Experiments for non-formal education of pupils of grammar schools
Kubelková, Natálie ; Šmejkal, Petr (advisor) ; Míka, Luděk (referee)
Extracurricular, more precisely informal, teaching is an important part of the overall educational process and complements formal teaching in school. Teaching is carried out in the free time of students and is an important factor in motivating students to further study. It offers a wide range of disciplines in which students can learn and further develop. The theoretical part of this work deals with extracurricular teaching in the Czech Republic. It is devoted to the functions of extracurricular education, places for its implementation, focuses on leisure teachers and part is also devoted to legislation. The work also deals with implementation of chemical experiments in non-formal education, an essential part of which is the safe handling of chemicals and legislation. In this regard, the work also focuses on the preparation of a morning experimental program for younger school age children for a day camp organized by the Faculty of Science, Charles University, as one of the possible variants of informal aktivity for children at primary school. The program is accompanied by materials that were created primarily for leisure teachers who can use them in their leisure time, but are also usable for teaching at school. The chosen experiments were designed so that the danger of the used chemicals was as...