National Repository of Grey Literature 20 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The German Prose of Karl Klostermann
ŠÍMOVÁ, Sandra
This bachelor's thesis focuses on Karl Klostermann and his works Böhmerwaldskizzen, Heiterres und Trauriges aus Böhmerwald and other German-language texts, which were published primarily in magazines and secondarily in books in the original language and in Czech translations. The author will focus on these works and their distribution in detail and present them in terms of genre and subject matter. The work will also include a comparison of translations of Böhmerwaldskizzen / Črt ze Šumavy by Marie Stunová (1923) and Bohumil Nohejl (1986).
Speech of Samizdat feuilleton. Analysis of Československý fejeton publihed in the 2nd half of 1970s in Edice Petlice
The diploma thesis is deals with the analysis of four editions of the samizdat periodical Československý fejeton/fejtón [Czechoslovak feuilleton], a project of the authors of inedited (illegal) literature made by close friends of Ludvík Vaculík in the second half of the 1970s. The individual contributions were viewed as representation of the contemporary expression of unofficial authors in their time. Moreover, these authors were persecuted by the regime of the totalitarian Czechoslovak state. Their contributions show the experience of everyday life and the authors' deeply subjective view of the totaliarianism. They also show the timeless philosophical-ethical considerations and formation of the specific institutionalized speech of dissent. The goal of this thesis is to define the relation of these contributions to the next artistic work and activities of these authors, especially in the point of view of the samizdat journal Obsah [Content]. The thesis includes a reminder and a general and partial interpretation of the political events of the given time. The representatives of inetided (illegal) literature on the political events not only with their statements, but also with their artistic work, which was strongly influenced by both content and form. There was created a project of inedited literature to help expand the space of parallel culture and thus to resist ideological cultural and political norms.
Feuilletons of Ludvík Vaculík
Chalupský, Radek ; Kubíček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Mocná, Dagmar (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of feuilletons of Ludvik Vaculik. The first part is dedicated to summary efforts demarcation of feuilleton from its beginning up to the present by literary theory. The second part contains interpretation analysis, which is divided to three chapters according to particular thematic areas. In the third part is included an interview with Ludvik Vaculik. The fourth part represents an own trial to write a feuilleton in style of Ludvik Vaculik. Key words: feuilleton, interpretation analysis, Ludvik Vaculik, interview
The evolution of democratic thinking in the works of K. H. Borovský
Šupíková, Julie ; Vaněk, Václav (advisor) ; Bischofová, Jana (referee)
Cílem diplomové práce je sledování vývoje demokratického myšlení na vybraných dílech K. Havlíčka Borovského. Autorka soustředila svou pozornost na významové etapy Havlíčkova života, které ovlivnily jeho politické smýšlení. Klíčová slova: revoluce - demokracie - liberalismus - novinářství - feuilleton - satira - epigram Annotation The aim of this graduate's thesis is to observe the development of democratic thinking of K. Havlíček Borovský through his selected works. The author has concentrated her attention on the specific periods of Havlicek's life that have influenced his political views. Key words: revolution - democracy - liberalism - journalism - feuilleton - satire - epigram
The personality of pedagogue, scripter and writer Karel Štorkán
Mileriková, Aneta ; Köpplová, Barbara (advisor) ; Aplt, Daniel (referee)
This thesis is to map the life and works of Karel Štorkán as a educationalist, scripwriter and writer, who was one of the leading personalities putting in the basis of College studies for journalist's specialization at the Charles University in the 60ies of the last century and his further development. I was mainly concentrated on his educational activity and his professional works - essay-books, reports, interwiev and court-essays and his contributions in magazines of the Union of Czechoslovak journalists - specifically in Novinář and Sešity novináře. In detail, to be dealt with selected fiction books (Nemravové ze septimy bé, Rodeo), movie themes (My ztracený holky, Milion, Matěji, proč tě holky nechtějí?). Not to be left out the series Boys ang guys that was written together with Jiří Bednář an was later on released as a book. The book and movie analysis is to be completed by reviews in newspapers and magazines as Rudé právo, Mladá fronta, Tvorba, Literární měsíčník…
Literární noviny in the 90s of the 20th century and Ludvík Vaculík
Havlíková, Anna ; Čeňková, Jana (advisor) ; Köpplová, Barbara (referee)
This master's thesis deals with the cultural-political weekly magazine Literární noviny. The first part is dedicated to the forms of the Literární noviny from 1927, when the magazine emerged, to 1969, when it ceased to be published for twenty-one years. The main focus of the thesis is its second part, which explores the life of the Literární noviny in the 90s. On 5 April, 1990 the weekly was renewed as an appendix of the Lidové noviny, and two years later it became an independent magazine. Its chief editor was Vladimír Karfík until 1999. I did an interview with Vladimír Karfík, which is attachment of this thesis. I concentrated on the weekly's editorial composition, especially on the sections and its thematic structure, but also on the social and cultural context of the 90s. The main research method used for analysing the composition of the thematic structure is quantitative content analysis. The research questions are related both to the topics that formed the content of the Literární noviny in the 90s, and their transformation within that decade. I also used the elements of qualitative analysis, to compare the transformation of the front page of the weekly magazine in the above mentioned period. The third section is dedicated to the feuilletons of Ludvík Vaculík. I focused on author's feuilletons...
Karel Horký: The Knight of the Street (The Life and Political Publishing of the Journalistic Rebel)
Filípek, Štěpán ; Köpplová, Barbara (advisor) ; Mocná, Dagmar (referee) ; Urbanec, Jiří (referee)
This dissertation offers a detailed analysis of the political publishing of Karel Horký (1879- 1965), one of the important but neglected Czech journalists in the first half of the twentieth century. It also seeks to contrast his life with the contemporary political system, and describes how media texts are influenced by political, social or cultural milieu. A historical biographical method was used to explore the topic, and interpretation is divided chronologically into the compact periods of Horký's life and work. The dissertation shows that Czech journalism was devastatingly affected by political organizations and their leaders in the Czechoslovakia. The impartiality of journalists was essentially impossible. It also shows how different political regimes control, degrade, and exploit them.
Nikos Kazantzakis, Karel Čapek and their travel writings on England (England & Letters from England)
Stružková, Petra ; Šípová, Pavlína (advisor) ; Vořechovská, Dita (referee)
Kazantzakis' Ταξιδεύοντας. Αγγλία (England: A Travel Journal) belongs to the most significant pieces of travel writing both in Greece and abroad. Referring to Czech literature it is the travel journal of Karel Capek Anglické listy (Letters from England) that suggests itself for comparison as a literary piece of a similar relevance. The present thesis aims to compare particularly the way both authors - journalists - perceive the country and how they convey their experience, what they have in common and what the main differences are. This was accomplished by exploring the main topics referred to. Mixing genres is typical for both examined books. Capek writes in a form of playful feuilleton, Kazantzakis uses a serious reflection essay blending fact with fiction. Kazantzakis focuses on history of the nation and politics, Capek avoids these topics.

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