National Repository of Grey Literature 607 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.09 seconds. 

Analysis of the Italian banking sector in comparison with the Czech banking
Dědek, Jiří ; Daňhel, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Rybák, Zdeněk (referee)
The subject of the bachelor thesis titled "Analysis of the Italian banking sector in comparison with the Czech banking" is an analysis of the present situation and the latest development of the banking sector in Italy and its comparison with the banking sector of the Czech Republic. First part specifies historical development of banking in Italy. Second part is focused on the analysis of the present situation in Italian banking sector, it describes the structure of the banking system, evaluates quality of assets and fulfillment of capital requirements according to the results of Comprehensive assessments from ECB and Financial stability report of the Bank of Italy. The final part represents comparison of these two banking sectors in terms of stability, structure of assets and liabilities. Furthermore, the final part is focused on finding similarities as well as differences between those two.

Influence of the global financial crisis on the banking system of Russia
Zenina, Aleksandra ; Heřman, Jan (advisor) ; Zeman, Karel (referee)
The global financial crisis has influenced the development of many countries. Russian Federation isn't exception. The special impact crisis has had on the country's banking sector. The main purpose of this work is to analyze the effects of the global financial crisis on the banking sector of the Russian Federation on the example of "Sberbank". Analysis of the influence of the financial crisis on this company consists of the following methods: research, analysis and planning. Analysis of the impact of the crisis includes the calculation and comparison of indicators such as capital adequacy, liquidity, return on assets, return on equity, the concentration of credit risks, the analysis of revenues and expenses of the enterprise for the period 2008-2010. Using these indicators it's possible to explore the market, the company's position in the banking sector, strengths and weaknesses, as well as the possible development in the future. Analysis of the influence of the global financial crisis on the Russian banking sector allows understand the reasons for problems and develop possible solutions.

The action of the Secretariate for the church affairs in selected sectors in the regions of he ČSR in the normalization era
Čadek, Štěpán ; Cuhra, Jaroslav (referee) ; Rychlík, Jan (advisor)
Primatily on regional character of the (comunist) state church policy focused works you are handing, depicts also the work routine of the church secretaries (CT), who were in the Czech socialistic republik (ČSR) of the normalization era (1969 - 1989) the ones responsible for every step in that sector. Every branch of the state administration has, obviously, its hierarchical structure and in this case we are talking about the department of Ministry of the culture, who se name was The Secretariate for the church (or ecclesiastical) affairs, shortly called SPVc. This bureaau had its deputies by the regional and district state administration, the regional called KNV (regional national comittee), the district ones by the name were ONV (district national comittee). These deputies were profesionally known as referents, also referent for church affairs, but oficially named as was mentioned above, in distinction level as OCT (district) or KCT (region). CT, as we should say, can be seen like an base unit for the supervision above the churches. For this work OCT depended on small army of agents, whose information were so important for the "inner sight" in the actions of the common priests (the reprezentatives - bishops, seniors and so on were still watched by agent s of the secret police and the most prominent of them...

Securitization- A critical assessment in the light of the financial crisis
Marinova, Milena ; Krupová, Lenka (advisor) ; Marek, Petr (referee) ; Doubravský, Jiří (referee)
My dissertation thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of the principles of securitization techniques, of their attendant shortcomings, their regulatory treatment and the recent proposals for reducing complexity in accounting standards with relevance for securitizations. The explosion of securitization and related innovative credit risk transfer products largely expanded the magnitude and diversity of issuers, investors and securities. With this expansion numerous market participants began to wrongly believe that risk was not only shared more widely, but also that it disappeared from the system altogether. The application, or to be more precise, the misapplication of securitization in the mortgage market had fatal consequences for the financial sector worldwide. Before securitization, sub-prime mortgage lenders retained the loans that they originated on their balance sheets and therefore cared about their credit quality. Securitization techniques and related innovative financial instruments enabled the export of sub-prime mortgage structural problems from the United States globe-wide via the financial intermediaries. More over, securitization techniques and related credit risk transfer products enabled single banks to reduce their individual risk while at the same time transferred new and greater risks to the financial system. Meanwhile a lot was written on the causes for the recent financial crisis. In most cases inadequate ratings provided by the credit rating agencies and different principal agent problems were addressed. I present both for completeness in my work. However, I argue that not only the credit rating agencies are to blame for the inadequate reflection of securitization and related financial innovations and subsequently for the financial turmoil. The international and national financial supervisors in fact supported the credit rating agencies to further establish their businesses. What turned obvious during and after the financial turmoil started mid-2007 is that financial regulation failed to reach its main goal - ensuring stability of the financial system. It failed despite of the "regulatory achievements within Basel II" elaborated over the past ten years. In particular, securitization and related credit risk transfer products were not adequately treated in Basel II. Securitization-related products such as Credit Derivatives on Securitization Underlyings and numerous other complex financial innovations, as presented in my thesis, were not even thought of in Basel II. In fact, Basel II turned to do little to make the financial system more resilient. The need for further revisions in banking regulation is currently more than obvious. Furthermore, it is time to ask if the developments in Basel II are the right way to address the current risks within the financial system and hence if Basel II is the right way of banking regulation and supervision altogether. With the development of both Basel Accords (Basel I and Basel II) capital ratios became the center of banking regulation. However, capital ratios are obviously not sufficient as a measure for a systemic financial stability. These questions arise at least when financial stability and soundness are still the intended objectives and believed to be ensured through Basel II. My merits in this dissertation work root in the multi-facet analysis of securitization techniques that I provide. Up to date a comparable analysis of securitization techniques which addresses the wide spectrum of securitizations' issues - such as (i) their treatment and the related attendant flaws within the regulatory framework Basel II, (ii) the various microeconomic deficiencies related to securitizations, and (iii) the implicit macroeconomic threads of exporting credit risk and de-balancing financial stability through securitization techniques - has not been provided in the comprehensive way I built up my analysis. As a basis for my analysis, I provide a new classification of the characteristics of securitization techniques which were pre-crisis wrongly perceived as benefits. I analyze the reasons for the turmoil in the financial markets in their interplay and complexity and consider securitization techniques as a key driver for the financial crisis. I comprehensively criticize the current regulatory treatment. I present in detail why the recent financial crisis should be considered a clear regulatory failure due to the up to date short-sightedness of financial regulation. Through providing partial solutions and professional author's assessment of selected regulatory and accounting changes to securitizations I deliver an expert's contribution to the topic. My conclusions are that securitization markets, as they have been operating until today, brought a negative net macroeconomic effect which has been largely damaging to the global economy. I argue that international and national financial supervisors established an inadequate framework for financial regulation and supervision, and among other failures, even supported credit rating agencies to further establish their businesses. Further on, I show that early warning indicators of systemic risk in the financial sector and signs of the coming turmoil were irresponsibly ignored at the time they were perceived. What turned obvious during and after the recent financial turmoil is that capital regulation failed to reach its main goal -- ensuring stability of the financial system. In particular, securitization and related credit risk transfer products were adequately treated neither in Basel I nor in Basel II. Finally, I conclude that capital ratios as established with the development of both Basel Accords are not sufficient as a central measure for banking regulation and ensuring systemic financial stability.

Development of tourism sector in Ukraine
Berdysh, Anna ; Procházka, Petr (advisor) ; Václav, Václav (referee)
Currently, the tourism industry is one of the most dynamically developing forms of international trade in services. The development of international tourism leads to the development of economic infrastructure. Thus, international tourism is seen as one of the most promising industries. The specifics of the tourism as a sector of the economy lies in the fact that it combines in itself a number of sectors, such as transport, communications, hotels, banks, entertainment, etc. In some countries, tourism is one of the most important articles of foreign trade and the intraeconomic activities. The current study aimed at investigating the current situation of domestic tourism industry in Ukraine. Strategic analysis which is presented in this thesis consists of the examination of the importance of tourism sector, determination of structural problems and challenges which industry currently face. Moreover, present study explores the future strategies for further domestic tourism development

The Business Plan of the Municipality in the Housing Sector
Jelínková, Kristýna ; Chovan, Juraj (referee) ; Korytárová, Jana (advisor)
This diploma thesis deals with the reconstruction of the high-rise block of flats in the city district Brno-South. The thesis concentrates on the evaluation of the economical effectivity of this project using two ways of financing. It focuses primarily on planning of the individual finance flows of the project, which will arise in connection with the operation of the high-rise block of flats. The part of the thesis is also the calculation of the basic economic indicators in two ways of financing, by which is it possible to objectively assess the investment and evaluate the favourableness of the financing by own sources and financing by bank loan. In conclusion, the comparison of these two ways of financing will be performed.

Marketing activities supporting customer loyalty in banking sector
Ochec, Jiří ; Boučková, Jana (advisor) ; Horáková, Helena (referee) ; Zvánovec, Rudolf (referee)
This dissertation thesis identifies marketing activities that support customer loyalty in banking in the Czech republic. Besides providing the answer on question which loyalty activites to implement it defines general methodical model designed for similar projects use. The thesis also deals with several approaches to clients selection process including analytical marketing tools application. The research is structured into several continuous grades which findings follow each other. It also takes into consideration numerous dimensions of customer perception such as satisfaction, personal use, exit barrier, standards and inovations. New term meanings for satisfaction, retention and loyalty are defined in the thesis.

Clinet segmentation in banking sector in CR
Macasová, Jana ; Tichá, Ivana (advisor) ; Šímová, Markéta (referee)
This thesis deals with the implementation and use of information technology to support customer relationship management and subsequent segmentation of clients in the banking sector in the Czech Republic. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the criteria for classification and segmentation of clients chosen subject of the banking sector and, depending on the observed facts to assess and evaluate the portfolio of products offered, ie. how effectively banks have targeted its products to individual customer segments. The theoretical part includes familiarization with the issue of CRM (customer relationship management) and a detailed description of the partial fields, particularly focusing on individual processes and CRM technology. Then there is the approach and discussed the situation on the Czech market, the criteria for allocating market customers, targeting marketing strategies in relation to the marketing mix, and in the end it deals with the beginnings of the implementation of customer relationship management in banking. The practical part is devoted to more segmentation in the banking sector, focusing on segmentation of customers according to segmentation criteria. Subsequently, we analyzed and discussed the situation in selected banks in the Czech Republic, focused on the distribution of clients according to their segmentation strategy and assessment target their banking products to individual client groups.

The introduction of new banks to the Czech market and possible impact on the banking sector
Habina, Martin ; Dvořák, Petr (advisor) ; Veselý, Marek (referee)
The thesis is concerned with the actual topic -- market entry by new banks (Air Bank, Zuno Bank, Equa Bank) to the Czech banking market in 2011. The work analyses all reachable data, circumstances of their foundation, management structure, product offer and especially the chosen strategy. The whole topic is put in context of actual macroeconomic conditions, which have crucial importance on their functioning. Partial aim of the work is to define potential risks and weaknesses of these institutions and especially review the possible impact on the Czech banking sector. Part of the thesis also considers customer review of actual product offers from these new banks.