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The value of life from macroenomic point of view in United States of America, Czech republic and Russia between years 2007-2014
Antoš, Michal ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Brabec, Petr (referee)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the research of the value of life calculation in the Czech republic, United states of America and Russia in 2007-2014.The main purpose is to analyze and compare values of life and major factors influencing them. The hypothesis is that value of life differs in selected countries due to distinctions of sections influencing them. The theoretical part is devoted to sections directly or indirectly influencing values of life, and then analyzing and comparing them together within the selected countries. The selected sections are education, health care, labor market, inequality and living standards. The practical thesis approach is to calculate the values of life for the individual states. The values of life are calculated for so called, representative individual, who is 40-years old citizen of selected country. In the period, in which is the value of life calculated, the retirement age and life expectancy are also considered in formula. Calculated values are examined and the economic and political measures are offered to the states, which can turn into significant increases in the value of life in future.

Support for Unemployed People Aged Under 30 Years at Entry to the Labor Market
The Bachelor Thesis deals with the problems of unemployment benefits for people at the age up to 30 when entering the employment market. Unemployment is currently one of the serious problems in the world. The reduction in the number of unemployed people is one of the political priorities. The meaning of work as a job is taking an irreplaceable position for the life within our culture. Job loss has a considerable influence on social as well as personal life of an individual. The age is playing a significant role when seeking a job. Especially the time connected with the beginning of the career. School leavers who apply for their first job are concerned. They have no working experience, no practice, and they have so far had no possibility to acquire the basic work habits. A disharmony between zero experience and excessive earnings demands belongs to other root causes of the lack of interest in giving work opportunity to school leavers. Employment Office plays an irreplaceable role for the mediation of job and the consultancy. To solve unemployment within each target group, active and passive labour policies are available. The situation of the specific target group is stimulated especially through single programs and projects. The theoretical part pays attention to the definition and objectification of the unemployment-related terms and the analysis of labour market in Ceske Budejovice. Observations of a number of authors who are dealing with these problems and the related issues are summarized herein. The empirical part is formed by observations from own investigation. Two job-related targets have been set. The first target is to analyse the ideas the young people aged up to thirty, living in the district of Ceske Budejovice, have of their employment. The other target is to analyse the employers´ ideas of giving work to school leavers and young people. In order to fulfil the above targets, two investigative questions have been put: 1: Young peoples´ ideas of earning possibilities are unrealistic. 2: Employers find the European Social Fund helpful in giving work to young people. For the purpose of answering the investigative questions a qualitative research method, namely a case study the study of a few cases was selected. Interviewing was chosen as the most suitable method of data gathering. Initially, ten participants aged up to thirty were interviewed. At the time of interviewing, all of the participants were registered at the Employment Office in Ceske Budejovice and were taking part in a retraining scheme arranged by the Employment Office. When talking with young people I found that their gross commencing salary is expected to amount to approx. 16 200 CZK. The other selective group comprised five employers in Ceske Budejovice. It emerged from the interviews that one of the companies does not utilize the programs and projects announced by the European Social Fund at all. Two of the companies complain about excessive administration. One of the employers must always carefully consider its ability to satisfy the involvement conditions. Some negative feelings also appeared about the frequent changing the blank forms, a low number of announced projects for a particular business branch. The programs being related to deepening knowledge and staff training were most appreciated. The results of the Thesis will give the Employment Office a feedback on the utilization of the European Social Fund by employers and will help in adjusting the conditions for further projects being prepared.

Specifics of social work with clients with drug addiction
The number of people in the population who use addictive substances and develop adverse life situations is still growing. This issue is also connected with social, health and legal problems with which the drug user must deal. In this case, those addicted can look for help to institutions such as a contact centre. The theoretical part is focused on three topics. The first describes the terms of drug addiction, its origin, consequences and forms of support. The work deals with theories that are significant to the work. The last topic concerns the specifics of social work in a contact centre. There are selected core activities and techniques specific to this institution. I set the aim for this paper, which was to answer the question of which theoretical approach is best applied by social workers working with drug addicts. Furthermore I was finding out which are the best examples of good practical training. The results after evaluation showed that social workers cannot tell whether they work according to particular theories. Usually there is eclecticism, which means that they collect different experiences and then apply them to the work. The basis for these is a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model that takes into account the integral concept of personality and the philosophy of Harm Reduction which is the main point of contact work. The research brought the views of social workers, their recommendations, and techniques that are proven by them, and also describe the pitfalls of their work. In my opinion, this work could serve as a good summary of techniques for new workers who would like to work with drug addicts. My results can also be the basis for further studies and research in this area.

Importance of everyday life in construction of new film worlds on examples of czechoslovak movies about 19th century
Dufková, Kristina ; POZZI, Jaroslav (advisor) ; VAJCHR, Marek (referee)
Importance of everyday life in construction of new film worlds on examples of Czechoslovak movies about 19th Century explores what everyday life actually means and how it is used. It analyses the different layers of everyday life in the movies Divá Bára (1949), Babička (1971) and Tisícročná včela (1983).

San Minn (or) An Artist who prefer creating and paintings than his life
Zeya, Pyin Nyar ; JANEČEK, Vít (advisor) ; VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ, Miloš (referee)
No one can control a painter artist’s freely thoughts and ideas and although his paintings were under the high pressure and banned by force, the artistic value of his materials never go down. So that I am writing this paper. He, San Minn has broken out the mainstream of Burmese painting field, he never made business paintings as well. He keeps his belief on the art of paints and he is always finding for the new way to make his paintings. His materials are very different from other Burmese painter artists’ materials. His style is unique in Burmese paintings. So I can get a chance to study of his style, ideas, ways of thinking and his determination on the art works. My paper can show a painter artist’s life who grew up under the military rule for 50 years and the situation and history of Burmese painting field. Then not only people who are studying the painting subject, but also other people can know about the subject of Burmese painting and field of artists. I dare say that my paper must be colorful and fruitful. As a painter artist, it seems that he wants his audience to feel his materials but he rare to show his real life behind the pictures. For me, I can get a chance to know about his real life for my thesis paper. xxxxxxxxxx Thesis Statement My thesis can be useful for everybody who is interested in Burmese contemporary art field. This is the biggest chance to read about one of the most famous, important and significant artists and art movements of Burma. His paintings are reflecting his journey through over 40 years of censorship, but he was not afraid to tackle political and social issues. Many of San Minn's art works are based on autobiographical, making sharp social commentary on the popular culture, social values and scenario circumstances where he has lived in. xxxxxxxxxx

Folk culture in memories of people born in 20s and 30s of 20th century
Horová, Kateřina ; STAVĚLOVÁ, Daniela (advisor) ; FRIČOVÁ, Marie (referee)
This thesis is focused on memories of people born in 20s and 30s of 20th century about traditional folk culture. It is focused on observing original traditions and celebrating traditional festivities and what sense had these traditions for them and how they ment it. First part of this thesis is focused on narratives life stories. Second part is about memories of traditional customs and habits and how was changing their way of celebrating during prewar period, war and in time of socialism. Last part is dedicated to dancing. Storytellers spoke about dancing opportunities, their own dance experience and dance perofrmances in the theatre.

Etienne Decroux and his method Le Mime Corporel
Šimon, Lukáš ; VIZVÁRY, Radim (advisor) ; SOPROVÁ, Jana (referee)
This thesis discusses the life and work of Etienne Decroux, one of France's most important reformers of the theater and his method of Le Mime Corporel, which still forms the basis of modern pantomime. Decroux is known worldwide as an excellent mime, director, teacher, theorist and reformer of the theater. His contribution to the development of the European theater in the last century is very significant, especially for mime theatre. The work presents Decroux's personality and his contribution to the creation of the new method of mime theatre - Le Mime Corporel. Another task of this thesis is to explore the effects of different important personalities in the artistic development of Etienne Decroux, to describe the basic elements forming the method Le Mime Corporel and to compare it to other genres of movement theater.

The Media Influence on Transformation of Democracy
Půlpánová, Barbora ; Pehe, Jiří (advisor) ; Slačálek, Ondřej (referee)
Mass media has always played the key role in democratic process. They are not only the indicator of its right functioning, but also the iniciator. From historical point of view is obvious, that technological progress and changes in the way of informing people were related to the political area. But with the increasing role of media, they changed their position from pure mediators of informations to the main actors of social and political life. The ‚old' media, such as newspapers, radio and television, are therefore partly responsible for commercialization of the public sphere and also for its depolitization. With contribution of the globalization effect on today's world, which causes besides other things the weakening of the nation state, there are only a little of the key democratic aspects left. Some find the solution in the ‚new' media represented by the Internet and social media, which are more interactive so they could get the citizens back to the game. And right in the increase of civic engagement see the theorists the potencial for creating a new democratic order based on high-level participation. KEY WORDS Mass media, Democracy, Public Sphere, Civic Engagement, Internet, Social media, Participative Democracy, Deliberative Democracy

Jean Ray, a Belgian author of fantasy short stories
Tauchmanová, Jana ; Jamek, Václav (advisor) ; Pohorský, Aleš (referee)
Raymundus Joannes Maria De Kremer, best-known under the pseudonym of Jean Ray, was one of the most important Belgian authors of the first half of the twentieth century. His contribution to literature is immense, both in its volume and in its diversity, stretching well over sixty years of uninterrupted writing. While he wrote mostly short stories of the fantastic genre and adventure novels, he also published detective stories under the pseudonym of John Flanders. A major part of his work was published in newspapers and magazines. Jean Ray was bilingual, which allowed him to write both in French and Flemish, dividing his attention equally between the two. The majority of his writings was published either anonymously or under various pseudonyms. The aim of our thesis is to provide a monograph overview of the said author. The first part situates his work in the context of Belgian literature written in French and the fantastique genre in general. The second part is devoted to his life, with special focus on his literary career. The third part contains analyses of selected parts of his extensive oeuvre. Briefly, we look at the Harry Dickson detective stories. However, the core of our analysis are his fantastic writings, i.e. selected collections of his fantastic short stories and the only fantastic novel...