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Neo-Ottomanism and its impact on Türkiye's international relations: The case of Libya
Zeman, Michael David ; Weiss, Tomáš (advisor) ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (referee)
This thesis analyzes how Neo-Ottomanism influences Türkiye's foreign policy in its approach towards Libya. It seeks to assess whether a clear pattern of the new Turkish political doctrine of Neo-Ottomanism can be observed in Türkiye's engagement in Libya, or whether this engagement does not carry any features that illustrate a transformation of foreign policy concepts. This link is examined in the period from the Arab Spring and the fall of the Gaddafi regime to the end of the Türkiye's intervention in 2020. The first part of the paper defines the terms Kemalism and Neo- Ottomanism through a reflection on the academic debate. Based on this debate, key aspects of the latter doctrine are then identified, including: panturkism mixed with pan-Islamism, an emphasis on religion and Ottoman heritage, its own independent soft/hard power diplomacy, aggressive regional politics and a multidimensional approach in foreign policy. The second part describes how its ideas entered Türkiye's political discourse and places Türkiye's-Libyan relations in a broader historical context. The third part examines these aspects through the example of Ankara's actions in Libya and towards other countries involved in its internal affairs. The findings show that Türkiye's interventions in that country can be interpreted as...
Ohrožení potravinové bezpečnosti vybraných zemí Afriky a Blízkého východu vlivem válečného konfliktu na Ukrajině
Holzerová, Valentýna
The aim of the thesis was to determine the impact of the war conflict in Ukraine on the export of wheat and maize from Ukraine to selected countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Lebanon and Libya were chosen to handle the impact of the said conflict due to their heavy dependence on Ukrainian wheat and maize imports. The literature review focuses on the stability of food access, specifically the impact of war conflicts on food security, including the historical context. The results of the paper include Ukraine's position within world agricultural markets. Total agricultural production and exports of wheat, maize and other crops from Ukraine to selected countries for the period 2010-2020 were investigated. The evolution of wheat and maize exports since the beginning of the war in Ukraine was also tracked. The selected countries were then surveyed on the reasons for their own insufficient agricultural production and why they are so dependent on grain imports. Based on the collected data and food security indicators, the impacts of the war in Ukraine were investigated. For selected countries, the consumption of wheat and maize for both human consumption and feed purposes was surveyed.With the closure of Black Sea ports since the start of the war and the significant reduction in grain exports from Ukraine, both Lebanon and Libya have faced sharp price increases and reduced imports of grain and oilseeds from Ukraine. For both Lebanon and Libya, wheat is a staple agricultural crop that provides a regular source of food. Maize is also a widely imported commodity that is used as livestock feed rather than for human consumption. Lebanon is more vulnerable to reduced wheat imports, while Libya is vulnerable to reduced maize imports.Both countries are highly dependent on cereal imports, and in addition, the countries face a number of challenges that already threaten their food security. The thesis also compares which of the selected countries has been more impacted by the war and why.
Italian Foreign Policy towards Libya in the Context of Externalization of Migration Control
Přeček, Marek ; Mejstřík, Martin (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
Since approximately the 1990s, the countries of southern Europe have been developing a policy of so-called externalization or transferring responsibility for immigration and asylum procedures and obligations to other countries, in response to the growing waves of immigration. Since the beginning of the century, Italy and Libya have been developing various forms of this cooperation, with dynamic changes based on the internal political situation in both countries. This thesis examines the development of the given policy on the part of Italy after what is probably the biggest qualitative shift in mutual relations, i.e. after the events of the Arab Spring and the change of the Libyan regime. The aim is therefore to analyze the nature and development of the conception of Italian foreign policy towards Libya in the area of migration, from the position of the executive leaders of this policy, i.e. the prime ministers and the ministers of the interior and foreign affairs of the governments of Matteo Renzi, Paolo Gentiloni and Giuseppe Conte (2014-2019). The research question therefore deals with whether the selected Italian governments have continuity in their conception of migration policy with the previous cabinets in the line of securitization and externalization of migration, and we can therefore talk...
Deployment and proliferation of Turkish UAVs and their impact on regional balance of power
Kocáková, Lenka ; Solovyeva, Anzhelika (advisor) ; Hynek, Nikola (referee)
This diploma thesis is focused on discussing Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) deployments in Libyan and Syrian conflicts in 2019 and 2020 respectively, and their implications on regional balance of power. Theoretical framework is based on the balance of power theory, and more specifically on the concept of regional balance of power which is concerned with more nuanced dynamics that occur on a regional level. The concept is then applied to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, where Turkey is the main case study of this paper, and its involvement in Libya and Syria makes both countries the sub- case studies. The development of UAVs, their categorization, some technical aspects, and their brief history, showing how Turkey emerged as an important producer is also discussed. The findings of this study show a significance of Turkey's participation in both conflicts and the deployment of its own UAVs in Libya and Syria, among other factors, which resulted in Turkey achieving its objectives and shaping the outcomes of both conflicts. Consequently, the thesis suggests that Turkey indeed plays a key role in defining the dynamics in the MENA region.
Blockages to peace in Libya: The role of post-conflict Security Sector Reform
Magouri, Shahd Omar A ; Visoka, Gëzim (advisor) ; Anceschi, Luca (referee)
This thesis focuses on the evolution of the Libyan security sector after the 2011 uprising. Building on the theoretical frameworks of statebuilding and post-conflict peacebuilding, this research examines the structure of the Libyan security sector under the Gaddafi regime, to assist in contextualising the unique nature of the institutions, and to understand the changes that occurred after the 2011 uprising. This background context assists with evaluating to what extent did the security sector evolve, and how did the lack of successful reform hinder the UN-led peace process. This research places its focus on the timeframe between 2011 to 2019, using a qualitative method of research. It aims at understanding the impact of the security sector on the Libyan peace process in terms of its contribution to insecurity, and the significance and relevance of having a successful implementation of SSR and DDR, due to the ongoing security fragmentation and state failure. This research finds that the security sector reform initiatives committed by international actors were unsuccessful due to several factors, including the evacuation of personnel due to deteriorating security conditions, and the exclusion of key actors from negotiations. Furthermore, initiatives at security sector reform by Libyan actors were...
The Link between Foreign Interventions in Oil-Exporting States and Maintaining the Petrodollar Hegemony: A Plausibility Probe of the Libyan Intervention
Kruyshaar, Claire ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Aslan, Emil (referee)
03 May 2022 64360058 Charles University MISS - Thesis Abstract English Claire Kruyshaar Abstract This thesis examines the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's (NATO) military intervention in Libya during the Arab Spring revolution in 2011. Using a plausibility probe of the Libyan case study it seeks to uncover the likelihood that the intervention was linked to a threat to the petrodollar hegemony. Although it examines four of the main NATO intervenors, the focus is on the relationship between Libya and the United States. It is significant to uncover the intentions behind interventions to inform policy for future interventions and add to the scarce academic literature on the intervention-petrodollar link. The main narrative of the Libyan intervention was that of humanitarianism under the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine. However, with evidence from Wikileaks, reports, government records as well as journal articles, this thesis questions this narrative. The research did not find substantial evidence linking the intervention to the petrodollar system. However, it does propose that strategic interests rivalled the humanitarian motivation.
Coverage of mauammar gaddafi's death in selected czech and foreign daily newspapers
Moravcová, Ivana ; Láb, Filip (advisor) ; Teplá, Jana (referee)
The Bachelor thesis "Coverage of Muammar Gaddadi's Death In Selected Czech and Foreign Daily Newspapers" deals with the complex issue of the ethics of depiction of death in newspapers. The aim of this thesis is to compare the ways in which different Czech and foreign daily newspapers covered the death of the Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in October 2011. The theoretical part aims to explain the importance of news values, which are important factors in defining news in media, as well as it describes the ways in which death or suffering is illustrated in photography, what effects those photographs can have on the readers, why media publish such images and what are the rules for publication of pictures concerning suffering in the codes of individual media. In the second part, visual material of five Czech and five foreign media is analysed, using he content analysis for pictures related to Gaddafi's death. Selected Czech newspapers are Mladá fronta DNES, Lidové noviny, Hospodářské noviny, Právo, Pražský deník; selected foreign newspapers are USA Today, Financial Times, Le Monde, Frankurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutche Zeitung. Each case is described in detail, the most important findings are then summed up in the conclusion.
The Role of the Civil Society in the Transformation of the North African States
Jiránková, Adéla ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee) ; Kučera, Tomáš (referee)
The rigorous thesis focuses on the role of the Civil Society in the processes of transition to democracy as a part of the possible democratization wave in the Middle East also know as the Arab Spring. For the purposes of the thesis the author examines three case studies of countries with the successful revolutions - Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia and two countries, where the revolutions were not successful - Morocco and Algeria. Using the method of process-tracing with focus on the path-dependency it traces the changes in the dynamics of the Civil Society in the pre-revolutionary period, concretely during Mubarak's regime in Tunisia, Qaddafi's rule in Libya, Ben Ali's regime in Tunisia, reign of the king Muhammad VI. in Morocco, and Bouteflika's regime in Algeria through the revolutions to the post-revolutionary period. Moreover, the main assumption is that the initial non-democratic regimes have been significantly influencing the transformation process of all three countries and this also applies to the Civil Society as such. The Civil Society, in this thesis, is based on two paradigms. The first is based on the liberal modernization framework and the second is connected with stagnation and socio-economic deprivation. This unique combination contributed to the transformation of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco,...
Democracy or Stability in the Maghreb? : Security Policy of the EU towards the Region between 2005 and 2010
Holík, Jiří ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Střítecký, Vít (referee)
This PhDr. thesis analyses the EU security policy towards the Maghreb between 2005 and 2010. It does so in order to ascertain to what extent the level of practical policy corresponds with the level of declarations. Also, by using the promotion of democratic governance in the Maghreb countries under the ENP as s case study, the thesis means to challenge the proposition that European Union can be described as a 'Normative Power'. First chapter briefly presents the concept of 'Normative Power Europe'. Following section looks at the European Security Strategy and localizes the primary position of the goal of democracy promotion in the document. Third part gives an overview of the European policy towards the Mediterranean under which EU relations with the Maghreb have been framed. Most attention is paid to the European Neighbourhood Policy. Next chapter examines the level of practical EU policy. It consists of three separate case studies of European policy towards Tunisia, Morocco and Libya between 2005 and 2010. The fifth and final part qualitatively analyses the way four factors (trade, energy, migration and terrorism) contributed to the structuring of relations of Tunisia, Morocco and Libya with Spain, France and Italy. The thesis arrives at the conclusion that while at the declaratory level the EU...

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