National Repository of Grey Literature 18,264 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.49 seconds. 

The evaluation of pig fattening at the farm school in Měšice
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the pig fattening at the school farm in Měšice. The work is concern with the evaluation of the fattening period, the production and realization price of the pigs. The monitoring was conducted from 2010 to 2011. The evaluation included a total of 1994 pigs. The thesis take into consideration not only the initial and final weight of the animals, the losses, duration of the fattening period and the average slaughter weight, but also the total costs of their fattening. The statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel. To evaluate the results the monitored indicators were calculated as average values and differences between data. When taken into the pre?fattening in 2010 the average weight reached 5.10 kg per piglet. In 2011 this figure dropped to 5.05 kg. The average weight of pigs sold in 2010 was 107.35 kg. It declined in 2011 to 101.27 kg. In 2010 the school farm in Měšice achieved an average daily weight gain of 0.67 kg. This number increased in 2011 to 0.74 kg. The average fattening cost per pig/day, during the reporting period in 2010, was 26.07 CZK. There was an increase the following year by 0.89 CZK to the amount of 26.96 CZK. When selling the pork meat in 2010, the average realized price by the farm was 26.46 CZK/kg. In 2011, the average realized price rose by 2.35 CZK / kg, thus increased to CZK 28.81CZK/kg Considering all the indicators and the production costs of the pig meat, the farm encountered a loss for the entire reporting period.

Makroekonomický dopad mateřské (a rodičovské) dovolené ve srovnání České Republiky s Brazílií
Kalkusová, Marie ; De Castro, Tereza (advisor) ; Neumann, Pavel (referee)
This thesis aims to estimate the macroeconomic impact of maternity and parental/paternal leave in the Czech Republic and Brazil. In addition, the thesis stresses out the costs of Czech model application to Brazil and vice-versa. The first chapter brings a theoretical framework. It compares the analyzed policies in both countries and introduces the relevant terms. The second chapter estimates the costs of maternity and parental/paternal leave related to public expenditure and GDP for the years 2005-2014 and brings own simulation model for Czech model application to Brazil and vice-versa. The third chapter analyses the inefficiencies and suggest possible mitigation. The results show the costs of 0.71% of GDP and 1.66% of public expenditure in the Czech Republic and 0.50% GDP and 2.27% of public expenditure in Brazil in 2014. The Czech model applied in Brazil would be very costly and the opposite scenario would lead to the decrease of macroeconomic burden in the Czech Republic. The thesis also analyzes the influence of maternal and parental leave in other areas, such as labor market, where the current structure may penalize Czech women in long term. By this analysis, the thesis contributes to the current debate about the impact, the length and costs of maternity and parental leave.

Multicriteria games
Tichá, Michaela ; Dlouhý, Martin (advisor) ; Lachout, Petr (referee) ; Čičková, Zuzana (referee)
Theory of multicriteria games is a special field of game theory, when one or more players have at least two payoff functions and want to maximize simultaneously. The work introduces a number of new findings. It examined the concept of finding equilibria in pure strategies in noncooperative multicriteria game. It is possible to find all the equilibria in pure strategies by full search and solving two linear programs for each point. Furthermore, two linear programs are formulated for verifying that a selected point is the equilibrium of the game or not. In the noncooperative games is also introduced the concept that with knowledge of the equilibrium of bimatrix game determines preferences of the players. Although finding the equilibrium point of the bimatrix game is nonlinear problem, finding the preferences is linear problem. The latest findings in the noncooperative games is a generalization of the concept that solves multicriteria game by assigning weights to each criterion of each player. The work demonstrates that it may not be necessarily linear weights, but it can be more general function that describes the player's preference. The remaining part is devoted to knowledge in cooperative games. There is considered that the players know their preferences and are able to express them by weights. The game with known preferences is defined and solved with the use of bargaining theory. Then it is generalized to a case where players have more payoff functions, from which they can choose. Finally, the multicriteria case of voting game is defined. It is designed completely new concept, which selects the winning coalition in the voting game. This concept is then applied to the real situation after the elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2013.

Discussion on US sanctions against Cuba at the U.N. General Assembly
Šplíchalová, Eva ; Trávníčková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Machoň, Miloslav (referee)
The United States imposed the longest lasting sanction regime on Cuba in 1960 as a result of strained relations in recent years. Each US administration modified form of the sanctions regime, depending on the attitude toward the Cuban issue. General Assembly, the highest authority of the UN, adopts not legally binding but politically significant resolutions. Resolution condemning US sanctions regime has been adopted annually since 1992. Discussion on changes of the sanction regime in the General Assembly is a sign of reflection on current events and unrigid process of resolutions adoption. The main purpose is to determine whether the changes of the sanction regime were mentioned in the discussions on the adoption of the resolutions. The result of the analysis shows the reflection of the events in the speeches of ambassadors. The amount of mentioned events in speeches depends whether they were positive or negative step toward easing the embargo, and also how important the event was.

Deformometrická a výšková měření v katastrálním území obce Dětmarovice v roce 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Staš, Lubomír
Ústav geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i. v Ostravě byl v souvislosti s uvažovaným hlubinným dobýváním uhelných zásob a jeho možného vlivu na katastrální území Dětmarovice požádán v roce 2001 Dolem ČSA o posouzení případných vlivů poddolování na stabilitu svahů na vybrané části katastrálního území Dětmarovice. Důsledkem dobývání jsou, mimo jiné, i poklesy povrchu, což vzhledem ke stávající morfologii terénu v předmětném katastrálním území vyvolalo obavu, zda tyto poklesy nebudou dále indukovat svahové pohyby. V listopadu 2001 tedy byla v dané lokalitě vybudována kontrolní monitorovací síť o čtyřech individuálních profilech. Na těchto přímkách bylo doporučeno provádět ve stejných intervalech deformometrická (délková) a nivelační (výšková) měření. Z následného periodického deformometrického a nivelačního monitoringu těchto svahů ještě před začátkem rozvoje poklesové kotliny do sledované oblasti a dále v období projevů účinků dobývání je pak možné stanovit, zda vůbec k vývoji svahových deformací dochází, a následně na možné příčiny případných pohybů poukázat (morfologicko-geotechnické a klimatické přírodní podmínky, hornická a antropogenní činnost aj.).

Height measurement in the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karviná Mines In 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Waclawik, Petr ; Staš, Lubomír
In the northern area of ​​mining areas Doubrava and Karvina mines on the border RA Detmarovice and Doubrava are implemented, the mining activities. For this reason, in order to detect possible effects of the mine to the surface and surface objects twice a year height focuses, points in this area stable. From 2014 he was a contractor for these works chosen by the Institute of Geonics, v.v.i., Ostrava. In August and November 2016 survey conducted campaigns planned this year, during which it conducted a total of 4 highrise focus of inter-related leveling routes, which are formed by these points. Highrise points are stabilized in the area of ​​interest in several ways - usually in steel design height marks on buildings, then as an iron bolt concreted in the ground or using nails driven into the concrete foundation or other alternative means. Distribution points in the area of ​​interest is indicative captured in the map appendix. Existing trace and focus points are highlighted in green, yellow trace inaccessible points, refocused points in red and violet points that have occurred to their long term disablement or destruction. Each zaměřovaných points in order to trace the terrain carefully documented (GPS coordinates, photos, text description) and registered. These documents are available from the contractor.

The leveling of the newly stabilized elevation points in RA Detmarovice in 2016
Kajzar, Vlastimil ; Waclawik, Petr ; Staš, Lubomír
In the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karvina mines on the border RA Detmarovice and Doubrava are implemented, the mining activities. For this reason, in order to detect possible effects of the mine to the surface and surface objects twice a year height focuses, points in this area stable. From 2014 he was a contractor for these works chosen by the Institute of Geonics, v.v.i., Ostrava. The measurement results are annually presented in the final report - elevation measurements in the northern area of mining areas Doubrava and Karviná Mines I. In 2016, the existing network of height points in a cadastral municipality Dětmarovice expanded by 11 new points. New points are stabilized by means of steel bench mark on objects. Elevation point near house No. 713 is a stabilized form of measuring support cast-in steel casing

Analysis breeding of milk cattle on the chosen biofarme
Plášková, Pavlína ; Toušová, Renata (advisor) ; Ducháček, Jaromír (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluace the conditions of dairy cattle breeding in ecological agriculture and to compare them with concrete values taken from the chosen ecological farm Bílčice, which has been part of ecological agriculture since 2011 and which is focused on czech fleckvieh breeding and bio milk production. The first part deals with dairy cattle breed characteristic, main objectives and ecological agriculture principals, welfare problems, breed cattle and utility control, housing technology, nutrition and feeding, mechanical milking technology, milk production, reproduction, health condition and breeding economy. The practical part contains the rating of milk yield index (milk production, % proteins, % fat) and reproduction index ( meantime, perioda service, insemination index and after first parturition percentage). 650 pieces of cos were stabled at farm, from that 200 pices of dairy cos were mostly czech fleckvieh. Monitoring was made in 2013. Dayily milk production was around 2 750 kg. The milk utility for lactacion was in 2013 6 100 kg of milk, 3,89 % fat and 3,34 % proteins. The dairy cos were free stabled with high bedding, They were mechanically milked twice a day in herringbone parlours. Milk is being delivered once in twodays to Olma dairy. Cows are regularly driven out to pasture in summer feeding period. They are extra fed with 10 kg of clover silage and 6 kg of scarp (barely, wheat, triticale). Cows stays in stables for winter time. The ration consists of 45 kg of clover silage, 6 kg of scarp, 2 kg of lupine and 1 kg of corn in first time of lactacion. The cow utility in transitional form of economy at farm Bilcice was 7 477 kg of milk in 2010, a value in the Czech Republic was 7 726 kg of milk. After entering the ecological agriculture in 2013 milk yield at the farm decreased on 6 100 kg of milk and the average value in the Czech Republic increased to 8 370 kg of milk. The cow utility in transitional form was 4,03 % fat in 2010 and 3,89 % in 2013 (ecological agriculture). A diference between 2010 and 2013 is 0,14 %. Proteins were 3,39 % in 2010 and 3,34 % in 2013. There was average value for every reproduction index. The service period was 96 days and the meantime was 400 days, the insemination index was 1,8 and the after first parturition percentage was 54,2 %.

Impact of Current Information Technology Trends on the Future of Grey Literature
Savić, Dobrica
This paper deals with emerging information technology (IT) and other trends and their impact on the grey literature. It is based on analysis of the most prevalent trends in general information management and new IT solutions, which will define and impact the digital future of related information management activities, as well as the grey literature. The analysis was done based on seven reports issued in 2016 by five world leading consulting and service companies that have a special interest in researching the impacts of IT on our business environments, work procedures and behaviors.
Fulltext: idr-1032_3 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-1032_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-1032_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-1032_4 - Download fulltextMP4

Výkonnost ekonomiky a trh práce v ČR
Český statistický úřad
Hodinová produktivita práce v České republice v dlouhodobém horizontu rostla. Jedna odpracovaná hodina v roce 2013 znamenala vytvořenou hodnotu, která byla v reálném vyjádření o téměř dvě třetiny vyšší než v roce 1995. Byla ale také skoro srovnatelná s hodnotou z roku 2008. V letech 2009-2013 totiž produktivita práce v Česku jen stagnovala.
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