National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Anxiety disorder and cannabinoid use as a form of self-medication
Nýdlová, Antonie ; Minařík, Jakub (advisor) ; Libra, Jiří (referee)
BACKGROUND: Anxiety disorder is one of the most widespread mental disorders today, fundamentally affecting the lives of affected individuals and their functioning not only in society, but also affecting their productivity, interpersonal relationships and coping with everyday activities. This disorder, which is characterised by intense and often uncontrollable feelings of panic, anxiety and often unjustified fear, affects mental, emotional and physical health. As awareness of this issue grows, so does the demand for alternative methods of treating and managing these difficulties. One way is self-medication with cannabinoids, which are substances contained in the cannabis plant known for their potential therapeutic effects. THE OBJECTIVES: The main aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of cannabinoids on anxiety disorder in specific individuals. Mapping their motivation to use this alternative option and current status. METHODS: For the purpose of the research, interviews will be used with four individuals suffering from anxiety disorder who have used cannabinoids at least once to alleviate the symptoms of their illness. The data collected will be compiled into case studies. CONCLUSIONS: This work provides an opportunity to understand the individuality of the effects of cannabinoids on anxiety...
The role of the HPA axis in the development of affective disorders
Fiedlerová, Alžběta ; Telenský, Petr (advisor) ; Svoboda, Jan (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the influence of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) on the development of affective disorders. Affective disorders such as Major Depressive Disorder or Posttraumatic Stress Syndrom are serious mental illnesses that have a serious impact on the life of the individual suffering from the disorder. The HPA axis plays a key role in the adaptation of individual to stressful situations. Dysfunction of the HPA axis can significantly affect the homeostasis of the organism, due to increased or decreased levels of hormones and neurotransmitters or deregulation of the stress system. This can lead to the development of affective disorders. This thesis focuses on the analysis of the connections between the activity of the HPA axis and the emergence of affective disorders and examines the possibilities of therapeutic treatment of this axis as a potential target for the treatment of these disorders. The results of this review of individual scientific articles support the understanding of the mechanism that links the HPA axis to affective disorders and offer a perspective for future researh. Key words: HPA axis, cortisol, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder
Detection of Anxiety from Brain Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals
Marko, Július ; Shakil, Sadia (referee) ; Malik, Aamir Saeed (advisor)
Úzkosť ovplyvňuje ľudské schopnosti, správanie, produktivitu a kvalitu života. Úzkosť nás udržuje v bezpečí ako súčasť systému, ktorý pomáha kontrolovať a odvracať nebezpečenstvo. Tento systém sa však môže narušiť. Keď takéto narušenie nastane, môže to viesť k depresii a dokonca k samovražde. Cieľom tejto práce je vyvinúť novú metódu detekcie úzkosti zo signálov mozgu, konkrétne elektroencefalogramu (EEG), neinvazívnej a nákladovo efektívnej skríningovej metódy. Navrhovaná metóda zahŕňa mikrostavy, ktoré zatiaľ neboli na základe dostupnej literatúry použité na detekciu úzkosti. Extrahované sú aj ďalšie vlastnosti v časovej a frekvenčnej doméne. Nakoniec bol na týchto vlastnostiach natrénovaný a vyhodnotený klasifikátor strojového učenia, ktorý prekonal aktuálne dostupné metódy.
Empathy in patients with anxiety disorders - pilot study of capturing change during a psychotherapeutic stay
Linhart, David ; Preiss, Marek (advisor) ; Křížová, Ivana (referee)
This diploma thesis was created as a part of a doctoral research project of Mgr. Ing. Sofia Diondet, and was a basis for two other diploma theses of Bc. Nikola Hanušová and Bc. Michaela Škrábová. It studied empathy in patients with anxiety disorders and its main aim was to capture change in empathy within this population after a 7week psychotherapeutic stay. Thesis had several secondary aims: to verify lower level of empathic functioning in anxiety patients and an existence of a positive relationship of self and interview rated empathy; also, to determine whether there is a relationship between empathy and anxiety symptoms. To achieve this, two groups were created: experimental (N = 50) consisting of anxiety patients and control group (N = 19) consisting of healthy volunteers of which 12 finished both examinations. Scores of em- pathic functioning measured by STiP-5.1 and LPFS-BF 2.0 were taken before and after the 7week psychotherapeutic stay along with scores of Beck's questionnaires of anxiety and de- pression. To analyse the data non- parametric Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests, ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis) and Spearman's correlation coefficient were used. Total emphatic functioning and all its facets improved (scores decreased) after psychotherapeutic stay in the experimental group; though the only...
Family and school life of children with Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Pokorná, Kateřina ; Lorenzová, Jitka (advisor) ; Hnilica, Karel (referee)
This thesis deals with the complications that brings obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) school-age children in the family and school life. It consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is divided into the seven chapters and is drawn from the knowledge of professional literature and Internet sources. This section consists of basic information about OCD, the etiology, diagnosis, treatment options. The last three chapters deal with the consequences of obsessive-compulsive disorder and problems that OCD brings to family and school life. The practical part is an empirical investigation dealing with the main objective of the work, which is based on an analysis of complications that brings obsessive-compulsive disorder of school-age children in the family and school life. Survey results was achieved through open, axial and selective coding, which allowed delineation create grounded theory. It was found that OCD manifests in childhood and brings negative consequences not only for family but also for the school life of the child, especially in the form of disturbed domestic atmosphere and the inability to concentrate on teaching.
Incidence of Joint Hypermobility Syndrome in Anxienty Patients
Zasadilová, Marie ; Nováková, Tereza (advisor) ; Vomáčková, Helena (referee)
Author: Bc. Marie Zasadilová Title: Incidence of Joint Hypermobility Syndrome in Anxienty Patients Objectives: The aim of this study is to find out what ist he incidence of Joint hypermobility syndrome in the research group of probands with anxiety disorder, on the base of collected theoretical knowledge. Methods: The group of patients with diagnosis of anxiety disorder was examined on presence of joint hypermobility syndrome. For the examination was used standardised test scale Beighton score. The data was statistically processed, prevalence of hypermobility in the research group was compared with prevalece in common population. Results: Prevalence of joint hypermobility syndrome in the research group was 44,88%, that is about 31,88% more, than in common population. Hypermobility was found in 65% of female part oft he research group, that is about 25% more, than in common female population. Prevalence in male part of research group was 16,67%, about 5,17% more than in common male population. The hypotesis, that prevalence of joint hypermobility syndrome will be hihger in the research group than in common population, was affirmed. Average result of Beighton score in group of probands was 4,38 points, the most common result was 2 points. Skewness and krtosis of the histogram curve corresponds with...
Genetics of psychic diseases
Krčmářová, Eliška ; Šolc, Roman (advisor) ; Dudová, Iva (referee)
Psychological diseases are very heterogeneus group of diseases, including a complicated and complex multifactorial etiology with a possibility of an important role of a genetic component. Some diaseses got discovered their clear genetic origins, for instance Rett syndrom, where the origins are caused by a mutation in gen MECP2. The origins of a majority of other psychological diseases are more complex - it is chiefly a combination of specific polymorphism of many gens with an impact of an external environment. Among this group we can range diaseases such as anxiety disorder, eating disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Autism presents the polymorphism of few different gens, however other mentioned diseases presents mainly polymorphism of genes, connected into neurontransmission. This thesis deals with a selection of potential genetic causes of psychological diseases, illustrated by the specific examples. Keywords: psychological diseases, Rett syndrom, autism, neurotransmitters, anxiety disorder, eating disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mutation, polymorphism
Family and school life of children with Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Pokorná, Kateřina ; Lorenzová, Jitka (advisor) ; Hnilica, Karel (referee)
This thesis deals with the complications that brings obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) school-age children in the family and school life. It consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is divided into the seven chapters and is drawn from the knowledge of professional literature and Internet sources. This section consists of basic information about OCD, the etiology, diagnosis, treatment options. The last three chapters deal with the consequences of obsessive-compulsive disorder and problems that OCD brings to family and school life. The practical part is an empirical investigation dealing with the main objective of the work, which is based on an analysis of complications that brings obsessive-compulsive disorder of school-age children in the family and school life. Survey results was achieved through open, axial and selective coding, which allowed delineation create grounded theory. It was found that OCD manifests in childhood and brings negative consequences not only for family but also for the school life of the child, especially in the form of disturbed domestic atmosphere and the inability to concentrate on teaching.

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