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Consumer Credit in the Czech Republic from the Client’s Perspective
Huleš, Matěj ; Hejda, Jan (advisor) ; Kaczor, Pavel (referee)
The aim of the thesis titled Consumer Credit in the Czech Republic from the Client´s Perspective is the analysis of the offer of consumer credit loans in the Czech market and an explanation of the basic problems of consumer credit. The first part explains basic information and theoretical concepts related to the issue. In the second part of the thesis, these concepts are put into practice and two model examples are used to explain the procedure for selecting a credit product that will meet the consumer´s needs. The section deals with the comparison of these products. Credit loans are subjected to the comparison in terms of total costs and sub-parameters of the loans, which affect the costs. Following the results of the comparison, the conclusion contains practical recommendations for consumers. The thesis results in a comprehensive educational text that will help anyone interested in consumer financial products to make their choice.

Taxation of Employee benefits in the chosen EU countries
Nguyenová, Phuong ; Rytířová, Lucie (advisor) ; Finardi, Savina (referee)
This diploma thesis aims to compare taxation of employee benefits in particular EU countries and identify their impact on employees and also employers. The main goal is to summarize the procedures that need to be done when dealing with benefits as well as state several suggestions for prospective reader. The thesis is divided into four chapters. First chapter defines employee benefits. Second chapter analyses benefits from employee's and employer's point of view. Third chapter gives detailed overview of benefits' taxation in selected countries of European Union. These countries are the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria. Finally last chapter contains several practical examples which show how to proceed when determining the amount of tax, while simultaneously comparing the differences in taxation between countries.

Řízení IS/ICT se zaměřením na sourcing služeb informačního systému
Šebesta, Michal ; Voříšek, Jiří (advisor) ; Havlíček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Příklenk, Oldřich (referee) ; Král, Jaroslav (referee)
Research on outsourcing has been around for several decades, while recent evolution in the information systems discipline towards ICT service commoditization significantly changes the context of decision-making. Services that are available on-demand via the Internet allow organizations implementing functions they demand in a fraction of time. This trend represents a chance for organizations seeking to use advanced ICT services without a need of major investments. Problem is the current lack of guidelines and tools for managing ICT services and their outsourcing. Given the trends on the ICT service market, it is expected that much of the IT management in the future will encompass the ICT services and utilize service-level structures. Methods currently available are either too broad or encompass only small part of the whole problem. Ad-hoc or unsound decisions in this area might cause major complications in terms of quality, usability, integration, and consequently influence total cost of organizational IT. Organizations need to either revise existing models or propose and implement completely new models to manage their IS/ICT. This thesis deals with the management of IS/ICT with focus on the ICT services outsourcing. It discusses available sourcing models in the literature and links them to the various interconnected areas. Based on these areas, it presents an integrated view on IT outsourcing strategies. Most importantly the thesis proposes an original concept for decision-making about outsourcing of ICT services named the SOURCER framework. This approach utilizes the presented outsourcing strategies, and introduces a complex methodology and decision-making criteria that will assist organizations with selection of ICT services in order to maintain and manage a most suitable ICT service portfolio. The decision-making is based on four essential viewpoints: function, costs, time, and quality. These viewpoints are discussed, individually analyzed, and serve as a basis for further research. The whole framework is developed and validated according to Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). Individual components are evaluated using a survey among a group of selected IT managers. Proof of concept is then established by a case study on framework use in a real organization. This case study covers strategy specification, business--IT alignment, specifying service architecture and its interconnections, outsourcing, and management of the ICT service portfolio.

Determinants of Industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa and Possibilities for their Development
Sejkora, Jiří ; Jiránková, Martina (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee) ; Fárek, Jiří (referee) ; Adamcová, Lenka (referee)
Sub-Saharan economies need structural changes that would enhance their productivity, increase economic growth and development. In this regard, industrialization plays a key role. Using regression analysis, the aim of this dissertation thesis is to identify main factors (determinants) of industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa. The results indicate that infrastructure and economy size (measured by population size) represent main determinants of industrialization in the region. The thesis also deals with possibilities for development of those determinants. Case study of infrastructure development in Mauritius emphasizes privatization, cooperation with external subjects etc. Negative consequences of small economy size can be overcome by preferential trade agreements (under certain circumstances), as shown by analysis of the three smallest economies in the region.

The thesis principles of nursing care for a child with renal failure is engaged in nursing activities in nephrology and cardiology intensive care unit of a hospital in Prague - Motol. Acute renal failure is defined as a condition where there is a sudden , usually reversible renal impairment, which were totally wrong , or very little damage. Besides the medical approach to this disease in acute renal failure urgently needed highly skilled nursing care. When nursing care for sick children teamwork is essential . A child with acute renal failure , always requires hospitalization in intensive care.The thesis is divided into a theoretical and an empirical part . In the theoretical part , attention is paid to the current issue of treating a child with acute renal failure. The work also includes anatomy and physiology of the kidney , and nephrologic basic concepts. Attention is also pays attention to the methods of investigation , communication with patients and nursing diagnoses . There acquaintance with elimination methods and nursing care for the child , unless they use the elimination method .

Analysing company's behaviour and communication on social networks
Němec, Milan ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Jelínek, Ivan (referee)
This thesis focuses on measuring company´s communication and behaviour on social networks. To capture the interaction between the company and its users the thesis uses web analytics tools. Therefore, the main objective of the thesis is analysis of these tools. To achieve this goal, the thesis characterizes social networks and their marketing opportunities for business promotion. Thanks to this, needs of using these tools is identified. The needs are: competitive analysis, optimizing communication, measuring achievement of objectives or detection competitive viral content. Research questions were determined and then analysis tools found answers to research questions. It was found that the tools provide various views of data and create a complete system for measuring and analysing behaviour and communication companies on social networks. The results were validated in a case study focused on the Facebook profile of the University of Economics in Prague. The study analysed the interaction profile of the school and its users and compared with others schools. In the results the analysis tools are validated and it is designed recommendation for improve engagement. This thesis revealed strengths and weaknesses of tools for measuring company´s communication and behaviour on social networks. It was found that these tools have wide range of use. They can be used for understanding the company's profile, its users, for purposes of competitive analysis, monitor corporate goals and optimize communications on social networks.

Diagnostics for Robust Regression: Linear Versus Nonlinear Model
Kalina, Jan
Robust statistical methods represent important tools for estimating parameters in linear as well as nonlinear econometric models. In contrary to the least squares, they do not suffer from vulnerability to the presence of outlying measurements in the data. Nevertheless, they need to be accompanied by diagnostic tools for verifying their assumptions. In this paper, we propose the asymptotic Goldfeld-Quandt test for the regression median. It allows to formulate a natural procedure for models with heteroscedastic disturbances, which is again based on the regression median. Further, we pay attention to nonlinear regression model. We focus on the nonlinear least weighted squares estimator, which is one of recently proposed robust estimators of parameters in a nonlinear regression. We study residuals of the estimator and use a numerical simulation to reveal that they can be severely heteroscedastic also for data generated from a model with homoscedastic disturbances. Thus, we give a warning that standard residuals of the robust nonlinear estimator may produce misleading results if used for the standard diagnostic tools

A novel nanospray liquid junction interface for versatile CE-MS
Křenková, Jana ; Haselberg, R. ; Somsen, G. W. ; Foret, František
In this work we present a new polyimide-based liquid junction nanospray interface, combining the advantages of sheath flow and sheathless designs. The liquid junction interface was prepared as a hybrid microfabricated plastic liquid junction sprayer allowing to perform analysis in standard (30-100 micro m ID) separation capillaries. The interface incorporates a self-aligning port for coupling of the separation capillary as well as ports for automated flushing of both the liquid junction and the separation capillary. The interface permits performing CE both with and without electroosmotic flow. The use of large bore capillaries allows injection and preconcentration of larger sample volumes, favoring detection sensitivity. Different compositions of the spray liquid and BGE can be used when needed.

Food supplements and iodine supplementation in pregnancy
Iodine is a trace element tremendously important for thyroid gland hormone production. It affects normal evolution of brain, especially in the time of intrauterine development and in the first year of child's life. Deficiency of iodine can lead to creation of pregnancy goiter, it also decrease the probability of carrying fetus to term and increase the probability of disorder in psycho-motoric evolution of child. Czech Republic is geographically lined up among the regions with lack of iodine in natural sources and food. However, nowadays the iodine deficiency is considered to be managed. But risk groups of population still exists, especially pregnant women can be endangered by lack of iodine, because the need of iodine intake in pregnancy increases to 200 250 ug per day and this level must be ensured. Consumption of food rich in iodine can cover the increased need of iodine. Significant source of iodine is milk and milk products. Another source is table salt enriched with iodine, but its daily intake is limited. Rich sources of iodine like sea fish, sea products and seaweed rarely occur in our diet. The goal of thesis was to evaluate intake of dietary supplements with iodine by pregnant women and evaluate women's awareness of higher iodine need and iodine food sources. Quantitative research in form of questionnaires was chosen for getting information from higher number of individuals. The questionnaire consists of 15 questions. Answers were gained from 118 respondents living in Central Bohemia, Moravia-Silesia region, Liberec region, region Highlands and South Bohemia. Questionnaire was distributed to gynecological ambulances by employees of State health institution. I visited gynecological ambulances in South Bohemia personally. By evaluation of questionnaire was found out that dietary supplement with iodine use 63 % pregnant women in researched population. All respondents always use only one type of dietary supplement. Among the most used belong "Chytré miminko", "GS mamavit" and "Femibion 800". 68 % of respondents know the importance of higher iodine intake in time of pregnancy. Question about daily recommended dosage was correctly answered only by 35 % of respondents. As a food sources of iodine the pregnant women know sea fishes, sea products, seaweed and table salt enriched with iodine. But 90 % of respondents are not familiar with milk and milk products as important source of iodine. Pregnant women should be better informed about importance of sufficient supply of iodine and about sources of iodine by gynecological ambulances. Information about mentioned issues should occur in magazines, education materials and internet articles more often. Respondents were notified of issues and important role of iodine in time of pregnancy by questionnaire. It is very probable that women found correct answers on the internet or in publication for expectant mothers after filling in the questionnaire.