National Repository of Grey Literature 112 records found  beginprevious87 - 96nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Plant Alkaloids and Their Effect on the Human Body
Větrovská, Eva ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Skýbová, Jana (referee)
Plant alkaloids and their effects on the human body Presented bachelor thesis is focused on a problematic of plant alkaloids and gives general overview about a classification of this interesting group based on the chemical structure andgenesis in plants. The thesis distinguishes three basic groups of alkaloids, i.e., true alkaloids, protoalkaloids and pseudoalkaloids. These groups are detailed classified and characterized following specific biosynthesis patterns of the studied alkaloids (including specific biochemical schemes). Occurrences in plants, mechanism of their effect on human organism, ways of intoxication and contamination and use in a traditional medicine are next criteria for further classification of the studied alkaloids. Specific socio-cultural aspects associated with phenomena of drug addiction are described by the selected groups of alkaloids Figures of plants containing the described alkaloids are attached in appendixes. Key words: plant alkaloids, protoalkaloids, pseudoalkaloids, biosynthesis, intoxication, drug addiction, plants, fungi
Coal Mining and Subsequent Reclamation of the Landscape in Area of the Sokolov Basin
Dusilová, Šárka ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Andreska, Jan (referee)
Coal Mining and Subsequent Reclamation of the Landscape in Area of the Sokolov Basin A bachelor thesis is focused on a detailed analysis of existing and published data sources dealing with coal mining and subsequent reclamation of landscape in the studied area of the Sokolov Basin. The main aim is general characteristic of the consequences of mining in the studied area including a detailed description of the specific types of reclamations. The thesis contains also detailed characteristics of done or still processed reclamations at sites of the Sokolov Basin, i.e., mines of Michal, Medard-Libík, Družba and Jiří.
Suburban Localities of Bílina Town - Objects of Field Lecturing in Botany and Geology
Machová, Jitka ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Novotný, Petr (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with possibilities of using localities in the area of Bílina town as the background for a field lecturing in natural history, mainly geology and botany. The main aim is to prepare a new conception of the filed lecturing in the vicinity of Bílina based on the existing sources of references and new datasets derived from own field works. First, the thesis summarizes the basic overview concerning to geological, climatic, botanical characters of the studied area linked to a historical development of human settlement and its impact on the landscape and its exploitation. Subsequently, eight localities selected with regard to their suitability and clarity for field lecturing are characterized in geological and botanical aspects. The studied sites also reflect a different type of environment from National Nature Reserve (Bořeň), through forest parks (Bezovka, Kyselka), parks (Castle Park), environment of town center to the reclaimed mine dump of the Bílina Mine and still working Bílina Mine. Location of the studied sites is presented via specific orthophotomap and the sites are also supplemented by attached photographical documentation. KEYWORDS: field lecturing, Botany, Geology, Bílina, Czech Republic
The Influence of Coal Mining on the Landscape of Kladno and Rakovnik Areas
Krausová, Jana ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Andreska, Jan (referee)
Kladno, the city of coal and steel, decorated by mounds of the ancient mines and steel mills - that is still the national awareness of Kladno. And it is also one of the reason why is this disertation occupied by the impact of the hard coal mining to the landscape of Kladno. It observes the evolution of natural relationships that gave birth the banks of coals in the coal basins of Kladno. It illustrates the history of coal mining from its beginings across its intense evolution in 19th and 20th century till its end. The expansion of coal mining was accompanied by the establishment of further industrial entreprises especially steel mills. The disertation evaluates the impact of coal mining to the history of Kladno and its surroundings, to the population growth and solving problems with the city and its inhabitants. It also explains the condition of Kladno landscape after the ending of coal mining, solving the consequences of rough intervention into the nature and its impacts to the landscape. One of the significant outcomes are mounds. The disertation describes its condition and is dealing with the possibilities of its other uses, its adaptation to the nature going hand in hand with the economics aspects and the will of Kladno inhabitants. Key words: hard coal, region Kladno, mines, industry,...
Naturalistic and cultural characteristics of the Jizerske hory Mts.
Zrůstová, Klára ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Andreska, Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis summarizes in a comprehensive way all existing knowledge about the Jizera Mountains. The first part is focused on the form of the local habitat, the occurrence of animal and plant species etc.; individual chapters deal with geology, climate, fauna, flora and waters of the Jizera Mountains. The work further follows the detailed historical development of the mountain settlement since the arrival of the oldest inhabitants up to present. The forestry and glass-making are mentioned as well. In the Jizera Mountains area as a part of Sudetenland, a significant percentage of the population was represented by Germans therefore the issue of their displacement from this region is also the important component. The example of the researched abandoned villages and partly abandoned colonies illustrates how the end of the World War II and the following displacement of the population from border territories influenced the whole concept of landscape. The work contains the statistical data of the number of both inhabitants and houses in each village. The integral part of this work is the description of the current form of the mountains, building development since the 1950s and ecological disasters. The exploitation and pollution of the Jizera Mountains are outlined as well as the chapter regarding...
Term of evolution and its understanding by students of secondary schools and high schools.
Müllerová, Lucie ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Pavlasová, Lenka (referee)
The term of evolution and its understanding by students of secondary schools and high schools This Master's thesis deals with the conception of evolutionary topic in schools and textbooks. It introduces education systems and curricular documents of England, Scotland and the Czech Republic. Based on this information an analysis of biology textbooks was made, which was focused on the theme of evolution. The research included 62 textbooks distributed by 27 different publishers. Comparative SWOT analysis of these textbooks has shown that the concept of biology in general is presented differently, what is also reflected in the interpretation of the studies of evolution. The questionnaire research based on those findings was done in the Czech Republic. It is focused on secondary school and high school pupil's knowledge and their personal opinions about this topic. 586 pupils took part in this research. It was found that in the context of evolutionary processes the pupils have problems to use commonly known biological, or evolutionary terms (e.g. adaptation, evolution of the organisms). On the other hand some pupils can easily define some more complicated evolutionary topics such as Neo-Darwinism. Pupils have quite various personal opinions on the issue of the evolution. Some of them are not interested in...
Plant hormones
Petrlíková, Tatiana ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Pavlasová, Lenka (referee)
Plant hormones Issued bachelor thesis is to in understandable way approximate problems of botanical hormones not only to university students, but also to teachers and student at 4 year and 8 year grammar schools and even secondary schools. Emphasis are made on theoretical findings about fythohormones with connection to their consequential practical usage for instance in agriculture. The thesis is divided into two parts. Firs part is theoretical. In separate chapters there are in detail explained groups of fythohormones, way to their discovery, characteristics, conditioned by their chemical structure, metabolism in plants and consequentially their physiological effects. Precisely the findings about mentioned characteristics can bring us to the understanding of importance and hidden potential of fythohormones. Second part is targeted to the implementation of fythohormones problems to practical education with consideration of curriculums at secondary schools and high schools. Because our contemporary students are the people who will be effecting evolution of our environment, it is really important to arrange enough information about botanical hormones problems and simultaneously to be able to get these information to them in understandable way. Student, also pupils at secondary schools do not get in...
Plant Movement
Vágnerová, Kateřina ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Skýbová, Jana (referee)
Předkládaná bakalářská práce je rešeršního typu a je tematicky zaměřena na pohyby rostlin. Práce se dělí na dva základní celky. První z nich se podrobně zaměřuje na teoretické poznatky o pohybech rostlin získané z české a zahraniční literatury. Pohyby rostlin jsou v ní rozděleny na pasivní a aktivní a jsou detailně popsány. Pasivní pohyby jsou dále děleny podle druhu působícího činitele. Aktivní pohyby se dále dělí na fyzikální a vitální podle toho, zda je mohou vykonávat živé nebo odumřelé části rostlin. V druhé části jsou vypracované návrhy praktických úloh a jejich ověření v praxi souvisejících s tématem pohybů rostlin. Součástí druhé části jsou také výukové prezentace pro žáky středních škol a pro odborné semináře v rámci výuky na gymnáziích.
Key competencies for sustainable action in early education curriculum
Vošahlíková, Tereza ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Činčera, Jan (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta ABSTRACT KEY COMPETENCIES FOR SUSTAINABLE ACTION IN EARLY EDUCATION CURRICULUM PhDr. Tereza Vošahlíková Vedoucí práce Doc. RNDr. Vasilis Teodoridis, Ph.D. Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií Pedf UK Doktorský studijní program pedagogika Externí konzultantka Prof. dr. Ute Stoltenberg Institut für integrative Studien, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg Praha 2012 The thesis introduces environmentally oriented concepts in early education curriculum with one leading point of view: key competences for sustainable action. Key competences represent new, open ended form of educational goals. Early education curriculum defined broadly as all educational content (planned, realized and hidden) presents a field of study of this thesis. In this field, a new concept, education for sustainable development, should be implemented worldwide. The question is, how far and how successfully can this concept be introduced in the early education curriculum on the level of educational goals. There are many general strategies and models of curriculum revision. In order to structure the empirical study, a hierarchical model of macro-, meso- and micro level of curriculum was established. This model allows examination of two ways of education for sustainable development implementation,...
Conception of the nature and endangered species preservation in the Czech Republic at primary and secondary schools
Pokorná, Lucie ; Teodoridis, Vasilis (advisor) ; Hanel, Lubomír (referee)
The aim of the presented MSc thesis determines a conception of the nature and endangered species preservation in the area of the Czech Republic. This conception is as an integral part of human life and it creates the environmental education level in present society survey, particularly in 9th grade of primary schools and 3rd grade of secondary schools. It is arranged as a systematic manual containing extending information for teachers of primary and secondary schools. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on general and daily used topics in school textbooks, social life and media e.g. historic, geographic and legislation questions. This part has dealt with a classification of preserved areas in the Czech republic including detailed description of mammal species mentioned in school biological textbooks and also have occurred in those areas. The main aim of next empirical thesis part is mapping of the knowledge level in the reference classes at primary and secondary schools by a special questionnaire applied before and after a thematic project lecture. The comparison of these both results derived from the references classis shows obvious improvements in studied topics after project lectures applying. The results imply the necessity to create more space for the nature and endangered species...

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