiK missions, and KFOR units in Kosovo. The second part is dedicated to the experience that UN, EU and OSCE have with police work and reform in hosting states. In the third part, the paper explores the actual reform of Kosovo's police force. It looks at the creation of Kosovo police school, cooperation of international organizations and transfer of responsibility between the analysed subjects. In closing the paper identifies the main problems which accompany the reform of Kosovo police, and answers questions about whether it established sufficient ethnical diversity in Kosovo police staff and which issues, if any, can be seen in the way that responsibilities were transferred.
International legal recognition of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo
Skala, Jakub ; Tejchman, Miroslav (advisor) ; Šindelář, Jan (referee)
This seminar paper addresses the issue of international recognition of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. The work is based on the application of pre-defined criteria of statehood on specific cases and their comparison. The result is confirmation of the hypothesis that neither of these states do not meet the requirements for recognition of statehood under international law. The seminar paper with the benefit of hindsight validates previous findings and summarizes the abnormal development of the Balkan Peninsula and it stimulates further research in the future.
The European Union and the adoption of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Kosovo: the role of material interests and shared ideas
Procházka, Karel ; Karlas, Jan (advisor) ; Kučerová, Irah (referee)
The thesis seeks to examine the underlying motivations behind the conclusion of the Stability and Association Agreement between European Union and Kosovo on the 27th of October 2015. To determine the role of material interests and shared ideas in the process of concluding the SAA the thesis discusses and applies rationalism and constructivism, both grand theories of international relations. To test the theories and their respective hypotheses identifying the role of the relevant concepts, the research employs a single case study method, using a congruence analysis approach. In conclusion, through the rationalist lens within the perspective of the EU, the thesis confirms the existence of material interest in the conclusion of the SAA, representing security, power and economic gains. To complement the analysis via a constructivist lens within the perspective of Kosovo, the thesis solely implies a limited role of identity and norms while it points out that such constructivist concepts rather impeded the reaching of the SAA, veiling the actual role of material interest.

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