National Repository of Grey Literature 243 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.05 seconds. 

Authority Comparison of the School Teacher with the Leisure-time Educator
VAŇKOVÁ, Karolína
This work deals with authority issue in society, educational studies, with authority of teacher and authority of leisure-time educator. In its first part this work defines authority and describes phenomenons attached to it. Later this work desribes actual position of authority in society. Final this work defines phenomenons, which affects authority of the teacher and authority of leisure-time educator, with short comparison.

Methodic of trombone for beginers
Moťka, Lukáš ; SUŠICKÝ, Jiří (advisor) ; HLAVÁČ, Jiří (referee)
The topic of this dissertation thesis discusses the methodology of playing the trombone for beginners. This work is based on a long tradition of the Czech trombone school and describes the development from the beginning of this tradition to the present. The work is divided to three main chapters. The first part is devoted to the history of music teaching in Bohemia and Moravia. This chapter also introduces the biggest personalities and teachers of trombone in Bohemia and Moravia. The second part is devoted to personalities who greatly influenced the Czech trombone school and trends as well as my attitude to metodological approaches. In following subchapters personalities who inspired my opinion to the education of childern are introduced. The last subchapter is devoted to Hatha yoga, one of the main inspirational aspect during my studies. The third part introduces a new methodology of playing the trombone for beginners. This work is particularly concerned about the understanding of the important functions of the player's body such as a proper breathing, a muscle function, a musculoskeletal function and their interplay into one harmonious whole. A single subchapter is devoted to each of this element. I mention here also a question of a personality of a teacher and a connection between children and art

The Beginning Preparation for Playing the Piano
DAVIDOVÁ, Veronika
This seminary work is divided into four chapters in which the aspects important for the beginning of the piano play are analysed. The first chapter deals with musical ontogenesis in men at particular periods {--} from the prenatal period to the period of adolescence. The second chapter mentions the main participants in pedagogical process - child, teacher and parent whose role in pedagogical process is essential. The third part describes briefly the psychology of musical abilities, the range of problems related with talent and dispositions, inborn and gained dispositions and finally it deals with the disposition defects and the causes of its origin. The last chapter mentions the development of child´s musicalness, musical perception and creativity. The personal experience with child´s piano education at a young age is a part of this seminary work.

Mainstreaming the blind students in the basic school
Kochová, Klára ; Mlčková, Marie (advisor) ; Schindlerová, Olga (referee)
The aim of this work is to summarize the important principles concerning the mainstreaming of children with visual impairments in the basic school. The work focuses on the role of the assistant teacher, the guidance important for the mainstreaming process and other specific recommendations. The practical outcome of this work is a guide for teachers, and others who wish to integrate children with visual impairments and have interest in such dealings. In the thesis the basic points of the issue are recognizes as well as, in an abbreviated form, the methodological issues in regard to children with visual impairments in the classroom. Part of the work is devoted to didactic aids, problems with specially prepared textbooks, leisure activities and a brief introduction to counselling facilities. The text is supplemented by testimonies of interested parties, i.e. parents, teachers, managers, assistants, and of course the children themselves. The aim of the thesis is, therefore, to offer specific recommendations for the individual problem in themed areas. The handbook will also serve as a textbook for a course organized by the Integrace, o.s. and is also annexed to this thesis.

Primary school teachers and CAN syndrome
BÖHMOVÁ, Michaela
This diploma thesis deals with a teacher at an elementary school and the CAN syndrome. The first chapter shows the relation between domestic violence and the syndrome. The second chapter explains the issues of the syndrome - definition, forms of the syndrome, syndrome consequences, describes who the victim is and who the perpetrator is and how to recognize a child with the syndrome. The third chapter is focused on the teacher and the elementary school - there is described professional "portrait" of the educator, basic types of the prevention of the syndrome and syndrome prevention in elementary school. Chapter Four presents the research itself assesing the level of awareness of the teachers about the syndrome. This chapter also includes methodology, data analysis and subsequent interpretation of the results, verify hypothese, and the final summary.

Burnout Syndrome of Leisure Time Activities Specialist.
This thesis is dealing with burnout syndrome among leisure time specialists. Theoretical part describes burnout syndrome, its historical basis, symptoms and causes, protective factors and preventive techniques, which prevent from burnout syndrome risk. Next part deals with common stress, its causes and symptoms, and psychosocial stress, which is closely related with burnout syndrome. Ending of the theoretical part is focused on understanding the differences between jobs of common teacher and leisure time specialist, their competences, demands and factors causing burnout syndrome. The goal of the practical part is to find out, whether leisure time specialists are equally threatened by burnout syndrome as common teachers, and whether their burnout relates with their experience, sex or type a personal behavior.

Special educationist and his role in the educational system in the Czech Republic.
In the bachelor thesis "A special educational teacher and his/her position in the educational system of the Czech republic" were elected headmasters of elementary schools in the region around Prachatice as a target group for the research. The theoretical part deals with legislative issues and qualifying conditions required for executing this occupation. This chapter also describes personal qualities and necessary skills of a special education teacher, then his/her further specialization. A very important part of this chapter is dedicated to a person of a special education teacher at a primary school and his/her career system. The second chapter of the theoretical part individually describes the educational system in the Czech Republic with a focus on basic education. Then this part discusses alternative education forms at primary schools, education of pupils with SEN and inclusive, interactive education. The empirical part of the thesis is based on a research which was designed as the qualitative research. This research survey was conducted as a semi-structured interview with directors at primary schools around Prachatice. The interview was conducted with 9 of a total of 15 directors asked to participate in the research. Before the interview was conducted, the basic questions were set. Then the question were subsequently asked to all surveyed respondents and then they were asked some additional questions. The aim of the thesis was to find out how headmasters of elementary schools around Prachatice perceive the possible application of a special education teacher in their schools. Then, two research questions were formed: In what conditions would the headmasters of chosen schools think about hiring a special education teacher in their schools? What activities should the special education teacher perform by an opinion of the headmasters? After analyzing respondent´s answers, the financial reasons appeared to be the most important when deciding about hiring, or not, a special educational teacher. All surveyed agreed that in their financial budgets there are currently no resources for implementing a position of the special education teacher. An increasing numbers of pupils with SEN would also have a significant influence on establishing this position. Then the respondents in their answers mentioned that the school education teacher might be an appropriate solution for dealing with administrative issues connected with the new system of inclusive education what they understand to be a good reason for establishing the position of a special education teacher at their schools. The aim of the second research question was to find what particular activities the teachers should perform. Based on the analysis of the answers received it appeared that the surveyed headmasters had a less insight into this issue. The survey among respondents brings the conclusion that the special education teacher should communicate with parents of pupils with SEN, create an IEP, SEP, then communicate with the school advisory department and he/she should do the administrative connected to the inclusive education. This bachelor thesis shall bring the comprehensive view of the person of a special education teacher on chosen schools around Prachatice. The work could also bring a closer overview of a character of the special education teacher on chosen elementary schools around Prachatice. It should also bring closer the problematics of the system of special education in the Czech Republic, not even to students of the special education but also to parents of pupils with SEN. Then the thesis shall provide information about the special education teacher for headmasters of elementary schools

The integration of people with intellectual disabilities in society and their employability in the labor market
The theoretical part of the thesis entitled "The integration of people with intellectual disabilities into society and their opportunities in the labor market" is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the definition of mental retardation, which is struggling with terminological confusion, concretely the disputation of the use of the term mental disability versus mental retardation. In addition, this chapter includes classification of mental retardation according to the degree of mental disability and a brief description of each of these stages. This chapter continues with a disquisition of the etiology of mental disability and finally there is a description of the specifics of people with mental disabilities, which are manifested in sensory perception, memory, attention and emotivity. The second chapter is devoted to the education and training, including training opportunities with respect to the degree of mental disability. There is also mentioned today's trend of integration and inclusion in education and the associated very necessary function of the special education teacher and an assistant teacher. There is also mentioned today's trend of integration and inclusion in education. This also involves very necessary function of the special education teacher and an assistant teacher. The third chapter is devoted to the employment of people with mental disabilities. This chapter defines the legislative framework related to the employment of these people and represents the career opportunities which are offered to them. The practical part is based on qualitative research that was implemented through structured interviews with open questions. The research sample were consistedof employers of people with mental disabilities in the region Vysočina and seven interviews were realized there. For the realization of structured interviews it was necessary to determine the exact wording and order of questions. The interview included seventeen questions that were designed to detect characteristic information about the organization that employs people with intellectual disabilities and what are their experiences. Furthermore, what is the view of the employers at the current situation of employment of people with mental disabilities and what forms of support they use. The aim of the thesis was to introduce the issue of employment of people with mental disabilities from the perspective of employers in the region Vysočina. The thesis also shows us the current list of employers who employ people with mental disabilities in this region. Based on the research results, it is clear that employers of people with mental disabilities are both non-profit and profit organizations, but profit organization are struggling with financial problems. Except of these financial problems, the employers of these people are also atruggling with the lack of support from the state and also with the discrimination against people with mental disabilities, which still has prevailed in today´s society. An interesting finding is also the fact that people with mental disabilities find employment in various sectors, but it is always the ancillary works. The thesis could be an inspiration for both employers, who people with intellectual disabilities employ, as well as for employers, who do not employ these people. In this theses, both types of employers could find hints and tips there on how to implement and improve their intention to employ these people. A great asset of this thesis is also a comprehensive list of current employers of people with mental disabilities in the region Vysočina that can serve families or organizations that provide care for people with mental disabilities who are seeking employment in current labor market.