National Repository of Grey Literature 5,128 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.04 seconds. 
Performance and Safety Improvement of Large-Scale Hydrostatic Bearings
Michalec, Michal ; Wodtke, Michal (referee) ; Fillon, Michel (referee) ; Svoboda, Petr (advisor)
Táto dizertačná práca sa zaoberá experimentálnym a numerickým štúdiom veľkorozmerných hydrostatických ložísk. Takéto ložiská sa používajú na presné a plynulé polohovanie veľkých konštrukcií, pretože klzné plochy ložiska sú úplne oddelené externe tlakovaným mazacím filmom. Od jeho prvého oficiálneho predstavenia v roku 1852 prebehol rozsiahly výskum na zlepšenie výkonnosti. Napriek tomu sa výskumníci primárne zameriavali na hydrostatické ložiská malých rozmerov, zatiaľ čo len veľmi malá časť výskumu sa zameriavala na väčšie rozmery tohto typu ložísk. V takýchto prípadoch vznikajú úplne iné výzvy, ktoré sú spojené s vyššou energetickou náročnosťou, výrobou dielov ložísk, dopravou a montážou. Výrobné chyby, nesprávne zarovnanie ložísk alebo neoptimálna konštrukcia môžu zhoršiť výkonnosť ložiska, čo môže viesť až k jeho poruche. Cieľom tejto dizertačnej práce je predstaviť vylepšenia výkonu a bezpečnosti do rozsiahlej metodiky návrhu hydrostatických ložísk. Zlepšenie výkonu ložiska sa vykonáva pomocou numerického modelu oblasti tekutiny, ktorý je overený pomocou experimentálnych a teoretických údajov. Táto štúdia predstavuje úplne nový prístup založený na nezávislej optimalizácii viacerých geometrických parametrov hydrostatickej ložiskovej kapsy. Zlepšenie bezpečnosti sa vykonáva čisto experimentálne. Pozornosť je zameraná na nesúosovosť klzných plôch kapsy a bežca a ich vplyv na výkon ložísk. Okrem toho je skúmaná schopnosť samo-vyrovnávania podložky s použitím poddajnej podstavy. Experimentálna časť bola vykonaná pomocou testovania hydrostatického ložiska pozostávajúceho z dvoch káps s plnou diagnostikou. Ako ukazujú výsledky, navrhovaná metodika optimalizácie geometrických parametrov hydrostatického ložiska môže zlepšiť výkon ložiska až o 20 %. Skúmanie vplyvov nesúosovosti na výkonnosť ložiska ukazuje určitý rozsah, v rámci ktorého môže ložisko stále bezpečne fungovať, zatiaľ čo poddajná podpora môže tento rozsah ešte predĺžiť. Táto štúdia predstavuje originálny výskum rozširujúci poznatky o rozsiahlych hydrostatických ložiskových systémoch smerom k lepšiemu výkonu a vyššej bezpečnosti.
The beginning kindergarten teacher
The bachelor's thesis focuses on beginning teachers and their induction into practice. It summarizes the requirements for kindergarten teachers, focuses on their induction and focuses on forms of self-reflection or psycho-hygiene. The aim of the thesis is to find out what the means of induction are and whether the perceptions of employment of kindergarten teachers differ from reality. The theoretical part discusses the required education, the requisites of the job. Attention is also paid to beginning teachers, their induction and the possible pitfalls that accompany the beginning. Self-reflection of teachers is also addressed, as well as psycho-hygiene, to prevent burnout syndrome. A semi-structured interview ascertains the actual beginnings of beginning teachers, as well as their expectations and subsequent awareness of reality.
Pupils’ (dis)interest in the teaching profession: an international comparison
Federičová, Miroslava
Many European countries, including the Czech Republic, currently face a shortage of teachers, especially quality teachers. One possible solution to this would be to support aspiring teachers at a younger age, during their studies at primary and secondary school. This study provides an empirical overview of teaching aspirations among 15-year-old school pupils in European countries based on data from the international PISA survey.
Ethically responsible support of social activation and prevention in social services
Jahodová, Jitka ; Červenková, Denisa (advisor) ; Bouma, David (referee)
The role of society in providing social services is long-established. Meanwhile, the range of social issues having to be addressed by social services is continuously growing. The risks associated with resource constraints are expected to rise significantly, and this issue keeps generating debate on available resources' allocation. Social innovation strives to reflect and tackle these related, complex societal challenges. All activities, as well as the discussion related to social services' innovation, should be conducted in compliance with ethical principles. The main objective of this thesis is to contribute to an understanding that making ethical responsibility an integral part of everyday decision-making and practice empowers reaching a sustainable positive social change. This, in turn, can create a normatively compact solution - and vice versa.
Using RWCT methods in French language teaching
Suchomelová, Eva ; Klinka, Tomáš (advisor) ; Fučíková, Milena (referee)
This work focuses on using methods of the Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) program in teaching French as a foreign language. The goal is to create a French lesson using these methods and to test it in practice. The first chapter is dedicated to the development of critical thinking in the school environment and describes selected RWCT methods. The second chapter connects critical thinking with current trends in teaching French, especially with the action-oriented approach. The third chapter focuses on how the development of critical thinking is anchored in curricular documents and on the expected level of students' language skills. In the fourth chapter, we use all these insights to prepare a lesson for upper primary school students. The fifth chapter reflects on the actual course of the tested teaching unit and feedback from students, adding further recommendations. We found that although the use of RWCT methods in foreign language teaching is not directly supported by curricular documents, nothing prevents teachers from proceeding this way. Teaching a foreign language and supporting the development of critical thinking require a safe environment, orienting activity on the student, cooperation, and formulating thoughts and opinions, creating space for natural communication in the...
Posttraumatic growth after death of a close person in adulthood and old age
Finkousová, Andrea ; Valentová, Hana (advisor) ; Presslerová, Pavla (referee)
The thesis deals with the theme of posttraumatic growth in adulthood (40-60 years) and old age (70 + years) following the death of close person during their adolescence, adulthood and old age, whom they have been in a close relationship with. The purpose of the thesis is to detect the occurence of posttraumatic growth and to determine in which areas and how the posttraumatic growth manifests in eighteen respondents. Another goal of this thesis is to compare the outcomes with the concepts of Tedeschi and Calhoun, Janoff-Bulman, Joseph and Linley, Hana Valentová and with the research conducted by Finkousová. The theoretical part is dedicated to decription of posttraumatic growth, it's definitions, models and factors of influence. Further theoretical chapters are dedicated to the topic of death of a close person. The empirical part of the work uses qualitative research using semi-structed interviews with eighteen respondents and subsequent content analysis using open coding. The analysis has revealed seven main areas of posttraumatic growth and their sub-areas: The area of relationships (Family, Care of others), Reconstruction of relationship with self (Self-belief, Importance of health, Independence), The value of life (Change of priorites, Appreciation of life, Fragility of life), A different...
Special educational methods at the 2nd elementary school in the subject Czech language
Pelešková, Kateřina ; Zemková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Němec, Zbyněk (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with students with specially educational needs at the second level of elemantary school in the subject Czech language. The focus is mainly on what support is being given to students by the school, the school counselling centre and teachers who teach the Czech language. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The author explains the concept of a pupil with specially educational needs, describing the system of care and support for these students. Due to the second field studied by the author, the work focuses on the special needs of students in the subject czech language and literature. Particular attention is paid to students with specific learning disabilities, in particular dyslexia, dysgraphy and dysortography. The thesis also mentions the reduction of mentioned specific learning disabilities. The projected outcome should be to map the intervention and support that students receive at a mainstream elementary school in the teaching of the Czech language as well as within the subject of a specially pedagogical intervention. A qualitative method was used to achieve the objective, namely a semi-structured interview with students selected for primary school going to second grade. The interviews carried out show that students at the school are satisfied with...
Supporting grassland biodiversity through small-scale fallows
Fabšičová, Martina ; Frei, I. ; Jiroušek, M. ; Smetanová, S. ; Šipoš, Jan ; Trnka, F. ; Vymyslický, T. ; Winkler, J. ; Zdražílková, M.
The main goal of the methodology presented here is to propose a system of recommendations for applying fallow in nature conservation based on our experiments. Due to the independence of agricultural land outside specially protected areas with direct payments from the Ministry of Agriculture, it is currently important to apply the methodology, especially in large protected areas where the primary objective is to preserve natural and cultural heritage. Annual and perennial fallows, i.e. biotopes adapted toregular soil disturbance, offer suitable habitats for a number of now-threatened plant and animal species. This is a technically and economically easy solution, but it is challenging to select a suitable location to achieve maximum efficiency. Ploughing must not be used in species-rich grasslands which would lead to ruderalization and degradation of the native vegetation. Furthermore, it must not be carried out on land at risk of erosion. Linear grassland margins, which have been ploughed in the past, recently grassed fields, fallows, and field margins should be selected for fallow management. Nearby populations of invasive plant species can be a problem. Our recommendations for the use of fallow management relate primarily to land in lowland and upland areas with a lower soil nutrient supply.
Streamlining of the production of a component into the aircraft engine
Bula, Tomáš ; Sliwková, Petra (referee) ; Polzer, Aleš (advisor)
The thesis deals with innovation of the technological process of casting called Fan support in the company Honeywell Aerospace Olomouc s.r.o. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to component description which is made of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V. The section is also devoted to jet engine TFE 731, which is the engine where our particular component has specific function. Another part is focused on theoretical analysis of material characteristics of titanium alloys and their machinability. In the following section there are considered alternatives of machine suppliers with subsequent selection of the multifunctional CNC milling-turning center DMC 80 U duoBLOCK equipped with Jetstream technology. The transfer of the production to another machine is accompanied by an innovation of the technological process, making new fixtures and optimalization of the cutting tools. The section is also dedicated to static analysis of the component in operation 7 supported by finite element method (FEM). The final part of the thesis includes evaluation of the costs and savings achieved by innovation of the technological process.
Software support of education in cryptography area based on elliptic curves
Szturc, Jakub ; Sobotka, Jiří (referee) ; Burda, Karel (advisor)
The master‘s thesis is focusing on cryptography based on elliptical curves consists of four main parts. The first part provides an overview of the basic cryptographic and mathematical concepts. A key element of this work is the second part which are described in detail the mechanisms of counting two points on elliptic curve and counting point to themselves over the various fields. On this mechanism is based almost the entire issue. In the third section provides the best-known algorithms and protocols for key exchange, encryption and digital signature. The goal of this paper is to devise software to support teaching. This material is created as a web presentation, which described the theoretical foundations and the main characteristics of cryptosystems based on elliptical curves. The whole issue is supported by practical examples of calculations examples, there are also examples for independent work. Additionally, java applets are prepared that allow an interactive opportunity to try the basic parameters of curves, or verify the calculations.

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