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Worksheets for a field trip to the periodic table of elements at the Faculty of Science, Charles University
Kyzek, Tomáš ; Teplý, Pavel (advisor) ; Míka, Luděk (referee)
The thesis describes a relation of the periodic table of elements, field trips and worksheets to chemistry education. Specifically the thesis is focused on a field trip to an exposition The periodic table of elements at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. Theoretical part of the thesis analyses the history of the periodic table of elements, summary of curricular documents and textbooks for elementary schools and grammar schools, afterwards relation of an field trip to students' learning and lastly the meaning of worksheets and A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The methodology covers gathering feedbacks, creating tasks, their goals and solution. The discussion about choosing and changings tasks compared to the original worksheet are described in the practical part of the thesis. Four versions of worksheets were created each containing 10 tasks. All versions of worksheets, a version for elementary schools with a lecturer, a version for secondary schools with a lecturer, a version for elementary schools without a lecturer, a version for secondary schools without a lecturer.
Eye-tracking as a method for monitoring students' strategies when working with the periodic table of elements
Kopecký, Adam ; Šmejkal, Petr (advisor) ; Míka, Luděk (referee)
Teaching methods try to improve every year, and modern technologies help this progress. One of these technologies is the eye-tracking method. This method allows capturing certain procedures of the respondents from their eye movements. We can subsequently derive certain specific strategies from the procedures, and subsequently adapt the teaching materials to themThe thesis focuses on the detection of different strategies of pupils when working with the periodic table with the help of an eye-tracking device. The work uses a pre-prepared test in which the students determined the specific location of specific elements in a table with displayed element symbols and proton numbers and subsequently the location of other specific elements in a blind periodic table. Subsequently, the strategy of pupils with higher self-confidence was examined and compared with the strategy of pupils with lower self-confidence. Success in finding individual elements in the test was also compared. A typical strategy, which was observed in most respondents, is to determine the location where the element is most likely to be located and then search in a sufficient area for signs that could belong to the searched element. This fact does not apply only in the case of the search for the element antimony, which the respondents could...
Use of the game Minecraft in teaching chemistry
Mrvová, Marie ; Míka, Luděk (advisor) ; Martínek, Václav (referee)
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to introduce the digital game Minecraft Education as a didactic tool in teaching chemistry. The theoretical part deals with the issue of integrating digital games into education, especially into science education. It defines the concepts and presents the advantages and disadvantages that are associated with the implementation of digital games in teaching. The history of the development of digital games and the digitalisation of education in our country is also briefly mapped. In the practical part, the game Minecraft Education is introduced. The tools and features that enable its use in chemistry classes are described. Its educational potential is explored and the problems associated with its integration into the classroom are outlined. Keywords digital game, video game, computer game, education, game-based learning, chemistry teaching, Minecraft Education
Coordination chemistry education at secondary level schools
Navrátilová, Hana ; Míka, Luděk (advisor) ; Teplý, Pavel (referee)
1 Abstract This thesis deals with the analysis of teaching coordination chemistry at secondary schools. Coordination chemistry serves as a bridge between inorganic and organic chemistry, expands fundamental concepts and encourages students to think logically. Therefore, it has great importance in continuous chemistry education. The work examines the diversity of teaching methods and explains the disadvantages of teaching coordination chemistry, particularly in terms of nomenclature. It explains why this area is important for chemists. The study analyses the teaching of coordination chemistry in university teacher programs, in school educational programs, in model questions for admission exams for chemically-oriented programs in Prague, and lastly, it addresses the approach to coordination chemistry in secondary school textbooks. The aim of this work is to highlight the inconsistency of school educational programs in the teaching of coordination chemistry, why the teaching of coordination chemistry is limited to nomenclature, and the reasons behind it. Keywords coordination chemistry, school curriculum, educational program, chemistry education, secondary school.
Creation of material for chemistry teaching in virtual reality
Málek, Albert ; Míka, Luděk (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Petr (referee)
Modern education is developing dynamically along with new technologies. One of the main aspects of this development has been the massive expansion of the consumption of online video content, especially on social networks. Another and similarly major influence may be virtual reality (VR) in the near future. This thesis combines both of these aspects and sets as one of its goals the creation of an educational VR video available on the social network YouTube. The theoretical part of the thesis first describes aspects of the use of VR and video not only in chemistry education. It also summarizes the existing knowledge about what a good educational VR video should look like. This knowledge then served as a basis for the search of available educational VR videos and for its actual production. In less than six minutes, the video produced as part of this work introduces the viewer to the workings of the global carbon cycle and its connection to climate change. Working in the 3D modelling program Blender was essential to the creation of the video, which allowed for the inclusion of more sophisticated visual elements. The video was tested with 15 respondents, aged secondary and primary school students, who, after watching it, completed a knowledge test to check the transfer and understanding of the...
Design and synthesis of selective manganese(II) chelators
Míka, Luděk ; Kotek, Jan (advisor) ; Tauchman, Jiří (referee)
Title: Design and synthesis of selective manganese(II) chelators Autor: Luděk Míka Department: Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Jan Kotek, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: Abstract:Abstract:Abstract:Abstract: The aim of this project is to synthetize new kind of macrobicyclic ligands derived from cross-bridged cyclam for complexation of Mn2+ ions. These complexes may be potentially used as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. Three macrobicyclic ligand with various pendant arms were synthesized. The ability to complex manganese(II) ions were studied by Mass Spectroscopy. Electrochemical properties of manganese(II) complexes with general chelating agents and one synthesized ligand were studied using cyclic voltammetry. Keywords:Keywords:Keywords:Keywords: cross-bridged cyclam, phosphonate, phosphinate, pendant arms, manganese
The Periodic table of elements exhibition as a teaching aid
Kyzek, Tomáš ; Teplý, Pavel (advisor) ; Míka, Luděk (referee)
The thesis is focused on creation of helpful didactic material for a field trip for exposition Periodic table of elements in the Chemistry section at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with research of curricular documents for elementary schools and grammar schools with regard to the periodic table of elements and field trips. Consequently the topic of worksheets is elaborated. A practical part consists of a description of worksheets creation, discussion about tasks we have chosen and respective correct solutions. Two versions of worksheets were created. The version for elementary schools contains 11 tasks and the version for secondary schools contains 12 tasks.
Possibilities of usage of physical activities in chemistry education
Kuncipálová, Hana ; Míka, Luděk (advisor) ; Teplá, Milada (referee)
This diploma thesis is aimed at the possibilities of the usage of physical activities in chemistry education. The theoretical part of this thesis contains the analysis of RVP ZV and RVP G, especially the content of the movement. This part is also focused on the physical activities, the types and styles of learning, especially on the kinesthetic learning style, and the motivation of pupils. The practical part of this thesis is focused on the finding of usage physical activities by teachers of chemistry. These data are obtained through interviews with chemistry teachers. These teachers also evaluated the created chemistry physical activities, which are presented in the diploma thesis. The chemistry physical activities also includes methodological instructions for users.
Experiments for non-formal education of pupils of grammar schools
Kubelková, Natálie ; Šmejkal, Petr (advisor) ; Míka, Luděk (referee)
Extracurricular, more precisely informal, teaching is an important part of the overall educational process and complements formal teaching in school. Teaching is carried out in the free time of students and is an important factor in motivating students to further study. It offers a wide range of disciplines in which students can learn and further develop. The theoretical part of this work deals with extracurricular teaching in the Czech Republic. It is devoted to the functions of extracurricular education, places for its implementation, focuses on leisure teachers and part is also devoted to legislation. The work also deals with implementation of chemical experiments in non-formal education, an essential part of which is the safe handling of chemicals and legislation. In this regard, the work also focuses on the preparation of a morning experimental program for younger school age children for a day camp organized by the Faculty of Science, Charles University, as one of the possible variants of informal aktivity for children at primary school. The program is accompanied by materials that were created primarily for leisure teachers who can use them in their leisure time, but are also usable for teaching at school. The chosen experiments were designed so that the danger of the used chemicals was as...

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