Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 53 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí44 - 53  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.03 vteřin. 
The Role of Video Games in Health Care and Medical Training
Gálíková, Markéta ; Langerová, Petra (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals with possible use of videogames and gaming-related technology in medical training and healthcare. General public often consider games as a waste of time or as a purely entertaining. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to provide evidence of their usefulness and positive impacts on the field of medical training and healthcare. First part of this work refers to and critically analyses the impact of videogames on medical training of students, physicians and even patients. While in the second part the way of using computer games in healthcare is discussed. For example, they can be used in the therapy of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or cerebral palsy, also as a way of reducing pain or discovering new biochemical structures. The intention is to cover, apart from gaming, also related technology like virtual reality and augmented intelligence which even enhances the experience of medical training or usage in healthcare.
Využití dat ze smart meteringu
Bazal, Stanislav ; Morávek, Jan (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
V posledních letech, spotřeba elektřiny v domácnostech začala stoupat, kvůli každodennímu používání všelijakých spotřebičů a nejnovějších technologií. To budí znepokojení o nedostatku výroby elektřiny po celém světě. Lidé také potřebují sledovat jejich energetickou spotřebu v domácnostech. Cílem této práce je vysvětlit pojem smart metering a jeho výhody jak pro lidi využívající tuto technologie v jejich domech, tak pro společnosti. Smart meters neboli chytré měřiče, umožňují lidem sledovat a kontrolovat jejich energetickou spotřebu, a nakonec mohou vést ke snížení cen daných energií. A co více, tyto chytré měřiče pomáhají spotřebitelům zjistit přesné informace ohledně spotřeby elektřiny ze spotřebičů. V globálním měřítku je smart metering technologie používána v tzv. smart grids, neboli inteligentních sítích, což jsou v podstatě elektrické sítě, které jsou více přátelské k životnímu prostředí a produkují více energie. Tato práce se také zaměřuje na celkovou implementaci chytrých měřičů jak v České republice, tak i ve světě. V dnešní době lze již najít několik vyvíjejících se projektů, které se snaží přejít z tradičních elektráren na tyto inteligentní sítě za účelem zvýšit produkci energií a být více šetrnější k životnímu prostředí. Společnosti, které stojí za těmito projekty, již publikovaly nějaké jejich studie, které přináší pozitivní informace z hlediska produkce energie. Většina těchto projektů by měla trvat do roku 2020 a některé projekty až do roku 2025. Proto není možné říci finální rozhodnutí, zda tato smart metering technologie nahradí běžné elektrické sítě a zda bude implementována do domácností. Tato práce také obsahuje praktickou část, v které vytvářím uživatelské rozhraní v Grafaně, což je software s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem, který dokáže analyzovat časové řady dat. Uživatelské rozhraní je vytvořeno pro dotykový displej Raspberry Pi, ke kterému je připojený sensor umožňující měření spotřeby elektřiny z elektroměrů. Změřené hodnoty jsou poté vyobrazeny v užitečných grafech a měřidlech v Grafaně, a také na displeji samotném.
Smart Home
Pitra, Ondřej ; Jašková, Jana (oponent) ; Kazda, Tomáš (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to present and describe fundamental principles, characteristics, and application of my own project of Smart Home. In this thesis, I will present my current state of the project as well as the future plans for my Smart Home. I will also introduce and compare Smart Home systems from companies already established on the market.
History of audio carriers and transmission of sound
Šimarová, Lucie ; Krhutová, Milena (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe the evolution of audio carriers. This bachelor thesis provides an outlook of history and present of the audio carriers. First of all, this thesis is going to get the reader acquainted with the theory of the sound transmission. It is aimed at propagation of waves and describes their differences. Consequently, analogue and digital means of audio recording are going to be discussed. The main part of this thesis devoted to the preservation of music. Firstly, the non-mechanical preservation of the music is described. This part involves the notation, tablatures, and automatic instruments. The following part deals with the mechanical preservation of the sound and describes the analogue technology of recording devices and audio carriers. In the last chapter, a digital recording and carriers are being discussed. The thesis also informs about the cultural and musical influence of individual audio carriers.
Game Development Process
Froehling, Kryštof ; Sedláček, Pavel (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
The Bachelor thesis focuses on the game development process and everything that is needed to create a successful video game. The first part of the thesis distinguishes all the various roles in a development team and provides context to them. The second part analyzes the timeline and goals for different stages of video game production, while also assessing the positives and negatives of working with a Publisher. Certification and rating processes are also considered. The third and final part offers a look behind the scenes of game development, through an interview with a game developer.
Control of decentralized energy sources and storage systems
Maksimovich, Valeriia ; Wannous, Kinan Hasan Wafaa (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
We are living in a century when we can barely imagine life without electricity. The needs of controlling, smart-metering and rearrangements of energy market in Europe raised with penetration of small-scaled power plants, which generate electricity from renewable energy sources. At this step, the following question can be raised, how to provide a reliable, safety and sustainable energy supply whilst minimizing costs and environmental pollution. One way is to introduce decentralized energy sources to the grid. This thesis mostly deals with the concept of decentralized generation and its penetration to the grid, distribution, accumulation and controlling methods. The thesis will also give the reader overview of several energy market participants, such as energy traders, aggregators and local distribution systems.
Evolution of video games and their impact on society
Kováčik, Dominik ; Rujbrová, Šárka (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to provide a brief history of video games and to analyse their impact on the society. The thesis describes the evolution of video games from the beginning up to year 2010 and the problems, which video game developers had to face during prosperous and difficult periods as well. It also describes several video game peripherals, mainly focusing on the virtual reality. The analysis of the impact of video games on the society is based on several reliable studies conducted mainly by scholars respected in their own fields.
Video games, books and film adaptations and their impact on gaming community
Přichystal, Jan ; Haupt, Jaromír (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
This thesis aims at describing techniques used in the process of making a book into a video game, main aspects of such a transition, changes in different media that occur during this process and describing the relations between video games, literature and movies. It also comments on some of the recent technologies used in the process of developing a video game. Main topics of this thesis will be demonstrated on the series of books, TV show and popular RPG The Witcher, originally created by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. In rather contrasting comparison with these popular Slavic tales, the other examples will be mostly e-sport games and also a variety of other games of different genres. However, this is not the only topic described in this thesis. It also aims at the impact of the relationship between books, movies and games on the society – or more precisely – the gaming community. The impact can be seen in many fields – e.g. subcultures composed of fans (fandom), costume play (cosplay), and professional gaming (e-sports). The statements concerning this part of the bachelor thesis will be also supported by my own research conducted using Google Forms, with a sample of video game players from a Facebook site Hráči 2.0.
Technology in contemporary cinema and its impact on film production and reception
Tetour, Daniel ; Jašková, Jana (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
The Bachelor thesis focuses on the contemporary utilised film techniques. The first part deals with a chroma key, motion capture, and computer-generated imagery. The second part of the thesis is focused on the impact those techniques have. The thesis deals not only with the impact on the production but also on the reception of the film.
English-Czech Engineering Glossary: Translation, Analysis, Online Solution
Dvořáková, Dita ; Walek, Agata (oponent) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (vedoucí práce)
My bachelor thesis deals with the English–Czech dictionary for subject HEFE (and also XAEI). Terms lexicography, dictionary and dictionary division, terms word and classes of words are explained in this thesis. The second section describes process of creation of dictionary. The procedure how the words were translated and sources, which were used to translations, are also described in the third part. An electronic solution to technical glossary is in the end of the thesis.

Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 53 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí44 - 53  přejít na záznam:
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2 Šedrlová, Martina
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