National Repository of Grey Literature 230 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Comparison of Selected Promotional Posters and Works of Socialist Realism from 1946-1956 from a Gender Perspective
Halouzková, Anna ; Hrůzová, Andrea (advisor) ; Michlová, Magdaléna (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the depiction of women in communist propaganda posters and works of socialist realism from 1946-1956. My main research aim was to find out how the depictions of women in posters and paintings differ from each other and how they are similar. I used content analysis and social semiotic analysis in my work. Both media have the same purpose, from which they both share a simplistic method of depiction. Furthermore, both media have in common that they portray more men than women. Further, both groups predominantly depict women in childcare. The differences between the two are more numerous. Posters and paintings work differently with the collective and most often take place in different settings. The different activities that women most often perform in posters or paintings are then derived from these. They also differ in the number of women depicted and the type of perspective used. Another difference is the work with the collective, which is used differently in both sets. The last difference is the difference in the portrayal of the roles of men and women.
Iconographic analysis of the painting by Jan Vermeer - Allegory of Faith
Sotnikova, Iana ; Zlatohlávek, Martin (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The subject of this work is Jan Vermeer's painting Allegory of the Catholic faith, painted in the seventies of the seventeenth century - during the Golden Age of Dutch painting. The painting explores its theme, so the work focuses mainly on iconographic and iconological analysis. The meaning of each of the many and varied symbols that this image contains is examined. The aim of the work is to describe in detail and interpret the elements of the depicted allegory. The task also consists in the recognition of symbolic and allegorical objects and their interpretation in a contemporary context. The main sources of information, in addition to the image itself, will be electronic media, written sources, namely 42 publications from the list of literature, among which there are iconographic dictionaries, monographs about the artist and other works. The work consists of an introduction, five chapters, a conclusion, A list of literature, appendices and a picture part. The practical significance of the work lies in its possible use for lectures and workshops on the art of Holland, the art of the baroque and for writing other scientific works.
Around Everything I've Got
Moštěk, Richard ; Chomová, Juliána (referee) ; Vaněk, Vojtěch (advisor)
The central motif of my bachelor's thesis is the expansion of a fictitious universe with the help of displacement the boundary of the perception of the object as an image when entering the space. I'm trying to find an edge the perception of the image as a documentation of fictional stories on canvas, versus an artefact in spite identical use of material and technical process. I am exploring the limits of the canvas stretched on the frame and approaches to "multispectality" through which the work can track. The stylization of the painting is influenced by the aesthetics of the first digital feature films animated films and video games from the 1990s and 2000s. The default connecting point for the individual works are a relationship between a wooden frame, cotton canvas and oil paint. Imaginary point zero. The timeless narrative mirrors the significant features and patterns of human action society, including my inevitably subjective point of view. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to create a set of oil paintings with exaggeration reflecting civilization's reluctance to mature to the long term sustainability. The final output of my project is an installation of paintings/creating objects the scene for the viewer himself – the third person.
Sound of a low whisper
Krutsche, Karin ; Mladějovský, Josef (referee) ; Štindlová, Marie (advisor)
This bachelor's thesis examines the intersection of Christian themes with everyday life and draws inspiration directly from the Bible. The author focuses on her subjective interpretation of faith and reflects on the unexpected ways in which God's presence can manifest itself. Through her artwork, she visually depicts these themes, emphasizing the symbolism of light as a representation of God's transcendence.
Shapes of Growth
Gehringerová, Bára ; Těthalová, Gabriela (referee) ; Štindlová, Marie (advisor)
The author has been working on the motif of the plant in her work for a long time. She uses them as a metaphor, inspiration and a means to contemplate natural, social and psychological systems. In her bachelor's project she will develop this theme, continuing to explore the similarities between the plant and the human, both formally, in the construction of bodies, and above all in the way each entity exists, for example, in the possibilities of coping with external stresses and supportive influences, in the process of growth and development. The exploration of the plant world is a means of contemplating the human one and their interrelation. Plants thus also become a projection screen, a character narrating the social dynamics of human communities and the psychological processes of the author herself and human beings in general. The aim of the bachelor's work is to create a coherent series of paintings dealing with the theme of human experience through the symbol of the plant.
Porubský, Aleš ; Zapletal,, Aleš (referee) ; Mikyta, Svätopluk (advisor)
In the Bachelor's thesis entitled Wonder&Wander I loosely follow up on my previous work, in which I work with the themes of alterego, escapism, self-mythologization and . The work deals with an imaginative world in which I work with characters who are heroes and guides at the same time. Wonder&Wander follows heroes and guides in various situations, environments and moods, which are a reflection of my reality and personal experiences. The paintings of this cycle are thematically about fleetingness, melancholy, abandonment, searching, wandering, feeling the world and inner changes. An important theme of this series is the motif of the journey, which has multiple meanings for me: the journey as a solution to problems, the journey as a search, the journey as a preparation, the journey as an environment for changes... The work Wonder&Wander is divided into two parts in order to create a certain duality of reading of the themes, which are present in the motifs of the images. In the first part, I focused on the landscape and the motif of the journey as such, while in the second part, which consists of portraits, I try to amplify the sense of urgency of the mentioned themes.
Landscape of Memories
Gorbušinová, Anna ; Gajdošíková, Pavla (advisor) ; Tsikoliya, Lenka (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with the theme of home and landscape painting from the perspective of the perception of childhood memories. In the theoretical part, concepts such as identity, emotional relationship to place and genius loci are analysed with reference to the important theorists Christian Norberg-Schulz and Geston Bachelard. The theoretical part of the thesis also examines the development of landscape painting and elaborates on the period from the 19th to the 20th century, when artists began to explore the depiction of feelings and inner emotions. In this part of the thesis, the author's grasp of the theme of her childhood home and its influence on her contemporary work. The practical part forms the focus of the bachelor's thesis - it is devoted to a painting cycle of nostalgic landscapes of childhood memories. It represents her own search for an artistic language and the testing of artistic techniques. It mentions both foreign and Czech painters whose themes and artistic language served as inspiration. The result is a set of paintings Landscapes of Memories, reflection on its creation and artistic treatment. In the didactic part, the author describes landscape painting in the school environment and the development of the perception of landscape through different age categories. In the...
Card players as a theme in visual arts
The bachelor thesis is theoretical and practical form. Subject of interest is art group Osma and theirs art work from years 1907-1909 with theme of card players. First chapter introduces the reader with the group Osma, focusing on the common theme of card players. This part is also based on the socio-historical context of time, in which the group produced their works. Reader is introduced with problematics of communication of the group and its surroundings. Second chapter presents informations of each individual member of the group. Thesis is then focused on analysis of works in terms of visual side and also technological side. The theoretical part includes extensive visual attachment. The practical art part processes knowledge from the theoretical part and reflects the works of the Osma group with the subject of card players. The results are studies and final drawings on a paper pad. The entire process of creation is captured by photographic documentation.
Králová, Balbína ; Kovář, Petr (referee) ; Fexová, Patricie (advisor)
The result of my thesis is a set of paintings in dry pastel on canvas. Through the deliberate deformation of figures, which I use as a means of artistic expression, I try to capture the fragile nature of human existence, characterized by instability and transience. The subjects of the resulting paintings are portraits that depict my sisters and me.

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