National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Simulation of sound wave propagation in closed space, using tools of geometric acoustics
Husák, Ondřej ; Kurc, David (referee) ; Orlovský, Kristián (advisor)
The bachelor thesis focuses on a simulation of sound wave spreading in closed space using tools of geometric acoustics. It mainly concerns on comparison and using of image source method, Ray-Tracing Method, and Beam-Tracing for counting of sound waves rebounds in close environment without obstacles. A big part of the thesis is measured by algorithms of image source method and Ray-Tracing Method. It´s realized in Matlab software. The results are compared on based of executed simulations.
Preaching in a time of global pandemic: Reflection on the COVID-19 pandemic in the sermons of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
Horáková, Magdalena ; Landová, Tabita (advisor) ; Beneš, Ladislav (referee)
My thesis deals with the relation between sermons and the listeners' situa- tion; focus is given to specifc pandemic situation of COVID-19 and how this situation was manifested in the sermons of the preachers of Te Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. Te thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part function and versatility of sermons is de- scribed and possible typological divisions of sermons are presented. It also concerns the relation between sermon, preacher, listener and his situation. Brief overview of development of homiletical approach to listener and his sit- uation in the fundamental stages of homiletics is presented. Infuence of lis- tener's situation on preaching and choice of the Bible text is examined; pas- toral aspects of preaching are presented. Te practical part contains brief pre- sentation of the development of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Repub- lic, focus is given mainly on the frst phase and the impact on religious life and churches in the Czech Republic. Four sermons from Te Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren from the period of the pandemic are refected and analysed as well as the impact of the situation on the form and features of the sermons. Te central theme is the analysis of the preachers' refection of the pandemic and the...
Petr Eben - music as a way to God
Šmardová Koulová, Jana ; Špačková, Alena (advisor) ; Tvrdek, Petr (referee)
Petr Eben. Hudba jako cesta k Bohu. Jana Šmardová Koulová Resumé Svou prací jsem došla k závěrům, že přínos skladatele Petra Ebena je pro českou a světovou duchovní hudbu opravdu velký a jeho skladby jsou skutečnou pomocí v ekumenické práci. Autorova vlastní upřímná víra v Boha se, díky jeho usilovné smysluplné práci, nese tóny skladeb dál k posluchači, kterého skutečně oslovuje. Pochopil služebnost hudby a podřídil ji moudrosti slov, jejich pravému významu a obsahu, čímž její význam naopak pozdvihl. Vznikla díla, která opravdu k posluchači promlouvají svým poselstvím, dokonce ho i formují. Na základě této práce a získaných poznatků, se určitě pokusím Ebenovu Truvérskou mši, pro její jednoduchost a přitom nádhernou melodičnost, citlvě propojenou hudbu se slovy, která byla inspirována vírou v Boha, zařadit do katecheze dětí. Petr Eben. Music as the way to God. Jana Šmardová Koulová Summary In my work I have come to the conclusion that Petr Eben's music means really great contribution not only to Czech but even to the whole world sacred music with his compositions that help a lot in ecumenical efforts. The author's own true faith in God, thanks to his concentrated and meaningful work, conveys onto the listener and addresses him/her with direct impact. He understood the subservience of music well, and he...
The Correlation between the Speed of the Source Speech and Simultaneous Interpreter's Performance.
Moravcová, Dagmar ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
The purpose of the present thesis is to look into the correlation between the speed of the source speech and simultaneous interpreter's performance between Czech and French from the perspective of the French listeners of the source speeches in French, of two groups of interpreters (students and professionals) and of the listeners of the speeches interpreted into Czech. The thesis consists of the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part outlines Daniel Gile's Effort Model and than focuses on the delivery rate of the source speech and on various theoretical approaches of different scholars, on the errors occured in the process of simultaneous interpreting, on intrepretation strategies and on the quality of interpretation. The empirical part describes the research method, the experiment itself and the results of the experiment which focuses both on the number of occurences of different interpretation stategies in relation to the source speech delivery rate and on the number of occurences of various error categories depending on the speed of the quasi-authentic source speeches. The empirical part examines the differences between the performance of the students and of the interpreters. Their performance is then assessed by the Czech listeners. Keywords simultaneous interpretation,...
Nonverbal communication focused on gestures accompanying speech.
Bednaříková, Nikola ; Škvařilová, Božena (advisor) ; Blažek, Vladimír (referee)
In this thesis, gesticulation is presented in a context of nonverbal communication. It is likely that gestures preceded the birth of an articulated speech. Nevertheless even in the present, people convey information via gesticulation to their surroundings. This ability can be found at small children, gestures play the role of a speech precursor there. Human language is a codified form of diction. We can see every word as a symbol. The formal layout is available even for gesture communication. This happens in case that gesticulation stands for speech. If you want to share your thoughts via symbols it is relatively complicated. People can present their opinions and thoughts by gestures thought, that they do not have a stable form. These usually accompany a verbal speech. Gesticulation has a significance for both speakers and listeners. Benefits were formulated separately for each of them. It helps the speaker to keep his speech fluent, to decrease the cognitive strain and makes easier for him to formulate ideas, which he can not to express in words. The listener gains information about the topic, that he is told about. On top of this, gestures can express different information, that are not involved in verbal speech. This discrepancy between arm movements and speech is beneficial for both communicating partners.
Speech of the Tourist Guide
Pecháčková, Veronika ; Palkosková, Olga (advisor) ; Chejnová, Pavla (referee)
This work deals with speech of the tourist guide from the point of view of individual linguistics levels. This topic was chosen because the author of this work studied tourism at secondary school and she has personal experience with the job of tourist guide. Second reason is the fact that this topic has not been described in details yet. Beside the activity of tourist guide and his/her nonverbal communication, this work deals with his/her speech from the point of view of five linguistics levels - phonetic/phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic and stylistic one. For their analysis four video-records were used. There is real speech of four tourist guides at castles on these videos. The result of this work is the formulation of specific features of speech of the tourist guide. There are several points added to these features. These points are about recommendation for each tourist guide and his/her right and effective speech.
Telling and Showing in The Bluest Eye and To Kill a Mockingbird
Felcmanová, Martina ; Chalupský, Petr (advisor) ; Topolovská, Tereza (referee)
TITLE Telling and Showing in The Bluest Eye and To Kill a Mockingbird AUTOR Martina Felcmanová DEPARTMENT Department of English Language and Literature SUPERVISOR PhDr. Petr Chalupský, Ph.D. ABSTRACT This bachelor thesis focuses on similarities and differences in the narrative strategies in the novels To Kill a Mockingbird and The Bluest Eye. The main objective lies in the analysis of how, and for what purpose, the two modes of narration, telling and showing (also diegesis and mimesis) are used. Furthermore, the thesis provides a comparison between two different narrators and it attempts to describe the effect their narrative has on the implied reader.
Differences in evaluation of the quality of interpretation
Pospíšilová, Lenka ; Čeňková, Ivana (advisor) ; Sládková, Miroslava (referee)
Our theoretical-empirical thesis is dedicated to differences in the evaluation of the quality of interpreting. In the theoretical part of our thesis we describe representative studies in aforementioned field and their conclusions. We use them as a basis for the hypothesis of our own research in which we suppose that the formal aspect of an intepreter's delivery will influence the overall evaluation of the quality of his rendering and will be perceived by the respondents as a more important criterion than the logical cohesion of the speech. In the empirical part of our thesis we describe the design and development of our experiment. In this experiment different groups of respondents evaluated nine videos of an interpreter's rendering conducted under specific parameters defined beforehand. Subsequently we evaluate conclusions of our basic and test research. We conclude our work with a partial confirmation of our initial hypothesis.
Compositional-stylistic Unities in David Lodge's Changing Places
Felcmanová, Martina ; Chalupský, Petr (advisor) ; Ženíšek, Jakub (referee)
TITLE Compositional-stylistic Unities in David Lodge's Changing Places AUTHOR Martina Felcmanová DEPARTMENT Department of English Language and Literature SUPERVISOR PhDr. Petr Chalupský, Ph.D. ABSTRACT The main aim of this diploma thesis is to focus on the forms in which heteroglossia manifests itself in the most widely known campus novel of David Lodge, Changing Places. The Theoretical Part explains the two crucial terms of Mikhail Bakhtin's literary theory, namely heteroglossia and dialogism, and describes the impact his ideas had on the critical writings of David Lodge. Moreover, it strives to combine Bakhtin's and Lodge's typologies of novelistic discourse with the terminology of Seymour Chatman, in order to create sufficient terminological framework for the subsequent stylistic analysis. Consequently, the Practical Part attempts to explore how the separate unities of heteroglossia are represented within the structure of Changing Places, what effect they have on the implied reader and how they influence the novel as a whole.
Comparison of radio formats Evropa 2 and Frekvence 1 in contexts of target group
Nováková, Lucie ; Štoll, Martin (advisor) ; Maršík, Josef (referee)
The area of interest of this bachelor thesis is radio stations - Evropa 2 and Frekvence 1. The subject of the work is a comparison between these two stations. They target other target groups. Radio for "young" - i.e., for people under 30, is Evropa 2, while Frekvence 1 targets older listeners. Their differences are mainly caused by the format of the station. While Frekvence 1 is Full Service, Europe 2 is musical, specifically Adult Contemporary.

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