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Agroekologické důsledky havárie reaktorů v japonské jaderné elektrárně Fukušima I. se zaměřením na vodní ekosystémy
Krejčí, Michal
This thesis deals with agroecological consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant accident and it focuses on aquatic environment. It includes short history of radioactive elements in energetics. It also includes properties of the most important fission products. The thesis describes the accident of the power plant, fission products that were released into the environment through atmospheric release and direct discharges of contaminated water, measuring and monitoring of the contaminants, their movement and accumulation in river and marine ecosystems. The thesis focuses on radioisotope 137Cs, its accumulation in river and ocean sediments, sea algae and aquatic organisms. There is a special chapter about accumulation of 137Cs in fish which are a key component in aquatic ecosystems and also they are often consumed in Japan.
Nuclear accidents
Mik, Martin ; Suk, Ladislav (referee) ; Vojáčková, Jitka (advisor)
This thesis is a research dealing with nuclear accidents and disasters in the world and us. The work is divided into several parts. The first part deals with the regulation of nuclear safety in the Czech Republic. The second part describes the international INES scale. The last and largest section deals with the actual accidents and disasters.
Overview and analysis of follow-up actions based on nuclear power plants stress-test results in the Czech Republic and world-wide
Ludvík, Lubomír ; bezpečnost, Ondřej Šťastný, Státní úřad pro jadernou (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
This thesis deals with the issue of the stress tests as a reaction to Fukushima accident. Nuclear safety and control systems are generally described in different modes. Fukushima accident is analyzed and described in details. Special attention is focused on the final results and lessons learnt as the background for stress tests goals. The main part of the thesis are the stress tests at all NPP in the European Union overview. Scope of tests was focused on resistance to extreme environmental conditions, a complete loss of safety systems and actions with solution of the severe accidents, including reactor core melting and subsequent effects. The Czech NPPs are discussed in detail, the others in particular way. Finally, recommendations that will be implemented within a few years are summarized. It will strengthen the management of severe accidents beyond the design basic events.
Nuclear Power Plants Security
Štěpán, Jakub ; Smutný, Milan (referee) ; Ellederová, Eva (advisor)
Koncept bezpečnosti a zabezpečení jaderných elektráren je složitý. Bezpečný provoz jaderných elektráren má zásadní význam pro spolehlivou a neškodnou výrobu elektřiny. Nehoda spojená s tímto typem zařízení by mohla mít negativní dopad na zdraví lidí, volně žijících zvířat, a mohla by způsobit znečištění životního prostředí. Cílem této bakalářské práce je vymezit koncept bezpečnosti a zabezpečení jaderných elektráren a prodiskutovat způsoby prevence jaderné katastrofy. Teoretická část práce se zabývá vymezením základních provozních principů jaderných elektráren. Dále jsou diskutována a ilustrována bezpečnostní a zabezpečovací opatření. Následně je zkoumán dopad jaderných elektráren na životní prostředí za běžného provozu. V závěru jsou popsány důsledky selhání bezpečnostních a zabezpečovacích opatření na historických příkladech. Praktická část práce, která byla realizována prostřednictvím online dotazníkového šetření, se zabývá mírou povědomí veřejnosti o bezpečnosti jaderných elektráren a jejich dopadu na životní prostředí.
Nuclear power plant accidents and their impacts
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of nuclear power plant accidents. First the basic terms for nuclear energy are explained. Then the reactor and the types of reactors used are described. Furthermore safety systems for nuclear energy are analyzed and examples of systems used are given. The Temelín nuclear power plant is described, because of comparison that comes afterwards. After that the topic moves on to the description of three serious accidents of nuclear plants. Specifically accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Fukushima nuclear power plant and the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. Furthermore in the following chapters a comparison was made of the individual described accidents with the Temelín nuclear power plant. For the Chernobyl accident the comparison consists of comparing the biological shield with containment, xenon poi-soning and positive cavity coefficient, control rods, backup types of power supply, and finally the explosion during the accident is analyzed. For comparison with the Fukushi-ma accident, the risk of natural disasters in the area where the Temelín nuclear power plant is located is pointed out also an analysis of rivers near the nuclear power plant was made. With the Fukushima accident, the differences in containment structures and the risks associated with the accident are described. Furthermore, the accident of Three Mile Island was compared with the accident at the Rovno nuclear power plant, as it was the same type of accident with different results. Then a comparison was made in measuring the water level in the reactor and the procedure for measuring the water level for the VVER-1000/V320 type reactor was described.
Nuclear Power Plants Design and Safety: A Case Study of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant
Marečková, Kristýna ; Baumgartnerová, Alena (referee) ; Ellederová, Eva (advisor)
Bakalářská práce je případovou studií jaderné elektrárny Temelín. Jejím cílem je popsat projekt, princip provozu a bezpečnostní opatření jaderné elektrárny Temelín, porovnat projekty a bezpečnostní opatření vybraných jaderných elektráren v České republice i mimo ni a diskutovat výhody a nevýhody jaderné elektrárny Temelín ve srovnání s ostatními vybranými jadernými elektrárnami. Práce je založena na rešerši literatury z různých zdrojů, aby byla zajištěna její maximální validita. Zdroje zahrnovaly odborné knihy, články, brožury, online přednášky, virtuální prohlídky a interní výukové materiály. Lze konstatovat, že jaderná elektrárna Temelín je Státním úřadem pro jadernou bezpečnost a jejími provozovateli udržována na vysoké bezpečnostní úrovni. Přestože má projekt mnoho výhod, existují i určité nevýhody, které však nemají na bezpečnost této jaderné elektrárny zásadní vliv.
German energy policy towards Russia after the annexation of Crimea
Etrych Goldscheidová, Jana ; Nigrin, Tomáš (advisor) ; Handl, Vladimír (referee)
This work deals with reasons why Germany have not seen, or rather have not wanted to see, Russia as a dictatorial regime, with which Germany have been building dependent energy relations for decades threatening Germany's energy security. The aim of the work is to reveal motives of democratic Germany leading to energy dependence on an authoritarian country. The work analyzes German-Russian relations, which had been started during the Cold War as part of Brandt's Ostpolitik and strengthened regardless of political parties and wars provoked by Russians in Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine, as well as by extorting of customer countries when disagreement with Russian international policy. The first chapter looks at Germany from a perspective of an international actor, because unhealthy relationships lead to the limitation of democratic decision-making in domestic and foreign policy, which was evidenced by Germany's reserved attitude to the war in Ukraine 2022. The next chapter explores the length and depth of German-Russian relations. Under heavy lobbying, Schröder pushed for close ties between German and Russian energy industries for a purpose of the economic prosperity of Germany and himself. Although after the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Germany's rhetoric towards Russia was harsh and Germany declared...
The level of population knowledge about selected radiation accidents in South Bohemian region
This diploma thesis deals with the level of population knowledge about selected radiation accidents in South Bohemian region. The goal is to determine the level of population knowledge about selected radiation accidents and then compare the knowledge about disaster in Chernobyl, Fukushima and the others selected radiation accidents. In the thesis were set two hypotheses: H1: The level of population knowledge about selected radiation accidents in South Bohemian region will reach at least 70 % and H2: The level of population knowledge about disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima will be statistically significantly higher than the knowledge about the others selected radiation accidents. To achieve the stated goals and to test the hypotheses, a questionnaire was compiled, and a survey was made. The results of the survey were evaluated by methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The questionnaire consisted of 16 questions. The first part of questionnaire was about disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima, the second part was about the others selected radiation accidents. The survey consisted of 126 people living in South Bohemian region. The results of the survey show that the overall percentage of correctly answered questions was 55 %, which can be considered as an average result. 72 % of people answered the questions correctly in first part of questionnaire and 37 % in the second part. The set goals were achieved, first hypothesis was refuted and the second was confirmed. The benefit of this diploma thesis is to obtain a summary of level of population knowledge about selected radiation accident in South Bohemian region. The results can be used as information material.
Evaluation of introduction protection measures - evacuation at crash of nuclear power station Fukushima
SLÁMA, Filip
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the protective measures, notably the evacuation of the population, its development and progress. To achieve the goal of bachelor's work was determined by the research question: Was the safeguard measures and the subsequent procedure for the evacuation of persons from the evacuation zones sufficient? The theoretical part is focused on the particular issue of nuclear power plants, radiation protection and evacuation. The situation described here, which took place directly on the Fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant Daiichi, from the strike of the earthquake and tsunami, after the gradation events in the individual reactors. The research part is about the development of the evacuation in the evacuation zones and the nuclear power plant. Protective measures are described here, and even the consequences and the situation after the crash to the present. The methodology of this work was the gathering of available information from official foreign sources, legislative documents, but also of the publications of the experts. Processing of the available information and the evaluation of the consequences of the evacuation has brought unpleasant findings. The loss of life, which can make a person look a certain way to reflect over the selection of persons suitable to evacuate. In this work were identified and discussed technical shortcomings of the power plant, the information misconduct in communication of the population and in the last row and misconduct of the human factor. The thesis can be used in the general issue of nuclear power plants and evacuation for study purposes or as an information source in the education, energy or public administration.
Knowledge of population about nuclear disaster at Fukushima in South Bohemian region
This bachelor thesis deals with the knowledge of population about nuclear disaster at Fukushima in South Bohemian region. The goal is to determine the level of knowledge of population about the nuclear disaster and then compare the knowledge of people living in cities and people living in villages. In the thesis were set two hypotheses: H1: The knowledge of the population about nuclear disaster at Fukushima in South Bohemian region will reach at least 70 % and H2: The knowledge of the population living in cities about nuclear disaster at Fukushima will be statistically significantly higher than the knowledge of the population living in villages. To achieve the stated goals and to test the hypotheses, a questionnaire was compiled, and a survey was made. The results of the survey were evaluated by methods of descriptive and mathematical statistics. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions. The survey consisted of 55 people living in cities and 54 people living in villages. The results of the survey show that the overall percentage of correctly answered questions was 50 %, which can be considered as an average result. 54 % of people living in cities answered the questions correctly and people living in villages 46 % correctly. The set goals were achieved and both hypotheses were refuted. The benefit of this bachelor thesis is to obtain a summary of knowledge of population about nuclear disaster at Fukushima in South Bohemian region. The results can be used like information material.

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