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Example creation system
Suzdaleva, Evgenia ; Nagy, Ivan ; Dungl, Martin
The technical report describes a system for creation of examples for fully probabilistic dynamic decision making. It represents a documentation for author who wishes to create examples for PhD students or to add their new developed algorithms to the system.

Analysis of financing of the czech immovable monuments on example of the Memorial of John Huss in Husinec in years 1967 - 2016
Babka, Ondřej ; Váňa, Daniel (advisor) ; Dufek, Pavel (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with financing immovable monuments in Czech Republic. In the first part of thesis, there are basic concepts associated with monument care. In relation to this are mentioned state monument organs, which may influence funding. This thesis also talks about historical development since the inception of the monument care and analysis of the current state. The aim of this thesis is define the biggest problems of owners to care about immovable monuments and propose solution for raising funds to reconstruction and operation. An example is the Memorial to John Huss in Husinec.

The way of consumerism in the interwar Czechoslovakia nn the example of consumption of coffee, cocoa, chocolate and tea.
Syrová, Tereza ; Jakubec, Ivan (advisor) ; Jančík, Drahomír (referee) ; Štemberk, Jan (referee)
Dissertation thesis discusses the consumption of cocoa, coffee, tea and chocolate in the interwar period in the Czechoslovakia. On the basis of statistical data and examination of archival sources comes with the definition of the middle classes of the population, which those commodities consumed. The thesis shows the distribution of consumption of commodities based on the survey in blue-collar and white-collar families. Furthermore provides insight into the lives of families, distribution of their spending and the size of income. It refers to the representation of cocoa, coffee, tea and chocolate in the consumer basket and shows the elasticity of the mentioned commodities. For the central part of the research of the dissertation thesis chose the Czech territory only, because here were without difficulty accessible data sources. The Dissertation thesis clarifies the causes of consuming cocoa, coffee, tea and chocolate and concludes that each was consumed from another purpose, which resulted status of these commodities. Tea consumption has been designed especially for the higher classes of the population, chocolate bought mostly white-collar family, but over twenties speared consumption of chocolate products also among the middle and lower classes into the population. The chocolate products were subject to early 20s of the luxury tax. Cocoa was used in connection with cooking and baking, but families didnt use this product frequently. Coffee drank all layers of the population, but consumption was based on the social status of the consumer. Very frequently families consume rye coffee and chicory coffee. Dissertation thesis also highlights the regional differences between the classes, which were further intensified. Thesis examines in detail the amount of the duties of the commodity, which in the interwar period varied widely, and concludes that the duty to disproportionately increase the price of products and made it impossible for consumers to buy more of cocoa, coffee, tea and chocolate.

Architectural database refactoring
Nguyen Trung, Hoa ; Palovská, Helena (advisor) ; Krch, David (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with database architectural refactorings. Its purpose is to describe each and every architectural refactoring method in detail on theoretical level with following author's own examples. These examples contain schema update mechanics and an outline of application code update. First of all, there will be an explanation of what refactoring stands for and what are the main differences between database refactoring and code refactoring. Following is detailed description of each and every architectural refactoring method with its principle, benefits and potential tradeoffs. The next part consists of author's own examples where update mechanics from theory are applied. Final chapter evaluates achievement of objectives, contribution of thesis and proposals on how can this thesis be extended.

Výběr a implementace open source nástroje pro řízení portfolia projektů
Marek, Jan ; Chlapek, Dušan (advisor) ; Kučera, Jan (referee)
Methods and ways of implementation of changes and innovations in companies through project management are in today's society very well established. There exists methodologies, techniques and tools for the management of individual projects. However in a role of project manager, I very often faced the fact that companies are performing the project portfolio management in very intuitive way. This in itself leads to failed and prematurely terminated projects, initiation of the wrong projects or realisation of correct projects, but at the wrong time. Very often I have also recognized, that there is lack of awareness of fact, that there are also Open Source applications that can help with the organization's portfolio. This thesis deals with the definition of requirements, search and selection of proper OSS application and subsequent implementation. In the first part of this thesis I prepare a theoretical framework about PPM, and on that basis then identify and verify a set of requirements for selection of right OSS PPM application. The next section of thesis describes searching for suitable applications from a variety of sources, assessment against the requirements and the final selection. In the last part the implementation project is drafted, which aims to serve other colleagues in project management as one of the possible implementation paths. The outputs are then continuously confronted with experts in matter of projects and project management in the field of IT in order to maximize symbiosis between theory and real life experiences. Virtually every project management methodology defines the collection of already-proven techniques, best practices or lessons learned from the previous similar implementations. The main contribution of this thesis I see in fact that it contains not only the design of the project implementation, but also describes a logical path, what leads to the result. Therefore this thesis could be used as a base or discussed best practice, when a project of implementation of PPM application in place.

The role of the nurse is to aid in the improvement of the quality of life for children who have been through meningitis
The role of the nurse is to aid in the improvement of the quality of life for children who have been through meningitis. In recent years, the issue of quality of life has become of interest in many disciplines and the general public. In health care, the quality of life is known as HRQoL - Health Related Quality of Life - loosely translated as ?the quality of life related to health?. The term of ?diagnostic quality of life in children and adolescents? is primarily used for the area of professional health care and it is an important indicator of disease severity and the outcomes of provided care. The objective of this thesis was to assess the quality of life of children who have been through meningitis, to identify the main areas in which the quality of life of these children is reduced, and to suggest nursing interventions aimed at improvements. The data collection took place in the period November 2009 - June 2010 at the Clinic for Childhood Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Brno. A qualitative research used the technique of studying written documents and, subsequently, non-standardized in-depth interviews with respondents were carried out. Prior the beginning of the qualitative survey, five research questions were established. Question 1: What kind of care and what interventions do children expect from nurses? Question 2: What kind of care and what interventions do parents expect from nurses? Question 3: How to evaluate subjectively the quality of children?s? life after meningitis as compared to the state prior the disease? Question 4: How do parents see the quality of life of their child after meningitis as compared to the state prior the disease? Question 5: In which areas is the quality of children?s life reduced most? Question 6: What nursing interventions can help nurses to improve the children?s lives? All of the questions were answered using a quantitative research method involving a standardized questionnaire named ?HEALTH AND SATISFACTION QUESTIONNAIRE?. This questionnaire is used in the project ?QOLOP? ? Quality of Life Longitudinal Study of Paediatric Oncology Patients. Hypothesis H 1 was defined prior the start of the quantitative research: The quality of life of children who have been through meningitis is lower than in healthy children. This hypothesis was not confirmed. It is clear, from what has been mentioned above, that the objective of this thesis has been met. This project will be useful in practice. The generated ?Algorithm of Initial Care for a Child with Meningitis? and ?Subsequent Care of a Child with Meningitis? should help nurses orientate and identify the basic needs of children with this disease. Moreover, this thesis can be used as a theoretical basis for the education of nursing students.

Dance education of preschool hyperactive children
Lacková, Ivana ; LÖSSL, Jiří (advisor) ; FRIČOVÁ, Marie (referee)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Dance education of preschool hyperactive children. Goal of research is to describe teaching of hyperactive children especially dance lessons. There is described Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the first part of thesis. There is written about special needs of children with ADHD focused on education. Second part is focused on practical dance lesson of ADHD children. There is described example dance lesson based on theory and practical experience of experts. The result of research is that supply of special lessons is very limited and it is big pity. In the diploma thesis was recognized that the education with special program should help to children with ADHD and it can be good supplement to standard medical therapy.

Family housing decision-making
Kačírková, Petra ; Brožová, Helena (advisor) ; Adam, Adam (referee)
This thesis is concerned with choosing the best and most real estate mortgage loans for family with children. The family should be chosen property near his residence momentary, then it should be recommended for this property the best mortgage loan. Selecting the property was affected by the demands of all family members and subsequent mortgage loans was selected from the products offered on the Czech market in November 2016. The thesis can be thematically divided into three main parts. The first part includes a literature search, which is divided into two areas. First described methods of multi-criteria decision making, which will be used in the decision making process. Along with these methods includes a literature review and theoretical part of the program area Super Decisions, which will be used in the practical part. Furthermore, theoretically they recognized concepts related to mortgage loans, according to which are then laid down criteria for assessing mortgage loans. The second part contains already a practical perspective on family issues, which therefore includes the selection of the best and most real estate mortgage loan program with the help of Super Decisions. The third part includes a summary of the work and the interpretation of results obtained through the program Super Decisions.

Acceleration Methods for Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits
Vašíček, Zdeněk ; Miller, Julian (referee) ; Zelinka,, Ivan (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (advisor)
Ačkoliv můžeme v literatuře nalézt řadu příkladů prezentujících evoluční návrh jakožto zajímavou a slibnou alternativu k tradičním návrhovým technikám používaným v oblasti číslicových obvodů, praktické nasazení je často problematické zejména v důsledku tzv. problému škálovatelnosti, který se projevuje např. tak, že evoluční algoritmus je schopen poskytovat uspokojivé výsledky pouze pro malé instance řešeného problému. Vážný problém představuje tzv. problém škálovatelnosti evaluace fitness funkce, který je markantní zejména v oblasti syntézy kombinačních obvodů, kde doba potřebná pro ohodnocení kandidátního řešení typicky roste exponenciálně se zvyšujícím se počtem primárních vstupů. Tato disertační práce se zabývá návrhem několika metod umožňujících redukovat problem škálovatelnosti evaluace v oblasti evolučního návrhu a optimalizace číslicových systémů. Cílem je pomocí několika případových studií ukázat, že s využitím vhodných akceleračních technik jsou evoluční techniky schopny automaticky navrhovat inovativní/kompetitivní řešení praktických problémů. Aby bylo možné redukovat problém škálovatelnosti v oblasti evolučního návrhu číslicových filtrů, byl navržen doménově specifický akcelerátor na bázi FPGA. Tato problematika reprezentuje případ, kdy je nutné ohodnotit velké množství trénovacích dat a současně provést mnoho generací. Pomocí navrženého akcelerátoru se podařilo objevit efektivní implementace různých nelineárních obrazových filtrů. S využitím evolučně navržených filtrů byl vytvořen robustní nelineární filtr implusního šumu, který je chráněn užitným vzorem. Navržený filtr vykazuje v porovnání s konvenčními řešeními vysokou kvalitu filtrace a nízkou implementační cenu. Spojením evolučního návrhu a technik známých z oblasti formální verifikace se podařilo vytvořit systém umožňující výrazně redukovat problém škálovatelnosti evoluční syntézy kombinačních obvodů na úrovni hradel. Navržená metoda dovoluje produkovat komplexní a přesto kvalitní řešení, která jsou schopna konkurovat komerčním nástrojům pro logickou syntézu. Navržený algoritmus byl experimentálně ověřen na sadě několika benchmarkových obvodů včetně tzv. obtížně syntetizovatelných obvodů, kde dosahoval v průměru o 25% lepších výsledků než dostupné akademické i komerční nástroje. Poslední doménou, kterou se práce zabývá, je akcelerace evolučního návrhu lineárních systémů. Na příkladu evolučního návrhu násobiček s vícenásobnými konstantními koeficienty bylo ukázáno, že čas potřebný k evaluaci kandidátního řešení lze výrazně redukovat (defacto na ohodocení jediného testovacího vektoru), je-li brán v potaz charakter řešeného problému (v tomto případě linearita).

Controlling System and the Competitiveness of a Small Service Company
The bachelor thesis deals with evaluating the current system of controlling and analysing of the competitiveness of a selected small company in the South Bohemian region. The business subject of this company is to provide services in the real estate industry, whose aim is to satisfy its customers. The practical part contains more detailed description of the company, including its history with the present and depicts its management system. The methods used are Porter's five forces model, PEST and SWOT analysis and competition analysis. Porter's five forces model analyses the surrounding environment and examints competitiveness. PEST analysis is a simple and widely used tool that helps you analyse the Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Technological changes in business environment. SWOT analysis deals with the external and internal environment. This theory describes the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen company, and its opportunities and threats. Competition analysis deals with the main competitors of company. The theoretical part applies these method. Finally, I made the proposals which help to increase competitiveness of company.