National Repository of Grey Literature 158 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.04 seconds. 
Electromagnetic-based nano-resolution microscopies for biological research
Kučera, Ondřej ; Cifra, Michal
Research of cell biology is principally related to progress in imaging under diffraction limit of visible light and to the functional imaging. This paper brings short review of experimental techniques including Photonic force microscopy, Scanning microwave microscopy and other relevant techniques. The possibility of employing these techniques for elucidation of endogenous biological electromagnetic activity is discussed
Electric field generated by higher vibration modes of microtubule
Cifra, Michal ; Havelka, D. ; Kučera, Ondřej ; Pokorný, Jiří
Certain structures in a living cell may generate electric oscillations. Microtubules, which form a part of a cellular skeleton, belong to this class of structures and ful-fill all conditions for generation of electric oscillations in kHz÷GHz band. We present selected results from calculations of the oscillatory electric field generated by higher vibration modes of microtubules. We propose that the electric field of certain modes may play specific function in cellular organization
Time and frequency transfer in all-optical network
Smotlacha, V. ; Kuna, Alexander
This paper describes usage of all-optical network for time metrology application - Time and frequency transfer between two geographically distant sites. Although several approaches exist, there is no production implementation yet. Our method is based on newly developed adapters utilizing channels in a DWDM (Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing) network. We present results of tests performed in real production all-optical network including the time transfer between atomic clocks in Prague and Vienna over more than 500 km long optical path
Implementation of 1D mathematical model of vocal cavities into TTS synthesizer – preliminary study
Radolf, Vojtěch ; Horák, Petr
Simplified 1D mathematical models of the human vocal tract were modified for using them in Text-To-Speech systems so that they help to simulate emotional speech. The geometry (area function) of the models for all Czech vowels was modified using the inverse task optimization procedure so that the computed formant frequencies match the measured formant frequencies of utterances of professional speaker. Output acoustic pressure signal generated from the models in wav format sounded satisfactorily for all the vowels and fundamental frequencies varied in an octave range from 77 Hz to 156 Hz. Neverthelles more testing procedures are needed to verify reliability and quickness of the model as well as intelligibility of generated utterances especially in formant TTS system and linear predictive TTS system.
Speech Processing
Vích, Robert
Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech Processing is a periodic publication collecting the contributions presented at the Czech-German Workshop organized every year in September in Prague This proceedings volume includes 22 papers by 41 authors. Papers are devoted to phonetics and prosody, construction of dialogs, speech analysis, synthesis, and recognition and voice conversion.
Vondra, Martin ; Vích, Robert
In the contribution speech decomposition into the source and vocal tract components is described. It is based on separation of the signal into the minimum- and maximum-phase speech components. Further the modification of the source speech component by changing the glottal model parameters is applied in order to achieve emotional speech by change of the neutral speech style
Staněk, Jan
During testing phase of a new speech analysis and synthesis methods based upon complex cepstrum and implemented in a TTS system Epos, we have discovered disturbing speech artifacts on the borders of the concatenated units. To eliminate these artifacts, we have chosen to practically implement and test usage of smoothing algorithms in the cepstral domain and observe its impact on the resulting synthesized speech. The results of our tests are presented in this paper.
Applications of porous III-V semiconductors in heteroepitaxial growth and in preparation of nanocomposite structures
Nohavica, Dušan ; Grym, Jan ; Gladkov, Petar ; Hulicius, Eduard ; Pangrác, Jiří
We investigate the concept of epitaxial growth on porous substrates Both crystalographically oriented and current line oriented pore networks in InP and GaAs were created by electrochemical dissolution. Heat treatment of InP pores at 650 ºC and GaAs pores at 700-850ºC converted them into microcavities. The capability of improved structural quality homo- and hetero-epitaxially overgrown films is demonstrated on InAs and GaInAs layers with a different composition grown on porous GaAs substrates
Subspace Methods in Linear DS - CDMA Detection
Šimša, Jan
Application of signal subspace methods in linear mean square error (MSE) detectors of direct sequence CDMA signals. Focusing on the cross-spectral (CS) method, its origin and a relation to multistage Wiener filter (MWF) is shown. This filter results from splitting of correlation matrix
Graphite Schottky barriers on n-InP and n-GaN with deposited Pd, Pt or bimetallic Pd/Pt nanoparticles for H2 sensing
Žďánský, Karel ; Muller, M. ; Černohorský, Ondřej ; Yatskiv, Roman
High Schottky barriers have been achieved by applying colloidal graphite on n-type InP and on n-type GaN semiconductor crystal wafers. The barrier heights were shown to be close to Schottky-Mott limit ad thermionic emission theory. Porous properties of the graphite Schottky contacts were demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 158 records found   1 - 10nextend  jump to record:
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