Autoři: Líbalová, Helena ; Sikorová, Jitka ; Brzicová, Táňa ; Milcová, Alena ; Vrbová, Kristýna ; Pikal, P. ; Topinka, Jan ; Rössner ml., Pavel
Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference
Konference/Akce: International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research and Application (NANOCON) /9./, Brno (CZ), 20171018
Rok: 2018
Jazyk: eng
Abstrakt: A set of NPs consists of 5 variants of anatase and 5 variants of rutile nanoparticles differing in their diameter (from 3 to 165 nm). TiO2 samples were characterized in the powder form and dispersed in water and cell culture media. Three cytotoxicity assays were used: MTS, WST-1, and LDH. For all nanomaterials, three independent repetitions were carried out. \n\nOverall, cytotoxicity of all NPs was low even at the highest concentration of 256 mu g/ml. The viability of cells did not decrease below 60% for WST-1 and MTS assays and 80% for the LDH assay. Besides concentration, crystalline size was identified as the most important cytotoxic factor. Clear nonlinear relationship between crystalline size and cytotoxicity was detected, higher toxicity induced NPs within the size range 20-60 nm. Increased cytotoxicity in given diameter size range would give an answer to inconsistent findings at size and cytotoxicity relationship.
Klíčová slova: cytotoxicity; macrophages; nanoparticles; TiO2
Číslo projektu: LO1508 (CEP), GBP503/12/G147 (CEP), LM2015073 (CEP)
Poskytovatel projektu: GA MŠk, GA ČR, GA MŠk
Zdrojový dokument: Nanocon 2017 : conference proceedings : 9th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application, ISBN 9788087294819

Instituce: Ústav experimentální medicíny AV ČR (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Dokument je dostupný v příslušném ústavu Akademie věd ČR.
Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0302799

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-408932

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Věda a výzkum > AV ČR > Ústav experimentální medicíny
Konferenční materiály > Příspěvky z konference
 Záznam vytvořen dne 2020-01-13, naposledy upraven 2022-09-29.

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