National Repository of Grey Literature 4,584 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.24 seconds. 

The activities of the Czech ecological organisations: Case study Temelin
Novotná, Marcela ; Vymětal, Petr (advisor) ; Lisa, Aleš (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with activities of the Czech ecological organisations which were active in case of nuclear power plant Temelin after its breaking-in. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first one focuses on the definition of the ecological organisation (movement). In the second chapter, the attention is paid to the history of foundation and functioning of the nuclear power plant Temelin. The third chapter is about advantages and disadvantages of the nuclear power. The last chapter focuses on the analysis of activities of the Czech ecological organisations which opposed or supported the nuclear power plant Temelin.

Fed's Easy Money Policy during Alan Greenspan's presidency in Board of Governors (1987-2006)
Mašek, František ; Johnson, Zdenka (advisor) ; Tajovský, Ladislav (referee)
The main theme of the work is the Fed's monetary policy during the time, when chairman of the Board of Governors was Alan Greenspan. The greatest attention is aimed at the influence of Fed's expansive monetary policy on the so-called dot-com bubble and later mortgage crisis, which subsequently developer into the financial crisis. Through a thorough analysis of many scientific papers written by known economists and my own analysis and evalution I opine that the effect of expansionary monetary policy on the bubble in technological assets and mortgage crisis is rather minor. Fed subordinated all actions to achieve its monetary policy objectives, so criticism of its conducted monetary policy is essentially a critique of these objectives as such. I consider the emergence of new technologies and the so-called theory of feedback as the main cause of dot-com bubble. In the mortgage crisis and subsequent financial crisis as main determinants I consider reluctance of goverment officials strongly regulate activities of investment banks and other investment companies, moral hazard, failure of rating agencies, and federal support for home ownership coupled with the deregulation of the financial sector.

Contributions of Czech Centres with a focus on the promotion of export activities - the example of Belgium
Bízová, Petra ; Gullová, Soňa (advisor) ; Klosová, Anna (referee)
The objective of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the contributions of Czech Centres with a focus on promotion of export activities and to suggest possible strategies for the improvement. More detailed analysis is specialized on Czech Centre in Brussels. At first, the theoretical basis of Czech Centres is defined together with their administrative and organizational structure, funding and target groups. Then, the activities of Czech Centres are analysed with a focus on promotion of export activities. That analysis includes detailed focus on the contribution of website - its existence was initiated by Czech Centre. Further activities of Czech Centres are evaluated through SWOT analysis and the Strategy for 2012 - 2015. In conclusion, the thesis focuses on the activities of Czech Centre in Brussels with the concentration on promotion of export activities together with the specific strategic proposals to improve its promotion of export policy.

Analysis of the activities of South Korean companies from music industry in the European markets
Vohradská, Zuzana ; Zamykalová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Gullová, Soňa (referee)
This master thesis analyzes activities of South Korean companies from music industry in the markets in Europe and this analysis is based on a questionnaire survey. The first part focuses on the theory and describes the Korean popular music, cross its history, major companies in the sector and their activity in foreign markets. In following theoretical chapters there is the definition of basic marketing terms, the theory of marketing research, its methods and evaluation and use of marketing research in culture, a summary of the economic situation in South Korea and differences in business negotiations between Koreans and Europeans. The practical part of the thesis describes in detail the selected companies, their products and activities in Europe. Furthermore there is an introduction to research and information about the survey. The final part deals with the evaluation and interpretation of the findings, conclusions drawn from the information obtained and the proposed solutions.

Výzkumné centrum dynamiky Země (CEDR) - pět let aktivity
Kostelecký, J. ; Vondrák, Jan ; Zeman, A. ; Kalvoda, J. ; Schenk, Vladimír
Five years of activities of the Center of Earth Dynamics Research is described.

To Use the Waldorf Pedagogical System in Free-time Activities, or Is It Possible to Use the Waldorf Pedagogical Educational System in Scouting System?
Vondrušková, Josefína ; Ortová, Marie (advisor) ; Růžička, Vít (referee)
The topic of my work: to use the Waldorf pedagogical educational system in free-time activities, or is it possible to use the Waldorf pedagogical educational system in scouting system? This is the reason why in my work I am trying to compare the approach of Steinerov's pedogogical system and scouting methods in upbringing children. The goal of my work is to find compatable elements and different disputes of both systems and by this find out if it is possible to apply the Waldorf system in scouting practices. My work, most of all is based on long terms work and experience in scouting groups and the Waldorf systems is based on theoretical information found in professional and available literature. I deal, mainly, with children's current wishes and demands for free-time activities, and hence at the same time I am trying to find a possibility to modernize scouting upbringing and practices in order for the center to be more interesting especially for children. One of the possibilities I see is found especially in this form of educational system. After stating the requirments for free-time activity I try to completely characterize the current methods, individually important of the area in preactice. In a similar way, I describe walsorfskou pedagogicu and antroposophical approach to the upbriniging. In the last...

On possible approaches to detecting robotic activity of botnets
Prajer, Richard ; Palovský, Radomír (advisor) ; Pavlíček, Luboš (referee)
This thesis explores possible approaches to detecting robotic activity of botnets on network. Initially, the detection based on full packet analysis in consideration of DNS, HTTP and IRC communication, is described. However, this detection is found inapplicable for technical and ethical reasons. Then it focuses on the analysis based on network flow metadata, compiling them to be processable in machine learning. It creates detection models using different machine learning methods, to compare them with each other. Bayes net method is found to be acceptable for detecting robotic activity of botnets. The Bayesian model is only able to identify the botnet that already executes the commands sent by its C&C server. "Sleeping" botnets are not reliably detectable by this model.