National Repository of Grey Literature 83 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Freedom of worship - its constitutional and statutory regulation and reflection in the caselaw of the Constitutional Cour
Popelková, Martina ; Hofmannová, Helena (advisor) ; Suchánek, Radovan (referee)
This thesis aims to analyze legislation of the Czech legal order concerning religious freedom. The work is divided in two parts. The first part of the thesis deals with the definition of religious freedom in the first place. Afterwards the thesis describes the Constitutional law relating to the religious freedom (especially the Article No. 15 and No. 16 of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic), international conventions relating to the theme (e.g. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights etc.) and further statutory provisions and legislative rules guaranteeing religious freedom in the Czech Republic. Major part of the thesis relating to the statutory provisions and legislative rules deals with the act No. 3/2002 Coll., on Freedom of religion and the status of churches and religious societies, as amended. The act No. 3/2002 Coll. constitutes basis of regularization of the freedom of religion in the Czech Republic. Various provisions of the act No. 3/2002 Coll. were subject to review of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic due to their unconstitutionality. The second part of the thesis discusses various decisions of the...
Freedom of speech and its limits
Smílek, Ondřej ; Suchánek, Radovan (advisor) ; Jirásková, Věra (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with freedom of speech and its limits. Freedom of speech as the fundamental right which is necessary to proper functioning of a democratic state where the law rules. In this regard the freedom of speech has to be protected properly. Protection in Czech legal order is entrusted with the legal regulation of the major legal force, part of constitutional order, "Charter of fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms". Freedom of speech as we know it today, was expressed after the Second World War as a prevention of similarly devastating conflict in the future. Certain desire for the free dissemination of ideas we can see in a deep histor when firs attemps of gaining freedom of speech was closely connected to religion. In the 19th century, when the freedom of denomination has found its stable place in the statutes of the most European countries, the freedom of speech has become to be undestood in connection to the freedom of the press, that was the only communicatory media. During the 20th century, when the humankind all over the world witnessed the appalling horror of wars the strict protection od human rights became necessary. For this purpose first international organizations were estabilished and in their scope was formulated first indexes of human rights. The formulation of fundamental...
Constitutional guarantees of Impartiality of Judges and its Social connotations
Žižko, Igor ; Suchánek, Radovan (advisor) ; Janstová, Kateřina (referee)
Modern society is based on respect for the individual and at the same time it has created the institute of justice under which parties, in the interest of maintaining social cohesion, should resolve their disputes using the system of applying rights. The task of the judiciary is therefore to be an impartial arbiter, which is an absolute criterion for the acceptance of authoritativeness of this body, or more precisely the functionality and signification of this institute within the social contract. Only an unbiased judge can be the only guarantee for the nemo iudex in causa sua principles to be observed. The European Convention imposes on the states - members of the Council of Europe such legal conditions which guarantee every country the right for their affairs to be discussed fairly, in public and in a reasonable time limit by an independent and impartial court established by law which will decide about their civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charges raised against them. The Constitutional Order of the Czech Republic guarantees everybody the right to a fair trial conducted in accordance with the law before an impartial judge. Constitutional guarantees of fair legal proceedings before an impartial judge are supplemented with legal rules of the sub constitutional law. Yet, it is the...
Powers of the Constitutional Court of the CR and the Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany (a comparison)
Ladýřová, Šárka ; Jirásková, Věra (advisor) ; Suchánek, Radovan (referee)
(abstrakt v anglickém jazyce) The main contents of this dissertation (diploma paper) is a study of jurisdiction of The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and of The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and their comparison. The first part of this work describes in brief the genesis of the constitutional jurisdiction and its two basic types. Afterwards there is characterized the constitutional jurisdiction in Germany and in the Czech Republic and next there is described legal regulation and organisation of the German and Czech constitutional courts. Further I deal with the jurisdiction of constitutional courts (of european continental type) in general. In the second part of this work, first I give a general idea about jurisdiction of the German and Czech constitutional courts. After it I already deal with analysis of their single, selected competences - in the concrete: regulation control (judicial review), constitutional complaint, judicial review of international conventions and questions of jurisdiction. I have not focused on the other competences, which the both constitutional courts dispose of. Firstly there is no need to analyse them for the sake of insight into the problem, secondly there should be kept adequate range of this work. The third part results from the analysis of the...
Development of the institution of state citizenship in Czechoslovak constitutional history
Volf, Zdeněk ; Hřebejk, Jiří (advisor) ; Suchánek, Radovan (referee)
Touto diplomovou prací jsem se snažil popsat vývoj institutu státního občanství v československém ústavním systému. Československé státní občanství vzniklo současně se vznikem československého státu. Ústavní Listinou z roku 1920 bylo koncipováno jako jediné a jednotné. Hlavním pramenem státoobčanského práva meziválečného Československa byly recipované rakousko-uherské právní předpisy. V těchto předpisech byla úprava státního občanství úzce provázána s institutem domovského práva. Dalším charakteristickým rysem právní úpravy státního občanství v tomto období bylo uplatňování principu jednotného státoobčanského statusu rodiny. V této koncepci se projevovalo nerovnoprávné postavení žen, neboť státní občanství členů rodiny bylo odvozeno od státní příslušnosti manžela resp. otce. V dalším vývoji dochází k prosazování principů individuálního nabývání a pozbývání státního občanství. Sňatek nebo změna státní příslušnosti manžela za trvání manželství postupně přestávají tvořit samostatnou právní skutečnost, na základě které by docházelo ke změně státoobčanského statusu ženy. Po II. světové válce se ve státoobčanském zákonodárství projevuje zřetelná tendence směřující k vytvoření národního státu Čechů a Slováků. Ústavním dekretem prezidenta republiky č. 33/1945 Sb. byly ze státního svazku propuštěny osoby německé a...
Legal regulation of conflict of interests in Czech republic de lege lata and de lege ferenda
Řehoř, Václav ; Kudrna, Jan (advisor) ; Suchánek, Radovan (referee)
Legal regulation of conflict of interests in Czech republic de lege lata and de lege ferenda Resumé: This work deals with the institute of conflict of interests. This legal institute is typical for all types of state systems, however efforts to legally regulate it as appropriate exist usually only in certain systems (in particular in democratic systems). This institute can be basically divided in so called incompatibility of functions and the conflict of interests as such (i.e. the conflict between the public and the private interest). Incompatibility of functions can be characterized as the basic requirement of each democratic legal state, which is reflected in the impossibility to concentrate functions (and related powers) which represent individual elements of state power. This first of all pre-empts misusing the entrusted public function and trust, further it also pre-empts misusing power up to the potential possibility of establishing authoritarian or totalitarian regimes. Therefore incompatibility can arise in particular where the division of powers exists, thus in particular in a democratic legal state. Separation of three individual basic pillars (i.e. legislative, executive and judicial powers) thus has its value in impossibility to concentrate functions from any of those pillars in the hands of...
The right to life and capital punishment
Caletka, Lumír ; Suchánek, Radovan (advisor) ; Reschová, Jana (referee)
Resumé The right to life and the capital punishment Death penalty or capital punishment, or extreme penalty, is a punishment that assumes killing (or execution) of condemned person for a criminal offence provided it is possible to impose this sentence in accordance with the criminal law in force. At former times these crimes were called capital or hanging crimes. With regard to its definitiveness (impossibility of any redress after its execution) it is very controversial punishment. Its supporters argue that it is the sole just sentence for homicide and other felonies, that it excludes recurrence and it has significant deterrent (preventive) effects. On the other hand, the opponents allege not only moral arguments concerning the right of each person to life but they also mention the danger of judicial error which is incorrigible in this case. Furthermore, the objectors point out that the death sentence is not so intimidating. In addition, the costs of the execution use to be more expensive than life imprisonment. Since 1970s the capital punishment has been gradually cancelled in the majority of European and South American countries. Some states of the USA and the People's Republic of China are among countries that still make practise of the death penalty. I deal with the capital sentence in the first part...

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1 Suchánek, Robert
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