National Repository of Grey Literature 872 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.06 seconds. 

Rare and characteristic of Třeboň basin plant species
Husák, Štěpán ; Hlásek, J.
The paper describe rare and characteristic plant species of Třeboň basin.

Brownfields as alternative habitat for plants and animals
KUŠKOVÁ, Kristýna
The bachelor thesis is elaborated as a project proposal. It evaluates brownfields in South Bohemian Region and identifies those that could be used as habitats for rare and endangered plant and animal species. It drafts nature conservation management of these areas.

Medicinal plants in Karlovy Vary region and their utilization in education
Bínová, Eliška ; Pavlasová, Lenka (referee) ; Skýbová, Jana (advisor)
In the following pages we can find a comprehensive material for the education of medicinal plants and their usage in practical life. The text could be useful for teachers of primary and secondary schools. However its usage is not only for classwork, it might be applied in practical life as well. It also serves as an informative text of the theme mentioned. This work is primarily focused on Karlovy Vary region. The text is aimed at the most fundamental terms and notions of folk healing. Then it concetrates on the use of medical plants not only for tea therapy, but also for another processing. In this work you will learn basic information about the cultivation of medical plants and how are they herborized. You will also get acquainted with basic plant races which are growing almost everywhere. Medical plants are also used in liqueur industry. The bestknown brand is Becherovka. This herbal liqueur, which has two hundred-year tradition, is full of mystery. The basic teaching method in this work is a project. After short common introduction, where is an outline about how to make a project education, there are five elaborated projects with the same theme "medicinal plants". The aim of this work was to give basic information about medicinal plants. Furthermore there are elaborated school projects, which can be...

Bioassay Guided Separation of Metabolites of the Selected Plant Species - Evolvulus Alsinoides
Červenka, František ; Jahodář, Luděk (advisor) ; Grančai, Daniel (referee) ; Patočka, Jiří (referee)
9. SUMMARY 134 This experimental work deals with pharmaco-botanical evaluation of the aerial part of taxon Evolvulus alsinoides L. The plant is a component of formulations with nootropic and adaptogenic activity. A subject of the investigation was a dried herb of the plant, which is of Indian origin. The aim of this work was to extend the knowledge about compounds of the taxon, to evaluate biological activity of the fractions, isolated substances and to determine characteristic metabolites of the plant. In the first part of the project the crude extract of the plant E. alsinoides was prepared by percolation of 8.8 kg of herb with 95% ethanol. The extract was partitioned into three extracts by extracting by two solvents of different polarity (petroleum ether, ether). The first fraction of weight 92.1 g was obtained by extracting of methanolic solution of crude extract with petroleum ether. The second fraction of weight 69.7 g was obtained by extracting of water solution of the crude extract with ether. The remaining solvent was evaporated from the crude extract and this one represented the third part - polar residue, yield 231 g. The fractions were processed by the methods of column chromatography (CC). The bioassay-guided separation of selected parts of extract (test of acute toxicity, fototoxicity,...

Paeonies and their breeding
Sekerka, Pavel ; Faloutová, Z. ; Macháčková, Markéta ; Caspers, Zuzana ; Blažek, Milan ; Blažková, Uljana
Paeonies are old ornamental and utilitarian plants. This contribution represents horticultural division of varieties and their history. The collection of paeonies in Pruhonice Botanic Garden was founded in 1968, since the eighties it is also engaged in their breeding. Peonies were in 2015 included in the National Program, we are now preparing their classifier.

Krátké periody světelných skvrn jsou při indukci fotosyntézy u smrku ztepilého účinnější
Košvancová, Martina ; Urban, Otmar
Plants growing in the forest understorey are subjected to both prolonged low diffuse background light and transient lightflecks, which provide high light intensities for a few seconds or minutes.The photosynthetic response to fluctuating irradiances is dependent on the following main features of: 1) photosynthetic induction response to a rise in the irradiance, 2) ability to maintain photosynthetic induction under low-light conditions, which allows a plant to better exploit the next lightfleck, 3) stomatal response to light intensity, and 4) ability to extend the photosynthetic activity into the shade period immediately following a pulse of high light, i.e. post-illumination CO2 fixation. In this study we determined the impact of oscillating irradiance with different times of period on the activation and deactivation of CO2 assimilation processes and light use efficiency during the lightflecks.

Antioxidant, anti-proliferative and immunomodulatory effect of fruits, vegetables and mushrooms in vitro
Doskočil, Ivo ; Havlík, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Orsák, Matyáš (referee)
Recently there has been an increasing interest in discovering of new species of plants and mushrooms which have antioxidant or anti proliferative activity. The interest is caused by the fact that these species have medicinal and food utilization. These properties of plants and mushrooms can be used when dealing with many diseases which may be connected with oxidative stress (inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and tumour disease, etc.). The thesis propounds characteristics of in vitro antioxidant and anti proliferative activity of 19 types of juices and 28 methanol extracts of fruits and vegetables, which are common parts of a diet. In the thesis there are also characteristics of 13 ethanol extracts of edible mushrooms of the order of Polypore (Popyporales). Antioxidant activity was quantifie by 2, 2 diphenyl 1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production. Cytotoxicity was measured by MTT (3 (4,5 dimethylthiazol 2 yl) 2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide. Immunomodulatory activity was determined by an assay of phagocytic activity of human neutrophil granulocytes. Further a total phenolic content (TPC) and total beta glucan content were investigated; these are considered to be the potentially active constituents participating in mentioned activities. From the obtained results it is evident that juices (TPC = 1603.2 mg GAE/L; ORAC = 438.5 umol TE/g) and a bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) fruit extract (ORAC 836.6 umol TE/g; DPPH = 404.6 umol TE/g) showed the highest antioxidant activity of all tested samples of fruits and vegetables. Capsicum (Capsicum L.) juices (TPC = 642.1 mg GAE/L; ORAC = 127.9 umol TE/g) and a radish (Raphanus sativus L.) extract (ORAC 724.5 umol TE/g; DPPH = 52.2 umol TE/g) also proved to have the high values of antioxidant activity. From the tested fruits and vegetables the following inhibited to produce a nitric oxide: onion (Allium cepa L) juices (lowered the NO production by 57%), tangerine juices (Citrus reticulata Blanco)(by 52%), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis italic) extract (by 21%), and orange (Citrus sinensis Pers.) extract (by 10%). Concerning edible mushrooms, Lentinus tigrinus (Bull.) Fr. (TPC = 216.2 umol GAE/g of extract), Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Kras (TPC = 257.9 umol GAE/g of extract), and Royoporus badius (Pers.) A.B. De (TPC = 257.8 umol GAE/g of extract) presented the highest phenolic content. Sparassis crispa (Wulfen) Fr. (117.4 mg/g of extract) had the highest content of beta glucan. Substantial effect on phagocytic activity of granulocytes was noticed in connection with Neolentinus lepideus (Fr.) Redhead & Ginns, Polyporus squamosus (Huds.) Fr., and S. crispa. In connection with the latter of mentioned mushrooms, a moderate inhibitory effect towards HT 29 human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line (IC50 = 107 ug/ml of extract) was noticed. The results indicate that the tested plants and mushrooms can be beneficial when reducing the negative effects of oxidative stress. The oxidative stress has been recognized as a contributing factor to a whole range of diseases and the reduction of the oxidative stress may lead to the decrease in the possibility of the diseases´ progression. The results show the possible favourable effects on the human health. When evaluating the results, the following fact should be taken into consideration; the in vitro tests and screenings are considered to be the first phase of systematic research of the effects and serve for the choice of respondents for further detailed studies.

Total contents and speciation of arsenic and selenium in plants growing in soils with different physico-chemical properties
Tremlová, Jana ; Száková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Vymazal, Jan (referee)
This dissertation thesis deals with uptake, accumulation and transformation of arsenic and selenium in plants growing on soils with different chemico-physical soil properties. The contents of arsenic were investigated in 99 wild plant species, coming from 27 different families and 6 different vegetables growing in arsenic contaminated soils. The results suggest that there are species-specific mechanisms which protects certain plants from the excessive uptake of arsenic from the soil. On the other hand, there are plants using a strategy of accumulation, which theoretically may increase the risk of arsenic entry into the food chain, whether through grazing cattle and wildlife or through consumption of vegetables growing on arsenic contaminated soils. The most prevalent arsenic compounds are AsV and AsIII. Other arsenic compounds occure as minor species. An important finding was detection of arsenobetaine in Plantago lanceolata L. and Carex praecox Schreb .. The contents of selenium were examined in 73 species of wild plants, coming from 29 different families. The results suggest that naturally low levels of selenium in the soil of selected locations along with a low capability of selenium uptake via collected plant species lead to the low content of selenium in plant biomass which may contribute to selenium deficient throughout the food chain. Foliar application of selenate on wild plant communities and on some types of vegetables in our case Brassica oleracea var. italica can have a positive impact on increasing the selenium content in the aboveground biomass of these plants and by extension, increase the selenium content in the human diet. Dominant selenium compounds in the aboveground biomass of the analyzed plants were SeVI and selenomethionine, with variable proportion of other commonly occurring organic selenium compounds, which is mainly affected by plant species.

The use of biomass ash
Ochecová, Pavla ; Tlustoš, Pavel (advisor) ; Radim, Radim (referee)
One of the most frequently used sources of renewable energy is biomass, mainly wood biomass. Incineration is the most common technology utilizing the energy from biomass to produce heat. A byproduct of these technologies is ash, whose composition depends on the feedstock composition and the incineration technologies. Due to the high content of valuable nutrients in ash, one of the suitable option for ash utilization seems to be application into agricultural or forestry land. Therefore, it is necessary to test response of soils and plants and look for the most suitable combination of soil additive (biomass ash), and plants. Experimental part of PhD thesis was divided into the incubation experiment and the vegetation pot experiments. The incubation experiment: The efficiency of ash addition at two application rates was tested for nutrients enrichment in different soils within period of 56 days. The vegetation pot experiments: The two plants Triticum aestivum L: (three-year experiment) and Lolium perenne L. (one-year experiment) were planted in the 5L pots. Soils were treated with ash or ash combinated by superphoshate and flue gas desulfurization gypsum. For both plants, we evaluated the plant growth, biomass production and content of macro, micro and toxic elements in the biomass and in the soils.

Statistical analysis of beekeeping in Vysočina region and prediction of it is future development
Musil, Radovan ; Prášilová, Marie (advisor) ; Anna, Anna (referee)
This diploma thesis analysis selected indicators from beekeeping in 2005-2015 in region Vysočina. Diploma thesis analysis, development of number of beehives, number of beekeepers, number of beehives per beekeeper and production of honey in region Vysočina. Diploma thesis calculate trends of development of these time series and predict their development to the future. These indicators are very interesting, not just because of production of honey and recreational function of beekeeping, but mainly because of pollination. Without bees crop yields would decrease rapidly and from landscape would disappear a lots of plants. That is why it is important to whole agriculture if they can count on pollination by bees. Diploma thesis also analysis numbers of beehives and numbers of beekeepers divided to groups by number of beehives per beekeeper in region Vysočina and their development between years 2010 and 2015. Thesis also contains questionnaire made in population of region Vysočina. This questionnaire finds out consumption of honey of population of Vysočina and their habits and preferences in shopping and consuming honey. Conclusion of thesis is prediction of development of beekeeping in Vysočina and recommendation of future steps for further development of this field.