Worksheets for a field trip to the periodic table of elements at the Faculty of Science, Charles University
Kyzek, Tomáš ; Teplý, Pavel (advisor) ; Míka, Luděk (referee)
The thesis describes a relation of the periodic table of elements, field trips and worksheets to chemistry education. Specifically the thesis is focused on a field trip to an exposition The periodic table of elements at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. Theoretical part of the thesis analyses the history of the periodic table of elements, summary of curricular documents and textbooks for elementary schools and grammar schools, afterwards relation of an field trip to students' learning and lastly the meaning of worksheets and A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The methodology covers gathering feedbacks, creating tasks, their goals and solution. The discussion about choosing and changings tasks compared to the original worksheet are described in the practical part of the thesis. Four versions of worksheets were created each containing 10 tasks. All versions of worksheets, a version for elementary schools with a lecturer, a version for secondary schools with a lecturer, a version for elementary schools without a lecturer, a version for secondary schools without a lecturer.