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Public perception of social workers
According to Úlehla (1999), the mission of social work is to lead a dialogue between what society wants to achieve within its norms, and what the client wishes. It is then the social worker's qualification to be able to be a mediator between the norms of the society and what the client is convinced of. Helping other people is considered to be a matter of course based above all on good upbringing and a man's feeling of being needed. However, if helping others becomes a mission in life, the person is viewed as a professional, and his or her work is aimed at improving these people's lives. Janebová and Musil (2007) claim that social workers adopt a large number of roles to achieve objectives of social justice and enhancing the quality of human life. Social work should reflect the task of mass media in the present society and should be able to employ them to achieve its objectives and to build the public image of this profession (Sveřepa, 2005). The main objective of the thesis was to find out how social workers are perceived by the public. The first chapter contains the definition of the basic terms of the subject matter. The chapter deals with a description of the social worker and the basic conditions of the social worker's performance, the ethical fundamentals and principles of the helping professions. Attention is also given to professional ethics, to the ethical code of social workers and expressing the basic attitudes of social workers to their clients. Further, it contains a definition of social services according to Act No. 108/2006 Coll. The formulation of desirable competences of social workers is described according to Zastrow and Havrdová (in Matoušek, 2003). The thesis endeavours to show the substance of differentiating between help and control in social work. The second chapter deals with explaining terms necessary in the subject of perception of social workers by the public. The chapter specifies the terms of the public, personality and perception. It includes factors that influence human perception. We describe the image of social work in selected Czech mass media. According to Sveřepa (2005), a significant role in the relationship of social work and mass media is played by the manner in which social work is presented in mass media. Social work and social workers themselves should reflect the role of mass media in the present society and should use them in achieving their objectives. The first two chapters deal with the theory of the subject. A significant support in this part is the relevant expert literature that I drew on. The thesis tries to present a more comprehensive view and a more integral idea of the subject matter in question. In the part dealing with research I set the objective of the research and formulated two hypotheses that were verified in the course of my research. The first hypothesis was: The perception of social workers is influenced by their image created by mass media. The second hypothesis: The perception of social workers is influenced by the degree of respondents' personal experience. Considering the subject chosen the research was realised by the quantitative method. The research was carried out in the town of Třeboň in the period of June and July 2014. Because of the size of the basic set it was not possible to carry out the research in the entire population of the basic set, and for that reason I chose the technique of the quota selection, which is very often employed in public opinion polls. The method used was that of questionnaire survey, with the questionnaire technique. The questionnaire contained 14 questions, and was distributed mainly personally. A total of 368 respondents participated in the survey. The outcome of the research provided answers to the two hypotheses. The first hypothesis: "The perception of social workers is influenced by their image created by mass media", was confirmed. The second hypothesis "The perception of social worker

Criminality of children and youth
Mrkáčková, Ivana ; Kohnová, Jana (advisor) ; Braun, Richard (referee)
The work deals with youth and children crime. It is concentrated on crime as a whole, it defines the most important terms related to the topic. It points out probable roots of that pathological phenomenon and looks for possible measures leading to its reduction. Considering the field of study, i. e. Pedagogy, a part of the work will be aimed at children's primary social environment, i.e. family and school. Attention will be paid to crime prevention and its categories. Finally, case studies will prove that family, school, education and training are the most important factors forming young people and influencing their behaviour.

Social support in an illness. The comparison of the subjective view of the "non-psychiatric" and "psychiatric" patient at his social support in an illness
Věříšová, Jana ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Šípek, Jiří (advisor)
The thesis is devoted to the social support in an illness of adult patients. A theoretical part is engaged in the illness as a pressure situation, patients, their needs and the social support about which we can talk in the context of the illness. The attention is mainly concentrated on the fact how the patients subjectively feel the support whether they accept or reject it, whether they need it and if the way how it is given is convenient or not. An important thing is to feel the support as a positive thing (e.g. desirable, helpful) and a negative one (e.g. limiting). The selective file, whose data are used for the experimental part of the thesis, consists of 40 patients divided into two groups called "psychiatric group" and "non-psychiatric group". Besides a medical diagnosis the fact which of the patients' health troubles are felt by them as the dominant ones is important for their including into these groups. The basis of the experimental part of the thesis is the quality analysis of the obtained data that are also completed with the quantity comparison of separate indices and the search of potential relations of dependence between them with the help of correlations in each group separately. The results from both groups are compared. It turns out that the patients' needs considering the social support in...

Civil Society in Non-Democratic Regime. Analysis of Civic Groups in Current Burma and Their Relation towards the End of Military Goverment
Peřinová, Marie ; Mlejnek, Josef (advisor) ; Andělová, Petra (referee)
Since 1962, Burma (Myanmar) has been under the rule of a military junta, which, through the extensive state and military apparatus, forms one of the most repressive regimes in the world today. In spite of, or rather because of the authority of the authoritarian regime, hundreds of associations with a variety of social, economic and political goals have been emerging in the country in recent years. The existence of numerous associations under authoritarian rule is a rather new phenomenon which has aroused contradictory views among observers - hopes for the formation of civil society struggling for liberalization on the one hand, and fear that the associations are just another of the regime's tools to manage people's lives on the other. On the basis of a qualitative analysis of various organizations, movements, parties and groups in current-day Burma, this thesis aims to explain that neither of the aforementioned views alone can depict the complexity of associational life under the authoritarian regime, but rather that both roles must be viewed as an intrinsic and mutually-interacting part of it. Many of the associations are apparently controlled and used by the military government for its own objectives, including the aim to preserve the regime. At the same time, there are organizations which strive to...

Social and psychological grounds for, and legalization of the holocaust
Paleček, Lukáš ; Kosek, Jan (advisor) ; Mucha, Ivan (referee)
Title of the thesis: Social-Psychological Causes and the Legalization of the Holocaust Summary: Although the Holocaust (a word for suffering of millions of individual people of vastness that stretches beyond our imagination) is a rather distressing topic I chose to carry out this re- search for two reasons, which prevailed. First, the experience shows that extreme situations reveal many latent features of human psyche - studying them is tempting. Second, the Holo- caust is a morally and politically important and still topical theme because not forgetting evil is a manner of its prevention. The purpose of my thesis is to present (and emphasise) the idea that the tragedy of the Holo- caust did not merely have causes, which can be described as political or economic (or exclu- sively psychiatric - which is perhaps the most dangerous simplification), but that a significant part of what happened is explainable from the point of view of social psychology. The second of the main goals of the thesis is to analyse anti-Semitic law (and very briefly also anti- Gypsies law) of the war Slovak state. To integrate researches in the two aforementioned scientific disciplines (social psychology and legal history) in a coherent unit I chose to use the Czech penal law's concept of elements of crime. There are four basic...

Mediální prezentace veřejné zeleně v Českých Budějovicích (obsahová analýza jihočeského regionálního tisku)
Kušová, Drahomíra ; Těšitel, Jan ; Bartoš, Michael
Press is a part of mass communication providing the public with information and symbolic contents. It always reflects the supposed interest of the public in concrete problems and it mediates social control of the institutions which are responsible for the particular spheres. On the basis of the content analysis of the regional press in South Bohemia we can state that citizens do not perceive the problem of public greenery as urgent and thus this topic is not very frequent in the media. People mainly observe if public greenery is in good shape. The number of organisms to be encountered in urban environment by greenery users is not large according to the press.

Analysis of facilities of social services in the Region of Příbram
In choosing the subject of this degree work I was led by the effort to give an exhaustive integral report on the development in the sphere of the social and health care and to analyze the facilities for social sevices in the region of Příbram. As it is not possible to evaluate the facilities for social services without the description of basic historical events, of current demographic indexes and without the indication of the future development, the historical part together with the specification of particular groups threatened with social exclusion (seniors and handicapped people) forms an indispensable chapter of the theoretical part of this degree work. In connection with the fact that the region of Příbram is a specific industrial locality with signs of changes in the original structure of the population, it is possible to state that the people moved herein show less family solidarity and unity with each other. For that reason more facilities for social services are at disposal in this region. It is the unity care service rendered not only in own homes but directly in the houses of the clients as well, that has the oldest tradition among all providers The family nursing care rendered by one of two organizations has already the tradition of more than 15 years too. As to the care of seniors, the most significant provider that is the allowance organization "Pečovatelská služba města Příbram". This organization offers field care service and runs the home for seniors.The service, that supports especially the security of the seniors in their households, that is AREÍON-Život 90 with about 50-60 clients.A great advantage is also the fact that a part of providers of social and associated services have the seat at the same place, in the Community Centre. As to the care of handicapped people the strongest point are the family care CHOPS and SANCO, the field care service and other services rendered by "Pečovatelská služba města Příbram", the activities of unions and organizations associating handicapped people, assistance services and consultancy, community centre Příbram VII, day centre in the town nursery school and in the rehabilitation short stay hospital It is not simple to prognosticate further development as to rendering social services a relatively active social policy on the local level and a large extent of collaboration among particular groups of those, who provide social services, are promising and hopeful for the future.An important role will play the fact whether these organizations will obtain sufficient financial means needed for ensuring the services, they offer, within the sphere of multisorce financing. The demand for services and staffs meeting the requirements fixed by the Act on social services will be of great importance too.

Heftiness of work nurses for patient with Alzheimer's disease
This diploma work focuses on demanding and important task of nurses care of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The problems of Alzheimer's disease represent socially serious and very important subject at present due to the fact that our generation is growing old, which will obviously result in increasing frequency of Alzheimer?s disease occurrence. This diploma work is divided in two parts: theoretical part and practical part. In the theoretical part there are causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer?s disease. Furthermore there is a conceptual framework of nursing care applied to the patients suffering from Alzheimer?s disease according to nursing model by Virginia Henderson. In addition to it burn out syndrome is mentioned here because due to the syndrome the nursing personnel is exposed to extreme psychic and physical load. The Alzheimer Programme Plan in the Czech Republic is presented in order to get better idea about activities in our country. In the practical part of this diploma work we laid down the following three objectives. The first objective was to ascertain exacting character of nursing work of the nurses taking care of the patients suffering from Alzheimer?s disease. The second objective was to ascertain what is considered by nurses to be the most problematic area within the range of nursing care of the aforementioned patients suffering from Alzheimer?s disease and the third objective of our research was to ascertain the contribution of specialised Alzheimer centres. The above-specified objectives have been fulfilled. In addition to it another research questions have been defined as follows: what is the level of exacting character of nursing work of the nurses taking care of the patients suffering from Alzheimer?s disease, what do the nurses see as the most problematic area within the range of nursing care of the aforementioned patients suffering from Alzheimer?s disease within the range of nursing care, what is the contribution of specialised Alzheimer centres and what nursing care should be provided in the specialised Alzheimer centres. The research questions have been answered. For the purpose of the development of this diploma work a qualitative examination has been used. Data acquisition and collection have been performed by applying the method of non-standard structured interview. The research work took place in Psychiatric Ward of the Hospital of České Budějovice a.s. (Joint stock company), in Alzheimer Centre named Loucký Mlýn near the town of Vodňany and in Alzheimer Centre in the town of Písek, and in Home of Old People in the village of Dobrá Voda. The answers of the interviewed nurses have been worked out in the form of sixteen case reports and subsequently category matrices (tables) containing the most important data were created from the aforementioned reports. The examination took place in the time period from March 2011 to June 2011. The results of our work could serve as a feedback for hospitals and sanatoria first of all for those where the examinations took place. Furthermore the results may be used for keeping public informed about the possibilities of helping patients suffering from Alzheimer?s disease e.g. in the form of information booklet.

Group Advisory for Individuals With Disability {--} Job Clubs
I have been working for more than three years in o. s. Asistence as a lecturer of group advisory meetings called Job Clubs. The objective of the presented thesis is to evaluate the importance and the key benefits of the group meetings for the clients. The thesis covers the theme of group advisory for certain job seekers with disability. The theoretical part describes the target group of individuals with physical or combined disabilities, the attitude of the society towards employment of people with disabilities, the importance of work for an individual, the issue of supported employment, group social work as well as Job Clubs. The research part of the thesis describes the qualitative research aimed at identifying and describing the benefits of Job Clubs for individuals with physical and combined disabilities in improving their employability. The research was carried out in o. s. Asistence from December 2007 to April 2008 using the structured interview methodology. Two groups of respondents were interviewed. The first one included 18 Job Club participants, the second one comprised of 6 Job Club lecturers. Information gathered in the research will be used by o. s. Asistence to improve the service. The research results underscore the importance and benefits of the group advisory for individuals with various disabilities. The thesis may also serve as a manual for future Job Club lecturers and to point out the importance of employing people with disability in the open labour market.

The Value of CSR for Czech Consumers
Faradji, Elise ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Seror, Patricia (referee)
Nowadays consumers purchasing behavior is influenced by new factors such as the social and environmental implication of companies. This is why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a growing trend which companies need to look after carefully. However implementing an efficient CSR strategy is a complex process for corporations; especially since the core concept of CSR remain quite blurry. The goal of this study is to analyze the perception of consumers towards CSR to find out about the value creation that CSR produce for consumers and its impact on their purchasing behavior. This paper will ultimately help companies to implement their CSR strategy more efficiently. This study aims to contribute by conducting an in-depth analysis of consumers attitudes and behavior towards CSR. If most of researchers are using a quantitative approach this study means to deal with the issue with a qualitative perspective. Indeed twelve semi-structured interviews will support the findings. On top of those practical and physical interviews some theoretical knowledge will be added to the construction of the argument especially to bring a framework that shows the importance of all types of value creation (functional emotional and social). The findings of the thesis emphasize the facts already proven by other researchers; value creation is fundamental to make consumers care about CSR. However the study will show how much skepticism towards CSR can impact negatively consumers purchasing behavior. The research will help companies implementing more successful CSR strategy and develop new solutions to reach customers and influence their purchasing behavior through the creation of value for them.