National Repository of Grey Literature 19 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Password Leaks Automated Processing
Dvořák, Jakub ; Veselý, Vladimír (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to find databases of leaked data and to create an application capable of processing the data, storing it in a suitable database and enabling searching of the data on the basis of significant data. Among other things, the work deals with database research and measurement of uploading and data retrieval speeds, in order to select a suitable database used in the final solution. The resulting application is able to detect the encoding of the input file, the data format and stored items. Using the web interface, it also allows data to be searched based on filtering conditions from a database that has 5 157 229 040 records of leaked data at the time of theses submission. The results of this thesis provide a tool for processing and analysing databases of leaked passwords.
Distributed Forensic Digital Data Repository
Josefík, Martin ; Burget, Radek (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
This work deals with the design of distributed repository aimed at storing digital forensic data. The theoretical part of the thesis describes digital forensics and what is its purpose. There are also explained Big data, suitable storages, their properties, advantages and disadvantages, in this part. The main part of the thesis deals with the design and implementation of distributed storage for digital forensic data. The design is also focused in suitable indexing of stored data, and supporting new types of digital forensic data. The performance of implemented system was evaluated for chosen type of digital forensic data PCAP files.
Browser Game with Artificial Intelligence
Moravec, Michal ; Volf, Tomáš (referee) ; Bartík, Vladimír (advisor)
Thesis describes design and implementation of a web browser game, which can be played by multiple players via the internet. The main goal is to manage the economy, although players can cooperate (trading) or play against each other (battles). NoSQL database is used for persistent storage of progress, which is also described in the thesis. Apart from human players there are also agents/bots, which play the game autonomously via state machines generated by genetic algorithms. Paper describes design and functionality of either the genetic algorithms, but also the state machines.
MongoDB as a Datastore for Google App Engine SDK
Heller, Stanislav ; Zendulka, Jaroslav (referee) ; Volf, Tomáš (advisor)
In this thesis, there are discussed use-cases of NoSQL database MongoDB implemented as a datastore for user data, which is stored by Datastore stubs in Google App Engine SDK. Existing stubs are not very well optimized for higher load; they significantly slow down application development and testing if there is a need to store larger data sets in these storages. The analysis is focused on features of MongoDB, Google App Engine NoSQL Datastore and interfaces for data manipulation in SDK - Datastore Service Stub API. As a result, there was designed and implemented new datastore stub, which is supposed to solve problems of existing stubs. New stub uses MongoDB as a database layer for storing testing data and it is fully integrated into Google App Engine SDK.
MongoDB Support for UnifiedPush Server
Pecsérke, Róbert ; Burget, Radek (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací rozšíření pro UnifiedPush Server, které serveru umožní přistupovat k nerelační databázi MongoDB a využívá potenciál horiznotální škálovatelnosti neralačních databází. Součástí práce je i návrh výkonnostních testů a porovnání výkonu při behu na jednom a vícero uzlích, návrh migračního scénáře z MySQL na MongoDB, identifikace úzkých míst. Aplikace je implementována v jazyce Java a využívá Java Persistence API pro přístup k databázím. Pro přístup k nerelačním databázím používá implementaci standardu JPA Hibernate OGM.
Development of Server Application in Swift Programming Language
Střálka, Martin ; Šeda, Pavel (referee) ; Hošek, Jiří (advisor)
This work deals with possibilities of using the developer language Swift in server applications. Describes the advantages and disadvantages of Swift versus other languages, especially Obj-C, which is the predecessor of Swift and Java, a direct competitor of Swift. It also describes the differences between frameworks used for web applications. Swift language selection is implemented as a simple application for REST database communication based on an existing application. The solution will be able to search and display search results in the database.
A System for a Driving School Trip Analysis and Evaluation
Šoulák, Martin ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
The objective of this master thesis is to design and develop a real-time storage system for geographic data from driving school trips. The system provides tools for analysis and evaluation of practice trips. This system is an extension of the project which is described in the text. The next part contains an introduction to geographical data, spatial data and available databases with spatial extensions. The understanding to spatial databases is very important for the system design, an explanation of a solution for a database layer and implementation of major parts. Solution for a graphical view of the results and possible extensions of the system are described in the last part of this thesis.
Vytvorenie prípadových štúdií pre predmet Administrácia databázových systémov
Cagáňová, Mariana
This bachelor thesis is about creating case studies for the subject Administration of database system, which should start being taught at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno. Case studies are about 4 types of NoSQL databases, namely, document, column-family, graph, and key-value database. Case studies are in the form of tutorials and are intended to serve as a help for students.
Browser Game with Artificial Intelligence
Moravec, Michal ; Volf, Tomáš (referee) ; Bartík, Vladimír (advisor)
Thesis describes design and implementation of a web browser game, which can be played by multiple players via the internet. The main goal is to manage the economy, although players can cooperate (trading) or play against each other (battles). NoSQL database is used for persistent storage of progress, which is also described in the thesis. Apart from human players there are also agents/bots, which play the game autonomously via state machines generated by genetic algorithms. Paper describes design and functionality of either the genetic algorithms, but also the state machines.
Distributed Forensic Digital Data Repository
Josefík, Martin ; Burget, Radek (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
This work deals with the design of distributed repository aimed at storing digital forensic data. The theoretical part of the thesis describes digital forensics and what is its purpose. There are also explained Big data, suitable storages, their properties, advantages and disadvantages, in this part. The main part of the thesis deals with the design and implementation of distributed storage for digital forensic data. The design is also focused in suitable indexing of stored data, and supporting new types of digital forensic data. The performance of implemented system was evaluated for chosen type of digital forensic data PCAP files.

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