National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Slovak among Slavic languages (the question of Slovak - South Slavic lexical correspondences)
Kraml, Jan ; Nábělková, Mira (advisor) ; Mucsková, Gabriela (referee)
BA thesis "Slovak amongst Slavonic Languages (On the Question of Slovak - South Slavonic lexical correspondences)" deals with correspondences between Slovak as West Slavonic language and South Slavonic languages. In the first part, opinions about the origin of Slovak are summarized (Theories about homogenous or heterogeneous origin of Slovak and the migration-integration theory), which introduce specifics of central Slovak, which is the basis for standard Slovak, and put them into context with Non-West-Slavonic languages. Then an overview of studies dedicated to issues of Slovak - South Slavonic lexical correspondences, which is less researched than phonetic-morphologic correspondences, follows. The main part of the thesis is the analysis of material from Slavonic language atlas (OLA), which is an important project of Slavonic linguistic geography focused on Slavonic dialectal differentiation. The aim of this thesis was to show the range and character of Slovak - South Slavic language equivalence on the material of the 9th volume of OLA, which focuses on thematic area of Man. Apart from research motivation emerging from Slovak Studies and General Slavonic Studies, the thesis also touches the issues of Czech-Slovak language contact; Slovak - South Slavic parallels, which do not have equivalents in...
Louis Leger, mediator of the Czech-French cultural relationships
Klapilová, Adéla ; Listíková, Renáta (advisor) ; Ébert-Zeminová, Catherine (referee)
anglicky: Title of the thesis: Louis Leger, mediator of the Czech-French cultural relationships. Key words: Louis Leger, Slavic studies, Collège de France, correspondence, policy, Frantisek Palacky, Frantisek Ladislav Rieger, Ernest Denis, Hanus Jelinek, Karolina Svetla, Sobeslav Pinkas, Jan Neruda. Abstract: Louis Leger, french Slavophile, Slavicist and promoter of Czech issues in France in the second half of the 19th century, led correspondence with leading figures of the French nation as well as with the personalities of the Slavic word. Leger's correspondence with the Czech national elite is evidence of his interest in the Czech issue. Correspondence written in Czech and French is stored in the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature in Prague. The aim of this thesis is to discuss the Leger's written correspondence and present its contents to readers with regard to the historical context.
Louis Leger, mediator of the Czech-French cultural relationships
Klapilová, Adéla ; Listíková, Renáta (advisor) ; Ébert-Zeminová, Catherine (referee)
anglicky: Title of the thesis: Louis Leger, mediator of the Czech-French cultural relationships. Key words: Louis Leger, Slavic studies, Collège de France, correspondence, policy, Frantisek Palacky, Frantisek Ladislav Rieger, Ernest Denis, Hanus Jelinek, Karolina Svetla, Sobeslav Pinkas, Jan Neruda. Abstract: Louis Leger, french Slavophile, Slavicist and promoter of Czech issues in France in the second half of the 19th century, led correspondence with leading figures of the French nation as well as with the personalities of the Slavic word. Leger's correspondence with the Czech national elite is evidence of his interest in the Czech issue. Correspondence written in Czech and French is stored in the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature in Prague. The aim of this thesis is to discuss the Leger's written correspondence and present its contents to readers with regard to the historical context.
Comparison of Czech Studies at Selected Universities Abroad with the Czech Studies for Foreigners at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Kochetkov, Kayrat ; Hasil, Jiří (advisor) ; Boccou Kestřánková, Marie (referee)
This thesis aims to compare the teaching of Czech as a foreign language at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University in Prague and other facilities in the world, especially those in Europe. The comparison is based on data gathered from websites and information obtained through direct visits and subsequent contacts with specific departments at selected universities. Foremost, this included the Humboldt University in Berlin, the University of Vienna and the Jagellon University in Krakow. This thesis also presents the Slavic studies institutes at these universities. The evaluation was done using a questionnaire, along with a brief test of selected students of bohemistics at the universities mentioned above, as well as a questionnaire for one of their pedagogues. The thesis contains the comparison of the curriculum at the bachelor's degree level and the comparison of knowledge which the students at this level have gained. In the conclusion, the author offers a comparison based on knowledge obtained objectively and subjectively. It does not compare the quality of teaching as such, but the possibilities of studying Czech as a foreign language at these universities.
Comparison of Czech Studies at Selected Universities Abroad with the Czech Studies for Foreigners at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Kochetkov, Kayrat ; Hasil, Jiří (advisor) ; Hrdlička, Milan (referee)
This thesis aims to compare the teaching of Czech as a foreign language at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University in Prague and other facilities in the world, especially those in Europe. The comparison is based on data gathered from websites and information obtained through direct visits and subsequent contacts with specific departments at selected universities. Foremost, this included the Humboldt University in Berlin, the University of Vienna and the Jagellon University in Krakow. This thesis also presents the Slavic studies institutes at these universities. The thesis contains the comparison of the curriculum at the bachelor s degree level and the comparison of knowledge which the students at this level have gained. In the conclusion, the author offers a comparison based on knowledge obtained objectively and subjectively. It does not compare the quality of teaching as such, but the possibilities of studying Czech as a foreign language at these universities.
Slovak among Slavic languages (the question of Slovak - South Slavic lexical correspondences)
Kraml, Jan ; Nábělková, Mira (advisor) ; Mucsková, Gabriela (referee)
BA thesis "Slovak amongst Slavonic Languages (On the Question of Slovak - South Slavonic lexical correspondences)" deals with correspondences between Slovak as West Slavonic language and South Slavonic languages. In the first part, opinions about the origin of Slovak are summarized (Theories about homogenous or heterogeneous origin of Slovak and the migration-integration theory), which introduce specifics of central Slovak, which is the basis for standard Slovak, and put them into context with Non-West-Slavonic languages. Then an overview of studies dedicated to issues of Slovak - South Slavonic lexical correspondences, which is less researched than phonetic-morphologic correspondences, follows. The main part of the thesis is the analysis of material from Slavonic language atlas (OLA), which is an important project of Slavonic linguistic geography focused on Slavonic dialectal differentiation. The aim of this thesis was to show the range and character of Slovak - South Slavic language equivalence on the material of the 9th volume of OLA, which focuses on thematic area of Man. Apart from research motivation emerging from Slovak Studies and General Slavonic Studies, the thesis also touches the issues of Czech-Slovak language contact; Slovak - South Slavic parallels, which do not have equivalents in...
The south slavonian functioning of P. J. Šafařík in Novi Sad
In this work we will focus upon the personality of Pavel Josef Šafařík and fourteen year stay in Novi Sad. The work consists of three different formal sections which, however, correspond thematically with one another. The first section describes the figure of Pavel Josef Šafařík, and examines the socio-historical conditions within the Balkans at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries. We come to Novi Sad itself in the second part, to his work written there and contacts with his south Slavonic colleagues. In the third and the final section, we deal with the current view of Pavel Josef Šafařík{\crq}s identity and his influence, which, according to Serbian literature theorists and linguists, he certainly had on Serbian literature, a view held in opposition to the Czech and Slovakian literature and linguistic scene.
Josef Dobrovský and his contribution to the research of the literary manuscripts
Petr, Stanislav
The contribution follows Dobrovský’s research of manuscripts from the beginnings in 1780s till his death in 1829. His pioneer work at the research of manuscript bohemica abroad is described in details. The author attempts to identify Dobrovský’s finds of manuscripts and completes its present deposition. He follows Dobrovský’s research of the Czech manuscripts of Bibles and other literary manuscripts, and evaluates the contribution of his work for present research.
Of the Unknown Correspondence between Jan Baudouin de Courtenay and Adolf Černý
Ďurčanský, Marek
The study provides information on 43 unknown letters of the Polish linguist and humanist Jan Baudouin de Courtenay to his Czech friend Adolf Černý. These letters were not included in the previous studies on this topic and most of them deal with the first years of Baudouin´s activities in St. Petersburg after 1900.
Comparative Literary Studies from the Point of View of the 14th and 15th Cogresses of AILC
Zelenka, Miloš
The present study deals with the perspective of the hermeneutics method in comparative studies from the Point of View of the 14th and 15th Cogresses of AILC.

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