National Repository of Grey Literature 3,147 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.49 seconds. 

Energies Conservation in Housing
HOLÝ, Marek
In my thesis I solve the problem of energy savings for flats and flat -buildings. Several options for saving energy are shown and described in the theoretical part of this bachelor thesis and opinions of several authors about various saving measures are compared. Grant programs Nový panel and Zelená úsporám are described as well. Measures that could bring the greatest savings are selected in the second ? practical ? part and afterwards applied in the model project on prefabricated house T 06 B 02. Such measures are thermal insulation, installing solar collectors for heating water and heat pumps used to heat the building. For each measure there is approximate price and possible saving determined in this part. This data are a base for calculation of the payback period for each measure and finally for the entire reconstruction. The issue of financing the investment is solved in three ways. The first option is self-financing, The second option is to finance the reconstruction with grants from the Nový panel programm and the last option is to fund the project with the help of Zelená úsporám.

Design of a space heating system for low-energy family house.
Nešpor, Pavel ; Lízal, František (referee) ; Katolický, Jaroslav (advisor)
My diploma thesis is focused on design scheme of low-energy family house’s heating system. The goal of the first part of thesis is an introduction of the object following by calculations of transmission coefficients of heat through constructions and calculations of heat loss. Creation of proposal and calculation of underfloor heating output as well as panel and piped radiators and convectors are followed by proposal and calculation of dimensions of piping, pressure loss of underfloor loops, panel and piped radiators and convectors. The thesis also contains design of heating pump with bivalent heat electrical source, calculations of need of heat and calculations of total costs of working heating system as well as design of storage tank and accumulator for hot water. The last part of thesis is focused on control of the heat system.

Prevention of HIV/AIDS and House of Light in Prague During 2005 - 2008
Šnajdrová, Jana ; Dočkal, Jan (advisor) ; Machová, Jitka (referee)
In meiner Arbeit widme ich mich der Problematik HIV/AIDS. Ich versuche auf Erheblichkeit der Probleme und auf die Hauptfragen der Prävention HIV/AISD in der Tschechischen Republik aufmerksam machen. Der Zielpunkt meiner Arbeit ist die Beschreibung und die Bewertung von Dienst für HIV-positive Menschen und für AIDS-Kranken. Diese Dienste ermöglicht Prager "Dům světla". Ich beschreibe die Entwicklung in den letzten Jahren, Erfolge, Probleme und auch Voraussetzungen für weitere Verbesserung der Prävention in der Tschechischen Republik. Die ersten Kapitel sprechen von den Hauptfragen des Phenomens HIV/AIDS und von der Prävention in der Tschechischen Republik. Nächste Kapitel betreffen die Tätigkeit der "Tschechischen Gemeinschaft AIDA Hilfe", die der Begründer von "Dům světla" ist. Kapitel 6 - 10 sind der Tätigkeit von "Dům světla" gewidmet und zugleich sprechen von Veränderungen, zu denen in der letzten Jahren kommt. In der letzten Kapitel 11. vergleiche ich die Stellungen der Klienten zu der Tätigkeit von "Dům světla" und ich spreche davon, welche Dienste in Jahren 2005 - 2008 möglich waren. In der Beilage sind Daten zum Thema, die ich im Verlauf der Verarbeitung versammelt habe. Ich möchte, dass meine Arbeit zu besserer Informierheit beihilft und wird mindestens zu einer kleinen Beitrag zur Besserung der...

Energy simulation of solar collectors operation in a low-energy family house with warm-air heating
Pech, Ondřej ; Charvát, Pavel (referee) ; Jaroš, Michal (advisor)
The thesis deals with energy simulation of a solar energy system in a low-energy family house with warm-air heating. The simulations performed resulted in the assessment of the energy contribution of four solar systems with different types of collectors. The profitability and return of investment for the particular system have been evaluated based on investment costs and the savings gained. The theoretical part includes an introduction to the solar energy field, solar panel systems and the passive house concept. The practical part is devoted to description of the simulated object models as used in the TRNSYS environment, the simulation results evaluation along with the assessment of the economic return on investment. The conclusion recommendations regarding a suitable type and size of the solar panel with respect to the economic criteria chosen are given.

Residential Complex in Brno - Komín
Flössler, Libor ; Pospíšil, Zdeněk (referee) ; Boháč, Ivo (advisor)
With regard to the surrounding buildings there are designed two-storey houses in rows, connected by embedded terraces. Each floor is used as a residential unit. The orientation of the parcel is designed so the home has an interesting view, while allowing the use of passive energy from the sun. Roofs of the houses are flat with greenery that serves as insulation against noise, absorbs dust and simultaneously creates space with stunning views designed for relaxation. The purpose of the project is to create a universal space available for all stages of life, so that might not lead to its transformation. The interior of the house is designed so that one room has access to all of the others. From one room you can acces to any other room and so go through maximum two doors.

Residential Complex in Brno - Komín
Selnarová, Elisabeth ; Pospíšil, Zdeněk (referee) ; Boháč, Ivo (advisor)
Taking into consideration the slope of the terrain as well as the surrounding development, two types of residential buildings have been proposed: Komín a Komínek.They are placed in a regular structure into a given land. Sustainable development is at the core of the proposal. The residential buildings are proposed as sturctures created from multiple components. The framework is comprised of a reinforced concrete and the peripheral walls are stuffed with thermal insulating wooden panels. Air conditioned heating will be used (the air will be heated by a gas boiler). Due to the quality of the insolation, the houses are considered as low energy structures. As individual structures, each apartment has three sided orientation to cardinal direction. Some of the rooms have two sided lighting, which further increases their attractivness. The residential bulding is composed of Maisonette appartments, which together create asimilar structure. The fundamental space is intertwined with a ribbon that carries on its edges balconies, terraces or parking spaces. Each unit has a balcony, which allows the residence to relax and enjoy the surrounding landscape. The housing is proposed for a general audience (wider population). There are several types of appartments including no barrier appartments situated in the first floor as well as Maisonette appartments in the last floor.

Komplexní analýza bytové politiky města Tábora
Křehlík, Vladimír ; Poláková, Olga (advisor) ; Sunega, Petr (referee)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the analysis of housing policy the town of Tábor. It seeks to provide an overview of the current situation in the housing, the analysis of local housing policy and its future devolopment. In the beginning of the work deals with the definition of basic concepts in the field of housing policy and housing market characteristics. Furthermore, focusing on the role of the state in areas of housing policy, examines the essential characteristics of the housing stock and the tools to promote housing, these types of instruments, their significance and use. The second part of the work focuses on analysis of housing policy solutions in the city of Tabor. Evaluate the implementation of housing policy in terms of management of housing stock, the analysis of demand and supply in the housing market, used tools and support for city participation in city housing. The privatization process of the city housing stock and its alternatives are current problems of the city core.

Renovation of the Family House on the Nearly Zero-Energy Consumption Building
Bárta, Martin ; Píšová,, Petra (referee) ; Vendlová, Lucie (advisor)
The diploma thesis contains by renovation of the family House on the “nearly zero-energy consumption building”, the proposal is for a variety of energy measures to achieve this status.

Oh, what a wonderful time! The studies are glooming, the ideas are awaking. It´s a pleasure to live…
Pokorná, Magdaléna
The study examines the activity of scientific institutions and prominent publishing houses towards the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Common attributes and specifics of urban development in GDR and the territory of the Czech Republic
Králová, Lucie ; Sládek, Jan (referee) ; Illner, Michal (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to draw a comparison between urban development in East Germany and in the Czech Republic. While the main stress is put on characterization of the situation in East Germany, the objective of the description of Czech situation is to provide information and overview essential for comparison with the situation in GDR. Description of situation in both countries after World War II is given as a starting point, followed by detailed depiction of the socialistic era, and short characterization of urban development in 90s is given as well. The thesis is focused on overall urban development aspects such as style, form, and quality of housing, housing policies, migration, and expansion of cities. Specific factors, which influenced the urbanization in the past, and continue to have certain impact, are taken into account. Within context of social, cultural, economical, and demographical conditions, some common features may in social and spatial structure of the towns be found, but there are differences in both countries, too. Special attention is paid to individual development of both capitals Berlin and Prague. Some factors are typical for each country, playing thus specific role in urban its development. This thesis lS structured into several chapters covering introduction into problematic,...