National Repository of Grey Literature 176 records found  beginprevious123 - 132nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Daniel Sluníčko. From the life of Prague typographers
Koudelková, Kateřina ; Randák, Jan (referee) ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Daniel Sluníčko, From the Life of Prague Typographers. Its target is to show Sluníčko's life on the background of the 19th century. Up to now, no work about this person has been written, Daniel Sluníčko is known only as a director of Eduard Grégr's printing-house. However, his life and activities were much more versatile. He was born in 1830 in Bohnice, a small village near Prague. During his apprenticeship as a typesetter in Prague he was a witness of the revolution in Prague in 1848 and he described it in his diary very well. After the revolution he went to Vienna and other towns of Austria monarchy to get some experience in his branch. It was very difficult in the beginning but after many ordeals, he was very successful. He worked in some printing-works after coming back to Prague and finally he became a director of a newly established firm of Julius Grégr and František Šimáček. There were many problems with money in this company, Julius Grégr was arrested and František Šimáček got off the company. Eduard Grégr, Julius' brother, became a new owner. Both brothers were in the leadership of the company together but after some time they parted. Sluníčko was a factotum of technical activities in the printing-house. During his directorship, he met many people out of the...
Czech philantropy. Activities of Marie Riegrová-Palacká in second half of 19th century
Coufalová, Vladimíra ; Bahenská, Marie (referee) ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor)
This bachelor work called Czech philanthropy in 19th century took concern in drawing attention to personality of Marie Rieger Palacky and her unique place in charitable work with impact on creation of Czech nursery schools in the second half of 19th century in Prague. The first chapter gives a brief review of childhood, grow and characters of Marie Rieger Palacky focused on the most important influents, which significantly affected philanthropic efforts of Marie Rieger. The second chapter describes the influent of Bernard Bolzano on Marie Rieger Palacky by František Schneider. Bolzano's teaching was so much reflected in her entire life that one chapter is devoted, where is also mentioned penetration of this teaching to František Ladislav Rieger's life. The other chapters concern philanthropic efforts of Marie Rieger Palacky. First of all the initial work of Marie Rieger Palacky in the Saint Ludmila Society, federal legislation and reasons to be consider as essential for the creation of the Czech nursery schools. The history of European pre-school especially French and Czech facilities must be reminded. Taking into account that Marie Rieger Palacky adopted as a model of Czech nursery schools French baby-farms and required experienced female staff, a sufficient attention is devoted to attending of two Czech...
Old-town demolition 1893-1908
Kodíčková, Jindřiška ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor) ; Ledvinka, Václav (referee)
Each historical town changes gradually and naturally in harmony with economical and social changes. But in the case of Prague Clearance, a sti ll discussed phenomenon at the tum of 19th and 20th century, the change was hasty, artificially evoked, not fully prepared. It went within legislation limits and with the intention of improving life conditions in the growing up city. Under these circumstances many outstanding monuments, the witnesses of social evolution, disappeared. In my work I am concemed with the descriptions and evaluation of Prague Clearance course and mechanism that was in progress under the law from the year 1893. I follow the Clearance echo in litera ture, but I mainly follow time and place process in the course of its realisation. I try to consider objectively the motives both ofthe municipal authorities and the clearance partisans in the contrast with public meaning that faced the demolitions ofthe monuments that we know just from the yellowed archival photos. In my work I would like to get acquainted with the Clearance goals that were aimed atthe modernization ofthe city in accordance with hygienic, economical and social circumstances. I also will not forget about the uncontrolled creation of the institutions that, during the time, set up for registration, or no less than the preservation...
Czech women's movement in the struggle for political equality of women. The role of associations and political parties in the years 1890-1914
Malínská, Jana ; Kvaček, Robert (advisor) ; Hlavačka, Milan (referee) ; Lenderová, Milena (referee)
Ph.D. thesis Czech Women's Movement in the Struggle for Political Equality of Women (The Role of Associations and Political Parties in the Years 1890-1914), follows the issue of women's involvement in the process of democratization of Czech society between the restoration of parliamentarianism and constitutionalism in early 1860s and the outbreak of World War I. The growing Czech middle class and more liberal political conditions since the 1860s formed main conditions for the advancement of the Czech middle class women's movement. Twenty years later it was followed by similar movements of the working class women and women from Christian-Social movement. All specific ideological currents had more or less impact on consciousness of society and competed for gaining its support for their aims - easy access to quality education of women, improvement of women's social conditions, and changes in laws to achieve equality of rights for women. Changing economic and demographic conditions were forcing an increasing number of women from the middle class to seek employment, which was accompanied by various new problems and the need to seek their solutions. Women, increasingly aware of their human dignity and professional capabilities, began to view especially their civic and political inequality as fundamentally...
Czechoslovak pilots in German captivity 1940-1945
Kudrna, Ladislav ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor) ; Hanzlík, František (referee) ; Gebhart, Jan (referee)
Příslušníci RAF, čs. letce nevyjímaje, byli ze strany velitelství RAF připraveni na možnost zajetí. Předně znali svá práva a povinnosti vyplývající ze Ženevské konvence. Zajatec mohl udat pouze své vojenské číslo, jméno a hodnost. Nic víc. Pokud by porušil tato ustanovení, vystavoval se po skončení války možnosti vojenského postihu. Velení RAF však svoje muže připravilo nejen na to, co mají dělat v případě zajetí, ale i na to, jak se zajetí vyhnout. Ukázali jsme si, že velení RAF nechalo v roce 1941 seznámit svoje příslušníky s příběhem letce, který upadl do zajetí a podařilo se mu z něho utéct a probít se zpět do Velké Británie. Na příkladě tohoto muže mělo být ukázáno, jak se v případě zajetí zachovat, co mohli letci očekávat v případě německých výslechů, a jak využít příležitost k útěku. Letci byli rovněž seznámeni s tím, jak se zachovat v případě sestřelení nejen nad Německem, ale i nad okupovanou Evropou, především nad Francií. Letci potom byli na operace nad nepřátelským územím vybaveni různými pomůckami, které jim měly pomoci probít se zpět do Velké Británie. I když se velení RAF snažilo své muže co nejlépe připravit na možnost sestřelení nad nepřátelským územím, přesto několik čs. letců po válce do protokolu uvedlo, že neměli potřebné instrukce, jak se v takovém případě zachovat. Tedy jak se vyhnout...
Decade of fusions, separations and territorial boundaries changes of municipalities of political district Smíchov 1919-28
Boubín, Jiří ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor) ; Semotanová, Eva (referee)
Předmětem předkládané práce jsou územní změny v obcích, jeden z neprávem poněkud opomíjených feno-ménů první republiky. Přitom se jednalo o jev v této době v českých zemích velice rozšířený, ba mohli bychom říci masový. I když počty realizovaných sloučení, rozloučení a změn obvodů obcí v prvním desetiletí existence samostatného československého státu jdou do stovek a dokonce se blíží až k magické tisícovce, nebyla jim do-sud věnována patřičná pozornost. Právě tato okolnost vedla k výběru tohoto tématu, které zároveň tvoří samo-statnou kapitolu našich správních dějin. Šlo o procesy společností ostře sledované, jež se tu více tu méně promít-ly do života téměř každého obyvatele obce, která takovou změnou prošla. Ale i tam, kde zůstalo pouze u žádosti, měl zahájený proces po nějaký čas značný vliv na život v obci a také na vzájemné vztahy se sousedním celkem či celky, jež měla požadovaná změna "zasáhnout". Už samotným podáním podnětu ke změně se mnohdy napros-to bezproblémové soužití lidí žijících vedle sebe v těsné blízkosti na relativně malém prostoru, ale nezřídka na katastrech dvou různých obcí, změnilo ze dne na den v rivalství, odpor, nevraživost až nenávist. Tyto negativní důsledky úspěšně i neúspěšně proběhnuvších kauz územních změn se často projevovaly ještě několik let poté. Na první pohled v sobě...
Czech national festive culture in 19th century (1860-1890)
Šima, Karel ; Havelka, Miloš (advisor) ; Hlavačka, Milan (referee) ; Řepa, Milan (referee)
This doctoral thesis focuses on researching the festive culture of a nation and its performative ability to shape national self-identifications. By analysis of a variety of activities which culminated between the 1860's and the 1870's this dissertation aims to examine why the interrelation between the concept of a nation and the festive culture was so significant particularly in that historical period, and also how it affected the form and dynamics of national (Czech) self-identification.
Czechs at world's fairs
Ulmanová, Kristýna ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor) ; Pokorná, Magdaléna (referee)
In the introduction, the thesis author provides a typology of Czech travelers who visited one of the world exhibitions in the second half of the nineteenth century. Then the work focuses this typology on two types of travelers, namely the type of traveler-tourist and the type of traveler-scholar. The type of traveler-tourists is first defined by the contemporary understanding of the concept of "tourist." Then the conditions in which Czech tourists traveled to the World's Fairs are described, where they were housed and how they ate. Subsequently, the author analyzes the reasons why the Czech traveler-tourist traveled to the exhibition, what were his expectations, and whether those expectations were realistic. The work also captures the emerging phenomenon of mass trips abroad. Part of the work also deals with cultural stereotypes and self-reflection of Czech tourists, provoked by contact with other countries and their inhabitants. The traveler-scholar is characterized by comparison with the traveler-tourist. Furthermore, the author pays attention to international congresses, which were an integral part of the World's Fairs and in which the traveler-scholar often participated. The example of Unity of the Encouragement of Industry in Bohemia shows how the representatives of Czech organizations were sent to the...
Topography of the Jewish population in Highlands. A case in point Velký Beranov and Malý Beranov
Kuncová Zadražilová, Jaroslava ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor) ; Pokorná, Magdaléna (referee)
This work deals sith the topography of Jewish population in highlands of Jihlava region, giving an example of the history of Velký Beranov and Malý Beranov villages. Jewish population in those two villages was not so numerous as in towns, nevertheless it comprised a significant demographic part of both of the villages. It also formel an important commercial social vlase. The pupils of the basic school in Velký Beranov took part in a project of the Jewish Museum in Prague, "The Missing Neighbours", which formed the motivation for my thesis. The participants of the project are searching for the life stories of "The Missing Neighbours" from thein own region. Of course the pupils of the Basic School in Velký Beranov chose their region Velký Beranov and Malý Beranov. A short treatise about Jewish Religious Community in Jihlava and its local inhabitants, as well as about the Jewish population in the whole Bohemia and Moravia, make also the cotents of my theses.
Czech or German? : on the way from competition to dominance : on the use of internal and external administrative language in the Worker Accident Insurance Company in Prague of Kafka' s period (1908-1922)
Švingrová, Simona ; Kučera, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Nekula, Marek (referee) ; Hlavačka, Milan (referee)
Profesní život Franze Kafky (1889-1924) je stejně jako jeho dílo úzce spjatý s Úrazovou pojišťovnou dělnickou v Praze (ÚPD), jejímž zaměstnancem byl Kafka v letech 1908- 1922. Jeho služební léta zahrnují všechny důležité politické a sociální změny, které Kafka počátkem 20. století prožíval spolu s ÚPD. Jeho profesní dráhu spoluutvářely jazykové a národnostní poměry v Čechách a ty se rovněž projevily v jeho díle. Ve své disertaci jsem se zaměřila nejen na zkoumání "národnostní" struktury jazykově utraktvistické ÚPD a symbolické funkce "národních" jazyků, nýbrž také na komunikační procesy a každodenní jazykovou realitu v ÚPD v prvních dvou desetiletích 20. století. To vedlo k novým pohledům na jazykovou situaci v Čechách před rokem 1918 a v první Československé republice krátce po jejím založení v říjnu 1918. Ať už byly obě národnostní fronty jakkoli liberální nebo naopak zatvrzelé, byla to právě volba jazyka, která fyzické subjekty - a tím i Franze Kafku - sociálně kategorizovala. Právní subjekty (jako byla např. právě ÚPD) pak volba jazyka klasifikovala i politicky, třebaže i v této oblasti existovaly různé strategie, jejichž cílem bylo odmítnout či neutralizovat jazykové a národnostní kategorizace.

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