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Payroll and processing in various accounting programs
The study is concerned with personal and payroll administration in accounting software represented by Pohoda and EKONOM programmes. The theoretical part includes specification of the personnel management, definition of the wage and labour-law relations with legacy of Labour Code. The study proceeds with characteristic of the systems that are being used in the followed part. The practical part is mainly dedicated to analysis of these accounting software. Particular staffers, personal data, attendances and wages are step by step put into the programmes. It is followed the comparison of the outputs and the assessment of the programmes in a personal management estate. The work assesses rightness, clarity, price and harmony with Labour Code. There is pointed out the negatives of the programme in the finish part and the other way around, the positives of the software are underlined.

The Issue of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care among Young People
The dissertation is focused on the issue of contraception and reproductive health of young people. I therefore chose this topic of my dissertation because it interests me and it is also very current topic. I have specified the research in various types of secondary schools in Cesky Krumlov. The main aim of my dissertation was to map the knowledge of hormonal contraception and proven possible differences in sexual self behaviour in adolescent girls attending different high schools in Cesky Krumlov. The research was conducted using anonymous questionnaires that were distributed to girls aged 17 to 19 years. For my dissertation, I set four hypotheses that have been statistically confirmed. The results were interesting and there had been statistically significant differences in the level of knowledge about the risks of hormonal contraception among female students of Secondary Schools and other female students of Health Secondary Schools. In addition, the Vocational School students begin sexual life before other students of Secondary schools. Also the most common method of protection at first sexual intercourse is condom, but the most preferred contraceptives in adolescent girls, regardless of the type school studied, is hormonal contraception. According to the responses of girls we can see the differences in their own sexual behaviour, which is, in most cases conscientiously. Girls, however, are not sufficiently informed about hormonal contraception they use. I would advise to bring more lectures into schools about the positives and risks of hormonal contraception in general and also about all contraceptive options.

Migration to selected EU countries: Labor market integration
Kaclíková, Roberta ; Šaroch, Stanislav (advisor) ; Němcová, Ingeborg (referee)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyse the labor market of European Union and its certain countries in relation to the immigration with the backgound of various social welfare models. The paper is analysing the topic of labor market of European Union, integration of immigrants on this market, with focus on economies and labour markets of Sweden, United Kingdom and Germany as countries with high level of immigration that are representing three different social welfare models, such as Nordic model, Liberal model and Conservative model. The main objective of this thesis is the analysis of labor markets in selected countries of the European Union in relation to immigration and their subsequent comparison using the background of different social welfare models. The result is the evaluation of effectivness of the various social models based on statistical data, acquired knowledge and performed comparisons. The thesis is divided into four chapters and contains 13 tables and 8 charts.

Internal equity principle in the context of company strategy
Kopecký, Martin ; Nový, Ivan (advisor) ; Háša, Stanislav (referee) ; Blažek, Ladislav (referee)
The thesis deals with the scientific problem of the link between the strategic management and the compensation system using the principle of internal equity. The work is based on two pillars, namely the qualitative research and own proposed solution. The first part of the thesis describes the qualitative research and the possibilities and the synergistic effects of linking business strategy and compensation system. The qualitative research is performed as a multi-case study and investigates the phenomenon in the practice of three companies from various markets (the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bosnia and Hercegovina) and industries (finance, IT/Telco and FMCG). The research tries to find answers to the four research questions: How does business strategy influence compensation process? How can compensation support the realization of a business strategy? How can business strategy be linked with a compensation system within the principle of internal equity? How can compensation reinforce the strategic function of the human resources management? The research is based on the study of theoretical sources as well as on practical fieldwork. The qualitative research itself uses qualitative research methods for data collection, such as observations, questionnaires, and document analysis. The population questioned was top managers, line managers and representatives of HR department. In total, 142 interviews were performed by a single person. The collected data were analyzed and the triangulation was applied. The findings were summarized and generalized into a final report that brings answers to the research questions above. The research brings valuable findings used in the second, design part of the thesis. The own proposed solution consists of two main models. The first one is a simplified scheme of the compensation system and the second one is a model of strategic segmentation of jobs. The first model could be used successfully in the business practice as well as in education. The second model of the strategic job segmentation brings answer to the question of synergistic linking of business strategy and the compensation system within the principle of internal equity. The model brings valuable findings and a foundation for further theoretical research and its further development. The model also brings practical solution to the design of related policies and processes in the strategic management of human resources. By the design of both proposed models the main objectives of the thesis were achieved.

Analysing company's behaviour and communication on social networks
Němec, Milan ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Jelínek, Ivan (referee)
This thesis focuses on measuring company´s communication and behaviour on social networks. To capture the interaction between the company and its users the thesis uses web analytics tools. Therefore, the main objective of the thesis is analysis of these tools. To achieve this goal, the thesis characterizes social networks and their marketing opportunities for business promotion. Thanks to this, needs of using these tools is identified. The needs are: competitive analysis, optimizing communication, measuring achievement of objectives or detection competitive viral content. Research questions were determined and then analysis tools found answers to research questions. It was found that the tools provide various views of data and create a complete system for measuring and analysing behaviour and communication companies on social networks. The results were validated in a case study focused on the Facebook profile of the University of Economics in Prague. The study analysed the interaction profile of the school and its users and compared with others schools. In the results the analysis tools are validated and it is designed recommendation for improve engagement. This thesis revealed strengths and weaknesses of tools for measuring company´s communication and behaviour on social networks. It was found that these tools have wide range of use. They can be used for understanding the company's profile, its users, for purposes of competitive analysis, monitor corporate goals and optimize communications on social networks.

Specificity of nursing care of Ucraine and Russian clients
HROMOVÁ, Miroslava
Each year the level of migration rises. In the Czech Republic, we observe a sustained increase of variety in terms of nationalities, cultures, ethnicities. Among the numerous communities that can be found within our borders are the ethnic groups of Russians and Ukrainians. The influence that a person's cultural background has on their behavior in times of sickness and in times of health is enormous. Culture has an impact not only on a person's lifestyle, but also on the way in which such a person responds to, and should be treated with, medical care and nursing. Medical staff should be aware of the different patterns of behavior of members of various nationalities and ethnicities. The objectives of this diploma thesis are: identify specific aspects of providing nursing services to the Russian and Ukrainian minorities, and ensure that Russian and Ukrainian clients are satisfied with the nursing service in our hospitals. This paper is divided into two sections. In the theoretical part, the reader may familiarize himself or herself with the religious beliefs that form a part of the life of Russian and Ukrainian clients. This part also includes an overview of the history of these peoples, their migration, their assimilation to our conditions, the issue of barriers to communication, and the ensuing problems. The practical part of this thesis relies on qualitative research via structured interviews within the Russian and Ukrainian communities, and on quantitative research in the form of a questionnaire with which we identified the degree to which nurses are knowledgeable in the belief system of orthodox christianity, and their opinion regarding the necessity of a specific approach to providing care to Russian and Ukrainian clients. Four research questions were formulated, and have drawn answers, in the course of our research. Based on this research, we put together a nursing standard that should facilitate and improve the care provided by nurses in our hospitals. The results of this research, and this thesis itself, could be used in practice to enhance, and to improve the quality, of nursing services rendered, as a training tool for nurses, to present the results on scientific or undergraduate conferences, and for publication in professional journals.

The Impacts of the Tax Records Transition to Accounting for the Selected Entrepreneur
Sedláčková, Jitka ; Šišková, Jitka (advisor)
The thesis titled Impacts of the transition of tax register on accounting for the selected entrepreneur deals with a general overview of management, tax register and accounting for entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic with respect to the chosen legal form of business. The outcome is determined by critical moments and recommendation of variants of the transition on accounting with regard to tax optimization. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts related to doing business in the Czech Republic, followed by a description of the analysis of the various accounting methods depending on the chosen form of business. It is also outlined the current tax system of the Czech Republic with an emphasis on income tax of legal persons with optimization option. The practical part is focused on acquired of theoretical knowledge. At selected entrepreneur are made model calculations related to the financial results of the total levy taxes, including optimization, depending on the method of accounting and in connection with the legal form of business. At the end of the practical part are determined the critical moments of transition from tax register on accounting and for entrepreneur is proposed the optimal process of transition.

Non-invasive methods for sex and steroid homones determination in gibbons of the genus Nomascus
Bolechová, Petra ; Bartoš, Luděk (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
The gibbon primates of the family Nomascus are classified as critically endangered species, and, to date, basic understanding and information about their biology is missing. With regard to the status of these animals in the wild and captive populations in zoos, being familiar with their reproduction, may improve captive breeding programs. Data collection in this study was to be carried out by the practical use of non-invasive methods (polymerase chain reaction for DNA extraction and enzyme immunoassays), using faecal samples for analysis. The first method, polymerase chain reaction, was used for sex determination in juveniles, because of their coat colour and visual similarity of secondary sex characteristic in both sexes; it is not possible to determinate sex without handling the animal. Another main purpose of this study is to try and answer the hypothesis regarding the ovarian cycle of females, factors influencing their hormone concentration and also the onset of sexual maturity in females and the timing of their fur colour change. Hypotheses were checked by monitoring the concentration of progesterone and oestrogen faecal metabolites and by evaluation of the composition of breeding groups of gibbons with the ZOO influence. During a four year period (from 2010 till 2014), there were a total of 51 animals analysed from 16 different zoos with a faecal sample count totalling 1618 samples. The results confirmed the use of noninvasive methods for sex determination, and thus ensuring the maximum welfare standards. Endocrinological analysis confirmed the hypothesis of the influence of the environment (ZOO) to the hormone concentrations and female´s pregnancy effect in conjunction with her age on the final results of the male - father hormone concentrations. The initial information in this study is the confirmation of the onset of ovarian cycle in young females without connection to their fur colour change and a significant factor of a mother´s impact and her territoriality. This study is the first to present a long term monitoring of ovarian cycles in females and hormone concentrations of other individuals, both male and female, and from various age groups. The results allow us to understand the possible impact of zoo environments on the reproductive status of these gibbons and contribute to the general improvement of breeding management.

Proceedings of multidisciplinary conference LASER56
Růžička, Bohdan
Conference LASER56 is a multidisciplinary and intersectoral event where different kind of specialist can meet each other. They come from various environments (private company, university, public research organization etc.). Their common denominators are laser, optics and its applications.\n\n

Acceleration Methods for Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits
Vašíček, Zdeněk ; Miller, Julian (referee) ; Zelinka,, Ivan (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (advisor)
Ačkoliv můžeme v literatuře nalézt řadu příkladů prezentujících evoluční návrh jakožto zajímavou a slibnou alternativu k tradičním návrhovým technikám používaným v oblasti číslicových obvodů, praktické nasazení je často problematické zejména v důsledku tzv. problému škálovatelnosti, který se projevuje např. tak, že evoluční algoritmus je schopen poskytovat uspokojivé výsledky pouze pro malé instance řešeného problému. Vážný problém představuje tzv. problém škálovatelnosti evaluace fitness funkce, který je markantní zejména v oblasti syntézy kombinačních obvodů, kde doba potřebná pro ohodnocení kandidátního řešení typicky roste exponenciálně se zvyšujícím se počtem primárních vstupů. Tato disertační práce se zabývá návrhem několika metod umožňujících redukovat problem škálovatelnosti evaluace v oblasti evolučního návrhu a optimalizace číslicových systémů. Cílem je pomocí několika případových studií ukázat, že s využitím vhodných akceleračních technik jsou evoluční techniky schopny automaticky navrhovat inovativní/kompetitivní řešení praktických problémů. Aby bylo možné redukovat problém škálovatelnosti v oblasti evolučního návrhu číslicových filtrů, byl navržen doménově specifický akcelerátor na bázi FPGA. Tato problematika reprezentuje případ, kdy je nutné ohodnotit velké množství trénovacích dat a současně provést mnoho generací. Pomocí navrženého akcelerátoru se podařilo objevit efektivní implementace různých nelineárních obrazových filtrů. S využitím evolučně navržených filtrů byl vytvořen robustní nelineární filtr implusního šumu, který je chráněn užitným vzorem. Navržený filtr vykazuje v porovnání s konvenčními řešeními vysokou kvalitu filtrace a nízkou implementační cenu. Spojením evolučního návrhu a technik známých z oblasti formální verifikace se podařilo vytvořit systém umožňující výrazně redukovat problém škálovatelnosti evoluční syntézy kombinačních obvodů na úrovni hradel. Navržená metoda dovoluje produkovat komplexní a přesto kvalitní řešení, která jsou schopna konkurovat komerčním nástrojům pro logickou syntézu. Navržený algoritmus byl experimentálně ověřen na sadě několika benchmarkových obvodů včetně tzv. obtížně syntetizovatelných obvodů, kde dosahoval v průměru o 25% lepších výsledků než dostupné akademické i komerční nástroje. Poslední doménou, kterou se práce zabývá, je akcelerace evolučního návrhu lineárních systémů. Na příkladu evolučního návrhu násobiček s vícenásobnými konstantními koeficienty bylo ukázáno, že čas potřebný k evaluaci kandidátního řešení lze výrazně redukovat (defacto na ohodocení jediného testovacího vektoru), je-li brán v potaz charakter řešeného problému (v tomto případě linearita).