National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Performance Analysis of Web Applications
Valent, Tomáš ; Rogalewicz, Adam (referee) ; Pavela, Jiří (advisor)
Cieľ tejto práce je rozšíriť verejne dostupný verzovací systém – Perun implementáciou modulu, ktorý je schopný profilovať webové stránky naprogramované pomocou TypeScriptu prípadne JavaScriptu. Profiler je schopný zbierať metriky, ako napríklad dobu načítania webu, odozvu pri interakciách s webom čí spotrebu pamäti. Zároveň je modul schopný vizualizovať namerané výsledku pomocou heatmapy, pairplotu alebo grafom volaní.
Design and Implementation of a Profiler for ASIPs
Richtarik, Pavel ; Hynek, Jiří (referee) ; Zachariášová, Marcela (advisor)
The major objective of this work is to analyse possibilities of profiling application specific instruction-set processors, to explore some common profiling techniques and to use the collected information to design and implement a new profiling tool suitable for utilization in the processors development and optimization. This bachelor thesis presents requirements on the new profiler and describes its key parts from the design and the implementation perspective.
Profiling of Network Entities to Improve Situational Awareness
Bolf, René ; Tisovčík, Peter (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
Having a good situational awareness is an important part of computer security. Knowing what is connected to the network, where it is located, and who is communicating can help make better and faster decisions when security incidents occur. This thesis is focusing on the profiling of network entities at the device level. More specifically, it focuses on the passive identification of operating systems. Every packet transferred in the network carries a specific information in its packet header that reflects the initial settings of a host's operating system. The set of these information is called the "fingerprint" of an operating system. In the thesis, there is described an implementation of a machine learning classifier using the decision tree method, which uses features from TCP and IP headers. The classifier was evaluated on a data set containing data from real network traffic and has achieved accuracy of 96 % when classifying into 9 classes of operating systems.
Benchmarking and Profiling of CloverETL Data Processing System
Botka, Roland ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
This thesis deals with the benchmarking and profiling of CloverETL Data Processing system. The aim of this thesis is to design a way of measuring performance and profiling in different runtime environments. The problem was solved by designing and implementing an application, which is based on measured data and its analysis, detects maximum system perpetuity and monitor performance changes in system performance. The advantage is the ability to compare environments on which the CloverETL System is running and application usage in automated testing in company. Created ETL Graphs have been tested during development and they are part of the result of this thesis.
Dual Securitization of Public Space in Relation to Sport Mega Events
Svitková, Katarína ; Hynek, Nikola (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee)
The objective of this study is to examine security measures in cities hosting sports mega events. Using International political sociology as a theoretical background, I argue that city spaces undergo what I refer to as dual securitization. I identify four principal characteristics of security measures which have become globally standardized and which I consider illiberal: exceptionalism, surveillance, militarization and urban restrictions. In the case studies, I explore how these measures were justified and employed during the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup in Beijing, South Africa, London and Rio de Janeiro. Despite some differences which are due to local realities, I argue that the approaches of the principal stakeholders in the four cities are very much alike. Regardless of the type of political regime or the degree of socio-economic development, exceptionality of mega events serves as an impetus for wide-scale and profound surveillance and militarization of contemporary cities. In the process, securing public spaces and urbanites comes at the expense of individual liberties.
Profiling of Network Entities to Improve Situational Awareness
Bolf, René ; Tisovčík, Peter (referee) ; Žádník, Martin (advisor)
Having a good situational awareness is an important part of computer security. Knowing what is connected to the network, where it is located, and who is communicating can help make better and faster decisions when security incidents occur. This thesis is focusing on the profiling of network entities at the device level. More specifically, it focuses on the passive identification of operating systems. Every packet transferred in the network carries a specific information in its packet header that reflects the initial settings of a host's operating system. The set of these information is called the "fingerprint" of an operating system. In the thesis, there is described an implementation of a machine learning classifier using the decision tree method, which uses features from TCP and IP headers. The classifier was evaluated on a data set containing data from real network traffic and has achieved accuracy of 96 % when classifying into 9 classes of operating systems.
Benchmarking and Profiling of CloverETL Data Processing System
Botka, Roland ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
This thesis deals with the benchmarking and profiling of CloverETL Data Processing system. The aim of this thesis is to design a way of measuring performance and profiling in different runtime environments. The problem was solved by designing and implementing an application, which is based on measured data and its analysis, detects maximum system perpetuity and monitor performance changes in system performance. The advantage is the ability to compare environments on which the CloverETL System is running and application usage in automated testing in company. Created ETL Graphs have been tested during development and they are part of the result of this thesis.
Dual Securitization of Public Space in Relation to Sport Mega Events
Svitková, Katarína ; Hynek, Nikola (advisor) ; Ditrych, Ondřej (referee)
The objective of this study is to examine security measures in cities hosting sports mega events. Using International political sociology as a theoretical background, I argue that city spaces undergo what I refer to as dual securitization. I identify four principal characteristics of security measures which have become globally standardized and which I consider illiberal: exceptionalism, surveillance, militarization and urban restrictions. In the case studies, I explore how these measures were justified and employed during the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup in Beijing, South Africa, London and Rio de Janeiro. Despite some differences which are due to local realities, I argue that the approaches of the principal stakeholders in the four cities are very much alike. Regardless of the type of political regime or the degree of socio-economic development, exceptionality of mega events serves as an impetus for wide-scale and profound surveillance and militarization of contemporary cities. In the process, securing public spaces and urbanites comes at the expense of individual liberties.
Design and Implementation of a Profiler for ASIPs
Richtarik, Pavel ; Hynek, Jiří (referee) ; Zachariášová, Marcela (advisor)
The major objective of this work is to analyse possibilities of profiling application specific instruction-set processors, to explore some common profiling techniques and to use the collected information to design and implement a new profiling tool suitable for utilization in the processors development and optimization. This bachelor thesis presents requirements on the new profiler and describes its key parts from the design and the implementation perspective.

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