National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
How a familys lifestyle changes after one of its members acquires a neurological disability.
BÖHMOVÁ, Michaela
The diploma thesis focuses on lived experience of parents that have a child with a serious illness and acquired disability. Using the phenomenological interpretive analysis, I pointed out the impact of the child's illness not only on the lifestyle of the family, but also on its own change along with a view on quality of life. I will also describe the journey of several mothers from the diagnosis through the necessary and life-threatening adequate treatment to the return to normal life. Despite the very demanding care of a sick child, all respondents had to go through a period of reconciliation and settlement with the child's diagnosis over time.
Primary school teachers and CAN syndrome
BÖHMOVÁ, Michaela
This diploma thesis deals with a teacher at an elementary school and the CAN syndrome. The first chapter shows the relation between domestic violence and the syndrome. The second chapter explains the issues of the syndrome - definition, forms of the syndrome, syndrome consequences, describes who the victim is and who the perpetrator is and how to recognize a child with the syndrome. The third chapter is focused on the teacher and the elementary school - there is described professional "portrait" of the educator, basic types of the prevention of the syndrome and syndrome prevention in elementary school. Chapter Four presents the research itself assesing the level of awareness of the teachers about the syndrome. This chapter also includes methodology, data analysis and subsequent interpretation of the results, verify hypothese, and the final summary.
Selected ethical dilemmas of social workers supporting foster families
BÖHMOVÁ, Michaela
This Diploma Thesis deals with the description of the ethical dilemmas faced by personnel attached to the foster family. The first part is devoted to the family, because that is the target group with which the attached person supervising the worker works. The second part deals with foster care, in particular, its legislative definition. This definition determines the boundaries within which the worker moves. Next, I explain, what is the legislation of our country, related to foster care, based on. The third chapter describes what should the attached personnel be like and what is included in their work performance. The next chapter presents dilemmas for workers, which I found, on the basis of qualitative research using interviews with staff. The final, fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of selected ethical dilemma from the perspective of ethics I. Kant and utilitarianism.
Domestic violence and its influence on psycosocial family climate
BÖHMOVÁ, Michaela
This thesis deals with domestic violence and is divided into two theoretical parts. The first of the two parts is focused on: the definition of the term family, the main purposes and all other factors that have any influence on family. The second part takes a detailed look at domestic violence itself. It offers an explanation of the features of domestic violence, discusses the forms and phases of its advancement and characterises the personality of a suspect and of a victim. The final part, named "Family climate", gives the conclusions which are drawn from the thesis.
Professional curator for youth in the system of socio - legal protection of children
BÖHMOVÁ, Michaela
Bachelor thesis profession of social worker for children and youth in the social-legal protection of children. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts related to the curator, describes legislation and clients curator. Lists options and punishments that follow repeated problems of clients. The knowledge and materials acquired through their experience of the practical is a concept profession curator.

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2 BÖHMOVÁ, Miroslava
5 BÖHMOVÁ, Monika
1 Böhmová, Magdalena
3 Böhmová, Marie
4 Böhmová, Martina
7 Böhmová, Michaela
5 Böhmová, Monika
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