National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Communication activities of Tchibo in years 2013-2014
Štefek, Jiří ; Obluk, Ondřej (advisor) ; Klabíková Rábová, Tereza (referee)
The aim of the bachelor thesis "Communication of Tchibo Company in 2013-2014" is to analyze and describe specific communication activities of Tchibo company, which is mainly famous for its coffee products. Tchibo is lately trying to communicate its non-food products as well, using all tools of marketing mix available. The goal of this bachelor thesis is a summary of all communication activities and, based on the summary, a list of improvements for the future communication if necessary. Apart from that, the bachelor thesis consists of a primary research that focuses on how the company is viewed among the population of Czech Republic and if their communication activities reflect in what the people think. Since Tchibo company is still much more known for its coffee products, the bachelor thesis focuses not only on the non-food sector, but on the coffee sector as well - it is an important part of the whole communication mix.
Gender and Prices of Consumer Goods
POPOVA, Anastasiia
Diploma thesis is focused on analysis and evaluation of the relationship between gender of target group and prices of consumer goods in various retail chains in the Czech Republic within the categories of drugstore goods and clothing.
Expenditures and consumption of households included in the household budget survey in 2013
Český statistický úřad
The Household Budget Survey (HBS) provides information on expenditure and consumption structure of private households, on differences in consumption patterns of households classified by various aspects, or on impacts of certain factors on expenditure structure. There is no other source of information on consumption behaviour of households.
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Tržby obchodníků: Vánoční očekávání fungují
Český statistický úřad
Analýza vlivu zlepšení mezd zaměstnanců vládního sektoru a rostoucích zisků firem na útraty spotřebitelů a tržby obchodníků před vánočními svátky.
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Innovations and czech retail business
Pecho, Maroš ; Zadražilová, Dana (advisor) ; Klánová, Eva (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to describe current trends in global retail, the current state of retail in Czech Republic and possible need of bringing innovation to the outburst of Millennials generation economic activity. Introduction is devoted to theoretical description of retail and its meaning. As part of the thesis, there is a significant part containing relations within the worldwide retail and also its current trends and development. Furthermore, part of the thesis is devoted to the development and ongoing evolution of retail in the Czech Republic. Theoretical definition in the third chapter deals with buying behavior as well as the factors which have an impact on it. Millennials are the bearers of the innovation need in the world retail sector. The thesis put emphasis on this generation essential features characteristic, as well as their purchasing behavior. Quantitative research includes evaluation of their behavior and attitudes on the czech market in relation to information about groceries and consumer goods, then to their use of technology (smartphones) in the buying process of groceries and consumer goods, and also evaluation and description of their specific attitudes to purchase behavior and different characteristic aspects resulting from global characteristics of Millennials.
Co znamená vysoká dovozní náročnost české ekonomiky
Dubská, Drahomíra ; Český statistický úřad
Cílem analýzy bylo zjistit, jaký vliv může mít umělé oslabení kurzu koruny na dovozní náročnost české ekonomiky. Analýza se zabývá náročností vyprodukované nové hodnoty, resp. celé produkce, české ekonomiky na zdroje z dovozu. Porovnává tuto náročnost na dovozy a zboží do ČR, resp. pouze na samotné zboží, v evropském kontextu. Zjišťuje, jaký podíl z celkových dovozů připadá na další zpracování a úpravu (mezispotřebu). Podle toho usuzuje, jak velký může mít dopad vstupních podmínek, mimo jiné změn směnného kurzu koruny, na tyto dovozy. Citlivost na změny kurzu koruny v jednotlivých odvětvích jsou analyzovány podle toho, kolik zboží a služeb z dovozu samy spotřebovávají za pomoci input-output tabulek.
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Vybavenost československých domácností domácími spotřebiči v šedesátých letech 20. století
Sedlmajerová, Jana ; Szobi, Pavel (advisor) ; Chalupecký, Petr (referee)
My dissertation deals with the progress of consumer society in the 60th of 20th century in the Czechoslovakia. At the beginning of my work i try to theory of consumer society, everydayness and the free time in czechoslovak society. My aim is equipment of electric apparatus in the families and their importance for women's work in households. Especially I reply the questions, where and how the apparatus were sold, how was the quality of them and how much apparatus saved women's jobs. I analyse the availability of those apparatus for consumers/users. I compare amount, prices and design of home appliances in Czechoslovakia and abroad. My dissertation is based on the fact that in 60th of 20th century was very big increase of refrigerators, automatic washing machines, irons, hoovers, hairdryers, televisions and next smaller home appliances. I compare this growth with countries of Western Europe. My dissertation is based on studium of specialized monographs, articles and studies of czech and english provenance. But I also use the unpublished sources of institucional and personal characters (Archive of the National Technical Museum, the National Museum Archive
The analysis of the technical equipment of Czechoslovak household in 1970´s
Machů, Kateřina ; Stellner, František (advisor) ; Szobi, Pavel (referee)
Bachelor thesis contains a description of everyday life and consumer society in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic at 1970s. It is focused on technical equipment of contemporary households. The thesis is based on the hypothesis that during the seventies market offers to women household appliances they never had before. In more detail it analyzes the situation of the first automatic washing machines. The aim of my thesis was to discover what changes the automatic washing machine brought to the nature of women's work and also what were the differences of laundry technology between the Czechoslovakia and Western countries during the seventies.
Vlaková doprava spotřebního zboží
Bauer, Tomáš ; Vinš, Marek (advisor) ; Novotný, Michal (referee)
The thesis covers topics related to railway transport of consumer goods. First, basic attributes of rail transport such as economic characteristics, history, development in time, infrastructure, and standards are presented. Second, major agents of rail transport and their functions are described. Third, international standards and rules applying to the railway transport are discussed, including the outcomes of EU initiatives as well as COTIF regulations. Fourth, a brief overview of consumer goods as an object of transport and further applications are presented. In the fifth part, a portfolio of quantitative instruments is described. Sixth, the final case study deals with application of the developed theoretical framework on a real business situation.

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