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Memory and memories of World War II in Czech lands. The war memoirs of the Czechoslovak soldiers from second external resistance
Mücke, Pavel ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor) ; Vaněk, Miroslav (referee) ; Gebhart, Jan (referee)
The author of this master thesis tries to capture severa! moments of life stories of Czechoslovak soldiers and their so called war memoires (e.g. private war diaries and written memoirs, novels, poetry, interviews) bom during and after the Second World War. In the first part of dissertation is conceming e.g. these key questions: Why did the soldiers give testimony? How they did it? In what kind of written form they made it? Why those days seemed so cruel to them? How these testimonies were used by media and historians and how did they play a role in the process of fromning collective memory in Czech Lands. Examining these sources, author tried to answer for these questions. Important goal of dissertation is to demonstrate, how memoirs was perceived throughout centuries, since the ancient ages to the present and what forms were continiously developed. In the second part, us ing transformed concept of "realms of memory" (P. Nora) and "memory frames" (M. Halbwachs), author tries to demonstrate how these sources yould be used in reserahc of memory and every day life of Czechoslovak soldiers in qualitative way. To get an inspiration, the attention was tumed to methodological literature from social and human sciences in wide range escecially from abroad because Czech historiography does not reflect this topic...
JUDr. Vlastimil Klíma on the trial with the so-called Green international
Ulm, Karel ; Kvaček, Robert (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
In years 1948 - 1954 political trials to ok place in Czechoslovakia. Between April 23 - 26 the judgment-seat of the National court in Prague held the trial of the so-called Green Intemational. The defendants were accused of participation at the Green Intemational. They were meant as disorganizers who appealed the village rich people and former farmers and were going to harm to the socialism of the countryside, to brake the work of the state agricultural syndicates. On the politicallevel the Green Intemational should have repressed the People's democratic order in Czechoslovakia, taken the power in the state by the former "people's" parties, should have helped the retum of capitalism and tum the country into "fascistic agricultural colony of the United States of America" in frame of the so-called "Central European agricultural federation" supported by the U.S. This should have been achieved by Americans provocated world war that would have been supported from inside the state in frame ofthe former people's parties so from the exile. AH defendants were found guilty. Punishments were from death to in prison for life and to 25 years in prison. Vlastimil Klíma was sentenced to life in prison. After nine years spent in the communist jails he was released after the state amnesty in 1960. JUDr. Vlastimil Klíma was...
The jurist and politician JuDr. František Veselý (1863-1935)
Brejcha, Miroslav ; Čechurová, Jana (referee) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee)
Mr. Frantisek Vesely was born on 18th of September 1863 in Jicin. He was the Jicin confectioner's first - born son and his mother origin was in the burgess family the Kraciks from Jicin. Frantisek's mother died in the year 1865. His father got married for the second time in same year. The father's confectionery did not prosper any more and that is why he left his second wife and their children and moved to Prague in 1873. Frantisek's grandmother from his mother side, who had a small business in Jicin, started to look after the little boy. After finishing the basic school Frantisek Vesely started to attend the grammar school in Jicin. He finished this study by leaving examination in the year 1881. That time secondary school director was Mr. Frantisek Lepar and the boy made friends with his two sons Vladislav and Zdenek. Frantisek used to give extra lessons to a younger student from grammar school Englbert Erben and he engaged with his sister Milada. In the meantime he works as well as clerk in the local law office, which influenced his future job selection. Frantisek's dreams included opening of his private law office and having family with his fiancée Milada Erbenova. Having finished secondary school in the year 1881 he left to Prague, where he studied law. He has finished his studies by getting the title...
Czechoslovak national democratic party and František Hlaváček as a general secretary
Ulm, Karel ; Kuklík, Jan (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
Czechoslovak national democratic party was known for its strict suggestion to the German minority in Czechoslovakia and was keeping them. Famous became the sentence ofthe party chairman Karel Kramář: "Germans into the government, us into a revolution!" 1t was just the National democratic party that had entered in the government with Germans in 1927 ... The National democrats considered such nationalistst who felt a positiv relationship to their nation as to a community of people having a united history, language, culture and traditions. The nationalism of the National democrats was a relationship to a group of people, the patriotism was expressed by a positive relationship to the countryside. Nationalism of František Hlaváček, Karel Kramář, Viktor Dyk, František Sís, Vlastimil Klíma and others was a reaction to the German nationalism. A rightful endeavour before the German revanshism grew by some National democrats in a fobia of aH German. Still the National democratic nationalism ofFrantišek Hlaváček did not cross a border of shovinism in a sense to press and ocuppy others nations. According to the National democrats the nation should have been c10se and capable of defending against the enemies. It does not mean that there could not be partial interests of individuals and groups but those have to retreat...
Political ideas of Bohumil Laušman - story of the democratic socialist
Horák, Pavel ; Kuklík, Jan (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
Bohumil Laušman (born August 30th, 1903) was a member of the Social Democratic Party. He was elected member of the National Assembly for the Pardubice region after ten years in regional politics. At the age of thirty-one he became the youngest Member of Parliament. He organised the foundation of the second parliament formation after the Munich events within the system of limited democracy, the National Labour Party. Not only did he show courage, he also showed sense for reality, when he was regulating some left-wing radicals in the weak party. He participated actively in the resistance after the establishment of the protectorate. In his resistance, he promoted collaboration across the political spectrum. That is why the selfconfident Laušman entered the exile with the idea that the left-wing party should have a moral right to determine political direction of exile institutions, which were forming at that time. His obvious left-wing tendency and non-constructive behaviour are possible to be seen after the failure of his political formation of Czechoslovakia's resistance movement in Paris and London. He travelled to the USSR in the middle of the year 1942 to get acquainted with political ideas of the representatives of the Czechoslovak resistance residing there, possibly to get their political support. During...
Defence of the nation until the spring 1940
Kocábek, Pavel ; Čechurová, Jana (referee) ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor)
Obrana národa byla jednou z řady odbojových organizací, které působily za okupace na území bývalého Československa. Bývá zařazována do tradičního trojlístku centrálních nekomunistických organizací- ON,PÚ a PVVZ. Oproti ostatním dvěma převážně civilním organizacím to byla převážně organizace vojenská. Zasahovala svojí organizační strukturou z centra až do malých městeček a vesnic. Za svůj hlavní cíl měla obnovu ČSR v před mnichovských hranicích. Snažila se systematicky připravovat na ozbrojené vojenské vystoupení a tomuto úkolu věnovala největší pozornost. V prvním roce okupace byla bezesporu největší a nejaktivnější organizací domácího od boje. Tato práce by chtěla alespoň malým dílem přispět k poznání aktivity a půso bení ON v prvním roce oku pace. Celá práce je rozdělena do čtyř částí. První část je věnována počátkům odboje. V krátkosti je vylíčeno formování a působení ostatních (civilních) organizací domácího odbojePÚ, PVVZ a založení vojenské odbojové organizace Obrana národa. Druhá část pojednává o vytváření ON, o organizační a personální výstavbě a formování rámcové podzemní armády. Třetí část se zabývá politickým programem ON- s nahami sjednotit nekomunistický odboj pod svým vedením a získat tak vliv na poválečné politické uspořádání republiky. Popisuje i radikální názory vojáků na řešení německé...
Humanist democracy of Edvard Beneš
Podlaha, Petr ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee)
Beneš was committed to the rather radical economical and political ideas of socialism already before the war. He believed that old parliamentarian system of liberal democracy would be inevitably replaced after the war with the new system of humanitarian democracy - the political democracy amended by the social and economic democracy. Beneš suggested that the government should regulate all the important parts of political, social and economic life of the post-war society. The biggest problem of the Czechoslovak prewar political democracy was according to Beneš, the existence of too many parties. Therefore only two, at most three political parties would be allowed to take part in the political struggle after the war. These parties would be organized solely on the basis of the approach towards progress. On the left side of the political spectrum, there would be a uniform socialist party and on the right, there would be a conservative party. The establishment of any other party should be banned. The communists should be part of the socialist party. According to Beneš they would be outnumbered and neutralized there by the other democratic socialist parties. The market economy according to Beneš is an obsolete system and therefore it should be replaced with a planned economy. All bigger businesses and natural...
The origin,activities and disintegration of the German parliamentary association
Jakerlová, Martina ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor) ; Čechurová, Jana (referee)
Ještě před koncem první světové války, v dubnu a květnu 1918, se Dohoda začínala odklánět od úsilí zachovat Rakousko-Uhersko a začala podporovat hnutí potlačených národů Rakouska-Uherska. Tato změna taktiky byla způsobená ztrátou naděje na uzavření separátního míru s Rakousko-Uherskem, které se dostalo do naprostého područí Německa. Dalším důvodem bylo, že se v Rakousku-Uhersku začal projevovat vliv ruské revoluce. Tato skutečnost snižovala význam habsburské monarchie, která měla podle představ Dohody zadržovat revoluční proudy z Ruska. Dohoda hledala nové opory k zadržení revoluční laviny a našla je v potlačených národech habsburské monarchie, neboť ty se nezaměřovaly na dosažení bolševické revoluce, ale na získání své samostatnosti. Značný význam měly pro Dohodu i československé legie v Rusku. Československé legie posilovaly politickou pozici Československé národní rady v Paříži a ta byla v červnu uznána Francií za prozatímní československou vládu. Postupně během léta a podzimu byla prozatímní československá vláda uznána i ostatními státy Dohody. V červenci došlo v Praze k vytvoření nového reprezentačního orgánu české politiky, Národního výboru, který připravoval vytvoření samostatného Československa. 14. října 1918 došlo v Paříži k oficiálnímu ustavení československé provizorní vlády, o čtyři dny později...
Relationships between Czechoslovakia and Italy from march on Rome to Locarno conference
Černá, Zuzana ; Čechurová, Jana (referee) ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor)
Zahraniční politika fašistické Itálie patří k nejoblíbenějším tématům historiků italského fašismu. Mussoliniho zahraniční politika poutá pozornost pro svůj expanzivní rozměr, středem zájmu jsou hlavně vztahy související s Mussoliniho mocenskými ambicemi. Tuto podobu italská zahraniční politika ale plně získala až v druhé polovině dvacátých let a v letech třicátých. Oproti tomu zahraniční vztahy Itálie v Mussoliniho "učebním období", jak bývají také někdy označována první tři léta Mussoliniho vlády, zůstávají pro zatím mimo hlavní proud zájmu, obzvláště pokud se týká vztahů se státy pro Itálii menšího významu. Moje diplomová práce má proto přispět k poznání zahraniční politiky Itálie ve zmiňovaném období. Mým cílem bylo prozkoumat vazby, které poutaly Itálii a Československou republiku v prvních třech letech od nástupu Mussoliniho k moci, tj. od října 1922 do října 1925. Zvolila jsem si časové mezníky pochod na Řím a konferenci v Locarnu. Pochod na Řím je důležitým pře dělem v historii moderní Itálie, který otevřel zcela novou etapu italských dějin, období vlády fašismu. Locarno naopak symbolizuje počátek nového poválečného evropského řádu, politické zrovnoprávnění Německa, konec rozdělování států na vítěze a poražené. Pozornost jsem věnovala především vztahům politickým, a to takovým, které se týkají...

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