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Portable emissions toxicity system: compact air-liquid interface system for exposure of cell cultures to diluted emissions and polluted air
Vojtíšek, M. ; Dittrich, L. ; Pechout, M. ; Červená, Tereza ; Vimrová, Anežka ; Sikorová, Jitka ; Závodná, Táňa ; Ondráček, Jakub ; Topinka, Jan ; Rössner ml., Pavel
Exposure of living cell cultures at air-liquid interface (ALI), mimicking i.e. human lung surface, is believed to be one of the most realistic means to model toxicity of complex mixtures of pollutants on human health. The complexity of the close cooperation of “emissions source” and toxicology groups and of the instrumentation are among the limiting factors of ALI.\nHere, the concepts of ALI exposure and real-world emissions monitoring using portable emissions monitoring systems (PEMS) are combined into a portable emissions toxicity systems (PETS), along with a mobile toxicological laboratory base, for field deployment, including operation in moving vehicles.

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Application potential of screening in vitro toxicological assays in qualitative risk assessment of nanomaterials
Závodná, Táňa ; Topinka, Jan ; Danihelka, J.
Undeniable benefits of engineered nanomaterials might be discredited by their potential enhanced or unexpected toxicity arising from nano-specific properties and behavior. An analysis of the applicability of the traditional chemical risk assessment approach in nanomaterials revealed high levels of uncertainty in both hazard characterization and exposure assessment due to the lack of relevant validated methods and reliable data. This indicates the limited capability of the conventional risk assessment approach to ensure the safe use of nanomaterials. Based on the identified uncertainties, the control banding approach was proposed as a suitable tool for preliminary qualitative risk assessment of nanomaterials in occupational settings. Control banding categorizes hazard and exposure into levels referred to as bands. The combination of the hazard and exposure bands results in a risk band determining the necessary degree of control and regulatory measures. To decrease the number of cases where, based on the precautionary principle, unavailable experimental or field data would lead to the assignment to the highest hazard category requiring costly exposure control, screening evaluation of nanomaterial toxicity was proposed as an additional decision criterion. For this purpose, a battery of in vitro toxicological assays enabling screening evaluation of potential toxic effects of NMs was proposed. The assays evaluate endpoints covering basic toxic effects of substances (cytotoxicity, genotoxicity), as well as known nonspecific mechanisms of toxicity typical for nanomaterials (oxidative stress, inflammation). The proposed risk management strategy is intended to assist small and medium-sized enterprises to implement adequate measures to ensure employee safety.

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The role of dispersion medium on nanoparticle aggregation and size in biological systems
Červená, Tereza ; Rössnerová, Andrea ; Závodná, Táňa ; Vrbová, Kristýna ; Sikorová, Jitka ; Topinka, Jan ; Rössner ml., Pavel
The use of nanomaterials (NMs) in different areas has been rising for more than a decade. Along with this growth, there is visible development of different testing tools and approaches for measuring the actual size of nanomaterials in biological systems. Test conditions during in vitro toxicological assays are different from the standard conditions under which nanomaterials are characterized and careful evaluation of results is needed. The unique properties and range variety of NMs require the close look how the NMs behave in different dispersion medium over time. In this study we present the results of five types of well-characterized NMs (TiO2: NM-101 and NM-103, SiO2: NM-200, Ag: NM-300K and NM-302) of specific size and shape. The hydrodynamic size and Zeta potentials in suspensions were measured using a dynamic light scattering technique (DLS) (Zetasizer Nano ZS, Malvern, UK). The DLS method is suitable for spherical particles, nevertheless, all samples were measured in order to obtain a rough insight into agglomerate formation in the medium. NM300, NM302, and NM200 aggregated rapidly in the media, thus the cells would be most likely exposed to settled big aggregates then small clusters or individual particles. More stable NMs (NM100 and NM103) showed slight grow along with cultivation time or concentration corresponding to cluster formation. Cells exposed to those NMs would be in contact with small clusters and aggregates of NMs. Measured zeta potentials fluctuated around the stability limit corresponding to observed aggregation.

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Ultrafine particles and their possible role in etiology and development of neurodegenerative diseases
Topinka, Jan ; Závodná, Táňa ; Rössnerová, Andrea ; Rössner ml., Pavel
Air pollutants have been shown to cause a vast amount of different adverse health effects. These effects include impairment of many respiratory (e.g. asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and cardiovascular (ischemic heart disease, infarction, stroke) diseases. However, in recent years, the evidence showing effects beyond the lungs and circulatory system are becoming more evident. Neurological diseases, namely Alzheimer's disease (AD) has shown to be associated with living near traffic. However, reason for this has remained unresolved until today. Our new H2020 project TUBE aims on revealing the mechanisms of action of ultrafine particles involved in neurological diseases. The TUBE consortium includes experts in areas of aerosol technology, emission research, engine and fuel research, human clinical studies, epidemiology, emission inventories, inhalation toxicology, neurotoxicology and disease mechanism studies. This enables research of resolving the effects of nanoparticles from different traffic modes for both air quality and concomitant toxic effect of these air pollutants. We will investigate adverse effects of air pollutants using cell cultures, animal exposures and volunteered human exposures as well as the material from epidemiological cohort study. These are going to be compared according to inflammatory, cytotoxic and genotoxic changes and furthermore beyond the current state of the art to neurotoxic and brain health effects. With this approach, we are aiming to a comprehensive understanding of the adverse brain effects of nanoparticles from traffic.

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Toxic responses in human lung epithelial cells (BEAS-2B) exposed to particulate matter exhaust emissions from gasoline and biogasoline
Závodná, Táňa ; Líbalová, Helena ; Vrbová, Kristýna ; Sikorová, Jitka ; Vojtíšek-Lom, M. ; Beránek, V. ; Pechout, M. ; Kléma, J. ; Cigánek, M. ; Machala, M. ; Neča, J. ; Rössner ml., Pavel ; Topinka, Jan
Motor vehicle emissions substantially contribute to air pollution worldwide and cause serious health problems. While the deleterious effects of diesel exhaust particulate matter (PM) have been widely studied, much less attention is paid to toxicity of PM emitted by gasoline engines although they also produce considerable amount of PM. The primary objective of this research was to assess toxic potencies of exhaust PM released by conventional gasoline engine fueled with neat gasoline (EU) or gasoline-ethanol blend (15% ethanol, v/v, E15). Despite a similar particle mass (mu g PM/kg fuel) produced by both fuels, PM emitted by E15 contained higher amount of harmful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) as suggested by chemical analysis. To examine the toxicity of organic PM constituents, human lung BEAS-2B cells were exposed for 4h and 24h to a subtoxic dose of E0 and E15 PM organic extracts. We used genome scale transcriptomic analysis to characterize the toxic response and to identify modulated biological process and pathways. Whereas 4h exposure to both PM extracts resulted in modulation of similar genes and pathways related to lipid and steroid metabolism, activation of PPAR alpha, oxidative stress and immune response, 24h exposure was more specific for each extract, although both induced expression of PAH-metabolic enzymes, modulated metabolism of lipids or activated PPAR alpha, E15 additionally deregulated variety of other pathways. Overall, the PM mass produced by both fuels was similar, however, higher PAH content in E15 PM organic extract may have contributed to more extensive toxic response particularly after 24h exposure in BEAS-2B cells.

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Males-females differences in the spectrum of chromosomal aberrations in the group of nanocomposites production workers
Rössnerová, Andrea ; Pelcová, D. ; Ždímal, Vladimír ; Elzeinova, Fatima ; Margaryan, Hasmik ; Chvojková, Irena ; Topinka, Jan ; Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Ondráček, Jakub ; Koštejn, Martin ; Komarc, M. ; Vlčková, Š. ; Fenclová, Z. ; Lischková, L. ; Dvořáčková, Š. ; Rössner ml., Pavel
An increase in the use of nanomaterials (NM) has been witnessed in many areas of human life. Therefore, assessment of genotoxicity of NM and nanoparticles (NP) is one of the main objectives of genetic toxicology. Despite this fact, human cytogenetic studies following the exposure to NP are still rare. Moreover, no relevant information on possible differences in sensitivity to NP related to gender is available.\n\nIn this study we periodically (in September 2016, 2017 and 2018; pre-shift and post-shift each year) analyzed a group of workers (both genders), working long time in nanocomposites research, and matched controls. Aerosol exposure monitoring of particulate matter including nano-sized fractions was carried out during working shift. Micronucleus assay using Human Pan Centromeric probes, was applied to distinguish, besides the frequency of total MN in binucleated cells (BNC), also other types of chromosomal damage (losses and breaks). Moreover, whole-chromosome painting (WCP) for autosome #1 and both gonosomes (X and Y) were applied in third sampling period (2018) with the aim to identify the particular structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations.\n\nObtained results showed: (i) differences in the risk of exposure to NP related to individual working processes (welding, smelting and machining); (ii) differences in chemical composition of nano-fraction; (iii) no effect of chronic exposure of NP (total MN) opposite to significant effect of acute exposure; (iv) gender-related DNA damage differences (females seem to be more sensitive to chromosomal losses). Additional data from WCP suggested increased frequency of numerical aberrations in gonosomes.
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Optimalizace kultivačních podmínek lidských jaterních buněk HepG2 na 4 typech nano- a micro- vlákenných nosičů
Rössner ml., Pavel
Technologie popisuje optimalizaci počtu nasazovaných lidských hepatocytů HepG2, vhodných pro využívání v oblasti toxikologického ověřování nových léčiv či potravin, na 3D kultivační systém tvořený čtyřmi typy nano- a mikrovlákenných nosičů. Motivací pro hledání vhodných modelů testování potenciálně genotoxických účinků léčiv je nízká relevance tkáňových modelů užívaných v prvních fázích preklinického hodnocení nových látek a také redukce testování na zvířatech.

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Modifikovaná metoda hodnocení mikrojader v lymfocytech s použitím hybridizace pancentrometrických fluorescenčně značených sond
Rössner ml., Pavel ; Rössnerová, Andrea
Tato metodika je založena na současném fluorescenčním barvení jak celých chromozomů, tak jejich centromer pomocí pancentrometrických sond. Díky tomu je možné vyhodnotit frekvenci mikrojader s / bez centromer, tedy určit rozdíly mezi strukturálními a numerickými aberacemi. Cílem metodiky bylo vytvořit inovativní postup pro vyhodnocení genotoxických účinků nanočástic, chemických látek včetně léků či záření na DNA živých organismů.

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Líbalová, Helena ; Sikorová, Jitka ; Brzicová, Táňa ; Milcová, Alena ; Vrbová, Kristýna ; Pikal, P. ; Topinka, Jan ; Rössner ml., Pavel
A set of NPs consists of 5 variants of anatase and 5 variants of rutile nanoparticles differing in their diameter (from 3 to 165 nm). TiO2 samples were characterized in the powder form and dispersed in water and cell culture media. Three cytotoxicity assays were used: MTS, WST-1, and LDH. For all nanomaterials, three independent repetitions were carried out. \n\nOverall, cytotoxicity of all NPs was low even at the highest concentration of 256 mu g/ml. The viability of cells did not decrease below 60% for WST-1 and MTS assays and 80% for the LDH assay. Besides concentration, crystalline size was identified as the most important cytotoxic factor. Clear nonlinear relationship between crystalline size and cytotoxicity was detected, higher toxicity induced NPs within the size range 20-60 nm. Increased cytotoxicity in given diameter size range would give an answer to inconsistent findings at size and cytotoxicity relationship.

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Use of the nanofiber scaffold for transfer of stem cells onto the injured ocular surface in mouse experimental model
Kössl, Jan ; Zajícová, Alena ; Heřmánková, Barbora ; Javorková, Eliška ; Boháčová, Pavla ; Holáň, Vladimír
Corneal damage is one of the most common causes of impaired vision or even blindness. When the injury is more extensive and the limbal region is involved, the natural regeneration of the cornea is not sufficient. Such damage can lead to the limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). The only option for LSCD treatment is transplantation of the limbal tissue or a transfer of limbal stem cells (LSCs) cultured from the healthy eye. The allogenic transplantation of the limbus or cultivated LSCs with a systemic administration of immunosuppressive drugs is needed in the case of bilateral LSCD. Nevertheless, the cell therapy is very promising approach for LSCD treatment. Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) seeded on an appropriate scaffold turned out to be a suitable therapy of the LSCD. In our experimental model of LSCD we use nanofiber scaffold for MSC and LSC cultivation and for transplantation of these cells onto the chemically injured mouse eye. MSCs have immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory properties. We showed that MSCs have the ability to inhibit production of molecules associated with the inflammation and support epithelial regeneration in the damaged cornea. These inhibitory properties were confirmed in both in vitro and in vivo mouse model. Results thus showed beneficial effects of stem cell transplantation for murine corneal healing and for suppression of a local immune reaction which can impede the healing process. Such similarity of in vivo and in vitro results allows us further experiments to clarify mechanisms of MSC regenerative and healing properties after the transplantation onto the injured cornea.

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